Qlrutrul ilnittr 's 1llllrr kly Nrws ilagnlittr Vol. 7, No. 30 Thursday, July Z.5, 1968 Ten Cents Shooting Victim Still on Critical list A Sangerville man who was shot in the abdomen dur ing a hold-up attempt at his groc­ ery stor last week is report­ ed to be still on the critical list at a Bangor hospital at press time this Wednesday . Mr. Harold E. Buzzell was shot on Friday July 12th. Mr. James Gordon Hachey, Jr., 32, of Garland has b een arraigned for the shooting fol­ lowing his capture during a n autp chase by Sheriff J ames Buzzell. ·Hachey is being held for trial in the Piscataquis DON'T MISS County jail. THE Dover Kiwanis Auction July 25, - Steak Supper Suppers at 5 P.M. · . July 26, - Lobster Supper Snack Bar and Book July 29, -Barb. Chicken Stall Open during Auction! Work is progressing according to schedule on the S. A. D. #41 high school building. In top ;photo the gym is' at rignt, with enlarged class room section at extreme left. Constuc­ tion of the new administration building on the school lot was started last Tuesday. (Staff photos by Mike Brigham) P age 2 July 25, 1968 THE TOWN CRIER THE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursday evening by the TOWN CRIER PUBLICATIONS. '1nilo e ommuni ty we hope to be of help to the citizens of the towns in our coverage through NEWS, INFORMATION, ;J.lo"'pi taL 'fLew" AND LOWER PRICED ADVERTISING. We accept no financial responsibility for errors ADMISSIONS WEEK OF JULY 15, 1968: in advertising but will gladly print corrections. BROWNVILLE: Malcolm Pelkey Jr. Copies of most photos appearing in THE TOWN Neil Russell Mary Rogers CRIER mav be obtained through our office. Jeffery Harmon Eva Lovejoy If you have news or available photos of any sort Clouse Applebee LAGRANGE: we urge you to call an editor or drop in. Dead­ Roland Larrabee Harry Mcintyre line will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate copy received earlier in the week. Hollis Reid MEDFORD: Classified ads 50 cent minimum including up to William McLeod Doris Estey 12 words, 3 cents for each additional word. Dis­ MILO: ATKINSON: play ad space by the column inch. Eric Degerstrom Diane Smith Bonnie-Jo Pratt BRADFORD: EDITOR - JOANNE BRJGHAM Daniel Chase Anthony Allen Milo-943-7384 Aurora Reardon Annette Niles Carrie Bailey Joan Allen Madeline Johnson Frances Allen FOR SALE Electrolux Vacumn, good con­ DISCHARGES: MlLO: dition $15. 00. Wardrobe $10. £RADFORD: II you want to BUY, SELL, Samuel Bradeen RENT or SWAP, try "Town Bed, coil spring and mattress Patricia Morrison Marilyn Larrabee Crier" Classified. $25. 24" TV, abt. 2 years old Annette Niles Eric Degerstrom only $50. 12 x 9 Linoleum$10. BROWNVILLE: Bonnie-Jo Pratt Shirley Vienneau FOR SALE Ironing board and sleeve board George Fnllett Roland Larrabee New mobile homes -on dis­ $10: Dinnette Set $15. Buffett Madeline Johnson Jeffery Harmon play, 2 and 3 bedrooms. $15. Steam iron $15. ·E~ec. mix­ Aurora Reardon and baby er, small tables and stands, etc. Frances McLeod Knapp Trailer Sales, Milo, Malcolm Pelkey Jr. Maine. Call 943-7793 or see at Robert ATKINSON: Daniel Chase Starers on Ferry Rd. in Derby Diane Smith TRUCKING-BACK-HOE Births: To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reardon of Milo, a son. Gravel, loam and fill, haul­ Receptionists are: Friday, Thelma McEachern; Saturday, ed, leveled and back -hoe work. .-------------.,Clair Crosby and Edna Hanscom; Sunday, Adelia Leonard and Call George Swazey-943-2364 LottieDorr;Monday, Elizabeth Murray; Tuesday, Myrna Dun­ or 943-8822. 'S · 8UT TERF IE LD ham; Wednesday, Agnes Blanchard; Thursday, Franees Ham- FOR RENT / C e f e am li;·ransferred: Neil Russell, Brownville to Togus; At;:les Wat- Large desirable Lots , city c son, Mllo to Eastern Maine General Hospital, Bangor. water and sewerage, $25. 00 F arm a month. SHOWER HELD AT SANGERVILLE K.~APP TRAILER PARK Kimball St., Milo-943-2639 A pre-nuptial shower was held recently at the home of Mrs. Real Oldfashioned Rose Dunning for Miss Sharon Beaupre of Dexter who is to be WANTED TO BUY OWN-MADE ICE CREAM married soon to Joe Pullyard, Jr. The home was appropriat­ LiftTopCommodes, Decor­ ely decorated for the occasion. A shower cake was presented ated Bowl & Pitcher Sets ,Bone For a Spring Treat, to the bride-to-be by Mrs. Evelyn Clukey of Guilfor d. The guest Dishes, Old Lamps, RedBlo­ TRY A CONE! of honor r eceived many lovely gifts. ck Glass, Old Carnival, Old Those present were Mrs. Frances Ericson and Mrs. Mary Ivory China. ROGER'S AN­ Sawyer of Monson; Mrs. Evelyn Clukey, Mrs. Marjorie Fraut­ TIQUES, Kimball Street, ten, Miss Satin Clukey of Guilford; Mrs. Pauline Hamm, Mrs. Light Lunches Milo. Knapp Trailer Park. Marjorie Beaupre , Mrs. Doris Hamilton, Mrs. Maxine Beau­ T el. 943-2510. pre, Miss Carol Beaupre, from Dexter; Mrs. Susie White, Hot and Cold Mrs. Doris Lewis, Mrs. Elizabeth Simmons, Mrs. Gertrude Drinks Allen, Mrs. Eva Pullyard, Mrs. Doris Church, Mrs. Celia FOR SALE Flanders, Mrs. Inez Pullys.rd, and Mrs. Rose Dunning of San­ Nimrod Tent Trailer. New Dover-Foxcroft gerville. Tent. Merrill Smith; 943- Routes 6-15-16 The hostesses were: Mrs. Dunning and Mrs. Marjorie Frau­ 8896. tten of Guilford. THE TOWN CRIER July 25, 1968 Page 3 SEBEC HISTORICAL SOCIETY WILL HOLD OPEN HOUSE At a meeting, held on July 15, 1968, the Sebec Historical So­ Richardson·Sangillo Wed ciety made final plans for Open House. The group met at the Silas Harriman School in Sebec at ~:30 p.m. , and voted to hold Open House at the Harriman School on Sunday, July 28, 1968, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00p.m. There is no admission charge and free refreshments \vill be served. The Publicity Committee will distribute posters in Milo, At­ kinson, Sebec and Dover-Foxcroft, announcing the event and announcements will be made on the local radio station. A cake sale will be held at the same time, in an effort to ra­ ise funds so that the Society can continue on with its project. It has taken almost two years to accomplish what has been done to date and the group voiced the hope that there would be a good turnout for Open House . Many pictures of early Sebec Scenes and residents have been collected and help is needed by eve ryone of help identify the ea­ rly residents and scenes. A copy of the Census of Sebec ta~en in 1810, before Sebec became a town and was still a township, has been obtained, showinga total of 157 residents at that time. A bable saw has been loaned to the Society for dis_play. It is op­ erated by hand and foot and was manufactured by a Company in Boston, Massachusetts. The founder of the Company was born in Portland, Maine, but settled later in Massachusetts. The saw is well over 100 years old and was used in Sebec. A portion of the School is being devoted to authenticating a one room schoolhouse and several items common in the one room school of years ago have already been collected, among them a master's desk and stool. Anyone who wishes to display items pertaining to Sebec his­ tory is most welcome to do so. A portion of a display table has Miss Laurel Catherine Sangillo, daughter of Mrs. Lois San­ been reserved for this purpose. gillo of Milo, and Joseph Sangillo Sr. of Portland, married The next meeting will be he ld the third Wednesday in August. Eugene L. Richardson, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Richard­ son of Milo. RESULTS OF THE FIFTH ANNUAL KATAHDIN CC OPEN The ceremony, performed by Rev. Kwan Y. Lee, took place Katahdin Country Club, Milo: Out of a field of69 amateurs on July 20, 1968, at the Park Street Methodist Church in Milo. Don varney of Milo fired a 36 for the front nine (one under) Soloist was Mrs. Malcolm Peters, aunt of the bride; and or­ and a par 37 for the back nine to edge out Dave Chase of Rro­ ganist was Mr. Carroll Fletcher. wnville Jet. by one stroke. Varney had an 18 hole score of 73; The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Joseph M. San­ Chase had 74; and third place was won byRon Tallman of Oro­ gillo, Jr., wore floor-length empire styled gown vvith a lace no with a 75. top and organza over taffeta bottom, and floating train. "Her headpiece was studded with pearls, and she wore a ballerina- Results: LOW NET-A DIVISION length veil. She carried a Cascade bouquet of pink sweetheart LOW GROSS-A DIVISION 1. Gip Harris, Millinocket 66 roses and white carnations. 1. Don Varney, Milo 73 2. Harley Dwelley-Milo ) TIE Miss Dorothy Ames of Bar Harbor was Maid of Honor. Miss 2. Dave Chase, Brownville 74 3. Ray Doughty, Howland 68) ElaineJudeofEllsworthwas Bridesmaid, and Miss Vandi Lar- 3. Ron Tallman, Orono 75 son was Flower Girl. LOW NET-B DIVISION The Maid of Honor and Bridesmaid wore empire gowns of LOW GROSS-B DIVISION 1. G. Nicholas-Dover-Foxcroft 63aquablue, and carried Colonial bouquets'of pink and white car- l. Ken Breau-Old Town 80 2. R. Gullifer 66) nations with baby's breath. 2. Jim Berry- Lincoln 81 2. A. Bradbury 66) Best man was George Richardson Jr., brother of the groom, 3. Bob Libby-Dover-Foxcroft 2. Rus Williams, 66) TIE of Bristol, Conn. Ushers were Jack Stanchfield of Milo, and Milo Dana Irving of Waterville. BEST BALL 2.
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