
trnri'1,111-i.i B IG H 0 1 E B R A Z E S Bee the large line of She-boy-g*u D, J. Stephens aad Herb rttto- 10AM A FORTUNE HAS BEGUI* Mica’s Sock* at Lossl’a. J iu*e, oI Bruton., took jin the turkey OSi A SINGLE DOLLAR Friday, November 27tb, 1908. shoot »t Wisdom Wednesday%li Howard Smith, of Bristol), bad irw ■«*!. m faft noon. 1 From the Book* of Poasi I, Smith. \ business in town Monday. [Mllou. Munta&a. * Local Breezes Dick Feiteo, one of the beet Try a pair of our high-top winter A Savings Account uuy be *urted 09 '• marsimen iu the basin, was a muv Barrel of S»ur JCruut just arrived ahoes. Wisdom Drug file Clo. Co- WARRANTY DKKD d»Hfr or more, and if poreiateatly followed up, cannot, but accomplish cessful competitor at tbe turkey at LossF*. State Bank of Dillon to Aj»* a wonderful amount of good for you. Ed Schweninger came in fromshoot Wednesday. You may oonduct an account by mail, just the same aa though yon H. Bender was a North Fork the hills Tuesday on business. Livestock Co., ISO acres iu Rig Fred Holman, along with Rick called ia person at oar bank. v visiter is town Monday. Hole bastu; consideration 11. To all depositor* who request H, we shall be glad to furnish one of On Safe, Misses' and Children’*ElUoghouse and Harry Rutledge, Carli Johnson to John Peterson,oar little Home Savings Banks free of cost—the greatest litUo aid to Bojs’snd Misses* 01 leggings Winter Coat* at cost at Lossl’s, put his wood sa w into commission successful saving that has ever been devittd. 4 to 4| per ceet iutereal t 100 acres Big Hole basio; eonsid- gold at Lossl’s for 25c a pair. at the Ajax ranch. George Cottrel), Vho is working eretionIB). paid. It you want a suit, go to Lossl’s. at the lower S6 ranch, was a visit­ Oir old friend A. J. Hay, better Theodore Sorenson to John Pe­RANCHERS AND MERCHANTS OF THE BIG HOLE VALU5V- He baa a large line to select from. or in town Weddesdiy, known as '‘Bill,” baa gone blck to terson, lbO sure* Big Hole basin; J. P, Lo»h1 left MouclaY morn­ F or S v JJir-F o x T j pewriter, spend the winter at bis <jld homeconsideration 110 . We ere most conveniently equipped for the handling of your account* r ing on a abort business trip togood as new. Will sell cheup. Box at New Franklin, Mo. \ QUIT CLAIM DWED —large or smalt, aud shall be glad to correspond with you on the **b» ject. Butte. 577, Anaconda, Montana- Win. Kundsen, who bat been Michael P. Lavelle to John Pe­ terson, 320, acre* near Battle YEGEN BROTHERS, BANKERS OF ANACONDA, MONTANA Stationery and books mail orders Valeta Stabler, the little daugh­ working in towu with hia brother Ground, Big Hole basin; consider­ fillet! promptly. Tribune Pub. Co., ter pf Mrs. J, II. Stable^, has been Vic, has taken a job on the Anton ation aud otber considerations. Ihllou. sick this week hut is improving a Christiansen ranch at Gibbons. $1 a little. Amand Jorgenson to John Peter­ Mis* Saltmer and Harry Melvit}, Geo. J. Davis and George Rich­ son, 320 acres near Battle Ground, of Jackson, were visitors in towu Chris Peterson and Gus lierzog.ey, tbe painters, have been busy THE MONTANA SUNBEAM Big Hole basin; consideration 01 Sunday. of tbe Swamp creek neighborhood, this week paiutmg the inside of and other considerations. attended the turkey shoot Wednes­the addition U the Wisdom Drug Arthur Hopkins is helping out at day. store, MINING tQCATlON Lighi CSL xi the Lpssl store during the absence W. F. Wunderlich and L. G. tw \ pf p. M- Smith. Be sure and look over our stock School closed Wednesday andWunderlich, the West Gem lode, \ will not open again until Monday, is making a SPECIALTY of HOME LIGHTING. George and Jim Thompson wereof underwear before buying your Pioneer (district. winter supply. the teachers, Mr. Finnegan and in from their ranch Wednesday to Most Perfect, Up-to-date Gasol^tio Light­ Wisdom Drug 4> Clo- Co. Miss Ring, having to sit for the take iu the turkey shoot. Bids Waited By montane Orewsv ing System Yet Invented. teachers’ examination Friday and Geprgp Cleyideupe came iu fiom Minim Co. Perfectly Safe, No Trouble, Brilliant and Penetrating Light. Billy Noyes, who is employed on Saturday, the Salmon liver country Tuesday the C. W„ Francis ranch, was a For full information aud estitMles apply to C. 11.S mith , Managk H, pveniug with a load of 64 tprkeys A party consisting of Mr. and' For running 600 feet of tunnel Visitor in town Sunday. and about 50 getge and duckp lorMrs. C. M. Branscombe, Miss May 4x6 in tbe clear on property berejh- B U T T E . .......... M O NTANA # Howard Worpaster has been mi fi-C. Hill. * Dougherty and Mr. V. C. Erptsi fore known aa the Jafinke Bros’ del' medial attendarce this week came in by autotniobile from Ana­mines. No timbering except aft “ WHO’S YOUR TAILOR?’’ owing td a sore ibroat. mouth of tunnel. Formation, An­ Dillon Let our Tailors, Ed V. Pricy & conda Wednesday, Miss Doijtgber- ty having business with the local desite. Jngerspll Machine Drill. DILLON Dr. IL F. BEST, DENTIST, Co., of Chicago, make your text Bottling Works, Successful bidder to furnish every­ Dillon, Mont., Office over Johnsonsuit. la^d commissioner. The party re 1)11,1,ON. MONT. lurbed next morning to the smellerthing except cordwood, tracking, FURNITURE CO., fit BooeeVReal Estate Office. Big-Hoi? Commercial Co- city. tools and car. Bidder also to haveThe Big Furniture House. S. S. Patterson, Prop. Hepry Olsen, one of the promin Miss Helen Wood, teacher of the privilege of driving 500 additional Rev. G. W. Kaufman will bold ent West Fox ranchers, was a busi­ Briston school, left Saturday mom feet after first contract it finished service* in the Wisdom Bchoot. ness visitor in town Friday. ing for the county seat, where she The company reserves the right Prices based on compe­ Wholesale Liquor* and Clears. Sole house Kundaymorningjat 11 o’clock The ve'y finest liquors lu.the attended the teachers’ institute this to reject any or all bids, tition with the.world. Ajreni for Val M ats’ Milwaukee Ree< and evening at 8 o’clock. Morning world are earned in stock at Walk­week. bend bids a* soon as possible to Stock complete €teher- and Malt Ex>-act Manufacturer 6? subject. "Our Gratitude and How ous treatment. Temperance Drinks er’s, 12 W. Park street, Butte. W. V. J aiivkk , George Izatt, of Briston, brought to Express it. The evening ser­ G T. PAUL, Prop Briston, Mont. Mrs. Mary Simmons aud sonin a load of Thanksgtviug gobblers mon will be a children’s sermon, Harold, of the Woodworth ranch,Monday for J. C. Hill, who had “The Yoke of Christ,” and will be ppeut part of Saturday in town. charge of the turkey shoot Wed illustrated from toe blackboard. "psday, COLLEfiK OF MONTANA The Murray Hots KU HZ MAN'S Come and bring the children. STHAVFD—Dark red cow, Deer Lodge, Montana. T. J. MURRAY, Prop’r. bianded A. L on right ribs, left FOR SALE. The ladies of the Social Circle The Place Where You Can Get ear slit. Address W. C. Jones. 75 head of good feeders, 50 beadwere delightfully eutertained Wed­ The College of Montana, the old Choice Wines, Liquor* of good fat cows, cue Percheron est institution for higher learning Asa Willey, of Jlnston, left nesday afternoon by Mrs. J. P. stallion one year old weighs about in the State, opens tbe WinterBoard by thi Day, Week or Monlb. and Cigars. Tuesday morning for Butte, where Lossl, assisted by her daughter, First class meals and excellent service. 1200 lbs. Address II. J. Selway, Term, Monday, Dec. 14, 1908. fie will probably spend tbo winter. Miss Loretta. There were two Our rooms are nice!}' furnished The Fmesl Furnished Itonms in thu Dillon, Montana. Students may euter at that time I’iij in Connection. competitions in which Mrs. Geo. ttnd our prices are Mr, and Mrs. W. A Armitage, A. T. Barry made his first trip and pursue special oonrses. Be­ Woodworth aud Mr*. G. II. Stew­ reasonable. for Anheuser-busch and #f Sunny Slope, were registered atto Jackson Monday for Uncle Sain. sides the regular College course art came out winners. A most de­ K T ’Cail and see us when in town fhtweiser lie er the Murray Hotel over Wednesday He had as passengers Ted Ash-licious Thanksgiving lunch was classical and scientific, there are wight. W ISDOM. MONT. BIDI a O N , M O N T . worth and Claud Anderson, whoserved. The Circle will meet on Academic, Preparatory, Enpnieer. went up to work at the Jahuke incr. Normal and Music courses. Jack Romaic, having sold his in­ Wednesday, Dec. 2nd, with Mrs. 04 75®$5.3f; fair to good $4 40 HAI.EoF TIMBER. Dillon Momaiia terest in the stock of the Old Glory m ine. A. II- MeVay. This Winter Term the management . Healed bills marked outside, Hid, Tim offers special opportunities for @01.75; good to choice light and bi-r H»lv application Octo!(>t4gr 12. 1908, saloon, has agam taken up his resi­ Lew Ellis returned Monday from medium weight! [email protected]; Hi-averliead National Fori addresS- The turkey shoot Wednesday was teachers who desire to equip them­ ed lo t! K Wyman, Dilt: M onion*.
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