Michel van der Aa (*1970) Louis Andriessen (*1939) Imprint (2004) 14’ Vermeer Pictures (2005) 30’ for Baroque orchestra Concert suite from the opera ‘Writing to Vermeer’ FP: 27 Aug 2005 Lucerne for orchestra Freiburger Barockorchester / Gottfried von der Goltz FP: 17 Sep 2005 Dr Anton Philipszaal, Den Haag 2ob-hpd-strings(; portative organ to be played by solo vln; Residentie Orkest / Clark Rundell period instruments or modern instruments played in a Baroque way 3.3(III=corA).bcl.cbcl(=bcl).0––perc(2)–2harps– 2003 – 2006 2003 – 2gtr(amplified)–2pft–cimb–strings(min. Second Self (2004) 15’ for orchestra and soundtrack FP: 15 Oct 2004 Donaueschingen Dominick Argento (*1927) SWR-Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden und Freiburg / Roland Kluttig (2004) 20’ 0.0.Ebcl.2(II=bcl).0––perc(2)–strings(–soundtrack Four Seascapes for chorus and orchestra Releases Music Text: Herman Melville, Thornton Wilder, Henry James, Mark Twain (E) John Adams (*1947) FP: 16 Oct 2004 Eastman Theatre, Rochester, New York Eastman-Rochester Chorus / Eastman Chorale / Batter my heart, three person’d God Eastman Philharmonia / William Weinert from the opera ‘Doctor Atomic’ (2005) 7’ SATB chorus; 2(II=afl).2(II=corA).2(II=bcl).2(II=dbn)–– for baritone and orchestra timp.perc(2):BD/bell tree/chimes/cyms/glsp/mark tree/snare dr/ Music Text: John Donne (E) susp.cym/tamb/tam-t/whip/wind chime(shell)/tgl/xyl–harp–strings FP: 01 Oct 2005 Opera House, San Francisco, California Gerald Finley, baritone / San Francisco Opera Orchestra / Donald Runnicles Harrison Birtwistle (*1934) 2.picc.3.3(III=bcl).3––timp.perc(1):chimes/tuned gongs– harp–strings Three Brendel Settings (2000/03–04) 12’ for baritone and orchestra The Dharma at Big Sur (2003) 27’ Music Text: Alfred Brendel; English version by the for amplified violin and orchestra author with Richard Stokes (E) FP: 24 Oct 2003 Walt Disney Concert Hall, FP complete: 17 Aug 2004 Royal Albert Hall, London Los Angeles, California William Dazeley, baritone / Philharmonia Orchestra / Tracy Silverman, violin / Los Angeles Philharmonic / Christoph von Dohnanyi Esa-Pekka Salonen––perc:claves/BD/susp.cym/tam-t–harp–strings 0.0.2bcl.0–4.3.2.dbtrbn.1–2harps–2kbd samplers–timp.perc(4): vib/glsp/marimba/chimes; almglocken/xyl; 4bowl gongs/ glsp/chimes/almglocken/tgl; tuned gongs/2pots/crot–strings Night’s Black Bird (2004) 12’ for orchestra Easter Eve (2004) 12’ FP: 21 Aug 2004 Kultur- und Kongresszentrum, Lucerne from the opera ‘Doctor Atomic’ Cleveland Orchestra / Franz Welser-Möst for mezzo-soprano and orchestra 3(II,III=picc).3.3(II=Eb,III=bcl/dbcl).3(III=dbn)– 6.4(III=btpt*,IV=picc.tpt).4.2–perc(5):xyl/vib/marimba/t.bells/2wdbl/ Music Text: Muriel Rukeyser (E) 2guiro/claves/slit dr/lg BD/susp.cym/clashed cyms/metal tube**/ FP: 21 May 2004 Avery Fisher Hall, New York hi-hat/lg tam-t/lg nipple gong–2harps–strings(min. Audra McDonald, soprano / New York Philharmonic / * If no bass trumpet available, play on tenor trombone John Adams ** piece of scaffold tube c.40cm x 5cm set on a piece of 3(II,III=picc).3(III=corA).3(III=bcl).2.dbn––perc(4):thunder polystyrene and struck with metal hammer large enough to make sheet/glsp/tgl/tuned gong; chimes; lg tam-t/hi susp.cym/xyl/crot; the maximum dynamic (ffff) New Music for Orchestra lg chin.cym/susp.cym/tam-t(with superball)/tuned gongs–harp– cel–strings Elliott Carter (*1908) My Father Knew Charles Ives (2003) 25’ for orchestra FP: 30 Apr 2003 Davies Symphony Hall, Dialogues (2003) 14’ San Francisco, California for piano and large ensemble San Francisco Symphony / Michael Tilson Thomas FP: 23 Jan 2004 Queen Elizabeth Hall, South Bank 3(III=picc).picc.2.corA.3(III=Ebcl).bcl.2.dbn––timp(=2bowl Centre, London gongs).perc(4):crot/glsp/cowbell/xyl/2bowl gongs/marimba; xyl/ Nicolas Hodges, piano / London Sinfonietta / Oliver crot/SD/susp.cym/2tom-t/vib/almglocken/3hi tgl/marimba; Knussen chimes/crash cym/susp.cym/3hi tgls; 3tgls/2BD/tuned gongs/ 1(=picc).1(=corA).1.1(=dbn)––strings(; may be tam-t/almglocken/lo susp.cym/vib/crot–harp–cel–pft–strings increased proportionately, up to a maximum of Fons Juventatis (2004) 3’ Standard order of instrumentation: for orchestra fl.ob.cl.bn–hn.tpt.trbn.tuba–perc–other–vlnI.vlnII.vla.vlc.db 1.2(II=picc).2.corA.2.bcl.3(III=dbn)––perc(3):xylorimba; guiro; sm SD/maracas–harp–pft–strings All listed works are available for rental. Composer’s notes for most works and further information at www.boosey.com/composers More’s Utopia (2004) 3’ Raise the Roof (2003) 13’ for orchestra for timpani and orchestra 1.2picc.2.corA.2.cbcl.2.dbn––perc(3):log dr/tpl.bls/wdbls/ FP: 16 Oct 2003 Symphony Hall, Detroit, Michigan lg slap stick/xylorimba; tam-t/gong/4susp.cym/vib; BD/tom-t–pft– Brian Jones, timpani / Detroit Symphony Orchestra / strings Neeme Järvi 2.picc(=fl).2.corA.2.bcl.2.dbn–4.3.2.btrbn.1–timp.perc(3)–pft–strings Three Illusions for Orchestra (2004) 9’ [contains: Micomicón, Fons Juventatis, More’s Utopia] Tell My Fortune (2004) 25’ FP: 06 Oct 2005 Symphony Hall, Boston, Massachusetts for orchestra Boston Symphony Orchestra / James Levine FP: 03 Apr 2004 Southern Theatre, Columbus, Ohio 3(II,III=picc).2.corA.2(II=bcl).bcl(=dbcl).3(III=dbn)–– ProMusica Chamber Orchestra / Timothy Russell perc(3):susp.cym/4tom-t/BD/marimba/xylorimba/log dr/4 tpl.bl/ 4wdbl/lg slapstick;cyms/xyl/vibr/guiro/tam-t/nipple gong/ 1.picc(=fl,afl).1.corA.1.bcl.1.cbn- 4susp.cym/vib; cyms/xyl/vib/BD/4tom-t–harp–pft–strings Time Machine (2003) 20’ Soundings (2005) 10’ for three conductors and orchestra for orchestra FP: 24 Nov 2003 Heinz Hall, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania FP: 06 Oct 2005 Symphony Center, Chicago, Illinois Pittsburgh Symphony / Mariss Jansons / Lucas Chicago Symphony Orchestra / Daniel Barenboim Richman / Edward Cumming 2(=picc).picc.2.corA.2(I=Ebcl,II=bcl).dbcl.2.dbn––timp.perc(2): 4(IV=picc).2.corA.3(III=Ebcl).bcl.4(IV=dbn)–4.4.3.btrbn.1– xyl/tpl.bls/bongos/2susp.cym/cowbell/lo conga drums/2tom-t/BD; timp.perc(5)–harp–strings claves/4wdbl/2SD/2susp.cym/log dr/2lo tom-t–pft–strings Brett Dean (*1961) Unsuk Chin (*1961) Between Moments (2003) 6’ snagS & Snarls (2003/04) 13’ Music for orchestra, in memory of Cameron Retchford for soprano and orchestra FP: 07 Jun 2003 QPAC Concert Hall, Brisbane Music Text: Lewis Carroll’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’, Queensland Youth Symphony Orchestra / John Curro Unsuk Chin, and a traditional nursery rhyme (E) 2(II=picc).1.corA.0.0––perc(3):I=vib/sm tam-t(or gong)/ FP: 06 Jun 2004 Libbey Bowl, Ojai, California sm susp.cym/glsp; II=cym/lg tam-t/lg susp.cym/glsp; III=BD/ Margaret Thompson, mezzo-soprano / Los Angeles med susp.cym/field dr/glsp–harp–pft–strings Opera Orchestra / Kent Nagano––perc(3)–harp–pft–strings( Ceremonial (2003) 8’ for orchestra FP: 09 May 2003 Perth Michael Daugherty (*1954) Western Australian Symphony Orchestra / Matthias Bamert 3(II,III=picc).3(III=corA).2.bcl.2.dbn––perc(4):I=timp/BD/ rattle/alu-foil; II=vib/crot(2octaves)/gongspiel/tuned gongs(F2,G2)/ Brooklyn Bridge (2005) 25’ seed-rattle; III=marimba/bass marimba/tam-t/2Chin.cym/3susp.cym(lg to med/sm); IV=marimba/lg Chin.tom-t/2tom-t(med,hi)/2bongos(hi)/ for clarinet and symphonic band 2tgl(sm)/3Peking opera cym(susp)–harp–pft–cel– FP: 25 Feb 2005 Carnegie Hall, New York strings(min.; 2nd vln desks 3–6 also play perc:sm bells/ Michael Wayne, clarinet / University of Michigan sleigh bells/house keys/sm containers of stones/toy bells etc.) Symphony Band / Michael Haithcock solo Bb clarinet; 3.picc.0.6.Ebcl.2bcl.dbcl.2asax.tsax.barsax.0– Komarov’s Fall (2005/06) 8’–timp.perc(4)–harp–db for orchestra FP: 16 Mar 2006 Philharmonie, Berlin Fire and Blood (2003) 25’ Berliner Philharmoniker / Sir Simon Rattle for violin and orchestra 2.2picc.3.corA.2.Ebcl.bcl.2.dbn–6.3.2.btrbn.1–timp(=whip).perc(5): FP: 03 May 2003 Symphony Hall, Detroit, Michigan I=marimba/BD/alu-foil; II=xyl/glsp/5wdbl/3tom-t/crot(2octaves)/ Ida Kavafian, violin / Detroit Symphony Orchestra / alu-foil; III=glsp/1crot/susp.cym/hi-hat/SD/sand paper; IV=vib/tam-t/ Neeme Järvi alu-foil; V=tuned gongs/SD/med chin.cym/thundersheet/alu-foil– 2harp–cel–strings–2(or4).2.0.0–timp(=5dr).perc(2)–harp–strings Ghost Ranch (2005) 24’ Moments of Bliss (2004) 25’ for orchestra for orchestra FP: 08 Feb 2006 The Lighthouse, Poole FP: 02 Dec 2004 Hamer Hall, Melbourne Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra / Marin Alsop Melbourne Symphony Orchestra / Markus Stenz 4(IV=picc).3(III=corA).4(II=Ebcl,III=bcl,IV=dbcl).3(II=whirly tube,III=dbn)– 2.picc.2.corA.2.bcl.2.dbn–4.3.2.btrbn.1–timp.perc(3):chimes/glsp/–timp.perc(4):I=vib/SD/sizzle cym/tgl/3gongs/7cowbells; BD/sm slapstick/lg slapstick/sm wdbl; vib/African rattle/bongos/ II=lg tam-t/5tom-t/3bongos/5susp.cym(incl.1sizzle cym)/whip/ crash cyms/tamb/sm tgl/lg wdbl; glsp/xyl/picc.SD/susp.cym/ marimba(shared with IV)/glass chimes/tamb/tuned gong/whirly tube; med tgl/metal wind chimes/med wdbl/vibraslap–strings III=sm tam-t/xyl/glsp/SD/lion’s roar/4t.bells/tuned gong; IV=BD/ marimba/full drum kit/glsp/2tgl/1crot/tuned gong–2harps–elec.git– Once Upon a Castle (2003) 25’ pft(=cel)–synth–strings(; pincipal 1st vln=elec.vln; for organ and orchestra 2vln/vla/vlc=whirly tube; 1 female 2nd vln=‘Wheel of Fortune’; all vlc/db require a medium soft timpani stick) FP: 15 Nov 2003 Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor, Michigan Steven
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