iKanrl;eat»r Ev^nfatg Iftralit TR U m AT, AUGUST 10. IHO Tha Weathsr Avnrate Dailjr Nat Praaa Ron Fofoeaat of O. a. Wenthar Banas aftamoen by Oanaral Maaagar - Fbr the Month ot Jnly, 19SC A b o u t T o w n Boy Slightly Leaders In Connecticut'a Rural Life Schools Again Waddell and the architect and membera of the achoel building Tonight, eentlered ahowore. Cel- Sm M UUUUimim, tt H m Hmv and Inspection groupa The reaulta ■Turnpike Auto Body Works 9,723 lowed by partly elondy and elcnr- • li Mefeaaleal fore*, o( .!• UUc Hurt in Crash T o p M Talks of the meeting will be reperted at lag: low near aa. Satwday oloody, a aeaaion of the Town School Build­ » of fho Andlt itm t. H-tpoylng avMatloi at BaiH On Integrity Grewfag Ob StrrleB I of Cbenlsaeee with Uttlo ehango In Martha'a Vineyard and Nantucket. ing Committee scheduled for City of VUlago Charm August 23. Local Youngster on Bike General Manager and 1«6 MIDDLE TURNPIKE PRONE 704S IOm Jaanne WhltelMU, daughter This morning General Manager a( Mr. and Mra. WUUam White- Runs Into a Truck— Architect Discuss Waddell said that the cost picture Mechanical «nd Auto Body Repairing U) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1950 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS k n M U Waatabiiatar road, and Another Accident in construction is changing upward rOL. LXIX, NO. 26B Waa Carol Ana KaUahar, daughter Building Possibilities BO rapidly that It la difficult to of Mr. and Mra. Sdward Katlahar keep up with developments. Painting, Prompt Service of 41 Pbalpa road, are delegatee Craig Helfricht, 6-year-old son Further discussion of economies He said that the planning will from the Second Congregational of Mr. and Mrs. William Hel­ that may be worked into the pro­ be continued, however. In the hope Written Guarantee Terms church attending the John Robin- fricht, of 54 Turnbull road, suf­ posed new,,Broad street elementary that if building at this time aeems Bon Oonference at Hillaboro, N. H., school, were discussed yesterday possible, the work can be started. thia week. The glrla report that fered minor back bruises yesterday they are having a wonderful time. at 4:20 p.m. when a bicycle he was riding collided with a pickup truck G.I.’s Smash Red Attempt to Break Trap Mr. and Mra. Fenton W. Cliester driven by James Aceto, 63, of .^91 and daughters. Sandra and Sus­ Hilliard street, police reported to­ anna, of Lyndon, Vermont, are vis­ day. iting with Mrs. Chester's parenta Aceto waa driving north on Mr. and Mra. Jamaa Lennon of 152 Turnbull road when the yoiingster Charter Oak street. Mrs. Chester rode his bicycle out of a driveway House to Cite A rm y Calling to D uty Is the former Dorothy L. Lennon. and into the middle of the truck. Churchill Urges Patrolman George McCaughey re­ Enemy Thrusts Close Miss Frances A. Beaton. Miss ported. The front wheel of the bike 56 Witnesses Margaret M. Fogafty and Miss A. Ward Spaulding JuHaa B. Thayesr Over 7f000 Reserves Ruth B. Norton oAthls town are was broken. among the 87 munbera of the Another accident, which oc­ Storra, o o n ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Army of Europe For Contempt claaa of 1950 at th? Hartford Hos­ curred at 12:30 p.m. yesterday. In­ R ld H T volved vehicles driven by Philip tlons toward the betterment of ' engaged In the construction of con- RIGHT pital School of Nursing who will To Fill Officer Posts To Pohang Air Strip receive their diplomas at the com­ W. Welles, 40, of Beelsebub road. Connectlcut agriculture and rural Crete ships in Mobile, Alabama, mencement exercises to be held South Windsor, and Richard ,S. life made over the years by A. Mr. Spaulding returned to Suffield, All Accused of Refusing Brlndle, 27, of 21 . Algar street. and, with hla brother Bar], atartad To Comhat Reds Thuraday, September 7. Ward Spaulding o f Suffield and Washington, Aug. 11—(J*l—The.*- This call-iip will affect officers New London.' the florist business In which hs Is To Answer Questions j Patrolman Henry Oauruder re­ j ‘ulian B. Thayer of Mlddlefleld Army anno'unced today that it la up to the grade of major In tha The regular Holiness meeting now engaged on the home farm of Which Committee Said calling up to active duty—whether Medical and Medical Service corps, ported that Brlndle was driving were recognised at the University forty acres. In recent years the In Slambang Battle wUl be held at the Salvation Army FOODS PRICES they like It or not—7,862 Reserve lieutenant colohel In the Dental of Connecticut last evening as a Citadel tomorrow evening at 7:80. west on Flower street when a brake .....f B--;™ i brothers expanded their buslileM War Leader Telia Conti­ Pertained to Inquiry captains and lieutenants who are corps and majoy In the Veteri­ lining broke. Unable to stop at Probe Report nary corps. Home Week. ^ throuRh acquisition of two not assigned to units of the Organ­ Alan Lyons of 622 West Middle-, the Intersection, Brlndle's car greenhouses in Springfield, making nental Parliament a The company grade officers be- Before an audience of friends Washington, Aug. 11 — The ized Reserve Corps. Turnpike and Thomas Russell, Jr., struck the Welles vehicle, which a total ot five acres under glsas. The officers, all men, will be on Ingr, recalled Include 1,808 captains Foe’s Losses Heavy in and recipients of former years, cer­ Unified Fighting Foree House planned today to add 56 Hoad-on of 51 Spruce street, left Tuesday was being driven south on Main Flowers are retailed at three stores 7 0 MY Hughes’ Wire active duty by Oct. 6. the Army and 6,054 lieutenants in 16 arms Vain Effort to Pierce tificates of honorary recognition for a ten day stay at the Fellow- street, police said. in Springfield and ons In Thomp- m m r - Is Necessary to Pre­ Contempt of Congress citations to said. They are being ordered up and services. They will come from were presented to Mr. Spaulding ahlp camp at Northfield. Mass. sonvllla, In addition to sales at the two already voted against wit­ for 21 months, subject to change all parts of the country. Yank Ring o f Steel in They are delegates from the lo­ and Mr. Thayer by President A. serve Western Lib-'’ Was ‘Tapped’ nesses who defied the House Un- by Congress, unless relieved soon­ This was the first Army call-up N. Jorgensen on behalf of the greenhouses. The businesa ,.ls now cal Sal\’ation Army. Miss Ann Flynn one of the largest of lta4cind in er. * of Individual officers who are not Chinju Area; Reds Re­ Board of Trustees at a dinner in erties Against Attack American Activities committee. Connecticut, employing about sixty The Army said simultaneously membera of the Organized Re­ inforce Bridgeheads the University's North Campus Washington Police Ser All are accuaed of refusing to that It will recall involuntarily 1,- serve. A week ago it announced Again Honored dining hall. A traditional part of people. A t HALE’S SELF SERVE Strasbourg, France, Aug. answer questions which the com­ 682 male officers of the Active and the recall to active duty of 62,000 mittee called pertinent to its In­ On Nalstoiig Foe Pow­ Farm and Home Week, the custom A firm believer In American 11.— (/P)— ^Winston Churchill geants Inform Dis­ Inactive Medical, Dental, Veteri­ of recognizing outstanding leader­ principles and ever wdlling to up­ vestigation of Communism. These nary and Medical Service corps. (GnaHnued on Page Twe) er Blow at Taegu; Miss Ann, T. Flynn, daughter of today urged the immediate Included whether the witnesses HALE'S ship in Connecticut's rural life was hold that belief, Mr. Spaulding has trict Committee They Mr. and Mrs. Peter Flynn of 209 taken an active part in the civic creation of a unified Europe­ ever were members of the Com­ Planes Wreck Bridges Center street, was honored with established in 1924. TTie awards And HEALTH MARKET Acted Under Orders and agricultural affairs of Connec­ an Arm y to shield the W est munist Party " or know persona Headquarters another shower last evening at the made last evening bring to 60 the who have been linked by the com­ home of Mrs. Raymond Griffin, number of people so honored. ticut for many years. He is espe­ against the Soviet Union. Bulletin! cially prominent In the work of the Washington, Aug. 11,— VP) — mittee with (jdVnmunlst activity. Tax Hike of 3 Billion FOR 164 Avery atreet. The miacellane- Both Mr. Spaulding, a florist, and Britain’s wartime prime min­ The voting of (Actions got un­ Tokyo, Saturday, Aug. 12. oui -ahower was given by Mrs. Mr. Thayer, a poultry and dairy Grange, having been a member for ’Three detectlvea were called today iBAKlMNMECY HEALTH MARKET ister formally introduced a der way late yesterday. It was — </P)— Red troops last night Griffin and her daughter, Mrs. farmer, are actively identified with some forty-four years. He is a before a Senate group which al preceded by numerous speeches Dennis James Sullivan, who will many agricultural and civic organ- past maSter of the Suffield Grange D i s s o l v e s motion on the floor of the Eu­ ready haa heard a story of police For 50 Million Ready seized the important port of WESTERN BRANDED, INSPECTED, GRADED ropean Consultative Assembly upholding the committee's right be Miss Flynn's matron of honor izatlon.s.
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