Virginia Generalscorecard Assembly Conservation 2011 Virginia League of Conservation Voters ould you be surprised to learn that challenged and seldom have to address substantive You don’t score points with voters for dropping ninety-one percent of Virginians policy issues. Fewer and fewer voters are engaged the ball on their quality of life! I urge you to take across the state say the environ- in the electoral process and don’t turn out to vote. some time to review the voting records of your Wment is important to them? According to the And the cycle perpetuates itself. representatives. As in other years, many bills latest survey designed by Dr. Quentin Kidd of This is an election year for all 140 House and were killed in subcommittee or failed to receive Christopher Newport University, nearly three- Senate legislative seats in Virginia. At the time of a recorded full committee vote but VALCV staff fifths say environmental protections are generally publication, we do not know if the Virginia line- has carefully selected votes from what was avail- good for the economy. I certainly hope our elected drawing will be approved, but we do know that able. Any vote that appears in our Scorecard grid officials receive copies of this report because it our challenge will be to educate, advocate, and was a bill that we lobbied and on which we com- may convince them that voters do not demon- mobilize on behalf of conservation. Most Virgin- municated our position. ize environmental protections like some special ians do not swing to extremes. They may not be We hope that you will value our Scorecard as an interest groups would have them believe. While wrapped in the flag picketing the capitol building essential accountability tool. On behalf of the de-funding government receives a lot of media on clean water and land conservation but they VALCV Board of Directors, Advisory Council, attention now, our Virginia citizens consistently know they have much to protect in our beauti- and staff, I thank you for joining us in our efforts say that they would be willing to pay more for ful Commonwealth and they feel the weight of to lobby and “keep score” as we elevate conserva- environmentally sound practices and products. previous generations who laid the cornerstone on tion as a top priority in Virginia. More than three-fifths say they would pay higher preservation. fees to clean-up the Chesapeake Bay! We want our legislators to learn about what mat- Lisa M. Guthrie So why does this disconnect exist between the ters in Virginia and to make those concerns their Executive Director values of citizens and the voting records of some priorities. We grow impatient when our environ- Virginia League of Conservation Voters elected officials? Some of the tone-deafness can ment becomes a partisan political football with be attributed to partisan gerrymandering. When which points are attempted for national notoriety. the majority party can draw lines to protect incumbents rather than to reflect the interests of a community, competitive districts become an endangered species. Candidates are often not DearVirginia ConservationVoter Sandbridge/Back Bay Border at Sunrise by Paul Showalter of Williamsburg. Courtesy of Scenic Virginia. our purpose and renewable energy as well as sweeping trans- a proud tradition worth portation reform came before lawmakers for their preserving The Virginia League of Conservation Voters consideration this session. The issue of redistrict- (VALCV) is the non-partisan political action We Virginians cherish our heritage. We also ing was also an extremely important component voice of Virginia’s conservation community. love our land. We all want clean air, clean water, to this legislative session. Together, this legislation VALCV takes its franchise from the local, protection of our farmland and forests, and pres- has a sweeping impact on the quality of life all regional and state conservation groups that define ervation of our historical landmarks. Too often, Virginians are able to enjoy. our issues and priorities. Because most of these however, our government has allowed our history groups have a 501(c)(3) non-profit status, and We believe that environmentally concerned citi- to be paved over, our air and waters to become therefore cannot engage in electoral politics, we zens represent a huge potential force in electoral polluted, and our productive land to be wasted by undertake that effort on their behalf. politics. In fact, many candidates across Virginia poorly planned development. Virginia deserves have begun addressing the concerns of conserva- VALCV’s mission is to preserve and enhance the elected officials who are responsive to the people tion voters like never before. Too often, however, quality of life for all Virginians by making con- and the needs of the environment. We must urge candidates for elected office are not asked by the servation a top priority with Virginia’s elected our elected officials to accept the challenge to public or the media to articulate their positions officials, political candidates and voters. protect Virginia’s natural resources, our abun- on conservation issues. We must continue to show dant wildlife, and our irreplaceable historic sites. The 2011 General Assembly session showed that that conservation concerns such as sprawl, the Virginians care about the integrity of the Com- our legislative priorities extend beyond the typical quality of our drinking water, the disposal of our monwealth that is left to our children; our elected environmental areas of concern like air and water waste, and the sanctity of our remaining open officials should too. quality. Legislation targeting energy efficiency spaces are increasingly important issues to voters. What’s Inside 2011 Legislative Heroes ................................... 2 General Assembly Highlights ............................ 6 Scorecard Vote Key ..........................................10 Who Carried Good and Bad Bills in 2011? ..... 13 DearVirginia ConservationVoter 2011 Legislator Scores ....................... 17 and 20 Sandbridge/Back Bay Border at Sunrise by Paul Showalter of Williamsburg. Courtesy of Scenic Virginia. - Conservation Scorecard ur Legislative Heroes show special dedication to conservation priori- ties. Nine Senators and 25 Delegates voted the right way every time on the bills VALCV selected for the 2011 Scorecard. These legisla- Otors deserve a special show of support for their hard work, integrity, and dedica- tion to environmental concerns—especially when that is the toughest vote. 011 Senator John S. Senator Janet D. Senator Mamie E. Senator L. Louise Senator David W. Edwards Howell Locke Lucas Marsden Senator A. Donald Senator John C. Senator Yvonne B. Senator Richard L. McEachin Miller Miller Saslaw Legislative heroes 011 Number of legislators who 34 scored 100% Del. Robin A. Abbott Del. Kenneth C. Del. Robert H. Brink Del. David L. Alexander notable number Bulova - Conservation Scorecard 3 Del. Betsy B. Carr Del. Adam P. Ebbin Del. David L. Del. Eileen Filler- Del. Charniele L. Del. Patrick A. Hope Del. Mark. L. Keam Englin Corn Herring Del. Kaye Kory Del. Jennifer L. Del. Delores L. Del. Paula J. Miller Del. Joseph D. Del. Kenneth R. Del. James M. Scott McClellan McQuinn Morrissey Plum Del. Mark D. Sickles Del. Scott A. Surovell Del. Luke E. Torian Del. David J. Toscano Del. Jeion A. Ward Del. Onzlee Ware Del. Vivian E. Watts 4 - Conservation Scorecard y picking up this Scorecard, you’ve taken will be gearing up, with many more conservation an important step toward protecting Vir- bills for your legislators to consider. Use the legis- Legislative Heroes 100% Voting Record for 2011 ginia’s environment. Knowing how your lative district maps and directory listed later in Senate Party District legislators vote on key bills is a key step toward the Scorecard to identify and contact your del- B Edwards D 21 holding them accountable and making conserva- egate and senator. If you can’t tell where your Howell D 32 tion a top priority in Virginia government. Our district is, you can use the “Who’s My Legislator” Locke D 2 Lucas D 18 011 annual Conservation Scorecard records the most utility on the General Assembly’s website important conservation votes of each legisla- (http://legis.state.va.us). Marsden D 37 McEachin D 9 tive year and is distributed to VALCV members, Special appreciation is certainly due for our Miller, J. D 1 Virginia environmental organizations, elected Legislative Heroes—Senators and Delegates who Miller, Y.B. D 5 officials at every level, and the news media. Now had 100% conservation voting records. This year, Saslaw D 35 in its twelfth year, the Conservation Scorecard 25 Delegates and nine Senators are on the list. House Party District Abbott D 93 has become the authoritative source on Virginia’s Legislators in the Top Quartile list and those who Alexander D 89 environmental politics. patroned good conservation bills deserve recogni- Brink D 48 As a legislative watchdog, VALCV tracks voting tion and thanks as well. (See these charts on pages Bulova D 37 records on key environmental, growth and funding 5 and 13). Carr D 69 Ebbin D 49 proposals in the General Assembly. During each ses- Our legislators will be much more likely to Englin D 45 sion we work hard to make sure legislators hear loud respond favorably to future requests if you take Filler-Corn D 41 and clear from the conservation voters in their dis- a moment now to let them know you value their Herring D 46 tricts. Then at session’s end we publish this Conserva- past efforts, especially on tough issues. And it’s Hope D 47 tion Scorecard to help voters distinguish between even more important that you let your legislators Keam D 35 the rhetoric and the reality of a lawmaker’s record. know you read the Conservation Scorecard and Kory D 38 McClellan D 71 care about their performance on conservation it’s not too late to say thanks! McQuinn D 70 issues.
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