MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF THE TORRES SHIRE COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, DOUGLAS STREET, THURSDAY ISLAND ON FRIDAY, 23 SEPTEMBER 2011 PRESENT Mayor Cr. P. Stephen (Chair), Cr. N. Bin Tahal, Cr. B. Shibasaki, Cr. A. Ketchell, Mr. P. Mills (Chief Executive Officer) and Ms. L. Perry (Minute Secretary) The meeting opened with a prayer by Mayor Stephen at 9:10a.m. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Mayor acknowledged the traditional owners The Kaurareg People upon whose land we hold our Local Government meeting. CONDOLENCES: As a mark of respect, Council observed a minute’s silence in memory of: Mrs Daisy Laifoo, Mrs Annie Savage, Mrs Vrances Phinimore and Reverend Archie MacNicol APOLOGY: An apology was received from Cr. Abednego for not attending this meeting. Min. 11/09/1 Moved Cr. N. Bin Tahal, Seconded Cr. A. Ketchell “That Council accept the apology received from Cr. Abednego for his absence at this meeting.” Carried DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST UNDER THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT Nil CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Min. 11/09/2 Moved Cr. B. Shibasaki, Seconded Cr. A. Ketchell “That Council receive the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 16 August 2011 and confirm as a true and correct record of the proceedings.” Carried BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES Mayor Cr. P. Stephen.....Abandoned vehicles in the Shire (particularly Frangipani Lane) should be removed Cr. B. Shibasaki .............Abandoned containers on Douglas Street & Chester Street should be removed Cr. A. Ketchell ...............Develop a Policy/ Lease for containers using Council property/footpath space Cr. B. Shibasaki .............Action required regarding the rubbish in front of residence of the Manager, Island Rooster in John Street. Presentation: The Chair or representative of TSIREC did not attend at the time allocated for their presentation. COUNCIL MINUTES ORDINARY MEETING 23 SEPTEMBER 2011 1 MAYOR’S REPORT Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples The Australian Government has commenced a public consultation process across the country, to promote the inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian Constitution. An Expert Panel convened by the Commonwealth Government, is facilitating public meetings, individual consultations and meeting with key indigenous stakeholders and organizations to seek their views. The Panel will submit its report to the Prime Minister in December 2011, drawing on the results of these consultations, surveys and expert advice on options to change the Constitution which will be put to the Australian people at a referendum. Submissions close on 30 September 2011 and responses arising from the consultation are expected from the government by mid March 2012. I attended the Panel’s consultation meeting with Council’s Chief Executive Officer, Phillip Mills, at Thursday Island on Monday 19th September 2011. I am involved in preparing a Constitutional Recognition response on behalf of the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Council. It is important that council considers a response from our constituents to ensure that our region’s opinions are raised. Queensland Country Cabinet Seating on Thursday Island 28th -29th Sept, 2011 This Parliamentary Seating has enabled our constituents and stakeholders the opportunity to table local issues and concerns to appropriate Ministers in relevant portfolios. I am aware other Councillors attended deputations on behalf of their respective community organizations. I attended the following deputations and noted that these matters were raised in the 2005 Country Cabinet: • Greater Autonomy – Premier, Anna Bligh, and Minister for Local Government, Paul Lucas, MP • Housing (Home Ownership) – Minister for Housing, Karen Struthers, MP • Cultural Village – Minister for Department of Natural Resource Management and Arts, Rachel Nolan, MP • Transport including airport and freight subsidy – Minister for Transport, Annastacia Palaszczuk, MP • Prince of Wales safe access – Premier, Anna Bligh • Local Government matters – Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnership, Curtis Pitt, MP I attended the breakfast meeting hosted by the Premier and Deputy Premier to discuss the community submission on Greater Autonomy. The Premier gave her support to establish an ‘Implementation Committee’ with the support of the Commonwealth Government to progress Greater Committee for Torres Strait. Councillors may wish to add further comments from their deputations. Greater Autonomy Deputation with Prime Minister Greater Autonomy has been a recurring issue within our region since 1937 with many reviews and reforms which still lack a regional voice. There still remains uncertainty amongst both the communities and government regarding a model of regional governance. Council should lead the progression of this issue to bring a final resolution for our people. COUNCIL MINUTES ORDINARY MEETING 23 SEPTEMBER 2011 2 MAYOR’S REPORT (cont’d) Greater Autonomy Deputation with Prime Minister (cont’d) In a meeting with officers of the Prime Minister and Minister Crean in Canberra on 15th September 2011, I sought commitment from the Commonwealth Government towards a Bi-Lateral agreement with the Queensland Government in advancing Torres Strait movement towards Great Autonomy. I propose an establishment of a secretariat under the bi-lateral agreement as a mechanism to collate information and consultation that will determine the nature of the agreement and its implementation. I also offer the Torres Shire Council as a Local Government jurisdiction established in 1903 as a Town Council with impeccable history and good governance and public accountability to auspice the work in conjunction with State and Commonwealth Governments on behalf of the Torres Strait People. Min. 11/09/3 Moved Cr. A. Ketchell, Seconded Cr. B. Shibasaki “That Council supports the action of the Mayor to lobby and secure assistance and partnership from State and Commonwealth Governments in progressing Greater Autonomy for Torres Strait.” Carried Official Opening of Cook Esplanade 1st September 2011 I acknowledge the commitment and dedication of past TRAWQ employees who continued with CEA to complete the recreation park at Cook Esplanade. This project has complemented the shire’s beautification program. Min. 11/09/4 Moved Cr. N. Bin Tahal, Seconded Cr. B. Shibasaki “That Council work in partnership with community organisations and funding agencies to continue the recreation project throughout the Shire especially the esplanades.” Carried 2011 Garden Competition Acknowledge the assistance and support of Executive and staff in promoting this healthy initiative throughout our shire. I would encourage greater involvement from government agencies and private businesses to participate in this annual competition. Official Opening ‘Bipotiam Exhibition – Stories of the Torres Strait’ I am humbled by the nomination of the Gab Titui Cultural Centre to represent our region by officially launch the ‘Bipotaim Exhibition’ at the National Museum in Canberra on Thursday 15th September 2011. ‘Bipotaim’ explores stories from the Torres Strait and the way of life that is disappearing, or in some cases has already vanished. The collection of photographs and objects tell stories about lives, identity and culture of Torres Strait Islanders and how things have changed. I emphasized the strength of our culture are based upon our sovereignty, our structure and our survival to sustain our future generations to cope with change. I wish to acknowledge the support of the Gab Titui Cultural Centre and the National Museum in Canberra in promoting our unique Ilan Culture. Min. 11/09/5 Moved Cr. B. Shibasaki, Seconded Cr. A. Ketchell “That Council receive and endorse the Mayor’s Report.” Carried Adjournment: The Meeting adjourned for Morning Tea at 10.15am and resumed at 10.30am with all present. COUNCIL MINUTES ORDINARY MEETING 23 SEPTEMBER 2011 3 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER REPORT Common Seal Use Min. 11/09/6 Moved Cr. A. Ketchell, Seconded Cr. B. Shibasaki “That Council approve the use of the Official Seal by the Mayor and CEO as itemised below: Date Document Description Signature attached 17/8/11 Torres Strait ID – Saimo Gela Mayor 18/8/11 TSRA Variation of Agreement Ngurupai Sports Mayor/CEO Complex – Mural $14,000 18/8/11 Surveillance Aust. – Lease Lot 1 RP748024 Mayor/CEO 6/9/11 Torres Strait ID – Caroline Jaculine Regeling Mayor 6/9/11 Torres Strait ID – Rikki Ann Regeling Mayor 6/9/11 Torres Strait ID – Keirynn Xavier Regeling Mayor 6/9/11 Torres Strait ID – Jacqui Elizabeth Regeling Mayor” Carried Review of the Financial Sustainability of Remote Councils Min. 11/09/7 Moved Cr. A. Ketchell , Seconded Cr. B. Shibasaki “Council approved the CEO to attend the hearing and provide witness and speak to the submission.” Carried Indigenous Managers Committee Min. 11/09/8 Moved Cr. B. Shibasaki, Seconded Cr. A. Ketchell “The Council Approve the CEO to establish the sub-committee under the 2009 Local Government Act to assist Councilors with advice on their Portfolio Responsibilities.” Carried CEO Contract Min. 11/09/9 Moved Cr. A. Ketchell, Seconded Cr. B. Shibasaki “The Council delegate the Mayor to approve the CEO Professional Development and Consultancy.” Carried Min. 11/09/10 Moved Mayor Stephen, Seconded Cr. B Shibasaki “That Council receive and endorse the Chief Executive Officer’s Report.” Carried CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT In the absence of the Director of Corporate Services, the CEO presented this report Stale Unpresented
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