.^*&v, '.'AVvifcs f.V^i "'¥1.^ i-^^fi"^ Sc#^ -•x • --:•-.. ' •j.f' »IM»*»Py>wi«..»»a 'i^,fH.I»wwMI",-t'iMe^»iti< OlitO STATE POSSUM. LIBRART 15TU 4 IIHH ST, PICKING 'MISS BRONZE OHIO '57' NO PICNIC FOR THE JUDGES IN THIS ISSUE 'MISS BRONZE OHIO' CONTEST SUPPLEMENT -See Sec. 3 $r~- ^' .VOL. 9, No. lr SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1957 20 CENTS COLUMBUS, OHIO _>"*** v IN ROBBERY Photos Below, Story On Pago 2 • /_.» -»•• »._«k.«~^ BEVERLY JOHNSON ANNETTE PARKER PATRICIA WILLIAMS LORETTA CHANDLER ROSHMARY PRATER Coinnbos Columbus ' Columbus Zanesville Colon bus :-**pu*•>?>.*: •* ' •V *- :•".-V- • • •- I* • • V • LULU LYMON BETTT SUE WILLIAMS JANICE ANN PHILLIPS 8AUNDRA SUE MORGAN MADELINE E. DALTON Zanesrille Columbus Columbus Zanesville Zanesville COLUMBUS POSTMAN MURRAY FORD demonstrates lo Sentinel Reporter John B. Combs how he slapped handcuffs on Louis fTWE SENTINEL PRESENTS ANOTHER page lay- auditorium, Columbus. "Miss Bronze" title and give the judges one of the * out of delectable beige darlings who will partici- The crop of lovelies pictured above, along with biggest headaches in trying to pick the winners that CIIY McNamara, fop right, alter Commonwealth Loan Co. sfickup In which James Burke, bottom left, was allegedly McNamara's accom­ pate in this year's "Miss Bronze Ohio" beauty contest those elsewhere in this edition, will help to make up , they've experienced in contest history. Slated for Sunday afternoon, Aug, 23, in Vets Memorial a total of 40 contestants who'll vie for the coveted Other beauty contest details inside. plice. Another photo, stories on Page 2. • s Js>*r- 'sBSr H_fl _fl__Hs_-sB__8E-s__B ss*7"».'niai^££n >—Ssmswin aym ,tt,m _s_u|ns-s*ii» nn i _P •i ' SATURDAY. AUGUST 24, lUf SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1957 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE*.' FACE i THE OHIO SENTINEIi Employees View Commonwealth Quick Thinking Postman Is City Fathers 'Boycott' Police Brutality Meeting By WILHELMINA JONES official," he continued, "to The meeting was orderly that individual police brutality Public officials and the police say this is the greatest city in and completely devoid of un­ cases do exist Loan S+ickup With Mixed Emotions did not attend the Columbus the midwest, but why doesn't due emotionalism and rabble- Unsung Hero During Holdup, NAACP meeting to discuss someone walk downstairs te rousing. •As they presented sound sug­ SEARS ROEBUCK & (0. F**» Commocwealth Loan Co. 1311 E. lamas «t: "I «__•» saw him waving his gun with his "Problems of the Police and the the Water Dept. and explain • • • gestions to improve relations Town k Country employees who were forced to realty gel scared net- after face covered with a handker­ Public," Sunday, but the public that Negroes can read water between police and public, the Wit E. Broad St. ALL OF THE speakers ex- speakers also pointed out the lie face down on the floor while he had tafcea th* •___> and chief. I didn't kftow what to do. did—some 600 strong. meters, too?" SHOP A SAVE BV CATALOG was get-tag ready _» leave. So I just stood there and looked Clamps Handcuffs On Hood pressed confidence In the Police need for recognition of the Negro • daring daylight bandit robbed Hitting not only at police bru­ To improve relations between BE. 1-4561 . BE. 1-39&J at him until he ordered us all to Dept per se, although Francis as an equal toxpaying citizen in the firm «f more than $»0 in Thee I-Mm<-t he might sheet tality but also at apathy of pub­ police and the public, Francis lie face down os the floor." and Freeman both maintained Columbus. CA. 8-5661 { cash early htoeday. related si ef _•.'! By JOHN B. COilBS lic officials, Att'y John Francis suggested forming a police their hurrifyi-f experience* to Said Betty Bray, 1734 Rich­ Esarfce Welter, 1*4 CUrea- A 47 year old Columbua mail man aided in the cap­ declared firmly, "I'm sick and booster club in the Eastside. dee av.: * Having eiperteneed The Seat——el. mond av.: "1 waa as dumb- ture of a daring stickup ms\n minutes after ha had robbed tired of this old 'go on home at­ "The NAACP is Just as con­ three seek beldups during my Deflated Margaret SeaRfc, f'nwfc 1 when 1 looked up and a l_an company Monday. titude—everything's alright' an­ cerned with the duty of the It rears _a the staff here, The unsung hero, Murray W. swer." nubile to the police as we are yee'd drink I would be used to a v. address. Ford, 99 Lexington av., dis­ with the duty of the pollcs to these by s*w. Bat I'm not. As armed Louis D. McNamsra and As s result, Bane's identity "It's time we were treated the public," he declared. a matter ef fact; somehow It clamped handcuffs on his wrists was established. like tlie intelligent citizens that Emphasizing that he was not seem* that each aae becomes we are," he continued, as an off-duty policeman held McNamara and Burke are criticizing the hearing on the wane aad wane. It was sim­ NAACP has appeared at him at bay at the point of a gun. both parolees from Ohio peni- . Glenn case, he suggested that in ply terrifying." City Council only three times tentiary., Burkd served time for future cases the burden of proof Sanatl D. English, manager; Photoa On Psge 1 and each time it has been for armed robbery and was paroled be placed upon the accused of­ "I'm pretty well immune to the the good of the entire city, h. A few seconds earlier, c- last April, and McNamara for ficers. sHf-ups BOW, since I have gone explained. Namara had stuck up Comn.. n- bad checks, being released last • • • yt...—1«. two during the past March, according to D*t. Lt. • «• • couple of years." wealth Loan Co., 44 E. Long St., ' ANDREW FREEMAN OF the and made off with $300 stuffed in Robert Gloeckner of tbe robbery A FEW WEEKS AGO, NAACP squad. members appeared at City Columbus Urban League main­ lasacs H. Taylor, a Miami a shopping bag. tained that police brutality is a Ford was a customer in the • • • Council with a petition which, a v., seststsat off ire manager: although expressing faith in the racial issue and that now white "It was easts SM experience to loan office and pursued the bold GLOECKNER BEXIETES the people are beginning to feel the bandit as he fled from the scene. pair became acquainted while Police Dept, protested police SPECIAL OF THE WEEK DIRECT Stan the week wrth, bat I brutality and made positive sug­ impact of it. • • • inmates of the penitentiary. it at all afraid." gestions to improve existing re­ Among his major recommen­ AS THE EX-CONVICT dashed They are suspected of pulling off dations were a race relations toward a waiting car on N. Pearl lations between police and the FROM WEST GERMANY several other jobs hi Ohio, since public. course for police and a special Presents Quartet it., just around the corner "from police hav« received reports a police detail handling racial the office, he was spotted by Negro and a white stickup pair Francis waved his hand to cases. White Gospel Singers are pre­ Patrolman Girard Patchen, who were working together, Gloeck­ be recognised by Council Segregated housing is the * THESE COMMONWEALTH LOAN employee* senting the Traveling Four, a whirled and covered him with ner said. Fres. O. J. FiUlnger, who ig­ basis of most racial tensions "BRAUN" looked down the wrtmsj end of a holdap man's gun in a quartet from Springfield, in a his gun. Both will be charged with nored him and in a rush of here, Freeman declared. "So program at Church of the Living By that time Ford arrived and armed robbery and perhaps ap­ breath quickly adjourned th. th» problem must be placed in daring, bat ansaecessful, daylight robbery early Mon­ mala meeting, AM-FM SHORTWAVE day. From left: Margaret Smith, Betty Bray, Eunice God, Ml Jefferson av., Colum­ disarmed the bandit and hand­ pear for preliminary hearing in the lap of city government." Walker, 3a_anel English and James H. Taylor. bus, Sunday, Aug. S3, S p. m. cuffed him with Patchen's hand­ municipal court Friday. A few minutes later, another Barbee William Durham, HI-FI, RADIO-PHONO CONSOLE cuffs. McNamara with his face cov­ councilman cam. forward and NAACP executive secretary, McNamara's accomplice, who ered with a handkerchief and announced that a mistake had cited the various steps taken by had been uniting in the getaway flashing a nickleplated revolver, been made and the safety com­ the NAACP in the Dorothy Glenn REG. $290.95 car, leaped from the vehicle and entered the loan company's of­ mittee would hear the petition. case which, he pointed out, were WITH ran as he saw the officer closing fice shortly, after 8:30 a.m. Continuing at the meeting exactly like ones taken in other 3 in on his partner. Sunday, Francis emphasized allegations of police brutality. After locking the deer be­ The fleeing suspect was later that it's "politically absurd and SPEAKERS hind him, he ordered five em­ Harry May field and Loren IN $ 95 arrested and identified as psychologically unsound for peo­ Investigate ployees, Ford aad another cus­ Lunsford, speaking oa behalf of 3 1 James Burke, 34, 162 Lexing­ ple elected to represent the peo­ LUSTROUS tomer to stand against the th. Mayor's Community Rela­ ton av. He was arrested by ple to refuse to hear us." WOOD wall.
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