EDISON^ FORDS SBACON Woodbridjje, Avem-1, Colonia, Fords, Hopelawn, Min, , Port Readto*, SewartB and Editon ,1. LVII - Pi]h[i»ti«ii Weekly Woodbridge, New Jersey, Thursday, October 28, 1965 d M M>I W>P >-•!•• • l-l. I HI! I ••••II I *•*"— ^ *—** '" Turnout Expecte W(K)I)BRID(;E - Two officials (ran the U. S. Depart- meni of Health will visit WoodbridRe within a wnple of weeks to make a final determination an to whether Wnod- li'ulue is the kind of community that CM be used us n ilem- niislr;iiion for the entire country in tte establishment of a wide range of diagnostic clinics for senior citizens in order At Polls Next Tuesday lo prevent old-age diseases. The program has IWTI niitne'l I'reventncare." \ ThV upcoming visit of the honlth official! Is the result of a I up to Washington Tuesday by Busines* Administrator .I,imcs Alloway and Dr. Antoine AtUUa Director ut IIIR Division of Health, where they conferred with Dr. Austin (hum. Director of the (ierontelogical JSrancfa pi the Public llcnlth Service. *,< Campaign Now. Mayor Walter Zirpolo said, the posslBility of n denv unsi ration grant to Woodbridge to help broaden the scope of services at the new Municipal Health Center, In be con •;lmeted near Woodbridge Senior High School, "has taken a Nears si(*|) closer to reality." * WOODBRIDGE - A record I* for a gubernatorial election *<| Met With Willhuin estimated between 75% to »% * Dr. Attalla previously met with Senator Harrison Williams the registered voters - is expe* and his staff to diseufis the jjrant and. its objectives. ed to turn out Tuesday as m "The U, S, Department of Health is interested in learning result of one of the UveUert «M whether residents will attend tho clinics, how they will ar- at the same time puzzling cig* rive and if they do not attend, what meant can he employed paigns ever held in the Towwiip lo persuade them to attend," said Alloway. in an non-presidential year. ' IIKKO HON0KK1); Patrick Antonicllo. Jr., 2M Ciintplx-ll Street, \ViMi<ll>riili:<\ was present- He remarked that the major reason Woodbridge has been The fact that a Governor icj| Hi.- first rltiwn's award Riven hy the WnodhriilKe police Detriment, ;il ccicmcinies held brought into focus is the fart that it will have ;i new, coin be elected will have a great if u morning nt Polire Jleadquartrr«. The 17-yfnroUI Womlhriilite Senior lliuh Ndionl Senior prehensive health center. fluenee on the number of vo*|» ill iMillce in thr oapture i>| two Kunmen who nttfmptcd In hold up L'impert's D.iiry l-;irm store who will appear at the polls. W- K.ihway Avenue Avenrl, October 1J. Pollen Mreclni JHMIIII A. I',:\]-,\K<\ mid Mayor Walter Sizeable Figure catty, the campaign, which is ga» ,ln iMciented » plnque to the yoiinn man. Left lo rtght, Mr. (inlnssi, Mr. Anlnnlelln, the mayor erally between Democrats afld "Although no dollar amount was attached to the grant as IK ilni.in ll.irnld Mnrlennen. Republicans, has been somewfil yet,"' the mayor remarked, "it could be a sizeable figure. confused with coalition and Mi Dr. Attalla said he was pleased with the outcome of the pendent candidates. * initial meeting. Actually, he explained, the demonstraun PoQs In the Township wilt 1w grant, if approved for Woodbridge, will be a massive screen Air Pollutirn Session openbetweaiTandBP. M., and ing program, with the examinations of persons over 45 for all regular piling places wiD bi cardiovascular diseases, Glaucoma. Tuberculosis and Dia- used. A list of the polling pfatt* betes, to name a few, TI P-YKAK SAtKTY RKCOltl): A million man hour*, covwtag I l»M of over 12 year* <A «f«ty will be hand In a legal «<«• without a lost-time accMent is Ihe record of Ihr Anierfeaii Cy«D«mid Compwty'l flant »<» CMfit etawhm h thb issue, i [ayors Confer ;rc Today Dock Roaii, WoodbrWg*. Minve (lov. Richard Hu Rhw In shown ye»»wdiy presenting the (iovernor*! lo the nbenatorial tan, <k» Award to three o( Mie plant personnel. I^ft to right. «M, WrferilBg, plant wrfety M|iiie«; Fi«l emor Rfctord J. Hu«bei k Fire District Hits Plans Kinhorn, J7year employee; I'hillip Kiffe, plant manager; UM Govcnor and Mayor Walter ZirpoJo, ing rwtofte and it being IDHHIDCR —Several may-'-—*-—' "• posed Hr the ReptWen i their representatives havve i date, Senator Wayae Dumont, V(I I hey will attend a meet' For Colonia High School For the portVmi of State Sena* hi o'clock this morning ton, John A. Lynch, Democrat, COU)NIA - The Board of Fire kp Building call>-d b^Highway y Coiftmissioner has Albert L. Ichal» Commissioners of District 5- f Walter '/irpolo in his lame Mr. Bihler said vesirrday that CyanamidCo. for hJg opponent, AV Avenol-Colonia-in a letter to Wil- Large Vote Urged J. Sdward CrabW, V of Joseph Soporowski,, ' a meeting had been j air pollution con-; Sending Report On Rt. jliam Bihler, president of the with Colonia Fire Conpuiy last .-dor and president o the1 W0ODBM0GE - Mayor Wai. .Board of Education, urged the night, and undoubtedly iho mntGet- s Coveted iM Cooperative <'<»in-,l» Zirpol*^»*rdfromSUle Hlgh- JiH'ation body to take steps to ter would be discussed. How-! Air Pollution Control, to way Conw*«oner Dwight R. G. CivM i4/WIDfirfWvisc its present plans for theever, at press time, no,o«e c«»ld Mayor Asks * yy Colonia be reached for eomrn<«it/ I Safety Award amhr it re«ardfc« Improve to provide plans for "in- *ft#^ fe U« '« n'gi-f •-, and egress to,the site." Signed by Dominic Pichalski, Of United Team! At Wl»t irk*G at ^j thatMr. Pair, publican, back CUP ;inl ,1. Hughes praised the unique Palmer is sending president and William H, BefflyJ Keasbey P. (). iyor fm calling to* meetin£iluni : report tubmitted by Stile critics today who hiive attacked safely performance of the New i'\ but the mayor. enclose : him for supporli'tt; I lie candidacy secretary, the letter stated "if Jersey chemical industry as us sights on tbe creating, "I wilLiWIy the report which of Joseph Nemyo for Councilman-!the present plans are allowed t< lied by the 12-year continuing re- the «« cord of the Woodbrklue plant of EyankoBacks cr Ironj; intercommunity agon-'should nt in the maB today or 'it-I-artfe • stam} as -^ m fjre vcihic-Ies wil fcpponeuta (inn the :iir pollution haltl'1 tomorrow", the mayor said, "then He said lie |»rsonally was American Cyanumid Company V. Rockott, Rlciwrd A. , have to take a circuitous route KEASBEY - The site ol the w hen he addressed plant em WOODBIUDGE - As the campaign reaches the deadline, imiinciivil boundaries, for I will meet with Mr. P.ilmer with- acquainted "with both nar'ty can- w hen he addressed plant e Donald Konwki, WilUam B, via Inman Avenue in order to, naw Keasbey Post Office Ims tm-pioyees, guests, and company oii sides today urged a large turnout of voters—something that is al- state has nvmy.jn the n«xt 10 days to atteinpt'i if I am su-e that one Lowande. ally Iwen approved by th< Pustlficials during his visit yesterday! most certain since tfil is a gubernatorial year 'iidiisrries from which to resolve the matter." I candidate would make a better reach the site, which is over 80 The Demomto are backkig em.m itc. Mr. Soporowski The improvements thai have public servant than the other per cent in our fire district." Office Department, ;-i<vording to to present the Governor's safety Evanko-Binler Pita Zirpolo Appeal Robot H. Jamison lor nafectk* lh.it iIn- council, at been sought by the mayor include;||i i f , | ,| , j ( t f ( a telephone message received to-;award. "We certainly are looking for- Mayor Walter Zirpolo appealed at Steifl. Tr* OOP Mtt en t c s my ( u y 0 orge "We suggest that the School day by The Independent '- nut an enforcim; the widening and redesiKnint! »f,party lines and vntj [or the best p j Cyanamid'Cyanamids local plant became ward to the election of William :oday for a record vote for the Board study a means of access to for the pa* ii Waitelr K. u mi-rely a forum for the "jiitfliandle" at Ford Avenue,;man from Representative Edward ] lhe 33rd facilitfili y outt of 16,00160000 Bihler as coalition candidate," full team of Democratic candid- ford. Patten (D-26th District iif action." to prevent the backup of traffic, the site off New Dover Koad !eligible New Jersey business es- declared John Evanko, Repub- ates in tte election Tuesday w "They tell me tliat with over ta tte FrateMw rac«, N» i! ;imiouiKV(l that may coming off the parkway into Men-i that will make it possible for our The post office will be at .152 458 blishrhents to receive the unique lican Municipal Chairman, in a hat this administration can exthree Democrats are up for i» In Crows n i-epresentntives will I" Park Terrace. ; ... fire vehicles to be at the scene rows Mill Koad on propertty award" sinc"" e i't was initiated" i 'n final statement today. pand its program of achievement election - Jo«eph R. Costa, Join who owned in.iu Highland Park, He is also asking lor widening I™. T,^ , by ('hartes Ludwi|>g, l,ib- 1953. The Governor noted fliat for Woodbridge." He stressed A. Phfflrpa, John J. Fay, Jr. Tta JI lias the ability or qualifications to in the minimum amount of time Mr.
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