West Cumbria Mining 1 Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) 01 Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) WCM-PA-ENGAGEMENT-SCI West Cumbria Mining 2 Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) OVERVIEW West Cumbria Mining (WCM) is a private uk company focused upon the development of its Whitehaven coking coal project. The project sits within the Cumbrian coalfield, an area in which mining has spanned many centuries, and is located adjacent to Haig Colliery, from which 48 million tonnes of coking coal was extracted from 1917 until it closed in 1986, much of it beneath the seabed over four miles offshore. WCM has been busy through 2014 and 2015 undertaking a programme of coal exploration, onshore and offshore, with the aim of constructing a large scale, state-of-the-art underground coking coal mine. WCM has proven the presence of high quality coking coal which has very attractive properties, including extremely low ash and phosphorus. The company is committed to continuing to promote its stakeholder engagement in an open, honest and straightforward style with the local community, with major successes achieved in 2015. West Cumbria Mining 3 Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) CONTENTS OVERVIEW 4 Introduction 4 Purpose of the SCI 4 The Project 6 The Planning Process 8 Approach to Engagement and Consultation 8 Community Engagement to Date 10 The Consultation Process 12 Consultation Feedback 12 West Cumbria Mining Response to Consultation 13 Conclusions Appendix A Appendix B West Cumbria Mining 4 Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: JANUARY 2016 1 Introduction 3 The Project 1.1 This Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) has 3.1 The Project is for a new mine to extract coking coal by been prepared by West Cumbria Mining Ltd (WCM), with modern underground mining. Coking coal is used in the support from Stephenson Halliday Ltd. production of steel and differs significantly from poorer quality thermal coal which is typically used in coal fired 1.2 This SCI sets out the strategy for community and power stations to generate electricity. stakeholder engagement during the planning application phase of the West Cumbria Coking Coal Mine Project (‘the 3.2 The coalfields of West Cumbria extend from onshore to Project’). offshore, to depths greater than 400m below ground (and the sea), along the Cumbrian coast, covering an area of 1.3 It is anticipated that the planning application for the Project around 200km2. will be submitted in late 2016. Following submission, the application will be subject to the formal planning 3.3 WCM has commenced the process of identifying potential consultation process. It is intended that this SCI will cover areas for the mine facilities, including the mine entrance the period from the present day until planning permission and ventilation shafts, processing, storage and workshop is granted for the Project. Following planning approval, facilities, offices, coal transport facilities and waste sites. WCM will endeavour to continue their liaison with the local Inclined tunnels called ‘drifts’ will be constructed to community to keep them updated on the progress of the provide access down to the coal seams. Project and provide a forum for feedback. 3.4 At present, two options are being investigated for 2 Purpose of the SCI the location of the drift tunnels; these are either the 2.1 This SCI sets out the planned approach to be adopted by construction of a new tunnel from within the Mirehouse/ WCM in their community and stakeholder engagement, Pow Beck Valley area, or to re-use the existing disused during the pre-application period and following Sandwith Anhydrite mine drifts (via refurbishment) with submission of the application for planning permission, for new underground extension drift tunnels to access the the Project. coal. In addition to establishing the feasibility of these two options, WCM is seeking feedback on the options from 2.2 It is intended that the approach set out in this SCI will be the local community and stakeholders. agreed with Cumbria County Council (CCC) who are the Planning Authority (PA) for the application, as well as other 3.5 The preferred option for the drift tunnel is to utilise the stakeholders as required. existing Sandwith mine drifts from the former Marchon works site to access the coal underground. 2.3 The SCI is structured as follows: • Section 3 describes the Project; 3.6 Much of the work undertaken on the Project to date • Section 4 provides detail on the planning process and has been to drill exploratory boreholes, both onshore how the SCI fits in with that regime; and offshore, to recover coal samples from deep • Section 5 sets out the intended approach to engagement underground. Although a large amount of historical data and consultation; is available in the area, WCM has to comply with modern • Section 6 describes the early engagement undertaken for international codes to assess and determine the size of the Project; the Coal Resource and Reserves, which requires up to • Section 7 provides detail of the consultation process: date information to support existing data. WCM employs setting out who will be consulted, how they will be a team of specialist geologists and engineers, and consulted, what they will be consulted on, and when they independent ‘Competent Persons’ to report formally on will be consulted; the quantity, quality and practical ability to mine the coal • Section 8 explains how stakeholders and the community deposit. can respond to the consultation; and • Section 9 describes how WCM will provide feedback 3.7 As the Project moves forwards, a wide range of work is during the consultation process and how this is likely to being progressed including these major work areas: feed into the Project. • Surface design – location options, surface building West Cumbria Mining 5 Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) requirements, architectural design, process plant locations; operating limits, methane capture, dilution and extraction, • Mine design – mining method, equipment selection, surface clean methane power plant for electricity ground support, multi-seam operations, mine output; generation; • Onshore drilling – vertical drilling for geological data, • Mine waste options; onshore to offshore directional drill holes for coal samples • Planning process – engagement with the responsible and resource estimates; parties (Cumbria County Council, Copeland Borough • Offshore drilling –In May 2015 consent was obtained from Council), engaging in early reviews, extensive public the Marine Management Organisation for drilling 6 offshore engagement; boreholes off the coast of St Bees. This programme • Environmental Assessment – ecology, noise, landscape and has been suspended over the winter of 2015/16 and is visual impact, air quality, water quality, ground conditions expected to recommence in March/April 2016. and the historic environment; and • Environmental permits – applications for permits to build • Stakeholder engagement – WCM clinic meetings, public and operate; events, website, social media updates, newsletters, site • Pre-Feasibility Study – determination of preferred options visits, local liaison group, presentations to local groups. for the whole mine, including cost estimates; • Coal market studies – assess WCM coal end users, 3.8 At this stage it is anticipated that the Project will create market size, shipment sizes, UK and EU split, coal quality around 500 long term skilled jobs. WCM will strive to considerations; ensure that a high proportion of the workforce is from • Rail and sea transport studies – review all rail capability, the local area. In addition to this, WCM seeks to utilise upgrading work required, port size and suitability, vessel local businesses in its current works and this will continue sizes and costs, rail costs, overall destination plans; to be a focus as the Project develops. Aside from direct • Mine access – review types of access, locations and employment, it is anticipated that the Project will create operational impacts on mine, including drifts and shaft indirect employment in the region of up to five jobs for options; every one direct job. Increased spending in the local • Coal processing – assess coal processing requirement, community, new income to local households and a plant flow sheet, plant sizing and layout, associated facilities; commitment by WCM to improve the occupational and • Mine ventilation and methane – assess mine ventilation social health of their employees and families are further requirements, airway locations and sizes, working method, benefits associated with the Project. West Cumbria Mining 6 Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) 4 The Planning Process environmental effects, an Environmental 4.1 Cumbria County Council (CCC) is the Impact Assessment (EIA) is required to Planning Authority (PA) for the Project. accompany the application for planning WCM engaged with CCC at an early permission. The EIA process is governed stage in the Project and has worked by the Town and Country Planning to keep lines of communication open (Environmental Impact Assessment) between the two parties as the Project Regulations 2011 as amended. The aim has developed. of EIA is to protect the environment by ensuring that a planning authority, when 4.2 Although there are no statutory planning determining a planning application for a requirements for WCM to enter into project which is likely to have significant pre-application consultation with the effects on the environment, does so in community or other stakeholders, WCM the full knowledge of those effects and recognises the importance of this Project takes this into account in the decision to the community and has sought to making process. include all interested parties at an early stage and is keen that this engagement 4.6 There are five broad stages to the continues throughout the course of the process: planning process and beyond. i. Screening – determining whether a proposed project falls within the remit Planning Performance Agreement of the EIA Regulations, whether it is likely 4.3 WCM and CCC have entered into a to have significant environmental effects Planning Performance Agreement (PPA).
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