Twentieth Australasian Weeds Conference Developing additional herbicide control options for rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora R.Br.) Shane D. Campbell and Dannielle A. Brazier Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Tropical Weeds Research Centre, PO Box 187, Charters Towers, Queensland 4820, Australia ([email protected]) Summary Herbicide control of rubber vine (Cryp- along with its classification as a Weed of National tostegia grandiflora R.Br.), a Weed of National Sig- Significance (Doak and Deveze 2004). A large body of nificance in Australia, can be effectively achieved in research has been undertaken into the impacts, ecology most situations using a range of chemicals and various and control of this weed over the last 30 years (Tom- techniques, including basal bark, cut stump, foliar and ley 1995, Grice 1996, Palmer and Vogler 2012). This aerial applications. Nevertheless control in areas with has resulted in the identification of effective control poor access and with native vegetation still poses dif- options for different densities and situations, includ- ficulties for some land managers, particularly doing ing the individual and integrated use of biocontrol, so in a cost effective manner. chemical, and mechanical techniques and the use of The successful incorporation of low-volume fire (Doak and Deveze 2004, Palmer and Vogler 2012). high-concentration herbicide applications into control In recent years low-volume high-concentration programs for several woody weeds in recent years herbicide applications (e.g. splatter guns) have become prompted further testing of this technique for control increasingly used in Queensland as an effective option of rubber vine. The efficacy of single rates of four for controlling some other woody weeds in difficult herbicides plus a combination of two herbicides was to access areas, such as lantana (Lantana camara L.), compared against an untreated control. The herbicide bellyache bush (Jatropha gossypiifolia L.) and Siam treatments tested contained the active ingredients ami- weed (Chromolaena odorata (L.) King & Robinson) nopyralid/metsulfuron-methyl (375/300 g a.i. kg−1), (Somerville et al. 2011, Brooks et al. 2014). The use metsulfuron-methyl (600 g a.i. kg−1), metsulfuron- of low-volume high-concentration applications has methyl + glyphosate (600 + 360 g a.i. kg−1), triclopyr/ been tested previously (1980s) on rubber vine using picloram (300/100 g a.i. kg−1) and triclopyr/picloram/ sprinkler sprayers, with two chemicals found to be ef- aminopyralid (200/100/25 g a.i. kg−1). fective (picloram/2,4-D and dicamba) (Harvey 1987). Two years after application, triclopyr/picloram was Despite its effectiveness, this technology was not the only treatment to have given 100% mortality, but widely adopted by landholders for control of rubber statistically it was not significantly different (P >0.05) vine, with a preference for other options such as the to aminopyralid/metsulfuron-methyl, metsulfuron- use of fire, foliar spraying, cut stump and basal bark methyl or triclopyr/picloram/aminopyralid, which av- applications and ground applied residual herbicides eraged between 82–91% mortality. The metsulfuron- where permissible (Doak and Deveze 2004). With methyl + glyphosate treatment performed poorly (49% an increased range of herbicides and advances in mortality): this appears to be associated with some technology since then, a screening trial commenced in antagonistic effect given that metsulfuron-methyl 2014 to evaluate the use of splatter guns for applying on its own performed much better. Based on these low-volume high-concentration herbicide applications results, two more trials have been initiated to refine on rubber vine. rates for metsulfuron-methyl and triclopyr/picloram and to compare low-volume high-concentration ap- MATERIALS AND METHODS plications against traditional foliar spraying using A randomised complete block experiment was imple- the same herbicide (triclopyr/picloram) (in terms of mented on a cattle property about 20 km east of Mount efficacy and cost). Surprise, north Queensland. The site comprised a light Keywords Chemical, splatter gun, weed. to medium density infestation of mainly free standing rubber vine (i.e. not climbing up trees) growing in open INTRODUCTION eucalypt woodland on basalt derived soil. Rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora R.Br.) is one There were six treatments in total each replicated of the most problematic weeds in northern Australia three times using a randomised complete block design. which has led to its declaration throughout Australia, Single rates of four herbicides plus a combination of 284 Twentieth Australasian Weeds Conference two herbicides were compared against an untreated RESULTS control (Table 1). Experimental units comprised Two years after application, triclopyr/picloram was clusters of 15 medium-sized rubber vine plants. All the only treatment to have given 100% mortality, but selected plants were of the shrub form with those statistically it was not significantly different (P >0.05) growing as vines (i.e. climbing up neighbouring to aminopyralid/metsulfuron-methyl, metsulfuron- trees) excluded. Selected plants were also a minimum methyl or triclopyr/picloram/aminopyralid, which of 4 m apart from each other to minimise the risk of averaged between 82–91% mortality (Figure 1). The spray drift. metsulfuron-methyl + glyphosate treatment performed On the day before treatments were implemented, poorly (49% mortality). Some mortality (9%) of con- the height, basal diameter and width of the canopy of trol plants was recorded but this tended to be smaller all tagged rubber vine plants was measured. An esti- plants and was still significantly less than any of the mate of the percentage leaf cover and whether plants herbicide treatments (Figure 1). were flowering and/or podding was also recorded. The rubber vine plants were on average 2.02 ± 0.03 DISCUSSION m high, with a basal diameter of 6.4 ± 0.2 cm and a In this study, low-volume high-concentration applica- canopy width of 2.19 ± 0.04 m. Leaf cover averaged 80 tions of triclopyr/picloram were able to provide 100% ± 2% and 99% and 56% of the plants were flowering mortality of medium sized rubber vine plants that and podding, respectively. There was no evidence of a were growing in the shrub form. Although the equip- leaf rust (Maravalia cryptostegiae (Cummins)) being ment and herbicide used was different, the findings present at the time. are consistent with an earlier study by Harvey (1987) Treatments were implemented between the 10–12 who achieved high mortality using a sprinkler sprayer March 2014. They were applied using a manually to apply low-volume high-concentration applications operated ‘Forestmaster’ applicator (N.J. Phillips®) set of 2,4-D/picloram and dicamba. Surprisingly, the to deliver 20 mL shots via an ‘adjustable cone’ nozzle. metsulfuron-methyl + glyphosate treatment performed For each experimental unit, two litres of solution was poorly (49% mortality) and appears to be associated prepared, which included the selected chemical (Table with some antagonistic effect given that metsulfuron- 1) plus 2 mL per L of the non-ionic wetter/spreader/ methyl on its own performed significantly better (82% penetrant Pulse® (Nufarm) (1020 g L−1 polyether modi- mortality). fied polysiloxane) and 1 mL per L of red Spraymate™ Since this initial study, two other trials have Spray Marker Dye (150 g L−1 Rhodamine B). been initiated to refine rates for triclopyr/picloram Spraying was undertaken in accord with the and metsulfuron-methyl and to compare low-volume herbicide labels for Picloram + Triclopyr 400 and high-concentration applications (in terms of efficacy Stinger™, with 10 mL of mixture applied per metre and cost) against traditional foliar spraying using the squared of surface area of the plant. On average, each same herbicide (triclopy/picloram). In the rate refine- plant received 36 ± 1.5 mm of herbicide mixture. ment trial, triclopyr/picloram has been included to Table 1. Herbicide treatments implemented on rubber vine using low-volume high-concentration applications. Herbicide mix Active ingredient rate Herbicide trade name Active ingredient (g a.i. kg−1 or L−1) rate (g a.i. L−1) Brush-Off® metsulfuron-methyl (600 g kg−1) 2 g L−1 1.2 Brush-Off® metsulfuron-methyl (600 g kg−1) 2 g L−1 1.2 + + + + Weedmaster® Duo glyphosate (360 g L−1) 100 mL L−1 36 Picloram + Triclopyr 400 triclopyr/picloram (300/100 g L−1) 50 mL L−1 15/5 Stinger™ aminopryalid/metsulfuron-methyl 4 g L−1 1.5/1.2 (375/300 g L−1) Tordon™ RegrowthMaster triclopyr/picloram/aminopyralid 50 mL L−1 10/5/1.25 (200/100/25 g L−1) Control 285 Twentieth Australasian Weeds Conference Figure 1. Effect of herbicide treatments on plant mortality (%) of rubber vine 24 months after treatment. Vertical bars with the same letter are not significantly different from each other (P >0.05). see if lower rates than that used in the current study that escapes being sprayed, by being out of the reach will still provide high efficacy. Given its low cost, of the sprayer and the equipment being used, does not metsulfuron-methyl was also included to determine appear to be affected allowing the plant to remain alive. whether slightly higher rates would increase mortality. The results in this study are applicable to small to While still in the early stages, preliminary observa- medium sized rubber vine plants that are not climbing tions of these trials suggest that mortality will be lower up trees and where the infestation is still at a density than the initial study. Differences in plant density may where the whole surface of individual plants is as- be a contributing factor and will be explored further sessable for spraying. In such situations, the findings if this trend continues. from studies on other weeds (lantana and Siam weed) The level of infection from a leaf rust (M. crypto- suggest that whilst the amount of herbicide used may stegiae) will need to be monitored by land managers be slightly higher (Thompson 2013) than high-volume interested in using low-volume high-concentration foliar applications, the time taken to treat plants will applications for control of rubber vine.
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