THE TATLER VOL. 51, NO. 1------------------WEST TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL, CLEVELAND, OHIO, SEPTEMBER )0, 1964------------------TEN CENTS I Jean Bennett to Head Tatler I Mr. C. H. Hudson Named Tech Principal by Carol Gedeon llA's Lynn Daley and Sheryl by Maureen Mulhall has been promoted to Directing Among the changes to be Editor-in-chief of the Tatler Sarno; and page four, Greg Supervisor of Senior High made are the procedures deal­ Smith, UA. Mr. Clarence H. Hudson is ing with tardiness and gum this semester is Jean Bennett, Schools and Acting Supervisor Exchange managers are 12A's Tech's new principal, replacing of Junior High Schools in chewing. Students found chew­ 12B. Jo Bobey and Chris Krutowskis. Dr. William P. Hoffman, who Cleveland. ing gum will no longer be sent Susan Lehner, llA, is in They send an issue of the Tatler has been promoted. Mr. Hudson is a graduate of to the office, but will be han­ charge of page one. Heading to various schools in the Cleve­ Mr. Hudson was formerly Painesville High School. He dled directly by the classroom page two and three, respective­ land vicinity and arrange for principal of Alexander Hamil­ earned his Bachelor of Arts De­ teacher. This is an attempt to ly, are llA's Linda Libey and those schools to send back a ton Junior High. Dr. Hoffman gree at Ohio University in Ath­ eliminate the 5 o'clock deten­ copy of their paper. ens, and his Master's Degree at tions. Tardiness is now also Kathy Tevault. handled by the classroom teach­ In charge of Ray Ricchetti and Shirley Western Reserve. Matthews will be staff cartoon­ er instead of sending the stu­ sports on page After graduation Mr. Hudson dent to the office for a permit. four is John ists. Charlotte Hurley is in served as athletic coach and charge of ads. This relieves some of the con­ Mazzone, 12A. teacher at Collinwood and at fusion caused in the classroom Assisting Sue "Being editor is a lot of fun John Adams. He has taught so­ and in the office. This new rule on page one as and a lot of work," states Jean. cial studies and business educa­ benefits the student. He no junior page ed­ "I've found that the staff this tion. longer misses class in order to itors are llA's year is very co-operative," she Following his military service obtain a class permit. However, Diane Menen- Jean added. during World War II, he be­ after three times of being tardy, dez, Carol Ge- Linda Libey, page two editor, came an assistant principal at a student is credited with a cut deon, and Marguerite Izso. New comments, "Being a page editor Collinwood. After 14 years of and detentions are then given. junior page editors for page is hard, but it teaches you to be service there he became princi­ "During my short time here, two are llA's Shirley Matthews more organized and efficient." pal of Alexander Hamilton I have learned why Tech has and Nancy Riccio; page three, Staff reporters are: Gloria Junior High. He was there four such a fine reputation. I hope Gravette, Nancy Handley, Phil­ years. both the pupils and the faculty ip Moorman, Maureen Mulhall, When asked what changes he will maintain the high standard Mark Pachuta, Donna Serensky, intends to make, Mr. Hudson they have set," states Mr. Hud­ Linda Rothacker, Alvina stated, "I plan no drastic son. BULLETINS Spriggs, Elaine Vene, Karel changes, but some are always All-City Choir Weir, and Joseph Zielinski. necessary to keep education Wayne Zimmerman will write abreast of the times and to Supt. Briggs Heads New West Tech members of for the sports page. Mr. Hudson serve the needs of the school." the Cleveland All-City Chorus Cleveland Schools are: Helen Mouts, liB, I alto; Mary Samardzija, liB, 0 so­ Mr. Paul W. Briggs is the new prano, and Peter Shokalook. Olga· Catavolos Directs Council Superintendent of the Cleve­ liB, bass. They will be joining land Public Schools. the former members: 12B Deir­ By Diane Menendez and secretary, respectively. the GO officers by buying a GO Mr. Briggs was formerly the dre Kingsbury, I alto; 12A Rob­ Presiding over the General The officers, all of whom are card. This semester the price is Superintendent of the Parma ert Odon, I tenor; UA Sue Burg­ Organization this s e m e s t e r is 12A's, were elected last semes­ 75 cents. School System. He resigned hardt, I soprano, and 12B Bob Olga Catavolos. Wayne Zimmer­ ter in a homeroom election. In charge of the GO drive is from that position on July 31, Anderson, I tenor. The AU-City man and Karen Holub will as­ All West Tech students are committee chairman Doris Tada, 1964, to become head of the Chorus will meet once a week, sume the duties of vice-president urged to do their part in aiding 12A. Other members are 12A's Cleveland System. starting September 30, In the Judy Williams and Bev Daugh­ Cleveland has one of the auditorium of the Board of Edu­ erty. highest paid superintendents in cation. "We have a good committee Ohio, with Mr. Briggs receiving working for the benefit of the a salary of $30,000 in his first Majorettes entire student body," com­ year of a four-year contract. mented Mr. Ronald Lewis, spon­ Paul Briggs received his 1964's Majorettes are: 12B's sor of the GO drive. Bachelor's degree from the Diane Dresp, Head Majorette; The committee is working so Western Michigan University, Pat Keating, Cheryl Ptak and that West Tech can again achieve and his Master's degree from a I t e r n a t e Sandy Christener; the distinction of being 100 per Michigan State University. 12A's Theresa Roth and Gerry cent GO. Mr. Briggs came to Ohio in Balint, liB Tina DeRosa, and "We want to see our school lOA Judy Weida. 1957 from Bay City, Michigan. 100 per cent again, as it would He was superintendent of be the first time that West Tech schools and of the district jun­ 12A Officers has been 100 per cent for two ior college in Bay City. Mr. This semester's 12A officers semesters in a row," Mr. Lewis Briggs held the positions of are Joe Brietenbach, President; remarked. teacher and principal in Michi­ Nancy Massengill, Vice Presi­ At the present time, approxi­ gan from 1934-1953. In 1954 he dent; Sandy Wenmoth, Secre­ mately half of the homerooms was made the superintendent of tary; and Ted Prinz, Treasurer. have a c h i e v e d 100 per cent the Bay City, Michigan schools. OLGA CATAVOLOS, GO President, reviews plans for the semes­ standing. He held this position until 1957. ter with Secretary Karen Holub and Vice President Wayne Zim­ ACT Test merman. Assistant Principal Registration forms and book­ lets for the American College Test (ACT) are now available in Bonus Tickets to Be Given Jirik Assumes New Duties room 122. For a possible schol­ arship the deadline date for by Mark Pachuta wish to quit school. Feeling as sending in the form is October If Saints' Sale Hits 3000 Mr. James Jirik has been he does about dropouts, Mr. 10. The tests are given at test by Marguerite Izso the main hall showing the prog­ named Assistant Principal of Jirik commented, "In our chang­ centers on the West Side. The ress of ticket sales. ing society education takes on If West Tech sells 3000 tick­ West Tech over the summer and greater importance with every cost of the test is $4.00. Further ets to the West Tech-St. Igna­ The campaign slogan is "Buy information is available in the one; see two." is now a permanent member of passing day. Young people to­ tius football game on Saturday the faculty. With a Master's De­ day without advanced educa­ Guidance Office. afternoon, October 3, each stu­ Aiding Mr. Rasper in this combined Boosters-Athletic De­ gree in History from Kent State tion or trade skills find them­ dent purchasing one of those University, he is entering his selves handicapped when look­ tickets will be admitted free of partment effort are Mr. George 1OB Assembly Plescia and Mr. Duane DePuy. thirteenth year ing for employment. For this On October 7, new lOB's will charge to the West Tech-Lincoln of teaching. Mr. reason, I urge all students to attend a welcoming assembly. football game on Saturday eve­ Jirik started his finish high school." They will be told about the var­ ning, October 10. Harbor Inn career teaching His experience as basketball ious committees and their activ­ The Band, Warriorettes, and Friday, October 2, is the at Medina Coun­ coach and Physical Fitness Di­ ities. In addition, lOB grade rep­ Majorettes will conduct a door­ only opportunity Tech stu­ ty Elementary rector in his former teaching resentatives will be elected. to-door sales campaign in the dents wlll have this semester School for sev­ positions has led him to believe West Tech area on Thursday to attend a Harbor Inn. en years. There that physical fitness activities evening, October 1, in an effort The danee will be spon­ h is knowledge are as important as academic Student Driver to sell more tickets to the St. sored by the Rec Room Com­ was tested in Mr. Jirik subjects in high school. All students who drive ears Ignatius game. mittee and will be held in the all subjects ranging from physi­ Mr.
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