NAME of COLLECTION: BELMONT FAMILY Papers SOURCE: Gift of August Belmont, IV, 1982 SUBJECT: August Belmont, 1813-1890, &

NAME of COLLECTION: BELMONT FAMILY Papers SOURCE: Gift of August Belmont, IV, 1982 SUBJECT: August Belmont, 1813-1890, &

V / V COLLECTIONS OF CORRESPONDENCE AND MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENTS NAME OF COLLECTION: BELMONT FAMILY Papers SOURCE: Gift of August Belmont, IV, 1982 SUBJECT: August Belmont, 1813-1890, & August Belmont, 1853-192U DATES COVERED: 1799 - 1930 NUMBER OF ITEMS: ca. 13,000 STATUS: icheck appropriate description) Cataloged: x Listed: x Arranged: x Not organized: CONDITION: (give number of vols., boxes, or shelves) Bound: Boxed: 6k Stored: LOCATION: (Library) Rare Book & Manuscript CALL-NUMBERMs Coll/Belmont famil RESTRICTIONS ON USE None DESCRIPTION: Correspondence, copies of letters, documents, manuscripts, invitations, menus, clippings, school papers, leases, agreements, deeds, financial accounts, photographs, and printed miscellany of August Belmont (l8l3-l89O), banker, politician and American agent of the Rothschilds, of his son, August Belmont (1853-192U), financier and sportsman, and of their families. The papers deal with many aspects of the Belmont family interests from 1799 until 1930, including: finance, banking and the Rothschilds; the United States Navy, Commodore Matthew C. Perry (179^-1858) and the Perry expeditions to Mexico and Japan; Belmontfs embassy to The Netherlands from 1853 to 1857; the Democratic Party, New York City politics, presidential elections and Civil War politics; social life in New York and Newport and European travel; horses, horse breeding, The Jockey Club, polo, The Remount Association (for cavalry horses in World War I), fox hunting, dog breeding and yachting; New York subway construction, railroads, the Cape Cod Canal and aviation; the Democratic Convention of 1912; and genealogical notes on the Belmont, Perry and other families. In addition to the correspondence, there are 117 letterbooks, tissue-paper copies of outgoing letters. Arrangement: Cataloged correspondence: A - Z 13 boxes Uncataloged papers: 1799 - 1929 Boxes 1-21 Letterbooks: 1863 - 1925 Boxes 22-51 m ~ &°2 D3(276)M J0it©3SPAES fifSTfJOEBCfiEBaCTION See also: Ms Coll/Eleanor Robson Belmont Ms Coll Belmont family Cataloged correspondents: Adams, Charles Francis, 1807-1886 Belmont, Elizabeth Hamilton Morgan Adams, Charles Francis, 1835-1915 (Mrs August), 1862-1898 Belmont, Jane Pauline, 1856-1875 Adams, John Quincy, Jr. Belmont, Morgan, 1892- Aiken, Frederick A. Belmont, Oliver Hazard Perry, 1858-1908 Alexander, Charles Beatty, 181+9-1927 Belmont, Perry, 1850-19^7 Alexander, Edward Porter, 1835-1910 Belmont, Raymond, 1888- Allen, Frederick Hobbes, -1937 Belmont, Raymond Rodgers, 1863-1887 (& cat. mss. Ames, Winthrop, 1871-1937 Bennett, James Gordon, 181+1-1918 Anderson, Henry James, 1799-1875 Berdan, Hiram Appleton, Daniel, 1852-1929 Berendt, Joanna Feist (Mrs Martin) Appleton, Francis Randall, 185U-I929 Beresford, (Lord) Marcus Talbot De la Poer, 18U8- Appleton, William Henry, l8lU-l899 1922 Arenberg, (Prince) Auguste-Louis- Betti, Francois Alberic von, 1837-192U Bigelow, Henry Forbes, 1867-1929 Arkell, William J., 1856-1930 Bigelow, Henry Nelson Arthur, Chester Alan, 1830-1886 Bingham, Harry, 1821-1900 Astor, Charlotte Augusta Gibbs Bishop, Courtlandt Field (Mrs Jogn Jacob), -I887 Blair, Frank Preston, 1821-1875 Auerbach, Joseph Smith, Blair, Henry William, l831+-192O Bleichroder, Gerson, Baron von, 1822-1893 Baker, Newton Diehl, 1871-1937 Bliss, Cornelius Newton, l87i+-191+9 Bakhmetev, Iurii, -1928 Bliss, Robert Woods, 1875- » & Mildred Barnei Barlow, Samuel Lathan Mitchell, I826-I889 Bliss Barlow, Larocque & MacFarland Bogy, Lewis Vital, 1813-1877 ^ Barreda, F. L. Bonheur, Rosa, 1822-1899 Barreda, Matilde L. Borglum, Gutzon, 1871-19^1 Barrett, John, 1866-1938 Boutwell, George Sewall, l8l8-19O5 Bartholdi, Frederic Auguste, 183^-190^ Bowen, John Templeton, 1857-19^0 Bartlett, Franklin, 18^7-1909 Bowers, Arthur F. Batter sea, Cyril Flower, Baron, 181+3-1907 Brach, Frederika Feist (Mrs Rudolf), 18U3- Bayard, Thomas Francis, I828-I898 Brooks, James Wilton, I85U-I916 Beaufort, Henry Charles FitzRoy Somerset, Brown, Henry Collins, 1863- 8th Duke of, l82*+-l899 Brown, Stewart Bell, Henry Brugsch, Heinrich Karl, 1827-189U Bell, Edward R. Buchanan, James, 1791-1868 Bell, Isaac, I8U6-I889 Bull, William Lanman, l8UU-1911+ Bell, (Sir) Isaac Lowthian, l8l6-19OU Bullard, Robert Lee, 1861-19^7 Bell, Lilie Burgess, Edward, 181*8-1891 Belmont, Alice de Goicouria, 1910- Burnett, Harry Belmont, Alice Wall de Goicouria Burnett, Joseph, 1820-189U (Mrs August) Butler, Matthew Calbraith, 1836-1909 Belmont, Alva Ertskin Smith Vanderbilt Butler, Matthew Calbraith CJr.3 (Mrs Oliver H.P.), 1853-1933 Butler, Nicholas Murray, 1862-19^7 Belmont, August, 1813-1890 Butterfield, Daniel, 1831-1901 Belmont, August, 1853-192U Belmont, August, 1882-1919 Cadwalader, John Lambert, 1837-191^ Belmont, August, & Co. Calvet, J. Belmont, Bessie Morgan, 1907- Carroll, Charles Belmont, Caroline Slidell Mackenzie Carroll, John Lee, 1830-1911 Perry (Mrs August), I829-I892 Cass, Lewis, 1782-1866 Belmont, Carolyn Bowne Hulbert Cassel, (Sir) Ernest Joseph, 1852-1921 (Mrs Raymond) Chambers, David Laurance, 1879- Belmont, Eleanor Robson Chappell, Absalom Harris, 18OI-I878 (Mrs August), 1879-1979 Chase, Salmon Portland, l$Q8-l873 Ms Coll Belmont family Cataloged correspondence (cont.): Derby, Ethel Carow Roosevelt (Mrs Richard) Chase, Theodore D'Erlanger, (Baron) Emile Beaumont, 1866-1939 Chase, Thomas, 1827-1892 De Saulles, Catherine Heckscher (Mrs Arthur B.) Chester, Colby Mitchell, 1844-1932 Dickinson, Jacob McGavock, 1851-1928 Child, Francis James, I825-I896 Church, George Hervey, 1855-1935 Dillon, Robert James Church, Sanford E. Dix, John Alden, 1860-1928 Clanton, James H. Donald, E. Winchester Clarke, Joseph Ignatius Constantine, Douglas, Stephen Arnold, l8l3-l86l 181+6-1925 Dubois, Fred Thomas, 1851-1930 Cleveland, Grover, 1837-1908 Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Hamilton- Coggeshall, Thomas Temple-Blackwood, 1st Marquess of, 1826-1902 Coit, Henry Augustus, 1830-1895 Dunfermline, (Lady) Mary Elizabeth Elliot Coleman, Charles Caryl, 1840-1928 Abercromby, Baroness, l8ll-l874 Collier, Peter Fenelon, 1849-1909 Dunfermline, Ralph Abercromby, 2nd Baron, l803 Comeau, L. de Dunn, Joseph Allan Elphinstone, 1873-1941 Conkling, Alfred Ronald, I85O- Eaton, Isaac E. Connery, Thomas B. Eaton, William Wallace, I816-I890 Converse, G. S. Eckert, Thomas Thompson, 1825-1910 Converse, William M. Edward VIII, King of Gt. Brit., 1894-1973 Cooley, James S. Eldridge, Frederick G. Coon, Charles E. Elias, Edward Cooper, Edward, 1824-1905 Eliot, Walter Graeme, 1857- Cort>in, Amy Foster (Mrs John) Elssler, Fanny, 181O-188U Corbin, Austin, 1827-1896 Emmet, Emily Hone CMrs William C.) CorMn, John, 1870-1959 Erlanger, (Baron) Frederic Emile d' _ Cornwallis, Kinahan, 1839-1917 Erlanger, Mathilde Slidell (Baroness Frederic d ) Coudert, Frederic Rene, 1832-1903 Everest, Charles W. Cox, Samuel Sullitcan, 1824-1889 Cravath, Paul Drennan, 1861-1940 Fabbre, E. P. Crawford, Samuel Wylie, 1829-1892 Fairchild, Charles Stebbins, 1842-1924 Creighton, W. Farragilt, David Glasgow, 18OI-I87O Crosby, John Schuyler, 1839-1914 Crowninshield, Frank, 1872-1947 Feist, August, I8U5- , Cummings, Prentiss Feist, Elizabeth Belmont (Mrs Stephan,-1819-loTb Cunard, (Sir) Bache Edward, 1851-1925 Feist, Stephan Cunliffe-Owen, Frederick, -1926 Feist-Belmont, Carl, l844-lo'96 Cutting, William Field, Cyrus West, 1819-1892 Field, Marshall, II ft. Dana, Paul, 1852-1930 Field, William B. Osgood & Otto Hermann Kahn, 18bT- Daniels, Josephus, 1862-1948 1934 Davies, Joseph Edward, 1876-1958 Finch, Daniel 0. Davies, Julian Tappan, 1845-1920 Fish, Frederick Perry, 1855-1930 Davis, John William, 1873-1955 Fish, Hamilton, 1808-1893 Davis, Thomas E. Fish, Stuyvesant, 1851-1923 Daves, Charles Gates, 1865-1951 Fisher, Irving, 1867-1947 Day, Joseph Paul, 1873-1944 Fiske, Bradley Allen, 1854-1942 Delafield, Richard, 1853-1930 Flexner, Anne Laziere Crawford (Mrs Abraham) Delano, Warren Foss, Eugene Noble, 1858-1939 Delano, William Adams, 1874-1960 Foster, Emily AA Dempsey, Stephen Wallace, 1862-1949 Frederik, Prince of the Netherlands, 1797-1001 Denison, Charles, I8l8-l867 & George Freedman, Andrew, 1860-1915 Washington Woodward, 1809-1875 French, Amos Tuck, 1863-1941 Derby, (Sir) Edward George Villiers Stanley, 17 Earl of, 1865-1948 Ms Coll BeJjaont family Cataloged correspondents (cont.): Galbraith, William A. Herrick, Myron T., 185^-1929 Gallatin, Harriet Duer Robinson Hewitt, Eleanor G. (Mrs Albert), 1828-1893 Hewitt, Sarah Cooper Ganay, Jean, Marquis de Higginson, Henry Lee, 183U-1919 Gardiner, Asa Bird, 1839-1919 Hill, Benjamin Harvey, 1823-1882 Gary, Elbert Henry, 18U6-1927 Hilles, Charles Dewey, 1867-19^9 Gatliff, William Hoey, Frederick Gilmore, Alfred, 1812-1890 Hogan, Thomas Gerard, James Watson, 1867-1951 Hone, John CSr.3 Gore, Thomas Pryor, I87O-I9U9 Hone, John Gorman, Arthur Pue, 1839-1906 Hone, Josephine Hoey CMrs Charles Russell) Gottheil, Richard James Horatio, Hone, Robert G. 1862-1936 Howland, Frederika Elsass Belmont (Mrs Samuel Grant, Hugh John, 1833- Shaw), 185U-19O2 Grant, Percy Stickney, 1860-1927 Howland, Samuel Shaw Gray, George Hull, Cordell, 1871-1955 Gray, John Clinton, 181+3-1915 Hunt, Richard Morris, 1827-1895 Grayson, Cary Travers, 1878-1938 Hunter, John Green, Charles Montraville, 1850-1928 Huntington, William Reed, 1838- Green, John Pugh, 1839-1921+ Hurlbert, William Henry, 1827-1895 Greenough, John, 181+6-193*+ Greer, David Hummell, 181+1+-1919 Iselin, Charles Oliver, -1932 Greey, Edward, 1835-1888 Ives, Brayton, 18UO-191U Griffin, Francis Griswold, Frank Gray, 185*+-l937 James, Cassie Mason Myers (Mrs Julian) "'

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