1 9 Vector 0 THE CRITICAL JOURNAL OF THE BSFA £2.25 November/ December 1996 Magic and Realism The Films of Terry Gilliam Derek Jarman's SF 1996: SF on Film and TV Hardback Reviews - page 11 Letters - Page 3 Paperback Reviews - page 25 EDITORIAL Awards: What are they good for ... ? At the time of writing I have no idea who ,.,ill win the BSFA Award. But should it maner to anyone hut the winner? I ask this because the now numerous awards which eKist in every sphere seem to be more a source of controversy than of guidance. In this issue a lener by Sarah Goldner questions the judgement of the Chrke A ward. I have longtendedtothinktha1award<;areeithermeaninglessormisleading,andthatthe former or the btter depend~ upon who is learning the result and how they act upon it. However, shortly after reu,ving Sarah Goldner's leuer, my copy of Matrix !21 arrived. Contents Inside ":'a~ a feature on ten years of the Anhur C. Clar~e A;ward. Havin~ read the article, a 1s obvious that :i wards can mean a lot to a writer m terms of gaming recognition for his or her work, and so they certainly have some value, Unhappily, what 5 1 0 1 5 1 Letters to Vecior ~ a~t:rlu]kh:: bc;~~~s~:/~~ne~i~:7a:i~~~~~!eedi:fr:~.i~d :h:;~i~~:il/e~:; ~:ar Kim Stanley Robinson the awud had been given to quite the wrong book The problem is that the awards are based upon a false premise. In the case of 1hc Bibliography Clarke or the BSF A A wards, that of all the sf books p_ublishcd in one ye~r, one of them 1996: A Year of Futures Past can somehow be "better" than all the res t , and that this "betterness" can m some way be john Ashbrook on the yean film a11d 1V agreed upon. Yet all of the virtues that a work of fi ction may ha"e, it is unreasonable to Magic and Realism 1 1 :Jth~:~. f:ri;th::at~=~~: Z::~ ~~ir:~~:its~~~e1n i~t i::{g~:;;:~;~~:i!yd:::r:o~~:: JkFilnnofTnry Gilliam byDawM. Ro~ts or even au empt 10 do, as well as some other book. That one reader will prefer a ce rtain Queer New World nawed book over another is al ways going to be a mauer of personal taste, imerest and Derek}arman'J sfby Bob Ford temperament. The very idea that any group of people can choose the "best" work of the year is really not ten~ble. The res~lt become1 "best" by consensus, and as long as we are Cognitive Mapping 5: Space 10 all aware of that and a d.oes the wmner's career some good 1hen no one should reall y by Paul Kincaid havegroundstocomplam First Impressions 11 !tis when awards arc taken as an objecti'.'e standa:d that they .become a problem. Hardb.ick Reviews edited by Pa11/ Kincaid ;;;~ec:ft~: ;:et~~~ai:rt:!~~: :~e;:~:y:h:~ )";;~f t:j;~e1;:;rfil:\~;(1~~ctte Pulp Fiction 25 entirely on the strength that 11 had won Oscars fo r Best Film and Best Direction. It Paprrback Reviews ediud by Tanya Brown became obvious ~hat what I _was watching was ar: average fi1!11, and even_ then I was 1 1 1 ;:n~=~~:1t;ns~:i,~;:sb:cncl~i~fi;~::ft~~:~:·1~1~: -~;;r:dih:t~~t~ s;;,:x~yssey (1968) had fa,led even 10 be nominated for Best Film (,u only nommauons were for Screenplay and Production Design) in the year in which 0/,verl won. VECTOR Now 0/11,-er_l is a fin~lr craft~, lavishly entertai~ing musical. It is also an emire_ly Published by the BSFA c l'.l%. ISSN - 0S05 1448 All backwards·lookmg, tradmonal f,lm. That it could wm over the most ground·brukmg, opinionsarearethoseoftheindividualco111ribu1orsand innova1ivc,imagina1iveandvisual!yextraordinarymo\'iemade(11ptothatdate)inthe ,houldnotnece,.nilybeukena.stheviewsoftheeditoror history of cinema, revealed how utterly misleading the entire process of awards could 1heBSFA become. Now I am aware that by suggesting that 2001 _is a bcner film than Oli'!JtT and Rocky, I lay mpe!f open to the very charge that I am semng agamst awards: that of choosing EDITOR one work over another as the "best". However, I am doing so only as my own personal Tony Cullen -16 Weaver's Way, Camden, London NW\ 0XE Email: [email protected] ;;:~~;~ttfs ~h:::;~~:~;~:f io s~~:;~::h::1::tds~~:~\~~~ffi::~r:~1 i~~~Tore FEATURES EDITORS provide a seeming cultural seal of absolute quality. Tte "experts" h:n·e decided that so Andrew Butler - Fbt 3, 28 Louis Sm,e!, Hull, HU) andsoisso,andsoitmustbeso. !LY People can be misled into thinking that books and films which win awards are Email: [email protected] bctterthanthose thatdon't.Thereisadanger ofcreatingacanonicalculturcof"great" Gary Daikin - ', Lydford Road, Boumemou1h, Dor~!, books or films, and of a son of work which is almost automatically "great", either BHll8SN becauseofitssubiectorbecauseofwhowrotcormadeit.Yettheveryfactthatthereare HARDBACK REVI EWS EDITO R now ~o many awards, ~nd that the sf awards all contradict each other should give Pau!Kincaid&OBoumemouthRoad,Fo!kes1one, Kem CT19 SAZ Email: [email protected] war;ienrt~;st~hes~:~:f~J:i~~s'::ct;:~~;~n~:\o come up with a short list of boob or films PAPERBACK REVIEWS EDITO R selected as Of Outstanding Merit. Choose as many titles u the Membenhip, Selection Tanya Brown E73 DuCane Coun, Balham High Road, Commiuec or whatever feel are worthy, and let each individual decide for themselves London, SW17 7JL Emlil: ;unarwth@:ty!a.avnet.co.uk how much they like each one. Meanwhile, don't let anyone tell you something must be good just because it won an award. Perhaps they've bee n watching too many Stallone PRINTED BY: films. PDC Copyprint 11 Jeffries PASsage Guildford, Surrey GU! 4AP by Gary Daikin 11 rtl :ffi ©00i4ifo4 ii iNff.tiii'tMIM Mil Id i:!-ii·IIJltMt Limitedbyguarantee.ComprnyNo.921500 Administruor - Mau reen Kincaid Speller, 60 Bournemouth Road, ,:,~i; :; .jQm@ ~., ,Bournemouth Rold, Folkestone, Kent. CT19 SAZ Folkc11one, Kent CT\9 SAZ Em ail; ml;s_pk l ci x. compul ink. co. ul; Treasurer - Elizabeth Billinger 81 Kelvin Road, New Cubbing,:on, UKResidems:£l8or£9(forun-.:aged)peryear.Plea~enquireforoverseas Lumington Spa CV32 7TQ Publicatiom Manager • Steve Jeffery, 44 Whi,e W~y, Kidling,: on, Oxon, OXS RENEWALS AN D NE\1' M EMBERS - P AUL BILLING ER, 82 K ELV IN 2XA Orbiten - c~rol Ann Green, 5 R~glan Avenue, Hull, HUS 2JB R OAD, NEW CUBBINGTON, LEA MI NG TON SPA CV32 1fQ Awards - Kev McVeigh, 37 Firs Road, Milmhorpe, Cumbria, LA7 7QF j~j@iNii~i@ ij ifbjot 14248 Wilfred Suw, Detroit, Ml mn USA Publi city/Promotion! - Claire Brilrlcy, 2(, No11hm1pton Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 7HA & Mark Plummer, 14 Nonh-..'"ily Road, Focus: Carol Ann Green, 5 Raglan Avenue, Hull, HUS 2JB & Croydon,SurreyCR0l:>JE Julie Venner, 42 Walgrave Street, Newland A,·e., Hull, HU5 2LT London Meeting Coordinator - Paul Hood, 27 Strawberry Lane, Tiptree, M,urix: Chris Terrln, 9 Beec hwood Court, Back Bee,hwood Grove, Leeds, EsscxCOS0KX West Yorkshire LS42HS Foreign Li aison - Bridget Wilkinson, !7 Mimoia, 29 Avenue Road, London Vector 190 • NovemberfDecember1996 From Mike Mason Don't slop thmkmg .1bou1 1omorrow .. Yesterday's gone, oh.fl yt1srerday's gone. And very sad 11 is, too, because yesterday was a gre.Jt day for science fic11on. Proper science f1c11on - sf that meant something. It was a time when sf had ideas, stayed up late arguing .Jbout them, promised to change the world and wouldn't cake 'no' fOI" an answer. That le.Jn, square-1awed sf is h.Jrder to find these days. Today. sf loafs around and w1nges about itself. The constant round of dirty nappies .Jnd school pla.ys ,s wh.Jt II expected the future to hold. Where's 1he single pill to replace all mealsl The Moonbasel The dolphin embassyl life's re.Jlly bummed out Bui has 11! We constantly hear criticism of today's sf: watered­ LETTERS TO VECTOR down tech, sequels-upon-prequels-upon,sp1noffs; the book of the Hollywood lunch; 1he book of a synopsii; of ,l story by someone now too dead lo complain. All these things are lruly hideous, bu1, 1u~ 11ke From s.irah Goldner, Aberystwyth. the nappies, atl these non-pure forms are thmgs that we could have I have 1ust been re-reading old copies of Veao, (OK, ~ I'm wd and pred,aed. No, dammll, should've pred,aed. have no lifeJ and I was ~ed to be remil'Kied oi 50!Tleth1ng which l ike Sherlod:: Holmes and the use of the pos1tronic b<ain, sf itself the magazme once 00.15led and now ignores: letters. rs a bastard child of o1her 1Jterary gf!!flres. And, just a.s sf was born out Gener.illy I cons,der 1ha1 1he vauous ednon ilre doing a r;nher of wedlock. so we should equally own up to lhe fact that much of good 1ob oi edi11ng the rnagazme. I part.cularly enioyed Stephen today's so-ulled fan1asy owes ,1s parenthood to sf's own SWtX"d­ 8a11.1er on the h,story of TM Time M.ch,~. However, a vital part of wielding facnon. Corum's followers, no! G.lndalf's, are 1oday's any publica11on such as Vt'Ctor 1s a 1,vely, controversi.il and engaging publ1sh1ng house editots. debate between mteresred parties, 1.e . the readers, writers and critia.
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