2011–2012 Chorals VoCal ColleCtions & Choral resourCes Now all oN one disc featuriNg MP3 files! alfred.com Secular choralS—alphabetical liSting Dear Choral Director, Track Title SATB SAB/3-PT 2-PT women MEN TRAX PAX I’m always excited (and a bit cautious) when technology moves 121 All I Need Is the Girl (Arr. Shackley) 35642 35643 35644 ahead. This year we’re moving with it, as only one CD is 43 Alleluia (Mozart/Liebergen) 35576 34744 enclosed in this promotion. This is actually a data disc, which 53 Angels’ Gloria (Arr. Farnell) 34768 34769 34771 34770 34772 includes mp3 recordings of our new choral release. Now you can quickly upload the demo recordings to your computer and 92 Any Way You Want It: Journey’s Greatest Hits (Arr. Billingsley) 35558 35559 35560 35561 then to your iPod or mp3 player. For further information, please 31 Arirang (Arr. Beery) 34789 34744 see page 6 of this promotion. Sally K. Albrecht, Director of School 28 Aya Ngena (Arr. Gray) 35599 35600 35712 Choral & Classroom; Andy Beck, We’re also pleased to have a new look for our Choral Designs 85 Baba Yetu (Kiagiri, Tin) 35768 35769 35770 Managing Editor of School Choral & publications this year. Our new covers feature the same color Classroom; Martha T. Buchta, Associate 88 Baby! A Medley of Justin Bieber Hits (Arr. Beck) 35624 35624 35625 scheme you’ve come to recognize, but offer more variation Editor of School Choral & Classroom; 74 Be a Santa Medley (Arr. Beck, Bridwell) 34777 34778 in design. Michael Spresser, Alfred Pop & Lawson-Gould Editor 125 Beati Quorum Via (Stanford/Robinson) 35826 Have a musical year, 27 A Blessing (Althouse) 35654 35655 35657 35656 34744 131 Blind Man (Arr. Fettke) 35081 Sally K. Albrecht | Director of School Choral & Classroom Publications p. 19 **Born to Be Somebody (Arr. Taylor) 35863 35864 35865 35865 35866 105 Bugler’s Holiday (Anderson/Albrecht) 35792 35793 35794 35795 35796 2011–2012 choral composers & Arrangers 10 Butterfly (Beck) 35478 34744 65 Carolers’ Noel (Beck) 35521 35522 35523 35524 57 A Christmas Canon (Arr. Albrecht) 35584 35584 35584 35584 35585 29 *Con la Música (Althouse) 35648 35649 35651 35650 35652 35653 59 Dancing in Bethlehem (Parks, Parks) 35571 35572 35573 35574 Sally K. Albrecht Jennifer K. Laura Thomas John Jonny Michael 56 Deedle Deedle Dai (Brownsey, Lantz) 34757 34758 & Jay Althouse Canfield Farnell Grassi Leavitt Priano Spresser 37 Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel? (Arr. Rentz) 34752 34751 34753 47 Dies Irae (Mozart/Liebergen) 5785 5786 34780 34744 87 Don’t Stop Believin’ (Arr. Billingsley) 32898 32899 32900 35811 32901 32902 87 Don’t Stop Believin’ (Arr. Billingsley) 33112 33113 Andy Vicki Tucker Tom Ruth Morris Patrick M. Jamey Bert Beck Courtney Fettke Gray Liebergen Ray Stratton 45 Doo Ba Duo! (Arr. Gray) 35526 127 Dormi, Dormi, O Bel Bambin (Arr. DeCormier) LG53052 34782 100 Dream a Little Dream of Me (Arr. Althouse) 35491 35492 35493 35494 35495 129 A Dream Within a Dream (Poe, Gray) 35707 98 Express Yourself: The Music of Madonna (Arr. Billingsley) 35509 35510 35511 35512 Lon Sheldon Brian Mark Darmon Earlene George L. O. Beery Curry Fisher Hayes Meader Rentz Strid 91 Faithfully (Arr. Billingsley) 35554 35555 35556 35557 32 Father Sky (Tankasila, Frombach, Rentz) 35597 35598 2 Festival Exsultate (Beck) 35684 35685 35686 81 Firework (Arr. Billingsley) 35819 35820 35822 35821 35823 Alan Robert Herb Marta Keen Donald Russell Christopher 13 The Flying Dutchman (Parks, Parks) 34756 34744 Billingsley DeCormier Frombach Thompson Moore Robinson Tin 106 A Gershwin Jazz Trio (Arr. Althouse) 35568 103 *Get Happy (Arr. Kern) 35694 35695 35696 35697 35698 12 Gloria (Leavitt) 35471 35472 35475 35473 35474 35476 35477 6 Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Althouse) 34785 Chuck Lisa Janet Philip Gary & Cathryne Larry David 119 Green Day on Stage (Arr. DeSpain) 35827 35828 35829 35830 35831 Bridwell DeSpain Gardner Kern Parks Shackley Waggoner 109 Happy Days Are Here Again/Get Happy (Arr. Kern) 35735 35736 35737 35738 51 Have You Seen the Baby? (Gray) 35590 79 Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Arr. Hayes) 27339 27340 27341 35780 27342 27343 122 Hernando’s Hideaway (Arr. Gilpin) 35816 35817 35818 Lois Mary Greg Marti Lunn Dave & Jean Kirby Douglas E. Brownsey Donnelly Gilpin Lantz Perry Shaw Wagner 94 (Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher (Arr. Althouse) 35550 35551 35552 35553 *featured on Showbiz! Movement DVD (00-35858) **too new to record! Track Title SATB SAB/3-PT 2-PT women MEN TRAX PAX Track Title SATB SAB/3-PT 2-PT women MEN TRAX PAX 68 Hodie (Waggoner) 35504 35505 35506 35507 35508 34 Plenty Good Room (Arr. Althouse) 35621 35622 35623 34744 82 Hold My Hand (Arr. Taylor) 35744 35745 35746 99 The Power of Love (Arr. Shaw) 35842 35843 35844 35845 35846 113 Home (Arr. Beck, Spresser) 34794 34795 34797 34796 34798 95 Rock the Boat (Arr. Gilpin) 35838 35839 35840 35841 42 Homeward Bound (Keen/Althouse) 7845 16209 35647 7846 20098 34744 31719 21 Sail On! (Wagner) 34759 34760 34761 34744 14 Hosanna Deo! (Gilpin) 35676 35677 34744 64 *Santa Mash-Up (Brownsey, Lantz) 35497 35498 17 How Like a Winter (Shakespeare, Gray) 35569 35570 34744 128 Search Me, O God (Priano) 34779 23 *I Have a Voice (Althouse) 35607 35608 35610 35609 35611 61 *Showbiz Snowman! (Beck, Fisher) 35687 35688 54 The Icy December (Arr. Hayes) 35804 35805 34744 48 Sicut Cervus (Palestrina/Robinson) 31089 35525 117 *If I Only Had a Brain (Arr. Albrecht) 35513 35514 50 *Sing Noel, Noel! (Albrecht, Althouse) 35708 35709 35710 35711 36 I’ve Been in the Storm So Long (Arr. Hayes) 35596 62 Sing We Now of Christmas (Arr. Albrecht) 35615 35616 35617 35618 35619 108 Java Jive (Arr. Robinson) 35739 35740 35741 35742 35743 18 Sing Your Song (Gilpin) 35672 35673 55 Jeannette, Isabella (Arr. Moore) 35591 35592 35593 35594 35595 22 *Singing A-Round (Albrecht) 35519 35519 35519 35519 35520 30 Joan Petit (Arr. Perry, Perry) 35496 34744 41 Skip to My Lou (Arr. Gilpin) 34749 34750 34744 15 The Journey (Stratton, Courtney) 35499 34744 83 Smile (Arr. Gilpin) 35763 35764 35765 35766 9 A Jubilant New Song (Farnell) 34783 34784 34744 26 Solfège Song (Beck) 34799 34800 44 Jubilate! Alleluia! (Bach/Liebergen) 35850 34744 10–11 Songs of Flight (A Song Cycle for Treble Choirs) (Beck) 35699 35700 84 Just the Way You Are (Amazing) (Arr. Billingsley) 35789 35790 35791 93 Soul Man (Arr. Shaw) 35771 35772 35773 35774 35775 76 Last Christmas (Arr. Gilpin) 35729 35730 35731 35732 3 Sound the Trumpet! (Albrecht) 35620 34744 25 Let All Nations Sing (Albrecht) 35515 35516 35516 35517 35518 126 Sure on this Shining Night (Agee, Ray) 34767 111 *Let Me Entertain You (Arr. Shackley) 35797 35798 35800 35799 35801 35802 80 A Swingin’ Christmas (Arr. Althouse) 35538 35539 35541 35540 35542 35543 110 Let’s Fall in Love: A Tribute to Cole Porter (Arr. Althouse) 35721 35722 35723 35724 35725 33 *Tama Tu (A Maori Proverb) (Albrecht) 35639 35640 35640 35641 101 The Letter (Arr. Althouse) 34739 34740 34741 34742 34743 89 Thank You (Arr. Althouse) 35713 35714 35715 35716 75 The Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth (Arr. Althouse) 33106 33107 35824 35825 33108 123 Thank You for the Music (Arr. Shaw) 35836 35837 118 Little Shop of Horrors (Arr. Althouse) 35664 35665 35667 35666 35668 7 There Was a Child Went Forth (Whitman, Wagner) 35484 35485 35486 35487 107 Long Ago and Far Away (Arr. Hayes) 35747 35748 35749 35750 35751 46 Though Philomela Lost Her Love (Morley/Liebergen) 34781 34744 4 The Long Day Closes (Chorley, Gilpin) 35674 35675 34744 8 Thunder! (Albrecht) 35581 35582 35583 132 Love (Arr. Fettke, Grassi) 36845 36848 36850 36849 36847 36846 112 *The Time Warp (Arr. Beck) 35784 35785 35786 35786 35787 35788 70 Love Is the Gift the Season Brings (Gardner) 35479 35480 67 The Twelve Days After Christmas (Silver) 35701 35702 35705 35703 35704 35706 16 A Madrigal (Albrecht) 35645 35646 71 A Vaughan Williams Christmas (Arr. Wagner) 34786 34787 34788 ** 130 Make Me a Channel of Your Peace (Arr. Fettke) 36831 36834 36835 36836 36833 36832 97 Vogue (Arr. Beck) 34773 34774 34775 34776 58 Masters in This Hall (Arr. Althouse) 35630 35631 35632 35633 35634 35635 96 Wake Up Everybody (Arr. Althouse) 35681 35682 35683 69 May the Season Never End (Althouse) 34762 34763 34764 34765 34766 5 Walk with Me (Waggoner) 35500 35501 35502 35503 72 Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas (Arr. Fettke, Grassi) 35601 35602 35604 35603 35605 35606 38 The Water Is Wide (Arr. Althouse) 35586 35587 35589 35588 34744 124 My Fair Lady: A Choral Medley (Arr. Beck) 35577 35578 35579 35580 102 We Love the ’50s (Arr. Althouse) 35544 35545 35547 35546 35548 35549 86 Need You Now (Arr. Gilpin) 35717 35718 35719 35720 49 Welcome, Welcome Winter (Gilpin) 35678 35679 35680 35767 63 Nutcracker Jingles (Arr. Bridwell) 28579 28580 28582 28581 34755 28583 116 Whatever Happened to Saturday Night (Arr. Billingsley) 35847 35848 35849 39 Oh, Dear! (What Can the Matter Be?) (Arr. Canfield) 34754 34744 60 While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks (Handel/Meader) 35803 90 Oh Happy Day (Arr. Hayes) 35757 35758 35760 35759 35761 35762 52 A Winter Night (Waggoner) 34790 34791 34792 34793 78 Oh Santa! (Arr. Taylor) 35806 35807 66 Winter’s Frost (Brownsey, Lantz) 35488 35489 35489 35490 11 On an Eagle’s Wing (Beck) 35612 35613 35614 35614 34744 24 Wishing You a Sunrise (Weston) 34745 34746 34747 34748 19 On My Way to Jordan (Althouse) 35481 35482 35483 34744 77 Yes, Virginia (There’s a Santa Claus) (Arr. Beck) 35752 35753 35755 35754 35756 114 Over the Rainbow (Arr.
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