Long'Vave 5 ShortWa,'e Cents News Spots tile Copy &; Pidures 81••')0 Year ;Volume III, Nu. 42 WEEK ENDING OcrOBIm 26, 1934 :):: Published \X'eekly ¥ This and That i'Broadcasters, BaJtling New Deal, ~ IByMorri.Ha.ting.1I1111 ,m; Off t C t W-th Ed t DAZZI.ING as musical pro: er 0 oopera e I uca ors ally ::ea:~do~h~~:~dr~::~t~~c::~~~: ql 7\T 7\T t k V Ah d ,. tial that listeners preserve a sense .I. WO 1,eW 1,e wor S .P orge ea Opponents of proportion. "' ' Like all mechanical transmitters Of Ch of music, radio is a second·best. Competition Day High S~hool arge :~r\\'17:~ti:e~~ P . d h Goes In for RadioI Are Heard ond·best, but romlse y a second - best " ~ --- -- nonetheless. 18 0 tl t ' P' . I By The M1CROPHOl\E'S Special Radio does U e S Young Students Do rUle./." I WaJhillgtoll Correspolldelll not pick up Own Script Commercial radio broadcasters ex· the many ov- By The i\1ICROPHONE'S Sped.I tended the 01l\'e branch of co,oper- ertones of an llYt1shil1gton Correspondent Wriling ation with edu~ati~nal and o~her orchestra that non-profit organizatIOns at hearings are heard by Steady progress being made by of the broadcast division of the Fed. a n audience two new networks in competition RUSSELL BURKHARDT, principal eral Communications Commission. assembled .111 a wl'th tl'e National and Columbia 0 f New tonvi'11'e s F".~A NK AsHLE'Y The broadcasting industry was concert.hall. broadcasting systems is engaging DAY junior high school, assumes adamant in its opposition to a It can not the I'nterest of official radio cir· I'liS bes t5 tud'10 att't I UdC an da d - sweeping "New Deal" in radio per~ convey to a cles. "" dresses a microphone on his desk: mits under which the non-profit HASTINGS Mr. scattered au· The Quality Group and Ameri· "\Villie Brown, your moch~ groups would be given a fixed per~ 'dience listening in on sets the in- can Broadcasting System were re- er juse telephoned. She said centage of the wave channels. tangible but vcry real electric ported to be branching out in a for you to come straight Instead. the commerc..ial interests '''thrill'' that passes from one way that promises more competi· home after school." said they welcomed the non-profiters member to another of a concert- tior: in the radio broadcasting Some 30 loud speakcrs in va- to utilize more time On the com- hall audience when great music buslOess. I rious classrooms repeat the pa- mercial stations. is findy played. The Quality Group got under rental admonition. Spokesmen for the educational. Grant that radio does an way this month with a hook.up :Mr. BURKHARDT and AI.IlI'N W. fraternal and religious ,groups had ~normously fine thing in broad· of WLW, Cincinnati, a 500,000 READ a mathematics instruc.tor at protested they were gi\en undcsir- casting conccrts by the Nt:w York wat~ station; WOR, Newark, a the S~llOOI, havt: "gone" for radio able time on the commercial sta- Philharmonic and Philadelphia ~tatlOn of 5,000 watts soon to be in what usuall)' is described as "a tions. Orchestras or by outstanding solo- Increased to 50,000; WGN, 50,- big way." Among the oppon<nts of pro- ists, a broadcast performance does 000 watt ChICago statIOn, and _ f' posals that Congress by statute ,1110- r WXYZ 1000 watts. Mr. HURKHARI)~ lrst was at- not equal the actual per orrnance. '. ' ,. tacked by the radiO bug when a cate fixed percentages of broadcast- While several singers have Amencan Broadc~st1Og Syste~ school principal in Springfield, ing facilities-the FCC must report been recruited from radio for the plan.s. to operat6 With outJets In Massachusetts. His Newton con- recommendations to Congress by Metropolitan Opera and whilt at l4 ~ltlC:S. GEORGE STORER, of D~- nections, however, have giv<:n -Photo by Bachrach February J. 1935-were: least one capable symphony or- trOlt,. and. r~putcdly wealthy, IS him his first real opportunity to RUSSEll BURKHARDT, priucipal of PHILlP G. loUCKS, managing di- chestra has been formed exclu- the kingpin 10 ABS. .. do something about it. the FRA!"\K ASHLEY DAY high rector of the National Association slvely for broadcasting purposes, W~CA, New York, IS ItS feed· Going to the DAY school, he sc!Joo} in f\;ewlom,;ille, where rt:. of Broadcasters; HENRY A. BEL· radio has made no important er station. Reports were that. be:- formed a broadcasting club, com. dio jJ laken JeriouJly. LO\X'S) of Minneapolis, chairman of original contribution to music. f N b 1 th A c the legislative committee of the Na- orc ove~ er. e merI an posed of pupils having the urge There has been a tendency. net,,:ork will mcludc. WCB~, to give vent to their talent via their own broadcasts, even down tional Association of Broadcaster.. even on the part of distinguished BaltImore; WIP.. PhdadelpllIa; the air waves. to the station announcement. and a former member of the old artists, to think of the radio au· W PRO, ProVidence; WOL, . One central microphone, on a Federal Radio Commission; J. TRU· The youthful broadcasters WrIte (Collti,med 011 Page 15) (ColI/hmed on Page 7) their own script. They carry out (CoJ1/inlled on Page 7) (Con/inued on Page 15) '"$~-.,....-- Ni6.g6.ra Is News Flashes ~New WillEX t::ontents t Pidnres O••troared WEEKDAYS , A.M. S'u6'io Ope••s '" By The MICROPHONE'S Special Station WMEX, with studios in News Flashn Box Page I 10.30 WEAF Network: WEEI WGY JOHN MCCORMACK, a drall'il1g lJVashing/ol1 CorreJponden/ WSM WFLA WSB lunior high school s/"den/s the Hotel Manger in Boston, opened by WlllfAM WOOD Fran/ Cover The human voice magnified WADe Network: WCAU WHAS make 1ue of radio Page I onc million times and audible WPG KMOX WHDM weco Thursday evening, October 18, with RUSSELL V. BliRKHARDT Page 1 WJSV Thn and That seven miles away. a number of oustanding programs. IGoco OED'S, t;oralisl Pl1ge 2 by MORRIS HASTINGS Page 1 10••' W JZ Network: WDZ WHAM WMEX is owned and operated ALEXANDER WOOLLCOTT Pa.~e ] The Western Electric Company KDKA WlW WBAL I HER8 JONES. Jong wriler} pirks . Commander Sn:PHEN KING- has made that achievement in a by the Northern CorporatIOn. Its HALL of the BritiJh BIO.,d- his favori1e radio artists Page 3 ntw Joud speaker. Reports reach- ~ ~ staff includes \'(flLLlAM POTE, gen- I raning Corpora/ion Page 4 SlaJion Direr/or)' Page 4 ing here are that jf such an am- 6.30 WEAF Network: WEEf WGY WSM WFLA WSB Ed"ca/iol1al Box Page 4 plification is not enough, the ma- eral manager i AL POTE. engineer IGEORGE GF.RSHWI ) compoJer Radio Lane WABC Nerwork: WCJ\U WHAS in charge and JOHN R,LEY, chief Page 5 chine can be stepped up. WPG KMOX wnOM weco by JIMMY J, LEONARD Page 5 n was used by the United WJSV announcer. H. V. KALTI:NBORN, ncll.'J StlJdiolity by LES TROY Page 5 States Coast Guard during the re­ 6.4'0 WJZ Network; W8Z WHAM Among the speakers during the rommell/a/or Page .5 KDKA WLW WHAL Editoriah Page 5 cent America's Cup races. to warn . KATE SMITH} con/ralto Page 6 openIng program ~as jA.MES M. DICK POWELL, tenor Pa.~e 7 :tl Jlnger of danical JOl/gJ be- shipping to get off the course. SUNDAYS CURLEY) Democratic candidate for 1'he DEBUTANTES, l'oraIiJ/ Page 7 comes a crooner Page 7 The loud speaker, which out- A.M. Governor of Massachusetts and for-I ARTHUR HUGHES. • Page 8 Childrell'J Page Page 9 roars Niagara Falls, will be used ~ -;;;. WEAF Network: WEEI WGY J Weather ReportJ Box Page 10 in addressing huge crowds or for WSM WFLA WSB merly Mayor of Boston. JOHN MARTIN, chIldren .flory WEEI Page Page 11 the giving of order during con· WjZ Network: WBZ WHAM The MICROPHONE presented an te/ler . Prlge 9 f1agrations when there are roar- ._ KDICA WLW WBAl. , . GEORGE BURNS, comedMll Page 10 Short IVave Directory Page I] hour s program of operetta musIC BOAKE CARTER neWJ ~11 operatic singer slrikes a ing flames. P.M. played by an instrumental ensemble commen/a/or ' Page 12 happy 1I1edil/1I1 for the radio " 11.30 WF.AF Network: WEEI WCY under the direction of NORMAN GLADYS SWARTHOUT, Jopl'l1no, pflge I] Belasco On Columbia WSM WPLA WSB RefieCliotlJ LEON BELASCO and his dance WjZ 1'retwOl'1t: WDZ WHAM CARROL. FRANK CHAPMAN, baritone} KDKA WI.W WBAL by DIANA HERBERT Page '5 orchestra will broadcast over the WMEX has the most modern ra. and BILL DAlY1 cOl:dllc/or 12 M. WEAF Network; WEEI WCY d' . l'age '] Nimblewit, CBS-W ABC network on Sundays WSM WFLA WBS 10 e~ulpment. JESSICA DRAGONETTf., soprano by EVERETT SMITH Page 15 from 11.30 P. M. to midnight and [lmpor/lfnt "'WI iJ ,i",,, ot'" th,/, It 15 the one station in Boston Page 14 Q. atld alJo A. Page '5 on Wednesdays from 11 to 11.30 JIII/;OnJ, """,,11, on II" bur "tid lull proper that has no network affili- jASCHA HE1FETZ. tiolilliJ/ Ptige "The SHADOW Con/tHeS" P. M., beginning Sunday, Octo­ bo.,.] 1.5 Bark Covel' ber 21. ations. "The SHADOW" B'HJ: Cover Page Two Saturday, Oerober 20, 1934 Saturday, October 20 - Rose Bampton Sings, NBC-WEAF, 9 P.M.
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