
Rcgmi a�s�arch (Privr.te) Ltd, Katnman:::iu: May 1, 1973·. Regmi Rese�rch Series Year 5, N·.). 5, Edi te-j By Mahesh C. R&gmi. Contents Page 1 l·. i nnexa ti-m Cf 'Ilk: Sen King:-bms ... 81 2. P,,ili tical B ... nmjari,es Of Neljal ••• 86 3. Nt:tiali Coins Durtng 'lbe Mec,iaevol Perivd ... 91 4. Supplies FJr Mur.itb ns Factorit:is ••• 98 Regmi Res.➔arch · (Private) Ltd, Lazimpat, Kathmandu, 1-iepal. Compiled by Regmi Research (Private) Ltd for private study and research. Not meant for public sale or display. .Annexation Of The Sen Kingdom� By Baburam· Acharya• . When Prithiti Narayan Shah was engaged in his campaign of building up a new Nepal., deep unrest was spreading in the Sen Kingdoms of the Kirat regio�. I•.illkwanpur'2 which had broken away from the Kirat Kingdom of Vija­ yap�, was'being:ruled by King Manik Se�. He was succadded by _his son, Hem�karnn Sen.Mahipati Sen.was then King of Vijayapu�. He was the younger b�other of l'Ianik Sen. He was also callt::d Mandhata Sen.; T1h1e Kings of Vija- II ,. yapur styled themse lv�s. Hindupati or lord of the H�dus because they · · · regarded themselves as rivals of the Mughals. 'lhE:ly appqinted their ·minis-,. ters,,; who were also known as Chautara, e�clusively from among thl::'l: Limbus. · The Limbu min�sters h&d their !ine fo succession just like the Kings. King M ahipati held to fle� his State and go to Lhasa µs ·a refugee -as a result · ,of h_is confli_ct with tiis Limbu minis·"t,er, Vicpi tra ·Rai. Tha Limbu ministers, even though not Kings themsalvos, carried on the administration of the S'tc\te: :j..ndepenoontly. In 1730 -h.D. the thi:ln Limb'4 minister invited Jc1gat, Sen,, younger'brothar of Hemakc1rna S1:1n, and proclaimad him Iu,ng of Vijayapur. Jus a� _ t .this IOOroont_, .Mahipnti Sent re urned from exile. _The minister, _·th�rd- . fore, retained the upper Kirat rt1gion, situated to th� east of the· Arun · r · · iver, and ·the Tarai area of Morang, in. Vijayapur· Statu and made l-lahipati n its So King. At the samo time, he created a naw Statd comprising the. Ct.:ntra_l Kirat region, situated to th� west of the � river and thc··Tarai n:aas ·of Saptari, with·. ChDudandi as its capital, and made Jagat Sen its Klng. Thus two Sen Kingdoms were established (l75J). Jagat Son· Wc,S succe�­ 9Y h s As Sen,deq_ i, b;E'other, Mukund?· Sen VI . Mukunda Sen was childless, Vikrama. _another younger brothel' o·f Jagat Sen, became King, and· ruled for so� years. He was succ�:�ded by his son, Karna Sen, whose minister (Chautara) · Vc3s �jit Rai. XBabure�· Acharya, :fop alko Sainksnipta V rittanta (A Conc;i.se �cco�t of Nepal)·. 11 11 !a�hmanc;:tu: Pramod Shamsher and Nir Bikrnm Pyasi ., 2022 ( l966). Chapter ll: ·Ki.rat Kirat Sen Rajyaharuko. Unmulan-." (Annexation Of Tho Sen �µigdoms), pp. 60-65. : · · · · , .. ContQ ••.• 82. after the death of Ma hipati Sen, Vishwantar Sen beoam8 King of Vija ­ ya pur (1751) . Sri kanta . Rai wa s hi s minister. Srikant Rai had remaine d minister durinf th0 reign of Kamada tta Sen, who acceded to tho throne in 1756 • . In 1760, Srik:1hta Rai alom.! rulcd th-- country , becmisa Kamadatto Sen had quarrelled with him c: nd lo ft th8 country . Howe ver, h8 came back in 1763 and resume d powar aft8r remo ving Srikantc1 Rai. Thus effe c tive pow::.:­ e.ltcrna te d between thl: King and his ministar for soma ye.::irso. This situ et.ion la sted till the: tiTili::J when Jashakarnn Rai succa ad0d Srik:mta R1i m_; 1n ...ni st�r. J.i shakarna Rai wa s succecded by Buddhiknrna , who wa.s disniitoscu bJ .C ing , Kamadatta Sen on t.he charge that he, in co llusion with i:ita Ra i, minis'L.:,r of Chaudandi, had tried to ·assassinate thG King . But Btld dhiknrna, musterin6 all his streng th,:m , eventua lly forced Kamn dattn. S,m to run away. Kamadatt.:1 Sen reachud Pu·rn<;Ja to pload for assistance from 't he loca l British officer. But hti• failed to secure nny aid ·from th.(.;; Briti s h . u1tim9t aly, Kamadatta &:n, rGlying on his own· resc ur cas, d.rov� out Buddhikarna and killed his brother, and thus rJgpincd pow.Jr in Vijaya pur .(1766). •In 1769, a rt:'beollio.n bro ke out in Vi jay<1pur, ·: in which Kamada tt.a S9� was assa ssina ted . H� wa s · succec-Jded by hi s uncie, Raghunath Sen . But Buddhikarna RGi soon removed �ghuna th Sen and procla i.m.;d·K ing . K�rna Sen of .Chaudandoi cJs .�:i.ng of Vijay:ipu: · Kpmadatta S.., n was the son of P;ithvi Narayan shah'os aunt, account of tt1is , h� was on good terms with Prithvi Naray£1t1 Shaho. It wasOn the rElfor,, na tura l for Prithvi Narayan Sh ah to feel pvrturbe d over the murder of Kwm� ­ dDtT,a Sen . Fo llowing this inc id0nt, h0 looked forward to an opportunity to annihilate Buddhikarna Ra i and occupy Chcnid,mdi . Karna Sen ha d becomcl Kil}g of Chaudc'.lndi some d ays .·after tha fall of Mc!kWEln pur . Sincl:l i'rithvi lf or.:yan Sh3h I s dominions extended from :..h0 hill re gion wost of Chc1-udandi to the Tarai region,o· Karno- . Sen npi • J ri�no " d cill immin-.:.nt a ttack by th<:: Uo rkha lis on 'his Stntt: . H1:; wa s thcr.:;fore p lanning , :.long wi tb i.ji t . .Ra i, .his miniswr, to halp th£.➔ 1.me mie·s of Prithv i · NarayDn Shc:1 h . He: <.-1Ssisted th<.:! Br itish to the· b est of his capaci ty ·_whon they a tta ck _, ' i�·:opal exactly n t tha t t irnt: . Ho also sunt presents to Joya Prakas h Na ll a in Bhaktapur and even sent thara somt, Khambu troops. Prithvi Naraya n Shah too wa s getting rea dy to invade C hnuc.~ndi nftor conso lidnt ing his ho ld on Bhu ktapur. Howc:vc"r, he rea liz �ct that hi;? could not s�curd S aptari , thB T3r,·i 'Wrritory o.f Chnudandi, as long as the British rt1mained in the Tnrai re€;io1;, d� W3 S, " thorefort: , cqmp�ll�d �o turn town rds th0 w�storn (hill) region . L.3tJr, the Br itish withdr,·w from th-d Ta rai, and Prithvi Narayan Sr t. , · - ta ki..;; ndv,:in tc.1 gc of this, startedma king military prt;paratiohs to i·nvac.1;, Chaudnndi . He appointed his brother (Dalajit Sha h ? ) , as minister, sinct: Minister VamshcJ Raj Pandt: wa s a captive at Bsnisahar . Kahar Simha Basnya t wa s replaced by his younger brother, 1\b himan Sirr.ha Basnyat, as com!Tl,'.lnd8r with thi.:, title of 11Bakshi 11 • .i\b himan Simhn B�� 1y 1t was subsequunt ly given thc rank 'o'f Ka ji c1nd V8S t.ad with full ministerial pow0rso. Contd ••• 83. The capital of Chaudandi was situated in the inner Tarai. The area surrounding the Udayapur fort, situated south of the border between the hi ll and T arai re gions, was inhabited by Magars, who were r esponsible for defending it. Majhkirat, situated in the hill rogion of Chaudandi , was inhabited also by Khasas . Prithvi Narayan Shah secretly sent Bangya Bas­ nyat to this area and won over the _Khasa s, who were tired of the oppress ion to which they were -sub jected by Karna Sen• .Among the Khasas were Harinand�� Upadhyayc:. of Kharpa, and Trilochan Upadhyaya, both of whom were wea lthy Lnd influo:::ntiaol. Both men were worried over thti possibility of their property bi:Jing plundered in the event of a Gorkha li attack on Chaudandi,. Harina:odc::n UpadhyayD thought tha t he could save his Birta lands and hiswe alth if h& .. helped the Gorkhali s to conquer Chaudandi. Accordingly, he came over to · Nuwa ko t and personally requested Prithvi Narayan Shah to attack Chaudandi. He promised that he would assist Prithvi Narayan Shc:h to the bt::stof / his capacity if he invDded Ch�udandio. Trilochan Up.:idhyayn too promised wha t­ t: VE::r support ha could give for the invasiofl. Prithvi Narayan Shah could scarcely afford to loso this golden o_pportunity. Triloch,1n Upa dhyaya ha d made arrangements to ferry Gorkha li troops across tho Dudhko shi river, by outflanking outposts in the Kirat area . Two companies of Gorkhaoli troops, dt::lspatched by Prithvi Narayan Shah unae:r the cummand o f Sardar Ramkris hn;;; Kunwar md Sardar jUT!ar Simha That,a , czx.,ss..:d the.: Dudhkoshi river at nigt1t and entered into Chaudandi (August 1772). It was !?rithvi Narayan Shnho' s intention to send Abhiman Simha Basnyat tu occupy the capital from the Tarai area after the occupa tion of the Kirnt regivn. • Chaudandi did not have a standing army in the K1rat regLm. The local Khambus wc.: re given the respons ibility of defending tha t region •. Ramkrishn� Kunwar tried hard t,J win them over tu his side •. But thd Khambus refus,.;; d t .; accept th\:l G0rkhnli cbmination and resolved to put up a fight . Every Khumbu chief in the Kira t Ngion was 2 fouda l overlord, who regarded the Sen Kings as no more than a titular rule r.
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