"SBft THE STANDA*J> SOUTHERN THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION NEWSPAPER Vol. XLvX—So. 237. OA, SATURDAY ; FEBRUARY 7, 1914. —TWELVE PAGES. ULTIMATUM ISSUED Aged Man Insanely Jealous Kills Woman and Tien Slays Self; BY MAYOR TO FOES Ends Life Curtain of Drops Upon Another Eternal Triangle OF FINANCE SHEET With Shot Gesorge B. Sickles, Former- TOLD HER FINDS Asserts He Will Withdraw ly Wellknown in Marble at Least $15,000 Antici- Field, Evades Nurse, "Goes pated Revenue if Radical into Bathroom, and Sends A. J. Amerson, woman he killed SHE FEARED DEATH Changes Are Made. and another pose of woman and Bullet Through His Tem- her child. She was known here as ple-V-Dies Instantly. Mrs. Amerson, but dispatches from WOODWARD HAS NO FEAR Tennille say his real wife has been BEFORE NIGHTFALL separated from» hin4 two years, OF POLITICAL REPRISAL Evading: -the trained nurse who had lives in Macon, and Is suing for spent a night's vigil at his toedsftle, A. J. Amerson, of New Or- George B; Sickles, wealthy, and former divorce. president of the George B. Sickle* leans, Pumps Two Bullets Hasn't Determined to Run Marble company, stole in-to the. bath- room of his home at 161 St. Charl*s Into Body of His Supposed for Mayor as Yet* He Says, avenue this morning shortly after 1 o'clock and put a bullet through his Wife When She Refuse? to Discussing the Whitehall •brain. Forgive Him, and Tells Death c&me instantly. No note Grading Project. farewell -was left, in fac-t, the first Him She Will Not Live known of his act or Intention -wan the Tn the face of threats of a reprisal revolver shot that broke the stillness. With Him Again. in the nert election If .he .persists In. Miss Lulu Praser, the trained nurse carrying out hla budget program running into the bathroom, found the Mayor James G. Woodward yesterday body lying upon the floor. CRIMSON DEATH NOTE, 5f-nt his ultima-turn to toes of. the 1914 The -ballet was fired froni a 38 money sheet, declaring that" he will call'ber pistol. It entered the right FOUND IN MAN'S POCKET, withdraw at least $15,000 of the an- temple, coursing throu-gh * the to rain, ticipated revenue from the income side .The coroner has been notified and an EXPLAINS BLOODY DEED of the sheet If council demands any •investigation will be made at once. An radical changes. ^ Inquest will be held some time today. Mayor Woodward's reply closely fol- Mr. Sickles was 67 years of age. For * luw-ed published statements to the ef- the past several years 'he toad been in All Day Long She Had fect that citizens Interested In the con- exceedingly poor health. It was be- tinuation of the Whitehall grading cause of his broken-dorwn condition Sought to Evade Amerson, thr: "v. retired from .active 'business blame him for failure to set money in sun;/ t !ie ago. Failing in health until Who Had Several Times the sheet for the project. He denies he wiis wasted to death's door, he is haviny ta-ken any part in the making believed by surgeons.in attendance at Written to Her Threaten- p,^ up of the sheet, and a»serts that noth- the time of his suicide* to have slain ' \i\S was said in the Interest of the himself in aberration brought on by his ing to Kill Her~Dispatches •Whitehall project while the finance illness. committee was at work on the budget. From Old Home Say His Wlllinv for Transfer. VICE ADMIRAL'S SON In his statement in reply to the Real Wife Is Living in Ma- Whitehall improvement committee, GETS LIFE SENTENCE Mayor Woodward says that he is per- con and Suing for Divorce. fectly willing to let'the $16,000 given FOR 'KILLING WOMAN to Pryor street be " transferred to The curtain , of tragedy dropped Whitehall If the representatives of the Oakland, Cal., February 6.—Avenard wards are willing to make the sacri- Nyayllt, slayer of Marie Prandln, upon another mysterious "eternal tri- woman of the'underworld, when sen- angle" in the dreary drizzle of Fri> fice. - tenced to life imprisonment in San He also criticised the motives of H, Quentin prison today, told' the cour( day's nightfall, when A. J. Amerson, B. Otis, chairman of the committee, he was the .son of Vice Admiral Nyayllt, charging that, the Interest of Mr. Otis of the French navy. His brother Wil- of New Orleans, pumped two bullets in the Whitehall regrading centers liam, he said, is a captain "of the guard into the body of a young woman who around a piece of property in Forsyth in Paris. street in which he says Mr. Otis has Until his .father discovered his rela- passed in Atlanta as his wife, then tions with the Prandln woman, it is dri"ed a hole through his own heart, , an interest. ' said, Nya-yllt received a remittance of "Woodward is a liar and a. charac- $450 a month. Afterward toe worked in'front of'No. 52 Trinity avenue. ter assassin," Chairman Otia declared as a cook. ' •\vhen he was informed of the mayor's Both were slain Instantly.' She top charge. "His opposition -to the sheet plea into a heap across the curbing^ is making enemies of the men who sup- - POINTS IN DOUBLET TRAGEDY^ His *ody:~bm'm.plea crass-wise over men' who-1 grave money for campaign The .career 'of A. J. Amerson and the Tirbinan passing as his wife, ijerei the, blood from four bullet hole6 expenses." • CALLS EXEMPTION EARLY DECISION " Chairman Otis -intimated -that Mayor whom he slew a moment before killing himself Friday afternoon, is en- streaming into the muddy flow of the Woodward's opposition to .W-hltehall veloped In mystery. They lived in Atlanta as man and wite, and the street gutter. The bullets were flred street regrading, which is a south side 7-year-old child, Louise, was known as their daughter. improvement, Ms probably- due to the from such close range that the cloth- fact that he recently purchased a house MISTAKEN POLICY Communication from Tennille, Oa., dead man's old home, indicates INJANKCASE Ing of both victims was ablaze when in Juniper street, where' he Intends to that his victim was not his wife, but a "soulinate," and that his real wife, make his home. ' having been separated from him two years, is in Macon, Instituting divorce eye-witnesses ran to the spot. Woodward's Position. Only Monopoly Would Be Action of Supreme Court Report That Coup D'Etat Mayor Woodward made the follow- proceedings. Death Note ' "5 ing statement, relative to (his position; Benefited, Writes Presi- May Be Expected Any Here are the mysterious points of the tragedy: Was Being Planned Re- Explains Deed. "I had absolutely nothing to do with The dead woman was known as "Marjie." The Tennille woman was In the dead.man's pocket was found the making up of the sheet, probably dent Wilson—Thinks Na- Time After Next Tuesday, sults in Entire Garrison less than any mayor that has occupied Miss Nancy May before marriage, daughter of a planter. a note explaining the deed, declaring this office. While the sheet was being tion's Honor Is at Stake. When Tribunal Meets. The Tennille Mrs. Amerson has two children. The slain woman had Being Placed on-Guard. the woman to have been faithless. It made up I remained at [work at my only one, no.w. in Alaga, Ala. desk, and the only suggestions I made calls her his wife. Advices received The Tennille Mrs. Amerson, it is reported, has been separated for two were that the committee take care of Baltimore, Md., February 8.—Presi- A decision in' the Leo M. Frank case, Mexico, City, February 5.—Reports hy The Constitution from Tennille, Spring street and the Peachtree widen- years. Amerson had been separated from the slain woman only six "weeks. dent Woodrow Wilson, in a letter to now pending in the supreme court, may that Conspirators were planning a Ga., however, have It that his real ing. William L. Marbury, of this city, which be expected any time after next Tues- The Tennille woman is supposed to be in South Macon. -. "At one time while the committee co,up d'etat tonight resulted in the will be published in The Baltimore Sun day," when the court again sits. wife is now In Macon and is suing was discuss'lng the sheet I remarked rhe police were able last night to learn little of the past of the dead troops of the entire garrlison being in jest' that I could make up a,sheet tomorrow, says the exemption of .All other criminal cases wfaich were man and woman beyond two months ago, when their lives drop into him for divorce in the courts of Ten- in twenty minutes, and some of the American coastwise shipping from argued at the time of the Frank case held in quarters or placed on guard In darkness. the neighborhood of* the artillery bar- nille, her former home. members came over and begged me to Panama canal tolls "constitutes a very was submitted have been passed on, There seemed no doubt following take the task. Alderman Kelley, a mistaken policy from every point of racks. • / 1 and unless the unforseen happens, the member of the' finance committee, who view." and "beneftis, for the present, young pencil fact-dry superintendent Soldiers -were on top of some of the the tragedy that the slain woman was has served on finance committees un- at any rate, o,nly a monopoly." The will know his fate next week.
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