Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 4633–4636, 2012 www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/16/4633/2012/ Hydrology and doi:10.5194/hess-16-4633-2012 Earth System © Author(s) 2012. CC Attribution 3.0 License. Sciences Preface “Water, climate, and vegetation: ecohydrology in a changing world” L. Wang1,2, J. Liu3, G. Sun4, X. Wei5, S. Liu6, and Q. Dong7 1Department of Earth Sciences, Indiana University – Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI), Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA 2Water Research Center, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney NSW, 2052, Australia 3School of Nature Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, 100083, China 4Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center, USDA Forest Service, Raleigh, NC 27606, USA 5Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of British Columbia (Okanagan campus), 3333 University way, Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7, Canada 6Research Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, 100091, China 7Fort Collins Science Center, USGS, Fort Collins, CO 80526, USA Correspondence to: L. Wang ([email protected]) Ecohydrology has advanced rapidly in the past few (Liu and Yang, 2010). We foresee that ecohydrologists will decades. A search of the topic “ecohydrology” in the Web be increasingly called upon to address questions regarding of Science showed an exponential growth of both publica- vegetation and climate changes and their influence on water tions and citations. The number of publications and citations security at a range of spatial and temporal scales in the future. increased from 7 and 6, respectively in 2000 to 65 and 1262 This special issue is a product of three ecohydrology ses- by 26 November 2012 (Fig. 1). Even with slightly different sions at the 8th International Association of Landscape Ecol- focus and definitions among scientists, ecohydrology is es- ogy (IALE) World Congress in Beijing, 2011. The arti- sentially a science dealing with the interactions between eco- cles address recent advances in the understanding of the in- logical and hydrological processes (e.g. Kundzewicz, 2002). teractions among climate, water, biogeochemistry and land Different from traditional hydrology, ecohydrology focuses management practices, such as afforestation and ecological more on the “eco-” component. Many recent ecohydrologi- restoration. The spatial scales of these articles range from cal studies have focused on the climate–soil–vegetation inter- plot to regional scales. In particular, this special issue fo- actions in natural ecosystems (e.g. Rodriguez-Iturbe, 2000; cuses on the following three aspects of recent advances in D’Odorico et al., 2010; Miller et al., 2012). Changes in nat- ecohydrological science: ural (e.g. droughts and floods) and anthropogenic (e.g. land 1. New understanding of the consequences of anthro- use changes and population growth) drivers will undoubtedly pogenic activities (e.g. deforestation, water manage- affect hydrological cycles and water availability in all natu- ment) and climate change on water cycles, water qual- ral and managed ecosystems (Jackson et al., 2009). A better ity and biogeochemical dynamics under various geo- understanding of mechanism and consequence of changes in graphical and socioeconomical conditions. For exam- hydrological processes on ecosystems and societies will in- ple, Zhang et al. (2012) evaluated the effects of planta- crease our ability to develop effective adaptation strategies tion expansion on streamflow regimes for 15 catchments to minimize the adverse effects of hydrological alternations in Australia, with sizes ranging from 0.6 to 1136 km2. (Vose et al., 2011). Ecohydrological science in both natural They showed that catchments with perennial stream- and human-dominated landscapes is therefore needed to help flow showed relatively uniform reductions after plan- solve many of the immediate needs of modern environmen- tation expansions, whereas catchments with ephemeral tal and resource issues, especially water and food shortages streamflow showed more dramatic reductions in low Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union. 1 Figure legend 2 3 Figure 1. The number of publications and citations based on the keyword “ecohydrology” 4634 L. Wang et al.: Preface “Water, climate, and vegetation: ecohydrology in a changing world” 4 from the Web of Science as of November 26 2012. 5 Fig. 1. The number6 ofFigure publications 1 and citations based on the keyword “ecohydrology” from the Web of Science as of 26 November 2012. 7 flows. Wang et al. (2012) synthesized the critical issues to simulate hydrological effects of restoring vegetation 8 in global drylands facing climate change such as pop- in the Loess Plateau of China. This study showed that ulation growth,9 agriculture and food security, desertifi- antecedent moisture condition should be explicitly in- cation and bush encroachment, and discussed the devel- corporated into the prediction of runoff production, and opment of research tools to address these critical issues. runoff should be included in predicting event based soil Meng et al. (2012) examined the impacts of the oa- loss. Sutanto et al. (2012) evaluated multiple meth- sis interior heterogeneity on the oasis self-maintenance ods to partition evaporation into plant transpiration, soil mechanism by using the mesoscale model and satellite evaporation and canopy interception using hydromet- observations. They concluded that the changes of oa- ric measurements, modeling, and stable isotope anal- sis heterogeneity influenced the surface heat-flux par- yses. Wang et al. (2012a) used the physically-based titioning. Z. L. Gao et al. (2012) analyzed the trends distributed hydrologic model, MIKESHE, to contrast of streamflow, sediment load and their dynamic rela- a lumped calibration protocol that uses data measured tions for the catchments in the middle reaches of the at one single outlet to a multi-site calibration method Yellow River during the past five decades. The au- which employed stream flow measurements at three thors identified three types of responses in streamflow, separate stations within the large Chaohe River basin sediment load, and their dynamic relations for transi- in northern China. They conclude that it is necessary to tion zone catchments, rocky mountain catchments and employ a multi-site calibration protocol to reduce pre- loess hilly-gully catchments. Using a monthly scale diction errors in order to account for the different hydro- water balance model, Caldwell et al. (2012) evaluated logical processes of heterogeneous watersheds. Sun et the impacts of impervious cover, water withdrawals, al. (2012) examined the relationships between vegeta- and climate change on river flows in the conterminous tion activities and ecosystem water balance (i.e. a grow- US and showed integrated and spatially explicit mod- ing season water deficit index) based8 on the Normal- eling and management approaches are necessary to ef- ized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and found fectively manage water resources for aquatic life and that warming and water deficit exert counteracting con- human use under the influences of global change. trols on vegetation activity. 2. Advances in new tools in ecohydrological research, 3. Case studies on the effects of environmental and anthro- such as integrated simulation models, remote sensing, pogenic perturbations on ecohydrological fluxes. For process-based models, isotopic methods, and eddy flux example, water footprint is an indicator of water con- techniques. Zakharova et al. (2012) retrieved soil mois- sumption that includes both direct and indirect water ture and vegetation optical depth (VOD) by analyz- use, and is defined as the total volume of freshwater ing the results of Cooperative Airborne Radiometer used to produce the goods and services consumed by for Ocean and Land Studies (CAROLS) air-borne L- an individual or a community. Zeng et al. (2012) as- band data. The high resolution data will be interest- sessed the water footprint at a river basin level using ing for both hydrological and biogeochemical commu- a case study for the Heihe River Basin in northwest nities. G. Y. Gao et al. (2012) coupled the modified China. Zhang and Wei (2012) analyzed the cumulative Soil Conservation Service curve number (SCS-CN) and effects of forest disturbance on streamflow in a large Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) models watershed in the central interior of British Columbia, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 4633–4636, 2012 www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/16/4633/2012/ L. Wang et al.: Preface “Water, climate, and vegetation: ecohydrology in a changing world” 4635 Canada. Their results showed that changes can occur The majority of the papers in this volume were derived from in opposite directions in streamflow due to the complex studies in the drylands where water stress is the most ob- interactions of forest disturbance and climatic variabil- vious and the ecosystems are the most vulnerable to global ity. This study suggested an offsetting effect between changes. However, the articles reflect the rapid development the forest change and climate change, with the absolute in all aspects of ecohydrological sciences across several con- influential strength of forest disturbance (increase in tinents. More importantly, these studies raise awareness of flow) overriding that from climate variability (decrease the impacts of various climate change components on ecohy- in flow). Yang et al. (2012) studied spatial
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