PQTVJGCUV"HNQTKFC‚U"QNFGUV."NCTIGUV."OQUV"TGCF"CHTKECP"COGTKECP"QYPGF"PGYURCRGT Vjg"Hnqtkfc"Uvct Rtguqtvgf"Uvcpfctf Etkog"( Vjg"Hnqtkfc"Uvct. R0"Q0"Dqz"6284; W0U0"Rquvcig"Rckf Lcemuqpxknng."HN"54425 Lcemuqpxknng."HN Lwuvkeg Vjg"Igqtikc"Uvct# Rgtokv""Pq0"5839 VCNM"QH"VJG"VQYP *;26+"988/::56 Can’t Get to the Store EGNGDTCVGU"QPG"[GCT Uvknn"Pwodgt"Qpg# UGG"RCIG"C/6 Uvtkxkpi"vq"ocmg Have The Star Delivered c"fkhhgtgpeg Cp"Cyctf Tgcf"Vjg"Hnqtkfc Ykppkpi cpf"Igqtikc"Uvct Rwdnkecvkqp. Pgyurcrgtu0 Nkuvgp vq"KORCEV ugtxkpi"{qw Tcfkq"Vcnm"Ujqy0 ukpeg"3;730" YYY0vjghnqtkfcuvct0eqo Tcvgf"›Cfi"d{ The people’s choice vjg"Dgvvgt Dwukpguu"Dwtgcw yyy0vjghnqtkfcuvct0eqo CWIWUV"3:"/"CWIWUV"46."4234 XQN0""84""PQ0"3:" 72"EGPVU Oqpetkgh‚u"Mknnkpi Vtkrng"Cevkqp"hqt" Kpxqnxgogpv"Swguvkqpgf Ejcf"Lqjpuqp Rkevwtg" qh" Gxgn{p Nq|cfc" cpf" Okcok Fqnrjkp‚u" twppkpi dcem" fwtkpi" vjgkt The phones and mail at The Florida and The Georgia ygffkpi"egtgoqp{" Star would not stop after President Obama visited the cpf" Gxgn{p" jqurk/ vcnk|gf" chvgt" ujg Vqffngt."4/{gct/qnf."Cpign."oqvjgt"cv"vqr"cpf"hcvjgt. city because the citizens felt proud that the two would ycu" cnngigfn{ Cpvqpkq"Oqugn{0""Oqugn{"ycu"mknngf"cv"vjg"Oqpetkgh get together. However, that did not happen and many cdwugf" d{" Ejcf0 Xknncig"Crctvogpvu"d{"hqwt"ujqqvgtu0 did not understand. The president’s visit conflicted with a scheduled program for the country mayors Mrs. Tonya Owens, mother of murdered 22-year-old Chad Johnson (formerly Ochocinco), has been wherein Mayor Brown chaired a very important com- son, Antonio Mosely said she is still unable to return to charged with domestic battery and cut by the Miami mittee that led to him acquiring business and jobs to work since her son was shoot four to five times by four Dolphins. VH1 canceled their reality show as well. Jacksonville. men at the Moncrief Village Apartments. The toddler, Chad Ochocinco got married to "Basketball Wives" Mayor Brown said that his major priorities right now Angel, was Antonio’s only child so her grandmother is star Evelyn Lozada on July 4, 2012. devastated. Oqpetkgh‚u"/"eqpvkpwgf"/"C/5 Oc{qt"cpf"Rtgukfgpv - Continued on A-3 Lozada and Johnson -- who recently legally changed The Anti-Discrimination Cogtkec"Pggfu"Cp"Cpign"vq"vjg"Tguewg his name back from Chad Ochocinco -- began dating while Johnson's The Ultimate Catch reality dating Bill Fails in Jacksonville show was still airing on VH1 in 2010, spoiling the fact that he hadn't found lasting love on the show. The cou- ple got engaged about a year later in November 2011 The domestic violence incident allegedly occurred after Lozada found a receipt for condoms and confront- ed Johnson about it outside the recently-married cou- ple's Florida home on Saturday evening. It has been rumored that Chad has asked for forgive- ness but Evelyn has filed for divorce. Hkpgu"hqt"Ucii{"Rcpvu" In a 10-9 vote Wednesday, the pro- posed human rights ordinace to protect Uqwijv"hqt"Dtwpuykem gays and lesbians from discrimination bill, was rejected. Many citizens of Jacksonville said that they were against the bill because Vjg"cdqxg"rkevwtg"qh"c"ect"ceekfgpv"ykvj"c"rgtuqp"n{kpi"qp it was being presented as a civil rights vjg"""""itqwpf"yjkng"dgkpi"vtgcvgf"d{"ogfkeu."cnuq"ujqy"vyq bill, and equated it with the fight cpignu"cpf"c"jgnkeqrvgt"yckvkpi0""Kv"ku"vkog"hqt"Cogtkec"vq"ecnn minorities endured in order to get qp"cpignu"vq"igv"vjku"eqwpvt{"tkijv0 equal rights in America. Dncemu"owuv"pqv"egfg"xkvcn"tqng"kp The council had been deliberating over this issue for the past three gngevkqpu months. Many felt the bill would pass because they said it was just adding By LEWIS W. DIUGUID, The Kansas City Star sexual orientation to the list of protect- African-Americans should never doubt their voting strength or why ed group. However, City Councilman racist efforts since the beginning of this nation have never tired of try- Mayor Bryan Thompson of Brunswick said that he is Johnny Gaffney changed his mind and ing to keep them from the polls. against what is called, sagging. He and many others did not vote for the bill, causing it to Those were the findings of a National Urban League report released feel the style has gone too far. Sagging is the style fail. last week. The analysis of the 2004 and 2008 presidential elections leaves no doubt that black voters played a key role in sending Barack that, according to sources, started in the prison system. Eqokpi"vq Obama to the White House as the country’s first African-American The pants are worn low, so that one’s underwear could president. be seen. In fact, the style is to wear underwear and Lcemuqpxknng"" The report cites “the long journey in the expansion of the right and the maybe shoes, that match in color. In the beginning, ability to vote in the United States” from the 13th, 14th and 15th only a few inches of underwear was shown. The Xqvg"Cogtkec"4234 amendments to the Constitution after the Civil War to the Voting Rights Mayor said that now you see the entire buttocks and the Act of 1965. But African-Americans’ ballot box power troubles some. underwear. Many people find this offensive. WCWJ-TV CW17, YourJax.com and “Efforts by several states to introduce voter identification require- The mayor said he will hold a public meeting where- WOKV-AM/FM, is launching a night- ments and limitations on early and postal voting are casting doubts on in the people can give their opinion on the issue. His ly election program, Vote America whether the diverse electorate of 2008 will be maintained, let alone desire is to pass an ordinance prohibiting pants to be 2012. It will include a segment pro- expanded,” the report said. “The stability and legitimacy of the repub- worn in a manner that show several inches of under- duced by WOKV-AM/FM’s local lican form of government depends more on achieving that expansion of wear. news team, entitled “You Decide the electoral franchise than anything else. At one point, the style of sagging was among black 2012.” It will be a fast paced report on “This makes 2012 a crucial election.” teens. Now, even older men wear their pants larger, American politics featuring updates, The pivotal black vote has to happen again. which causes them to full below the waist. interviews and breaking news, with a “The genuine efforts by the campaigns of President Barack Obama and If a person is caught in violation of the ordinance.\, he bi-partisan approach, Monday through former Gov. Mitt Romney to reach out to African-Americans and speak will be fined but not arrested. The mayor said that he Friday at 10:00 p.m. The show will to their concerns is proof that those seeking office are aware of this and the City Commission have already agreed upon a premiere on Monday, August 20 and potential,” the Urban League report said. $25 fine for the first offense. Afterwards, the fine end November 6, 2012 would go higher. Editorial/Opinion.B6 Ykuj"vq"ikxg"wu"c"Pgyu"Uvqt{A K Church..........................A-2 Nqqmkpi" hqt" ewuvqogtu" vq" rcvtqpk|g" {qwt P Talk of the Town..............A-4 Ecnn"*;26+"988/::56"qt"Ugpf"kv"vq< Area News....................A-6 dwukpguu" qt" wvknk|g" {qwt" ugtxkeguA" Kh" {qw U Caribbean..............A-7 cpuygtgf"[GU."vjgp"{qw"pggf"vq"rnceg"cp"cf kphqBvjghnqtkfcuvct0eqo Prep Rap........Back Section K Local.....................B-1 kp" Vjg" Hnqtkfc" qt" Igqtikc" Uvct#" " ECNN cfBvjghnqtkfcuvct0eqo Columns...................B-2 F Sports....................B-4 ;261988/::56"vq"rnceg"{qwt"cf"VQFC[## Crime&Justice.Front Section G Classified & Business... B-7 Check, Money Order, Or Credit Cards Accepted PAGE A-2 THE STAR AUGUST 18, 2012 CHURCH The Fulfillment Family Group Faith In Our Community at Christ Resurrection Power Assembly The Church Directory Schedule of Events and Services (CREPA) of Jacksonville “Come and Worship With Us” The Fulfillment Family at CREPA is a group of Christians in New Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church ANNOUNCEMENTS the church whose objectives include this support of the church programs, activities and individual members as needed. Some 1824 Prospect Street * Jacksonville, FL 32208 CENTRAL METROPOLITAN CHRISTIAN members of the group also participate in soul winning through the Sunday School …..............………………..9:30 a.m. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 4611 North Pearl distribution of Christian tracks. The Family Group was estab- Sunday Morning St. - Kutz for Kidz is sponsoring a BACK TO SCHOOL lished in 2009 by the presiding Bishop Abiola Idowu. The Intercessory Prayer...............…..10:45 a.m. RALLY in conjunction with the Dr. Carolyn C. Jackson Fulfillment Family Group celebrated their third year anniversary Morning Worship ......................11:00 a.m. Memorial Fund on August 19, 2012 from 1:30pm - 4:00pm July 22nd, 2012. Youth Church inside the church Educational Building. The first 200 stu- 2nd & 3rd Sundays (Old Sanctuary) dents grades K-12 will have the opportunity to receive a Tuesday - Pastoral Bible Study ................ 7:00 p.m. FREE back pack filled with school supplies, coupons to Elder Arnitt Jones, Acting Pastor Rev. Joe Calhoun, Pastor Emeritus local vendors, a haircut (boys only) and food/drinks ALL (904) 764-5727 - Church FREE! Looking foward to fellowshipping with everyone! Parents MUST be present in order for a student to participate Historic Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church in the giveaway. You may contact the church between 10am Sunday and 4pm, Monday thru Friday for answers to any questions Church School .
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