What Fordham Had To Say >UR In The Observer Reader Survey 4 Volume" 4, Issue 1 College At Lincoln Center, Fordham University, New York •January 23-February 8, 1984 Fordham Tuition Goes Up Again By Marie Reres and Doris Suen Island University ($159 per credit), Wagner College ($170 per The Board of Trustees of Fordham University has approved an credit), and Fairleigh Dickinson University ($157 per credit). "We eight percent tuition increase for the 1984-85 academic year, as well think Fordham's education is better than these colleges and yet our as a 12 percent boost for room and board rates. tuition rate is lower," he said. College at Lincoln Center and the School of General Studies The 12 percent increase in room and board rates will cover cer- students will be paying $166 per credit, and students at Fordham tain renovations in the existing dormitories at Rose Hill such as new College and the College of Business Administration will be paying furniture, carpeting and windows. for the duration of their stay at college. The rate during the student's $5950 for the academic year. An eight percent increase was also The increase will also cover an eight percent pay raise for physical first year would remain constant during all the years. approved for all the graduate schools and the Law School. plant and clerical workers in the last year of their unions' three-year Another suggestion to avoid the tuition boost which some univer- "Unfortunately, the increase in tuition is mainly due to meeting contracts. sities have utilized is that of having a student pay for four years of inflation " Executive Vice President, Paul Reiss said. "Most Of the According to Reiss, the tuition rate has been increasing annual- college upon entry into the univeristy. "This prevents a student from increases have provided the same services at higher costs. However, ly for at least the past 10 years and the prospects of not having a having to pay for future increases during their years of study," Reiss our rates continue to be competitive with other colleges in the New tuition increase next year looks dim. "The only way in which tui- said. York area." tion will remain the same for two consecutive years will be if there Despite the tuition increase, it is not yet known if there will be Reiss compared CLC's current rate of tuition ($154 per credit) is no inflation," he said. an increase in the salary of full-time faculty members, according with other schools such as Hofctra University ($165 per credit), Long There have been suggestions that students pay a fixed tuition rate to Reiss. CLC Finally Gets The Message By Doris Suen tion of cigarettes and alcohol of any type and the The electronic sign which was proposed early calendar will cover various events at CLC," last semester was installed on the right hand side Parenteau said. of the entrance to the Pub on January 13. The sign, Above the ad and calendar is an LED traveling however, is not the same as the proposed one. message unit, controlled by a programmer The new sign is called Campus Source, a pro- keyboard. "The keyboard and the information gram coordinated by the Guaranteed Sales Cor- presented will be controlled by the Student Ac- poration which is responsible for advertising and tivities Office with no other restraints," said marketing to college campuses around the coun- Parenteau. Currently the message unit will present try. "The sign was given to us by Guaranteed Sales the discount tickets offered by Student Activities and we do not make any profits from it," Director and the Ram Van schedule. "Once we get under- of Student Activities, Normand Parenteau, said. way, we will also present the film schedules, "It is a service to the community." schedules of productions of the Theatre Depart- The lighted sign measures about four feet ment, events within CLC, and announcements of squared and will hold a different advertisement the sales to various sports activities within the each month on the left and a monthly activities University,®Parenteau said. calendar on the right. Guaranteed Sales, in con- According to Parenteau, Student Activities is in junction with Student Activities, is also responsi- the process of setting up a policy for the sign. ble for the printing of the monthly calendar. Presently the electronic sign is holding an- Main By Rill Timpkim nouncements regarding student activities. The new electronic sign in CLC's cafeteria doing its job. "The advertisements will not include the promo- Dorothy Dohen, Professor And Social Reformer, Dies By W.A. Fbwcr In interviews last week, Dr. Dohen's colleagues Besides her scholarly work in sociology. Dr. spoke about her life and her academic work. They Dohcn was known for her lectures on social issues. Above all, her friends say, Dorothy M. Dohen spoke of a dedicated scholar who always tried to She was an authority on spiritual and ascctical was a fightor. balance her academic work with her faith. literature. She knew "the world was scarred by evil, in- "She was a very saintly woman, extraordinari- Dr. Peter T. Schneider, chairman of the Social justice and sin," according to one of her Fordham ly so," said the Rev. Joseph P. Pitzpatrick, the Sciences,division at CLC, called Dr. Dohcn a colleagues, and she made a point to be not just a renowned Sociology professor from Fordham's "thoroughly dedicated intellectual and at the same Sociology professor and religious writer, but an Rose Hill campus. Dr. Dohcn met Father Fitz- time a thoroughly moral person." outspoken social reformer. patrick in 1953 and was his student for her Masters There are always conflicts between "principle But what really made Dr. Dohcn special, friends and Doctorate study. and practice," Dr. Schneider said, but Dr. Dohcn say, is thai «|ie could tackle problems -from Ford- Dr. Dohcn ul various times served as ehuir- "specialized as a Catholic lay teacher in trying to ham personnel issues to the care of the pcrson of the Social Sciences division, director of come to terms with these conflicts." 1 homeless -without antagonizing others. the F.XCF.L Program lor adult students and ' Dr. Schneider added that Dr. Dohen look a After 23 years at Fordham, Dr. Dohen was forc- member of the Faculty Senate and Faculty special interest in the BXCliL program and "hud Grievance Committee. a special commitment to adult students She was ed lor health reasons to suspend her teaching ut DOROTHY I)OI I IN CLC last fall, and died after a long illness ul her In 1980 she received Fordham's Bcne Merenti, Continued On Pli|U' 2 home on January 3. She was 60 years old. Medal for 20 years service. page 21 The Observer/January 23,1984 Continued From Page 1 1 dedicated to looking out for and promoting their Coming up this semester: Mew food, new interests in the college." "She was concerned that we not turn EXCEL in- beverages, new specials, popcorn (nave -a to a stepchild," Dr. Schneider said. Dr. Dohen, he said, was instrumental in making sure there is an you ever tried Italian popcorn) the KfflPUIN equal number of quality professors in both day and night classes. monthly fortune cookie energy FIRST IN But Dr. Dohen was used to fighting for justice at CLC, according to Dr. Harold A. lakooshian, shakes, Australian night TEST another colleague. "In every university there is politics," Dr. (featuring the Fosters PREPARATION lakooshian said. "But she (Dr. Dohen) managed SINCE 1938 to rise above that. She got involved in things, but /SSAT-PSAT in such a way that it seems she never antagonized /SATACTGMAT people. She didn't shy away (from personnel /ACHIEVEMENTS issues) but she didn't anatagonize." Mostly, said Dr. lakooshian, "She was candid. GRELSATHAGRELSAT T And sincere." GRE BIO TOEFL From 1952 to 1956 Dr. Dohen was editor of In- GREPSYCHPCAT tegrity, a monthly journal founded hy lay Catholics DATMCATVAT "dedicated to the task of discovering a new syn- 0CATHHB1-2-3 thesis of religion and life for our times." From 1981 NPBMSKPNDB to 1983 she served on the Technical Advisory FM6EMSGGFNS Committee for the study of Hispanics in the Ar- _ICPA NCLEX-RN chdiocese of New York. SPEEDREADINGNCB-1 She published Vocation to Love in 1950, and ESI REVIEW-FLEX 1-2-3 Journey to Bethlehem in 1958. Both books were INTRO TO LAWSCHOOL translated and published in six languages. Women Breakfast in Wonderland, a sociological analysis of the role of women in modern society, was published in Buffet, Cidertasting, 1960, and Nationalism and American Catholicism " in 1967. Her articles have appeared in Integrity, Live Music, Customer Recipe KHPMN Today, Blackfriars, LActualiti, Studi Cattolici and EDUCATIONS CENTER UD. 'Visit Any Of Our Centers others. Contest. Look for the Pub And See For Yourself Why She also had been active in the Young Christian We Make The Difference Workers and Students movement of the mid-1940's. TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS Calendar in the meantime, Clip the In his homily at a Mass of Christian Burial SINCE 1938 Apple and get 10% off any deli sandwich Call Days, Evenings & Weekends January 6, Father Fitzpatrick said Dr. Dohen 131 West 56th Street "recognized the increasing involvement of the social sciences in theology and sought them out.'1 until Feb 24th And wear a Fordham shirt N.Y.C. 10019 (Between6&7Aves.) "She went for the sociology of religion and ex- 212-977-8200 celled in it," Father Fitzpatrick said at the mass, celebrated at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle or sweatshirt on Tuesday Feb.
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