SGOth Quartermaster Company (Cam. 174th Replacement Company, Army Alr posite). Forces (Provisional) . 3BOth Station Hospital. 374th Service Squadron. 36lst Coast Artlllery Transport Detach. 374th Trwp Carrier Group, Headqllar- ment. ters. 36lst Station Hospital. 375th Troop Carrier Omup, Headquar- 3626 Coast Artillery Transport De ter& tachxnent 376th Serviee Squabon. 362d Quartermaster Service Company. 377th Quartermaster Truck Company. 3E2d Station Hospital. 378th Medical Service Detachment. 3636 Coast Artillery Transport Detach 380th Bombardment Group (Heavy), ment Headquarters. 3638 Station Hospital. B82d Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic 364th Coast Artillery Transport Detach Weapons Battalion. ment. 383d Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic 364th Station Hospital. Weapons Battalion. 365th Coast Artillery Transport Detach 383d Avintion-Squadron. ment. 3&?d Medical Service @ompany. 365th Harbor Craft Company, Trans 383d Quartermaster Truck Company. portation Coma 384th Quartermaster Truck Company. 366th Coast Artillery Transport Detach 385th Medical Servlce Detachment. ment 380th Service Squadron. mth Harbor Craft Company. Trans 387th Port Battalion, Transportation portation Corps. Corps. Headqunrters and Headquar- 367th Coast Artillery Transport Detach ters Detachment. ment 388th Service squadron. 367th Harbor Craft Company, Trans 389th Antiaircrnft Artlllery Automatic portation Cams. Weapons Battalion. 868th Harbor Craft Company, Trans 380th Quartermaster Truck Company. portation Corps. 389th Servlce Squadron. 36Qth Harbor Crnft Company, Trans 391st Avlation Squadron. portation Corps. 391st Engineer Depot Company. 369th Quartermaster Laundry Corn 39% Service Squadron. paw. 394th Port Battalion. Headquarters 870th Harbor Craft Company, mane and Headqnartcrs Detachment. portation Corps. 396th Antlaircraft Artillery Automatic 370th Ordnance Motor Vehicle Assembl. Weapons Battalion. Company. 3gSth Medical Collecting Commny. 370th Quartermaster Bakery Compnn) 386th Medical Serdco Detachment. 397th Medical Service Detachment 870th Replacement Company, Army Ai 308th Medical Collecting Company. Worces (Provisional). 398th Signal Company (Avlation). 310th Service Squadron. 398th Wedical Collecting Company. 371st Replacement Company. Army Ai 400th Medlcal Collecting CompanY. Forces (Provisional). 402d Wlarla Smvey Unit. 372d Replacement Company, Amy Ai 403d Troop carrier Group, Headguar- Forces (Provisional). ters. 3736 Port Battalion, Transportatlo. 404th Englneer ComPnnY. Corps, Headquarters and Headqua1 404th Signal Company (Aviation). ters Detachment. 405th Signal Company (Aviation). 378d Replacement Company, Army Al 407th Medical Collecting Company. Forces (Provisional). 408th Medical Collecting Company. AGO 296lB 408th Service Sqnndron. 432d Port Company, Transportation 4WJth Medical Collecting Dompany. Corps. 400th Ser~iceSquadron. 433d Troops Carrler Group, Headquar- 410th Medical Collecting Company. ters. 410th Ortinnilre (Medium) Dlninte- 434th Army Service Forces Band. nance Company. Beth Aviation Squadron. 410th Signal Company (Aviation), 436th Signal (Heavy) Construction 411th Bugineer Base Shop Battalion. Battalion (Aviation). 411th Medical Collectiug Company. 137th Aviation Squadron. 412th Xedical Collecting Company. 13Yth Engineer Dewt Cumpany. 412th Quartermaster Platoon Air De- 140th Signal (Heavy) Construction pot Group. Bnllalion (Aviation). 412th Signal Radar Mailltcnarice Unit. 141s Engineer Depot Company. 413rh Quartermaster Platoon, Air 412d Counter Intelligence Corps De- Depot Group. tachment. 413th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit. 142d Signal (Heavy) Construction Bat- 4i4th Engineer Dump Truck Company. talion (Aviation). 414th Sigllal Radar iifaintenauee Unit. 145th Counter Inteliigence Corps De- 115th Army Service Forces Rand. tachment. 415th Quartermaster Platoon, Bir De- 446th Counter Intelligence Corps De- pot Group. tachmeut. 415th Signal Compay (Aviation). 147th Counter Intelligence Corps De- 415th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit. tachment. 416th Army Service Forces Band. 447th Engineer Rase Depot Company. 41ELh Signal Radar Maintenance Unit. M8th Counter Sutelligence Corps De- 417th Army Service Forces Band. taclimeot. 417th Bombardment Group (Ljght) 44))l.h Cuunter Intelligence Corps De- Heddquarters. tachment. 417th Signal Radar Maintenance Unit. 550th Counter Inteliigerlce CorIJS De- 418th Night H'ighter Squadron. tachmcnt. 419th Niiht Fighter Squadron. 451st Counter Intelligence Corps De 420th Quartermaster Bakery Company. tachment. 421st Night Fighter Squadron. 152d Counter Intelligence Corps De- 424th Medical Collecting Company. tachment. 425th Quartermasler Platoon, Air De- 453d Counter Intelligwce Corps De- pot Group. tachment. 427th Port Company, Transwrtation l53d Engineer Depot Company. Corps. 1a3d Qnilrtemaster Platoon, Air Depot 427th Quartermaster Platoon, Air Dc- Group. pot Group. I54th Counter Intelligence Corps De- 428th. Port Company, Transportation tachment. Corps. 155th Aviation Squadron. 429th Port Company, Transportation 155th Counter Intelligence Corps De- Corps. tachmcnt. 429th Signal (Heavy) Construction 155th Service Squadron. Battalion (Aviation), Company B. 456th Counter Intelligence Corps De- 429th Signal (Heavy) Construction tachment. Battalion. 157th Counter Intelligence Corps De- 430th Port Company. Transpartation tachment. Corps. 168th Aviation Squadron. 431st Port Company, Tr~nsportiition SSth Counter Intelligence Corps De- Corps. tachment. AGO 29GiB 459th Counter Intelligence Corps De 178th Counter Intelligence Corps De tachmrot. tachment. 4FZd Parachute Field Artillery Bat- 178th Service Squadron. talion. 178th Countcr Intelligence Carps De- 464th Amphihian Truck Company. tachment. 464th Engineer Depot Company. USth Service Squadron. 4%th Amphibian Truck Company. 180th Counter Intelligence Corps De- 4Gth Field Artillery Battalion (&inch tachment. Howitzer) (Tractor Drawn). 180th ServIce Squadron. 406th Amphibian Truck Company. 18lst Counter Intelligence Corps De- 466th Antinireraft Artillery Automatic tachment Weapons Battalion. i81st Quartermaster Platoon, Air Depot 466th Quartermaster Trwk Company. Group. 467th Quartermaster Truck Company. L81st Quartermaster Rebigerntion Com- 468th Antiaircraft Arlillery Antomxtic pany (Mobile). Weapons Battalion. Mat Service Squadron. 46Dth Quartermaster Battnlion (Mo- L82d Counter Iutelligrnee Corps De- bile), Headquarters and Eeadquar- tachment. tern netnchment. t82d Service Sqnadron. 470th Antiaircrafl. Artillem Antomatic $836 Countcr Intelligence Corps De- Weapons Rattalion. tachment. 472d Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic I836 Quartermaster Supply Depot De- Weapons Battalion. tachment. 472d Field Artillery Battalion (105-mm 184th (:ountcr Intelligence Corps De- Howitzer) (Tractor Drawn). Lnchrnent. 4738 Counter Intelligence Corps De- 185th Counter Intelligenee Corps De- tachmen t. tachment. 473~1Quartermaster Group. Headqunr- 4SGtl1 Counter Intelligence Corm De- ters and Headquarters Detachment. tachment. 473d Quartermaster Battalion (&lo- 87th Autiaircraft Artillcry Automatic bile), Headquarten and Hcadqndr- Weapons Battalion, ters Detachment. 187th Caunrer Intelligenee Corps De- 474th Couuter Intelligence Corps De- tachlueut. tachment. 188th Counter Intelligence Coqm De 475th Counler Intelligence Corps De- tachmeut. tachment. 189th Amphibian Truck Compnny, 475th Fighter Group (Twin Emgine) Transportatiou Corps. Hendqnarters. 189th Counter Intelligenee Corps De 470th Antlaircraft Artillery Antumai.ic tachmmt. Weapons Battalion. 189th Port Battalion, Transportation 476th Counter Intelligence Corps Ue- Corps. Headqu~rtersand Headquar- tachment. ters Dalachment. 476th Port Gatlalion, Transportation Corps, Headquarters and Hcadquar- 1DOth Counter Intelligence Corps De- ters Detachment. tacilmeut. 477th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic ISOth Engineer Base Equipment Com- Weapons Battalion. van?. 4Tith Counter lntelligence Corps De- i9lst Countcr Intelligence Corps De- tachment. tachment. 477th Engineer Maintenance Company. lalst Port Battalion, Transportation 478th Antjaircraft Artillery Automatic Corps, Headquarters and Headquar- Weapons Battalion. ters Detachment. A00 2Y61B 681720'-4- 491st Quartermaster Battallon, Head 528th Antlalrcraft Artillery Gun Bat. quarters and Headquarters Detach tallon (Semimobile). ment. 534th Englneer (Light) Ponton Com- 49% Engineer Base Equipment Corn pany. wny. E3lst Quartermaster Battallon, Head- 493d Countor Intelligenci2 &rps De quarters and Heaaquarters Detach- tachment. ment. 493d Port Battalion, Transportatlor 635th Engineer Drum Plant Company. Corns, Hcadunnrters and Headauar 536th Quartermaster Salvage Repair ters Detachment. Company (Semimabile). 495th Englneer (Heavy) Shop Corn. 536th Signal (EIenvy) Construction Puny. Company. 4S5th Port Battalion, Transportatlor 538th Signal (Heavy) Construction Corps, Headquarters and Headquar Campans. ters Detachment. 639th Quartermaster Battalion. Head- 496th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Bat. quarters and Headquarters Detach- taliou (Semimobile). ment. 486th Port Battalion, Transportatlor 540th Quartermaster Battalion, Head- Corps, Headquarters and Headquar. quarters and Headquarters Detach- tera Detachment. ment. 499th Engineer (Heavy) Shop Com- 5426 Siuual- (Heavs)~ .. Construction Com- pany. paw. mist Arms Postul Unit 543d Quartermaster Battalion, Head- 603d ~rm;Postal Unlt. quarters and Headquarters ~etach- 503d Parachute Infantry Regiment. ment BOBd Port Battalion, TransportatIoL 643d Quartermaster Service Battalion, Corps, Headquarters and
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