A BIBLIOGRAPHY ON HISTORICAL STUDIES ON CHANGING FERTILITY Charles Tilly The University of Michigan JuPy,. 1974 CRSO Working Paper a109 Copies available through: Center for Research on Social Organization U of M 330 Packard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 A BIBLIOGRAPHY ON HISTORICAL STUDIES OF CHANGING FERTILITY Charles T&lly University of Michigan July 1974 This is the draft bibliography of Charles Tilly, ed., Historical Studies of Changing Fertility, prepared for publication in the Mathematical Social Science Board/' Princeton University Press Studies in Quantitative History. It draws on the references to articles by Richard Easterlin, E. A. Wrigley, Lutz Berkner, Franklin Mendels, Ronald Lee, Etienne van de Walle, Maris Vinovskis and Rudolf Braun as well as on my own work. I am grateful to Chantal Bancilhon, Judy Davidson, Pam Hume, Karen Metrick and Kit Tilly for help in assembling khe bibliography. *L - L. ?, -i - 1. BIBLIOGRAPHY I+ . This is a provisional bibliography for the entire book, not just for the introductory article. It includes every publication mentioned in the book, plus a few items illustrating the various types of analysis discussed in the introduction, and a few more items used for background but not cited. Irma Adelman 1963 "An econometric analysis of population growth," American Economic Review (June): 314-339. Kurt Agren, David Gaunt, Ingrid Erikssen, John Rogers, Andus Norberg and Sune Akerman 1973 Aristocrats, Farmers, Proletarians. Essays in Swedish Demographic History. Uppsala: Scandinavian University Books. Studie Historica Upsaliensia.47. Adolphe dlAngeville 1969 Essai sur la statistique de la population francaise. Reedit ion, with an introduction by ~mmanuelLe Roy Ladurie. ParisjThe ~ague:Mouton. \ Philippe Aries 1954 "Deux contributions \a l'histoire des pratique contra- ceptives. 11. Chaucer et Mme. de ~&vi~n&." Population 9 (October-December) : 692-698. .. 1971 Histoire des populations franjaises et de leurs attitudes devant la vie depuis le XVIIIe sikcle. Paris: Le Seuil; 2nd edition. Max Baer 1926 Medizinisch-statistische Ergebnisse aus zuricherischen Kirchenbkhern des 17. und 18. Jahrunderts. Zurich. J. A. Banks 1954 Prosperity and Parenthood. London: Routledge K. G. Basavarajappa 1971 "The influence of fluctuations in economic conditions on fertility and marriage rates, Australia, 1920-21 to 1937- 38 and 1946-47 to 1966-67," Population Studies 25 (March): 39-53. Wendall H. Bash 1963 "Changing birth rates in developing America: New York state, 1840-1875." Nilbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 41 (April): 161- 182. Gary S. Becker 1960 "An economic analysis of fertility." Pp. 269-213 in Universities-National Sureau Committee for Economic Research, Demographic and Economic Change in Developed Countries. Princeton: Princeton University Pr.ess. 1965 "A theory of the allocation of time." Economic Journal 75 (September) : 493-517. Gary S. Becker and H. Gregg Lewis 1973 "On the interaction between the quantity and the quality of children," Journal of Political Economy 81 (March-April): 279-288. S. J. Behrman, Leslie Corsa and Ronald Freedman 1969 eds., Fertility and Family Planning. A World View. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Yoram Ben-Porath 1973 "Parental effects on fertility: some preliminary findings." .. % Unpublished paper. Yoram Ben-Porath and Finis Welch 1972 Uncertain Quality: Sex of Children and Family Size. Santa Monica: The Rand Corporation. (R-1117-NIHIRF). Bernard Berelson 1966 "KAP studies on fertility." Pp. 655-668 in Bernard Berelson (ed.), Family Planning and Population Programs. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1969 "Beyond family planning. " Science 163 (February) : 533-54.3. Helene Bergues, Philippe Aries,\ Etiennef Helin, Louis Henry, R. P. Michel Piquet, Alfred Sauvy, and Jean Sutter 1960 La prevention/ des naissances dans la famille. Ses origines dans les temps modernes. I.N.E.D. Travaux et Documents, Cahier no. 35. Paris: P.U.F. Lutz K. Berkner 1972a "Rural family organization in Europe: a problem in comparative history. " Peasant Studies Newsletter 1 (October) : 145-155. 1972b "The stem family and tbe develbpmental cycle of the peasant household : an eighteehth-century Austrian example." American Historical Review 77 (April): 398-418. 1973 "Family, social structure, and rural industry: a compar- ison of the Waldviertel and the Pays de Caux in the eigh- teenth century. " Unpublished thesis, Harvard University. 19 74 "The use and misue of census data for the historical analysis of family structure," forthcoming in The Journal of Inter- disciplinary History. A. Bertillon 1897 Le probleme\ de la depopulation./ Paris. John G. C. Blacker ... - 1957a "Social ambitions in the bourgeoisie in eighteenth cen- tury France, and their relation to family limitation." Population Studies 11 (July): 46-63. 1957b "The social and economic causes of the decline in the French birth rate at the end of the eighteenth century." Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of London. Judith Blake 1967 "Reproductive ideals and educhtional attainment among white Americans, 1943-1960." Population Studies 21 (September) : 159-174. 1968 "Are babies consumer durables? A critique of the economic theory of reproductive motivation," Population Studies 22 (March) : 5-25. Karlheinz Blaschke 1967 Bevolkerungsgeschichte von Sachsen bis zur Industriellen Revolution. Weimar: Bahlaus. Peter Blau 1969 "Objectives of sociology." Pp. 51-52 in Robert Bierstedt (ed.), A Design for Sociology: Scope, Objectives, and Methods. Philadelphia: The American Academy of Political and Social Science. Yves Blayo and Louis Henry I eq 'I .?4, 1967 "~onngesdemographiques # sur la Bretagne et 1'Anjou de 1740 \a 1829." Annales de demographie historique : 91-171. Susan E. Bloomberg, Mary Frank Fox, Robert M. Warner, Sam Bass Warner, Jr. 1971 "A census probe into nineteenth-century family history: southern Michigan, 1850-1880." Journal of Social History 5 (Fall) : 26-45. W. Bodmer 1960 Schweizerische ~ndustri~~eschicht~. Zurich. Donald Bogue 1969 Principles of Demography. New York: Wiley. Donald Bogue and James A. Palmore 1964 "Some empirical and analytical relations among demo- graphic fertility measures, with regression models for fertility estimation." Demography 1 ( 1 : 316-338. ! W. D. Borrie 1970 The Growth and Control of World Population. London: Weidenfeld and Nieslson. Ester Boserup 1965 The Conditions of Agricultural Growth. The Economics of Agrarian Change under Population Pressure. Chicago: Aldine . Pierre Bourdieu / 1962 "CelibatI et condition paysanne." Etudes rurales 5/6: 32- 135. 1972 "Les strategies1 matrimoniales dans le systeme\ de reproduction." Annales 27 (July-October): 1105-1127. Jean Bourgeois-Pichat 1965 "Les facteurs de la fecondite/ i non dirigee."/ Population 20 (May-June) : 383-424. 1967a "Relation between foetal-infant mortality and fertility." Pp. 68-72, Proceedings of the World Population Confer- ence: 1965. Vol. 11. United Nations. 1967b "Social arid biological determinants of human fertility in non-industrial societies." Proceedings of the American . Philosophical Society 3 (June): 160-163. U. Bragger 1945 Leben und Schriften des amen Mannes im Toggenburg. Samuel Voellmy (ed.) Basel. Alexandre de Brandt 1901 Droit et coutumes des populations rurales de la France en matiere\ successorale. Paris: Librarie de la ~ocihte/ du Recueil g4nkral des lois et arrctsi. Rudolf Braun 1960 Industrialisierung und Volksleben: die Verxnderungen der Lebensformen in einem lxndlichen Indistriegebiet vor 1800 (Zuricher Oberland). Zurich: Eugen Rentsch. 1965 Sozializer und kultureller Wandel in einem landlichen ~ndustriegebietim 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Zurich und Stuttgart: Erlenbach. 1967 "The rise of a rural class of industrial entrepreneurs." Journal of World History 10 ( ) : H. Brunner and A. Senti 1937 "Ansteckende krankheiten in Zurich." Sonderdruck aus den Zuricher Statistichen Nachrichten. Heft 3: 6f. Larry L. Bumpass 1973 "Is low fertility here to stay?" Family Planning Per- spectives 5 (Spring): 67-69. Larry L. Bumpass and Charles F. Westoff p 1970 "The 'perfect contraceptive' population." Science 169 (September) : 1177-1182. Edwin Burmeister and Rodney Dobell 1970 Mathematical Theories of Economic Growth. New York: Macmillan Company. Glen G. Cain 1971 "Issues in the economics of a population policy for the United States." American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 61 (May): 408-417. Gien G. Cain and Adriana Weininger 1967 - "Economic determinants of fertility: preliminary results from cross-sectional, aggregative data." Unpublished paper. * ".... John C. Caldwell 1968 ~o~ulationGrowth and Family Change in America. New York: Humanities Press. 1965 The Pattern of Human Concerns. New Brunswick:, Rutgers University Press. G8sta Carlsson 1966 "The decline of fertility: innovation or adjustment p.rocess." Population Studies 20 (November): 149-174. ,.. ..- . 1970 "Nineteenth century fertility oscillations." Popula- tion Studies 24 (PTovember) : 413-422. A. M. Carr-Saunders 1925 Population. London: Oxford University Press. 1965a "Population changes in a provincial town: Nottingham 1700-1800." Pp. 308-353 in D. V. Glass and D. E. C. Eversley (eds.), Population in History. Chicago: Aldine; London: Edward Arnold. 1965b "The rural domestic industries during the period of transi- tion to the factory system with special reference to the Midland Counties of England," Second International Con- ference of Economic History, Aix-en-Provence, 1962. Paris: Mouton, 11: 429-555. Antoinette Chamoux and Cecile/ Dauphin
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