• / ’ * rV ; The Weather Average Daily Circulation Forecast of U. B. Weather Borean For the Month of September, 1041 (tearing' and much colder to- ___ j night; Friday fair and' noldev, 6,880 freeh northweot winda. Member of the Audit Bnreaii of Ctrcnlatlons Manchester— A City of Village Charm ^ MANCHESTER. CONN.. THUR.SDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1941 (FOl'RTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS LXL, NO. 20 (aasalfled Advertlaing On Page 134 New Uniform for ParachutialB Red Army’s Position itand with Russians Is Seen as Serious; jin Ukraine Proposal; Nazis Near Moscow Cudahy Raps Change Spearhuailk !Now .\ltoiil Hii'-oiaiik Laiiiirh Coun- Altarks lo Knock Italy lrm,-r ,Aml,a..u,l<.r l« QH ShorlOSC .35 Miles from K)is"ian Xrmy Plans ter-Attarks ill Effort Out of War, Night Velgiiim Suytt IVniI- (jipital: German^ De- To Stem Nazi DrivP/ Land Raids on German- To Expand ig Armed .Ship l.,egi»- Is Virtually clare Western anil ' Near Maloyaroslavets^ . Held Coasts of Europe ition Oiilv Incidental w Elsewhere on Most»w ,\Iso Advoealed ip Tull Southwentern Defenses* Air Forces P(F Main Purpofte of E r a S C d JMOtV Front Red Detend- Dress War Pehate in Breaelied on Broad :.x|iunging Neutrality Front; Little Likeli- Stimson Tells of ers Re|iorted m Be House of ^tlommons; Prep- tel from Statute Gasoline Supplies Actu- lloldinu Firm / Now. Reds ^T^tsses Great. hood of Getting llel|i. aratious •^to \ early looks: Step to War. ally .Above l.,iut Year; / Berlin. Oct. 2.3.—</Pt—fier- Triide Strength at Knili> sh«‘v. Ku.“/ia. 7 j». m., Irkes Does Mot Say Utfrif^n, Oct. 2.3.—(JF)— iWa.shinKton, Oct. 23.—UP) man spearheacis are about .3.') Present by June :w. Oct. 22 —(I)elayp(l)—(/P)The I Attacks designed to knfKk rbhn Cudahy, former am-1 W'hen Rntioniug to End miles from .Moscow—almost position of the Red Army Issador to Belgium, declared ! l^italy out of the war, night to the .'suburb.'; of the Soviet W ashington. Oct 23 lint' near Maldyaroslavets, 65 iay that the iiendinj? arm- Washington, Ort 2.3 ,/P) Pif- land raids on German-held capital—tici'man spokesmen retary .Stim.'ion announced miles .southwest of Moscow, coasts t)f the continent and a ghip legislation was only . IrolPum Coordinator IckP* said to- said tonight after the high Department preparation.* today to was described in front line lighting British stand along :ideiital to “the administra- day that the prospect of a severe command declared the city’.s expand the Wrrny Air Forces to dispatchej* tonight as serious petroleum shortage m the east, side the Red Army in the 400 000 flying cadets and enli.-ted hut the liussians were said to jin’s main purpose of ex- western and southwestern |nging the neutrality act about which he ha* warned often l.'kraine were advocated to- outer defense.s- had been men by next June 30, nearly trip- ha\e launched counter-at- in recent weeks, now was virtual- day in a full dress war dehate ling their present strength jm , the statute hooks." breached on a broad front. Al- tai ks an effort to stem th* ly erased. in the House bf Common.* .Simul "Subsequent expansion, possibly Nazi ilrive Elsewhere along the kdahy appeared before the Sen- Gasoline supplies now are actu- though there was no definite word to the .500.000 level, is possijjle Be- Foreign Relations Committee taneously Supply Minister Ijord that the fiercely defended capital Moscow front defender* of the So- ally above last year, Irkes re- Beaverbrook. back from Moscow, yond that date. " Stimson said. viet capital were rep>orted holding J opposition to the merchant ship ported. had been encin led. the belief wa.s The present organization of the ♦old the House of Lords that Rus- expressed here that there was 111- firm, with the renter* of fighting Imlng as-Capitol Hill and White (ieneral Outlook ’•OptlmlsUe" Air Forces is based on 54-combat puse developments indicated sia’s great losses of war supply; I tie likclihoiKl the Retl Army couH *till near Maloyaroslavets, Moi- For the first time since he ' manufacturing facilities left the gynips whereas the enlarkdd pro- 1st administration forces w-ould' told last summer of poa- get any effei live help through to haisk, 57 tpile* west of the capital, Ike the lead in urging the Sen- ; . -. V. S. S. R. in a posltlf>n akin to bolster the city's garrison. » and Kalinin. 95 mile* northwest that of Britain after Dunkerque _ _ I (Continued On Page Two) of Moscow. le to expand the meaaure so; (Continued On Page Twelve) I Bombers Batter Moscow to permit American ships to J ------------------------- Realize Opportunitle* I Rush I'p Rrinlorcemeeta Foreign Secretary Anthony I German bomber*, it wa* *aid. svel anywhere in the world. Un- ' now are battenn^f at Moscow by . Both sides were reported ruah- |r the neutrality act, merchant F>ien, rei)lying for th e govern- ing up reinforcements—the G«r- ment in Commons, declared "we ■flay a* well a* night. British Bomb I laaels now ran not enter belliger-^ C h a r g e s P l o t A special announcement from I mans moving up more Elite Guard . It port* or designated combat I realize what opp«,rtunitie* this I regiments and the Red Army I German attack ion Ru.ssiai offers ’ Adolf H itler * field headquarter* ' earlier today told of the break In Rhineland; I pouring In tank-borne Infantry. "Edgtng Into War" us,'■ but added that to tell what ! The Red Army supreme com- Behind Aetion I plan of action will be taken through the outer defense* in a [Cudahy, who served In Belgium Suits of special gabardine-cotton mixture, shaded brown for hard-hitting assault and said' the mand on th* western front,, it waa I "woiird be playing into the hands camouflaqej have been provided for I ' .s piirachutc troop.* two-piece disclosed earlier today, hais been th* time of the German Inva- of the enemy. Germans a t several placei* were Docks Raided on and also has been ambassa- On House Bids outfits with more space for carrying knife, pistol and grenades Pvt. within 60 kilometers i37.2 mile* i | entrusted to Gen. Gregory K. Zhu- . "I can only give this House one Harwell E. Cooptr, (lefti Gooririclii, T ex, and Pvt. "Thoma.* P. Mc- kov, supplanting Marshal Semeon |ir to Poland and minister to Ire- pledge" he said, "and it is a of the capital. ! nd, told reporters prior to his I Namey, Elmhurst, N. Y . tr\- on the new uniforms at Fort Benning. Timoshenko. pledge I assure them that the gov- da. The break-through wa* made on Five Planes Missing as Zhukov, chief of the Soviet gen- bmmtttee appearance that the CIO Official Seen OPM ernment Is determined to honor. a broad front luring the past few |ou*e*appmved armed ship pro- days- despite bad weather condi- : Result of Attacks; eral staff and commander of tha In ‘'Unlawful (A>iiH|iir^' "We are going to give Ruasla western Army before Moscow, waa Intal "la another step edging us every help in our power by every tion*. the war bulletin said Mos- I North Wales and Mer- praised by Pravda, the Communist ato war by subterfuge." aey' with AFL; Hill- means." cow wa* bombed heavily again party newspaper, aa a "fighting, ex- ] Dtreclly before the committee is He told Common* that even at last night, it added. seyside Nazi Targets. perienced leader” and aa a aoldlsr sly tha repealer of the neutral- man DefendH Part. the expense of the British Army. Steel Gompanies Faee 3 German dispatches earlier had I of "Immenaa energy.” ly act's ban against arming mcr- ♦ equipment was being speeded to reported extremely bad weather along the whole line of battle to- London, Oct. 28.- —British There was no report her* of a itt ships but (^airman Connal- •shtegton, Oct. 23 yp. A ' Russia. new post for Timoshenko. (D„ Tex.) told reportm Coal Strike Prospect day and indicated that the Rus- bombers raided the Rhineland. In- (An authoritetivs soures te avteg amendments drafted to CIO official told a Senate Defense | Be.v*‘rbr«k «lTthe Unlt- sian* were defending Moscow with cluding the Industrial center of I»ndon said Timoshenko had been aden the scope of the leglsla- Inveatlgating Committee today States and British missions to great tenacity. Mannheim, and also attacked transferred to another post but lon. Oonnally advocates the aend- Grip Tightening fiteodll.v that OPM was engaged in "an un- . Moscow had promised Joseph -x'l . o z-* w-v s ■ • "w w a docks In the German-occupied said he could not divulge the natUN ^g of Ateericaa ahlpa wherever lawful conspiracy" with the AFL I Stalin to make up Russia's losses T h re a t to S e v e n rirnifi l|^ r|g |ln iA iVivixlxa Nevertheless, dl^atches from easary in delivering aid to na- the front declared the German grip French porta of L# Havre and of his new assignment. after Sidney Hillman, co-director ; In tanks andnd planes with shipments In ‘Cap‘C anlive* Mine*. • \la - Divided ResponaiMllty lona fighting the Axis. - of OPM, had again defended a from theirr Awnown nrrwtiirtlAnproduction lines.lin*« .Tlllir^n .-%!«• on the Red Armv defenders of the Brest last night, the Air Ministry f After the German Invasion be- W««M Baqnlr* 8,*6$,0O6 Men 'll stabilization agreement with AFL He declared bluntly that the hama Miperfi Remain Soviet capital and the DoneU val- announced today.
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