U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics Selected Findings July 1995, NCJ-148201 Firearms, crime, and criminal justice Guns Used in Crime By Marianne W. Zawitz BJS Statistician Highlights How often are guns used in violent crimes? Although most crime is not commit- ATF in 1994 were handguns (mostly ted with guns, most gun crime is com- pistols), and almost a third were less According to the National Crime mitted with handguns. pages 1 & 2 than 3 years old. page 4 Victimization Survey (NCVS), almost Although most available guns are Surveys of inmates show that they 43.6 million criminal victimizations oc- not used in crime, information about prefer concealable, large caliber curred in 1993, including 4.4 million the 223 million guns available to the guns. Juvenile offenders appear to violent crimes of rape and sexual as- general public provides a context for be more likely to possess guns than sault, robbery, and aggravated assault. evaluating criminal preferences for adults. page 5 Of the victims of these violent crimes, guns. page 2 Studies of the guns used in homi- 1.3 million (29%) stated that they faced By definition, stolen guns are avail- cides show that large caliber revolv- an offender with a firearm.* able to criminals. The FBI's National ers are the most frequent type of gun Crime Information Center (NCIC) used in homicides, but the number In 1993, the FBI's Crime in the United stolen gun file contains over 2 million of large caliber semiautomatic guns States estimated that almost 2 million reports; 60% are reports of stolen used in murders is increasing. page 5 violent crimes of murder, rape, rob- handguns. page 3 Little information exists about the bery, and aggravated assault were re- In 1994, the Bureau of Alcohol, use of assault weapons in crime. The ported to the police by citizens. About Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) information that does exist uses vary- 582,000 of these reported murders, received over 85,132 requests from ing definitions of assault weapons that robberies, and aggravated assaults law enforcement agencies for traces were developed before the Federal were committed with firearms. Murder of guns used in crime. Over three- assault weapons ban was enacted. was the crime that most frequently in- quarters of the guns traced by the page 6 volved firearms; 70% of the 24,526 murders in 1993 were committed with firearms. information about the guns used From these sources, we know how by criminals are available from often guns are involved in crime, how How do we know about the guns official police records concerning the guns are used in crime, what general used by criminals? guns recovered in crimes and reports categories of firearms are most often gathered from victims used in crime, and, to a limited extent, No national collection of data contains surveys that interview criminals the specific types of guns most fre- detailed information about all of the surveys that interview victims quently used by criminals. guns used in crimes. Snapshots of of crime. * See note on page 7. What are the different types of firearms? Handguns are most often the type of firearm used in crime Types According to the Victim Survey Handgun A weapon designed to fire a small projectile from one or (NCVS), 25% of the victims of rape more barrels when held in one hand with a short stock and sexual assault, robbery, and designed to be gripped by one hand. aggravated assault in 1993 faced an Revolver A handgun that contains its ammunition in a revolving cylin- offender armed with a handgun. Of all der that typically holds five to nine cartridges, each within a firearm-related crime reported to the separate chamber. Before a revolver fires, the cylinder ro- survey, 86% involved handguns. tates, and the next chamber is aligned with the barrel. The FBI's Supplemental Homicide Pistol Any handgun that does not contain its ammunition in a Reports show that 57% of all murders revolving cylinder. Pistols can be manually operated or in 1993 were committed with hand- semiautomatic. A semiautomatic pistol generally contains guns, 3% with rifles, 5% with shotguns, cartridges in a magazine located in the grip of the gun. and 5% with firearms where the type When the semiautomatic pistol is fired, the spent cartridge was unknown. that contained the bullet and propellant is ejected, the firing The 1991 Survey of State Prison In- mechanism is cocked, and a new cartridge is chambered. mates found that violent inmates who Derringer A small single- or multiple-shot handgun other than a used a weapon were more likely to use revolver or semiautomatic pistol. a handgun than any other weapon; 24% of all violent inmates reported that Rifle A weapon intended to be fired from the shoulder that uses they used a handgun. Of all inmates, the energy of the explosive in a fixed metallic cartridge to 13% reported carrying a handgun fire only a single projectile through a rifled bore for each when they committed the offense single pull of the trigger. for which they were serving time. Shotgun A weapon intended to be fired from the shoulder that uses the energy of the explosive in a fixed shotgun shell to fire What types of guns do criminals through a smooth bore either a number of ball shot or a prefer? single projectile for each single pull of the trigger. Firing action Research by Wright and Rossi in the Fully automatic Capability to fire a succession of cartridges so long as the 1980's found that most criminals prefer trigger is depressed or until the ammunition supply is ex- guns that are easily concealable, large hausted. Automatic weapons are considered machineguns caliber, and well made. Their studies subject to the provisions of the National Firearms Act. also found that the handguns used by the felons interviewed were similar to Semiautomatic An autoloading action that will fire only a single shot for the handguns available to the general each single function of a trigger. public, except that the criminals pre- Machinegun Any weapon that shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be ferred larger caliber guns. readily restored to shoot automatically more than one shot without manual reloading by a single function of the trigger. What types of guns are available Submachinegun A simple fully automatic weapon that fires a pistol cartridge generally? that is also referred to as a machine pistol. Ammunition The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) estimates that from Caliber The size of the ammunition that a weapon is designed to 1899 to 1993 about 223 million guns shoot, as measured by the bullet's approximate diameter became available in the United States, in inches in the United States and in millimeters in other including over 79 million rifles, 77 mil- countries. In some instances, ammunition is described lion handguns, and 66 million shot- with additional terms, such as the year of its introduction guns. The number of guns seized, (.30/06) or the name of the designer (.30 Newton). destroyed, lost, or not working is In some countries, ammunition is also described in terms unknown. of the length of the cartridge case (7.62 x 63 mm). Gauge For shotguns, the number of spherical balls of pure lead, The number of new handguns added each exactly fitting the bore, that equals one pound. to those available has exceeded the number of new shotguns and rifles Sources: ATF, Firearms & Explosives Tracing Guidebook, September 1993, pp. 35-40, in recent years. More than half of the and Paul C. Giannelli, "Ballistics Evidence: Firearms Identification," Criminal Law Bulletin, May-June 1991, pp. 195-215. guns added in 1993 were handguns. 2 Guns Used in Crime Over 40 million handguns have been Stolen guns are a source How many guns are stolen? produced in the United States since of weapons for criminals 1973. The Victim Survey (NCVS) estimates All stolen guns are available to crimi- that there were 341,000 incidents of Since over 80% of the guns available nals by definition. Recent studies of firearm theft from private citizens an- in the United States are manufactured adult and juvenile offenders show that nually from 1987 to 1992. Because here, gun production is a reasonable many have either stolen a firearm or the survey does not ask how many indicator of the guns made available. kept, sold, or traded a stolen firearm: guns were stolen, the number of guns From 1973 to 1993, U.S. manufactur- According to the 1991 Survey of stolen probably exceeds the number ers produced State Prison Inmates, among those of incidents of gun theft. 6.6 million .357 Magnum revolvers inmates who possessed a handgun, 6.5 million .38 Special revolvers 9% had acquired it through theft, and The FBI's National Crime Information 5.4 million .22 caliber pistols 28% had acquired it through an illegal Center (NCIC) stolen gun file con- 5.3 million .22 caliber revolvers market such as a drug dealer or fence. tained over 2 million reports as of 4.5 million .25 caliber pistols Of all inmates, 10% had stolen at least March 1995. In 1994, over 306,000 3.1 million 9 millimeter pistols one gun, and 11% had sold or traded entries were added to this file including 2.4 million .380 caliber pistols stolen guns. a variety of guns, ammunition, can- 2.2 million .44 Magnum revolvers Studies of adult and juvenile offend- nons, and grenades. Reports of stolen 1.7 million .45 caliber pistols ers that the Virginia Department of guns are included in the NCIC files 1.2 million .32 caliber revolvers.
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