New Music for Orchestra

New Music for Orchestra

Michel van der Aa (*1970) Louis Andriessen (*1939) Imprint (2004) 14’ Vermeer Pictures (2005) 30’ for Baroque orchestra Concert suite from the opera ‘Writing to Vermeer’ FP: 27 Aug 2005 Lucerne for orchestra Freiburger Barockorchester / Gottfried von der Goltz FP: 17 Sep 2005 Dr Anton Philipszaal, Den Haag 2ob-hpd-strings(; portative organ to be played by solo vln; Residentie Orkest / Clark Rundell period instruments or modern instruments played in a Baroque way 3.3(III=corA).bcl.cbcl(=bcl).0––perc(2)–2harps– 2003 – 2006 2003 – 2gtr(amplified)–2pft–cimb–strings(min. Second Self (2004) 15’ for orchestra and soundtrack FP: 15 Oct 2004 Donaueschingen Dominick Argento (*1927) SWR-Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden und Freiburg / Roland Kluttig (2004) 20’ 0.0.Ebcl.2(II=bcl).0––perc(2)–strings(–soundtrack Four Seascapes for chorus and orchestra Releases Music Text: Herman Melville, Thornton Wilder, Henry James, Mark Twain (E) John Adams (*1947) FP: 16 Oct 2004 Eastman Theatre, Rochester, New York Eastman-Rochester Chorus / Eastman Chorale / Batter my heart, three person’d God Eastman Philharmonia / William Weinert from the opera ‘Doctor Atomic’ (2005) 7’ SATB chorus; 2(II=afl).2(II=corA).2(II=bcl).2(II=dbn)–– for baritone and orchestra timp.perc(2):BD/bell tree/chimes/cyms/glsp/mark tree/snare dr/ Music Text: John Donne (E) susp.cym/tamb/tam-t/whip/wind chime(shell)/tgl/xyl–harp–strings FP: 01 Oct 2005 Opera House, San Francisco, California Gerald Finley, baritone / San Francisco Opera Orchestra / Donald Runnicles Harrison Birtwistle (*1934) 2.picc.3.3(III=bcl).3––timp.perc(1):chimes/tuned gongs– harp–strings Three Brendel Settings (2000/03–04) 12’ for baritone and orchestra The Dharma at Big Sur (2003) 27’ Music Text: Alfred Brendel; English version by the for amplified violin and orchestra author with Richard Stokes (E) FP: 24 Oct 2003 Walt Disney Concert Hall, FP complete: 17 Aug 2004 Royal Albert Hall, London Los Angeles, California William Dazeley, baritone / Philharmonia Orchestra / Tracy Silverman, violin / Los Angeles Philharmonic / Christoph von Dohnanyi Esa-Pekka Salonen––perc:claves/BD/susp.cym/tam-t–harp–strings 0.0.2bcl.0–4.3.2.dbtrbn.1–2harps–2kbd samplers–timp.perc(4): vib/glsp/marimba/chimes; almglocken/xyl; 4bowl gongs/ glsp/chimes/almglocken/tgl; tuned gongs/2pots/crot–strings Night’s Black Bird (2004) 12’ for orchestra Easter Eve (2004) 12’ FP: 21 Aug 2004 Kultur- und Kongresszentrum, Lucerne from the opera ‘Doctor Atomic’ Cleveland Orchestra / Franz Welser-Möst for mezzo-soprano and orchestra 3(II,III=picc).3.3(II=Eb,III=bcl/dbcl).3(III=dbn)– 6.4(III=btpt*,IV=picc.tpt).4.2–perc(5):xyl/vib/marimba/t.bells/2wdbl/ Music Text: Muriel Rukeyser (E) 2guiro/claves/slit dr/lg BD/susp.cym/clashed cyms/metal tube**/ FP: 21 May 2004 Avery Fisher Hall, New York hi-hat/lg tam-t/lg nipple gong–2harps–strings(min. Audra McDonald, soprano / New York Philharmonic / * If no bass trumpet available, play on tenor trombone John Adams ** piece of scaffold tube c.40cm x 5cm set on a piece of 3(II,III=picc).3(III=corA).3(III=bcl).2.dbn––perc(4):thunder polystyrene and struck with metal hammer large enough to make sheet/glsp/tgl/tuned gong; chimes; lg tam-t/hi susp.cym/xyl/crot; the maximum dynamic (ffff) New Music for Orchestra lg chin.cym/susp.cym/tam-t(with superball)/tuned gongs–harp– cel–strings Elliott Carter (*1908) My Father Knew Charles Ives (2003) 25’ for orchestra FP: 30 Apr 2003 Davies Symphony Hall, Dialogues (2003) 14’ San Francisco, California for piano and large ensemble San Francisco Symphony / Michael Tilson Thomas FP: 23 Jan 2004 Queen Elizabeth Hall, South Bank 3(III=picc).picc.2.corA.3(III=Ebcl).bcl.2.dbn––timp(=2bowl Centre, London gongs).perc(4):crot/glsp/cowbell/xyl/2bowl gongs/marimba; xyl/ Nicolas Hodges, piano / London Sinfonietta / Oliver crot/SD/susp.cym/2tom-t/vib/almglocken/3hi tgl/marimba; Knussen chimes/crash cym/susp.cym/3hi tgls; 3tgls/2BD/tuned gongs/ 1(=picc).1(=corA).1.1(=dbn)––strings(; may be tam-t/almglocken/lo susp.cym/vib/crot–harp–cel–pft–strings increased proportionately, up to a maximum of Fons Juventatis (2004) 3’ Standard order of instrumentation: for orchestra–hn.tpt.trbn.tuba–perc–other–vlnI.vlnII.vla.vlc.db 1.2(II=picc).2.corA.2.bcl.3(III=dbn)––perc(3):xylorimba; guiro; sm SD/maracas–harp–pft–strings All listed works are available for rental. Composer’s notes for most works and further information at More’s Utopia (2004) 3’ Raise the Roof (2003) 13’ for orchestra for timpani and orchestra 1.2picc.2.corA.2.cbcl.2.dbn––perc(3):log dr/tpl.bls/wdbls/ FP: 16 Oct 2003 Symphony Hall, Detroit, Michigan lg slap stick/xylorimba; tam-t/gong/4susp.cym/vib; BD/tom-t–pft– Brian Jones, timpani / Detroit Symphony Orchestra / strings Neeme Järvi 2.picc(=fl).2.corA.2.bcl.2.dbn–4.3.2.btrbn.1–timp.perc(3)–pft–strings Three Illusions for Orchestra (2004) 9’ [contains: Micomicón, Fons Juventatis, More’s Utopia] Tell My Fortune (2004) 25’ FP: 06 Oct 2005 Symphony Hall, Boston, Massachusetts for orchestra Boston Symphony Orchestra / James Levine FP: 03 Apr 2004 Southern Theatre, Columbus, Ohio 3(II,III=picc).2.corA.2(II=bcl).bcl(=dbcl).3(III=dbn)–– ProMusica Chamber Orchestra / Timothy Russell perc(3):susp.cym/4tom-t/BD/marimba/xylorimba/log dr/4 4wdbl/lg slapstick;cyms/xyl/vibr/guiro/tam-t/nipple gong/ 1.picc(=fl,afl) 4susp.cym/vib; cyms/xyl/vib/BD/4tom-t–harp–pft–strings Time Machine (2003) 20’ Soundings (2005) 10’ for three conductors and orchestra for orchestra FP: 24 Nov 2003 Heinz Hall, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania FP: 06 Oct 2005 Symphony Center, Chicago, Illinois Pittsburgh Symphony / Mariss Jansons / Lucas Chicago Symphony Orchestra / Daniel Barenboim Richman / Edward Cumming 2(=picc).picc.2.corA.2(I=Ebcl,II=bcl).dbcl.2.dbn––timp.perc(2): 4(IV=picc).2.corA.3(III=Ebcl).bcl.4(IV=dbn)–4.4.3.btrbn.1– xyl/tpl.bls/bongos/2susp.cym/cowbell/lo conga drums/2tom-t/BD; timp.perc(5)–harp–strings claves/4wdbl/2SD/2susp.cym/log dr/2lo tom-t–pft–strings Brett Dean (*1961) Unsuk Chin (*1961) Between Moments (2003) 6’ snagS & Snarls (2003/04) 13’ Music for orchestra, in memory of Cameron Retchford for soprano and orchestra FP: 07 Jun 2003 QPAC Concert Hall, Brisbane Music Text: Lewis Carroll’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’, Queensland Youth Symphony Orchestra / John Curro Unsuk Chin, and a traditional nursery rhyme (E) 2(II=picc).1.corA.0.0––perc(3):I=vib/sm tam-t(or gong)/ FP: 06 Jun 2004 Libbey Bowl, Ojai, California sm susp.cym/glsp; II=cym/lg tam-t/lg susp.cym/glsp; III=BD/ Margaret Thompson, mezzo-soprano / Los Angeles med susp.cym/field dr/glsp–harp–pft–strings Opera Orchestra / Kent Nagano––perc(3)–harp–pft–strings( Ceremonial (2003) 8’ for orchestra FP: 09 May 2003 Perth Michael Daugherty (*1954) Western Australian Symphony Orchestra / Matthias Bamert 3(II,III=picc).3(III=corA).2.bcl.2.dbn––perc(4):I=timp/BD/ rattle/alu-foil; II=vib/crot(2octaves)/gongspiel/tuned gongs(F2,G2)/ Brooklyn Bridge (2005) 25’ seed-rattle; III=marimba/bass marimba/tam-t/2Chin.cym/3susp.cym(lg to med/sm); IV=marimba/lg Chin.tom-t/2tom-t(med,hi)/2bongos(hi)/ for clarinet and symphonic band 2tgl(sm)/3Peking opera cym(susp)–harp–pft–cel– FP: 25 Feb 2005 Carnegie Hall, New York strings(min.; 2nd vln desks 3–6 also play perc:sm bells/ Michael Wayne, clarinet / University of Michigan sleigh bells/house keys/sm containers of stones/toy bells etc.) Symphony Band / Michael Haithcock solo Bb clarinet; 3.picc.0.6.Ebcl.2bcl.dbcl.2asax.tsax.barsax.0– Komarov’s Fall (2005/06) 8’–timp.perc(4)–harp–db for orchestra FP: 16 Mar 2006 Philharmonie, Berlin Fire and Blood (2003) 25’ Berliner Philharmoniker / Sir Simon Rattle for violin and orchestra 2.2picc.3.corA.2.Ebcl.bcl.2.dbn–6.3.2.btrbn.1–timp(=whip).perc(5): FP: 03 May 2003 Symphony Hall, Detroit, Michigan I=marimba/BD/alu-foil; II=xyl/glsp/5wdbl/3tom-t/crot(2octaves)/ Ida Kavafian, violin / Detroit Symphony Orchestra / alu-foil; III=glsp/1crot/susp.cym/hi-hat/SD/sand paper; IV=vib/tam-t/ Neeme Järvi alu-foil; V=tuned gongs/SD/med chin.cym/thundersheet/alu-foil– 2harp–cel–strings–2(or4).2.0.0–timp(=5dr).perc(2)–harp–strings Ghost Ranch (2005) 24’ Moments of Bliss (2004) 25’ for orchestra for orchestra FP: 08 Feb 2006 The Lighthouse, Poole FP: 02 Dec 2004 Hamer Hall, Melbourne Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra / Marin Alsop Melbourne Symphony Orchestra / Markus Stenz 4(IV=picc).3(III=corA).4(II=Ebcl,III=bcl,IV=dbcl).3(II=whirly tube,III=dbn)– 2.picc.2.corA.2.bcl.2.dbn–4.3.2.btrbn.1–timp.perc(3):chimes/glsp/–timp.perc(4):I=vib/SD/sizzle cym/tgl/3gongs/7cowbells; BD/sm slapstick/lg slapstick/sm wdbl; vib/African rattle/bongos/ II=lg tam-t/5tom-t/3bongos/5susp.cym(incl.1sizzle cym)/whip/ crash cyms/tamb/sm tgl/lg wdbl; glsp/xyl/picc.SD/susp.cym/ marimba(shared with IV)/glass chimes/tamb/tuned gong/whirly tube; med tgl/metal wind chimes/med wdbl/vibraslap–strings III=sm tam-t/xyl/glsp/SD/lion’s roar/4t.bells/tuned gong; IV=BD/ marimba/full drum kit/glsp/2tgl/1crot/tuned gong–2harps–elec.git– Once Upon a Castle (2003) 25’ pft(=cel)–synth–strings(; pincipal 1st vln=elec.vln; for organ and orchestra 2vln/vla/vlc=whirly tube; 1 female 2nd vln=‘Wheel of Fortune’; all vlc/db require a medium soft timpani stick) FP: 15 Nov 2003 Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor, Michigan Steven

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