TheThe WorldWorld ofof ParliamentsParliaments Quarterly Review of the Inter-Parliamentary Union November 2005 ● N°19 NEW WTO DIRECTOR GENERAL, PASCAL LAMY, ADDRESSES Latest news PARLIAMENTARIANS THE NEW IPU PRESIDENT IS MR. PIER FERDINANDO CASINI n 19 October 2005, the Governing Council Oof the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), gathered in Geneva for the 113th Assembly, elected Mr. Pier Ferdinando Casini, the President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, as President of the IPU. The final tally was 230 Photo : IPU/Christian Golay New IPU President, Pier Ferdinando Casini. votes for Mr. Casini and 107 for the other Photo IPU/H.Salgado candidate, Mr. Geert Versnick, a member of the Chamber of Deputies of Belgium. n one of his first public The new IPU President will succeed Chilean Senator Sergio Páez for a three-year Ispeaking engagements, on mandate. 22 September 2005 the new Mr. Pier Ferdinando Casini was born in Bologna, Italy, on 3 December 1955. He Director-General of the World has served as President of the Christian Democratic Party. Since his election in Trade Organization (WTO), 2001 as President of the Chamber of Deputies - the third highest political office Mr. Pascal Lamy, met with in the country - he has no longer been involved in the activities of his party. members of the Steering Mr. Casini has served on the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee, and was Committee of the Vice-President of the Commission of Inquiry on Terrorism in Italy. He was also a Parliamentary Conference on the WTO at the House of Member of the European Parliament, from 1994 to 2001. Parliaments, the Headquarters of the Inter-Parliamentary Summit of Speakers of parliaments adopts Declaration Union. Mr. Lamy briefed them “Bridging the democracy gap in international relations: on the most salient issues in international trade, placing A stronger role for parliaments” particular emphasis on what rom 7 to 9 remains to be done for the September 2005, completion of the Doha Round. F over 140 Speakers of He stressed the need for parliament gathered frequent and technically solid discussions between in New York on the parliamentarians and WTO eve of the United negotiators in order to enhance Nations High-level the transparency and Meeting of Heads accountability of the WTO. The of State and Govern- ment for the Second Photo IPU/Evan Schneider Steering Committee finalized At the invitation of the IPU, over 140 Speakers of parliament met in the General Assembly arrangements for the Hong World Conference of Hall at United Nations Headquarters in New York, in the presence of the United Nations Kong session of the Speakers of Parlia- Secretary-General, Mr. Kofi Annan. Parliamentary Conference on ments, which was presided by the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), the WTO, which will take place Senator Sergio Páez. The Speakers adopted a Declaration reviewing of the action on 12 and 15 December 2005, taken by parliaments since their first Conference was held in 2000, examining how in conjunction with the Sixth they could provide more support for international cooperation and the United WTO Ministerial Conference. Nations, and helping to bridge the democracy gap in international relations. (The Interview on page 8. Declaration is posted on the IPU web site www.ipu.org). UNITED NATIONS REFORM: A PLACE FOR PARLIAMENTS? By Mrs. Nino Burdjanadze, Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia Mrs. Baleka Mbete, Speaker of the National Assembly of South Africa Mr. Renan Calheiros, President of the Senate of Brazil Mr. Franklin M. Drilon, President of the Senate of the Philippines Mr. Björn von Sydow, Speaker of the Swedish Riksdag eform of the United Nations was on the top of and - although this is less widely acknowledged - in Rthe agenda for the Heads of State who converged the international sphere as well. Commitments that on New York in September to commemorate the government delegates sign up to at the multilateral sixtieth anniversary of the global body. Secretary- negotiating table also have to go to the parliament General Kofi Annan tabled a package of proposals before they can be ratified and enforced. The role of which met with some lively debate. The purpose of the parliament is to exercise scrutiny over the process, the reforms is to make the United Nations a stronger from the initial drafting stage to final ratification and implementation. After many decades during which organization, better equipped to respond to the people parliaments have been markedly absent from the it is meant to serve. Ultimately, the United Nations United Nations, the Organization is now beginning has to become more democratic. Clearly, within the to acknowledge the role of parliaments and their equation, there is a role for parliaments. elected members as key guardians of democracy. The legislature is one of the three fundamental The leaders of the world's parliaments held their components of any democratic State. own summit in the week preceding the United Parliamentarians are elected by the people to Nations High-level Meeting of Heads of State and represent their concerns both at the national level Government. Speakers and presidents of more than 140 parliamentary chambers came to the United IN THIS ISSUE Nations in New York to bring their vision of multilateral cooperation to the hub of international ● Pages 4-5 Meeting of women Speakers discusses politics and say how parliaments can fill the cooperation between parliaments and the democracy gap in international relations. United Nations for the promotion of gender equality Indeed how? Does this mean, for example, setting ● Page 9 up a separate parliamentary assembly in the United IPU President visits Knesset and PLC Nations alongside the existing governmental General In Israel, the IPU President was received by the Speaker of the Knesset, Mr. Reuven Rivlin and in Assembly? Views diverge, but the broad opinion Ramallah he met with the Speaker of the expressed in New York was that creating new Palestinian Legislative Council, Mr. Rawhi Fattouh institutions makes little practical or political sense. The real priority is to ensure that there is better – closer, deeper, more systematic and sustained – cooperation between national parliaments and the United Nations in all its diversity. For this to happen, two changes need to take place. On the one hand, the United Nations should define a set of priorities within its vast agenda on which it Photo Knesset can routinely seek the opinion of parliaments. On Photos IPU/L.Ballin the other, the parliaments themselves must make sure they select the most qualified people to work on those issues. In other words, they must select those ● Page 11 members of parliament whose experience both in Parliamentary oversight of the security sector in Latin America parliamentary committees and their constituencies has given them real expertise. (Follow up on page 3) 2 The World of Parliaments - November 2005 …READ IN THE PRESS… Editorial Casini elected as new president of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Rome (Reuters) - Pier Ferdinando Casini is A call for an International Day of Parliaments the new president of the Inter-Parliamentary he Speaker of the Georgian Parliament, Mrs. Nino Burjanadze, put it Union, an international organization that brings together the representatives of the parliaments Tvery clearly: "The Second World Conference of Speakers of Parliaments of 141 States, for the three-year period from was a capital event, and we should really strengthen the role of parliaments 2005 to 2008. Reuters was informed of this by and democratic institutions all over the world in order to make them more a spokesperson for the Speaker of the Chamber fair, more democratic and more peaceful". of Deputies, who added that the candidate The time has come for parliaments and governments to step up the dialogue received 230 of the 337 votes cast during the so as to establish a new dynamic, it being understood that democracy, Assembly held in Geneva. The presidency of the Inter-Parliamentary Union is one of the security, development and human rights are intrinsically linked. highest profile political posts held by an Italian But are governments ready to accept that parliaments play an active role in in an international organization following the international affairs? "It depends on the parliaments and the parliamentarians" departure of Romano Prodi from the leadership replies the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament, while acknowledging that of the European Commission. Italy has "it is not very comfortable for governments to have strong parliaments, returned to the leadership of the IPU for the because parliaments naturally should criticize governments". While first time in nearly fifty years. Mrs. Burjanadze points out that constructive criticism can help governments Yahoo - Italy - 19 October 2005 to be more efficient and to avoid errors, she adds that if a government is She thinks a woman's place is in afraid of a strong and fair parliament, "the country is in serious trouble". the Elysée In New York, the Speakers of parliament who attended the Second World Ségolène Royal is popular. Experienced, a Conference of Speakers of Parliaments adopted a Declaration that sets out tireless campaigner and, at a time when a to remedy the democracy gap in international relations by bringing the force disenchanted French electorate is searching of parliamentary scrutiny into play on the international political scene. The for novelty, among the youngest of the top politicians in her embattled Socialist Party. But declaration called for the best possible expertise available in parliamentary when Royal, 52, said last week that she was committees to be marshalled for this objective. considering running for president in 2007, she It also means providing greater visibility for parliaments, both nationally unleashed an onslaught of attacks and ridicule and internationally. One way of doing this would be to institute, at the form her own camp…France's only woman IPU's initiative, an International Day of Parliaments, as set out in the prime minister to date, Edith Cresson, left Declaration adopted by the Speakers' Conference in New York.
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