November 10, 1983 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 32203 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RUTH HARDIN Christianity is one of the most moving building of a steel cross on top of this beau­ stories I have ever read. I had the tiful and majestic mountain. privilege of visiting General Lowry for The record of each miracle as it happened HON. STENY H. HOYER now follows: OF MARYLAND a second time recently on his 90th birthday with 'a group of admiring WE GET IN THE STEEL BUSINESS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES friends at General and Mrs. Lowry's The story begins in Jacksonville, Florida Thursday, November 10, 1983 lovely home near Waynesville in the before Lyn was born in a way that I did not e Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to latter part of August of this year and realize at the time would later prove to be a pay tribute to a loyal servant of this General Lowry, still mentally keenly key incident contributing to the erection of House. alert and active at 90, gave me this the Cross as ninety percent of the material little pamphlet telling this moving that went into the building of the Cross was Ruth Hardin is winding up 23 years steel. In 1940 I was living in that city and of hard work, long hours, and devoted story. my office was in the heart of the downtown service as an expert transcriber in the Mr. Speaker, I submit General area. One day I had to go to the bank which Office of Official Reporters. Lowry's story for the CONGRESSIONAL was several blocks away. On my way it was This followed a career in the private REcoRD to appear immediately follow­ necessary for me to cross one of the crowd­ sector where she garnered the skills ing my remarks because all who read ed streets which had a four-way pedestrian she brought to bear here for the it will be better Christians and better crossing at one of the main intersections. In House. parents and will share my esteem and the middle of the street which was crowded affection for this great American who with people coming from four directions I We wish her well in her richly de­ ran into an old friend of mine who was served retirement, in the company of has done so much for his country, Gen. Sumter L. Lowry. crossing the same street from a different her children, Kathy, Mitzi, and Gary, angle. We met in the center of the street. along with her grandchildren and I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES Both of us were surprised. I asked him how friends. <By Sumter L. Lowry) he was getting along, to which he replied All her colleagues here in the House WE BUILD A CROSS ON A MOUNTAIN TOP that he was very unhappy. I said "What's join me in saying to Ruth, "Remember I believe in miracles. Yes, I believe in mir­ the trouble?" And he answered, "It is too us; come back to see us." acles because they have happened to me. long a story to tell here." I suggested, "Let's I thank the Speaker·• This is a story of a series of miracles which go back to the sidewalk and talk about it. occurred before, during and after the build­ Maybe I can help you out." He told me this ing of the Cross on Mt. Lyn Lowry. Each story. THE BUILDING OF A CROSS miracle was related to and had a direct bear­ He was the owner of a steel fabricating ing on this project. company in Jacksonville. Certain interests Some things in life just happen without in Miami were building a twenty-story sky­ HON. CLAUDE PEPPER any reason. Some things happen by acci­ scraper in that city and my friend had the OF FLORIDA dent. But, other things happen by divine contract to fabricate and erect the steel. It IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES purpose and direction. The building of the turned out that his plant had made an error Cross on Mt. Lyn Lowry in Waynesville, in calculation and all the holes bored in the Thursday, November 10, 1983 North Carolina was surely done by divine di­ steel beams and colums were lfs" off line and e Mr. PEPPER. Mr. Speaker, one of rection. when the steel was fabricated and shipped the most beautiful stories of devotion First, let me tell you why it all started. down to the building site in Miami, it would When the good Lord decided that He not fit together. This error had cost him a of a parent to a child is a story of Gen. needed another angel in heaven and took lot of money. My friend said he was tired of Sumter L. Lowry about the building of our little daughter, Lyn, to be with Him, we trying to operate this plant with incompe­ a cross by General and Mrs. Lowry of felt that we had suffered a loss from which tent personnel. I said to him "Why don't Tampa, Fla., and Waynesville, N.C. in we could never recover. For Lyn was truly you do something about it?" He answered memory of their daughter Lyn who an unusual girl. She was a dedicated Chris­ that he would like to sell the plant and get died at the age of 15. The cross is situ­ tian with complete faith. She was beautiful it off his hands. I asked "How much do you ated on top of 6,280 foot Mount Lyn and smart, tender and loving-yet she had a want for it?" He told me and it was a sum Lowry in Waynesville, N.C., and is illu­ great deal of courage and fire. Lyn was an much larger than I was capable of handling inspiration to all who knew her. We were so alone. I had no possible use for a steel plant minated so that it can be seen from proud of her. but I had a strong feeling that I ought to some 40 miles away. But, as time went on we realized that the buy the plant anyway. For what reason I Major General Lowry, U.S. Army only thing we could do was to accept the did not know. <Retired), holds 14 decorations from loss as the Lord's Will and be grateful for Without further conversation I told him the two world wars. In addition, he the fifteen years we had her. We also felt "All right, I will buy the plant." This deci­ served for some 14 years in the Florida that she must have been put on this earth sion and my association with the steel in­ National Guard, entering as a captain for some particular purpose. Because she dustry made it possible to take the first step in 1914 and attaining the rank of brig­ was such a great Christian, we wanted to do in the building of this steel cross. something which would glorify Jesus, our As soon as we had taken over the plant I adier general by the time he left the Lord and Savior, perpetuate Lyn's memory realized that we needed a competent man Guard in 1934. This service was inter­ and spread joy throughout the land. with experience in the steel business to op­ rupted by a period of Federal service After considering a great many projects, erate it. The Lord led me to a friend who at in the border patrol and overseas na­ we decided that we would put a lighted that time was a successful operator of a tional service. Cross on top of a high mountain in North steel plant in another city. This friend im­ General Lowry has told the inspiring Carolina. We would build this Cross large mediately agreed to join forces with me and story of the building of this cross in enough to be seen for thirty or forty miles provide the practical experience necessary honor of his and Mrs. Lowry's beauti­ around, both day and night. This Cross for the operation of a steel plant. would be a symbol of faith and would radi­ I did not realize at that time but this oc­ ful daughter Lyn in a little pamphlet, ate Christian influence to all who saw it. As currence was certainly the first miracle. Ev­ "The Cross of Christ-Mount Lyn the project took shape in our minds we felt erything fell into place. The Lord provided Lowry-! Believe in Miracles." That that the Lord would bless our efforts and let the meeting place with the man who owned beautiful story of parental devotion us complete this difficult task. So Lyn's a steel plant. He made the climate right for and reverence for God and devotion to mother, Ivilyn, and I made plans for the me to buy it. I did not have the money to e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor . ' 32204 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS November 10, 1983 buy it yet, God provided me with t~e in­ Louise for a short visit. Lake Louise is at the GOD GIVES US A SIGN FROM HEAVEN stinct to go ahead anyway and made 1t pos­ base of the beautiful Victoria Glacier. It was The Cross was actually built at the Jack­ sible for me to raise the money. He gave me formed ages ago by glacier action. It is a sonville, Florida steel plant which God had a capable man to operate the plant.
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