Appendices Mii'gement Strategy McKenzie Pass - Santiam PassNational Forest Scenic Byway Sisters Ranger District Deschutes National Forest McKenzie Ranger District Willamette National Forest Pacific Northwest Region Appendices MCKENZIE PASS - SANTIAM PASS SCENIC BYWAY AvMAgOIMOS SSVcI WYLLNVS - SSVcI 1ZNMOW 1)C'Q11)N\\.Of\ i-aNi-aUBdP!2dPTIB souazaJau'a jo sr :a:a lWuGddVxpuddy i-0 ioi-aszeqc8-a 2Upt1OM -sdqsieuuo1oduu.sCzauaog:xpu9ddy 6i-acc-a69-ali-acc-a9c-a asesi4CIOS!HPUB ajtppTaIMflO 936suiau il-a6i-a91-act-a uoIe2aAawuluoUos1W suauoi-ac-v. jo SaATW2Nejqi.iodaU 3TdoJUO1TWONeznose,a 4o1oee: yxEpuGddyxipueddy Figure B-3B-iB-2 Geologic GeologicSurface ProvincesGeolorFeaturess and BedrockList Map of FiguresB-12B-l3 B-li Figure B-4B-7B-6B-8B-5 SoilVegetationAirFireWater .B-i8B-27B-35B-24B-32 Figure B-iO B-13B-i4B-12B-9B-il Fish OpportunityWildlifeHistoryDevelopedTrail System Sites Settings B-40B-48B-67B-81B-82 Figure B-19B-i8B-i6B-15B-i7 TrafficCharacterEnhancementImprovementPotential Volumes SitesZones NeedsOpportunities and Plans B-84B-104B-97B-83B-98B-105 MCKENZIE PASS - SANTIAM PASS SCENIC BYWAY Appedlx A: Nomination Report A-3 MCKENZIE-SANTIAMSCENIC BYWAY PASS LOOP NationalDESCHUTESThe Forest W.iIIame.tteU.S.D.A FofeCt Sefvlce .NafionalEorestPacific Nofthwest Region NATIONALNOMINATION FOREST SCENIC REPORT BYWAYS McKENZIE-SANTLAM PASSfor LOOP SCENIC BYWAY RegionWillametteDeschutes 6- USDA NationalNational Forest ForestForest Service January 27, 1989 RegionalPreparers: Contact:Phil Raab,Ron Walters,Frank Hunsaker, Division Willamette of Recreation, NF R-6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NationalentirelyThe McKenzie-Santiam Forests.within the proclaimed Pass Loop boundariesis a combination of the ofDeschutes three state and Willamettehighways located River,supportingcultural/historicSpectacular excellent facilities, scenery, examples resource, interesting both of Forestvariedmultiple-use Cascade Servicevegetative Mountainmanagement, and environments,private geology, and sector, a avarietya rich Wildmake andofthis Scenic an boundaries,Theatideal leastproposal candidate two andmeetslanes forall allthroughout consideration.of nominationit is presentlyits criteria.length. used TheforIt routerecreationalis an isexisting within driving pavedForest byroute of Nationalpassengerawareness,this designation Forestcars. understanding, Scenic wouldOther beBywaysjurisdictions consistentand programenjoyment with supportgoals can Forest are bedesignation greatly alsoplans. met enhanced inas thisa Scenic byroute. interpretive Byway,Public and values,routehoursandtraditionally marketing providedrive) vegetation toefforts.excellentunderserved the and major multiple-use opportunitiesThe groupsurban proximity centersa realistic management toof ofinterpretthe the goal.loop forstate (withinthegeology, On-sitemake benefit reachingtwo historical/culturalqualities andand one-halfenjoyment along the of route.Severalthe motorist. partnershipPotential partnerships programs have for beenthe futureinitiated abound. that directly involve the StateNorthwest.experience.route.In summary, HistoricThe Amotoringall It portionand theis Scenic well qualities publicof known theHighway. alreadyroute desiredand highlyis uses designatedin thearecommended Scenic proposed by Byway the throughoutroute Stateare forfound of atheOregon scenicalong Pacific as thisdrive a Statement of SignificanceDESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED ROUTE diverseThisOregon'sThe proposedpopular recreation Cascade driveroute Mountains; opportunities,providesconstitutes accessutilizing a 81.5a tohistoric aOregonmile high loop travelqualityRoute in 242,theroute, Wild centralUS andand20, Scenic sceneryandportion ORE River, of126.of OregonunparalleledandService recreational 242, and thesplendor. McKenzie publichighways. in Highway, generalSignificance hasas beinglong of beenone this ofrecognized routethe state's was byfurther thepremier USDA recognized scenicForest Highwayhistoric,wheneventuallyauthorized the as Oregon scenic,aledthe state toOregonState andtheHistoric culturalLegislature,designationTransportation and valuesScenic ofunder aCommission ofHighway.significant the stateprovisions to highwaysegmentconduct of system.Senateofa studythe BillMcKenzie ofThis the643, Recentyears.landscapesstandarddraw thousands CascadeA seenlow of speed,Westerntoday,mountaineach year. highly withOregon, vulcanism, few Inscenic thechanges1939 Highspectacularroutethe havingCascades,McKenzie awaits occurred lakes, those Highwayand Centralandwhoin was thevibrantwant constructedOregon.intervening to fallsample Thecolors tothe Scottthe WagonORETheinterest 126portion Road, is of aa theof primarypioneer USroute. 20 travel betweentravel route routethe townbetween through of Sisters,the the Willamette Cascades, Oregon, Valleyadds and tothe and the junction Central historic of Oregon.seenenvirorunentimportantsummer along andThis rolethewinter provides segmentMcKenziein therecreation atourismprovides Passlarge segment. sitesdegreeof outstanding the (both ofcentral contrast public scenery, Cascades andto theprivate),access area. extensive to The anda number forestedlavaserves flows of an recreationist'whitewaterwhichHighwayScenic has Rivers126, beenrafting, the Act. sdesignated delight.final andSpectacular segment associated as a of Recreationscenery, this campgrounds 1oop, a RiverNational parallels combine under Recreation thetheto makeNationalMcKenzie Trail,this WildRiver,segment fishing, and a provideLocationEach of the and usersegments Scope an experience with their of scenic, great varietyrecreational, and interest. and cultural uniqueness counties.Forests.within1. The the entireThe proclaimed loop route traverses isboundaries part partsof theof of thestate Deschutes, Deschutes highway Jefferson, andsystem Willamette and Lane, lies Nationalandwholly Linn TransportationAll 81.5 miles jurisdiction. of the route is under Oregon Department of Jack,centralgeologyLandmarks, and Cascadestext Mt. book.Jefferson), particularly in OregonSome ofminor (the thethose volcanicgeologicThree include: Sisters, ventsones, the (BelknapreadMt.major Washington,like volcanic Crater, a litany peaks ThreeSand from ofFinger athe Mountain,Severalasflows 800 devoidyears. spectacular Yapoah of Portions alland vegetation. lakesBlack of are Cratersthe visible route to traversenameor accessible a few) vast with moonscape-likefrom lava this flows proposed aslava recent waterfallsMcKenzievisibleforByway. its watertodayClearRiver are clarity.standingLake,adjacentwas dammed the beneath tosourceTrees bythe a wereroute.thelavaof the water. inundatedflow McKenzieTwo 3,000 ofThree by the yearsRiver, rising popularwaterfalls ago. is waters andnationallyThey arehighly when areon theanstillvisitedknown beenSisters,Otherimpressive designated significant Mt. whitewater Washington, by landmarksthe sectionUnited and include Mt. Nationsof Jefferson),the views McKenzieas a intopart of Wild threeofwhich theand wildernesses the "ProgrammeScenic Three River. Sisters on(Three Man has viewers.falllodgepoleforestsand the colors Biosphere"of pine, two from hundred-footponderosa maples as a reserve.and pine, tallother and Douglas-fir, Thedeciduous mixed vegetative conifer vegetation western environmentsforests. and attract mountainThe include many display hemlock, of stateaPointsFishthe Forest summit Lakeis of locatedService historicRemount of McKenzie onadministrative Station, andSantiam culturalPass, aPass. facilityScott site.interest TheWagon datingPacificThe includeRoad, second to Crest Old theDee oldest Santiam mid-1800sNationalWright ski PassObservatory area Scenicand Wagon infor Trailthe yearsRoad, at westvintagecrossesApproximately flavor arethe andtheroute arefacilities 60at inbothpercent themselves McKenzie in of the the attractionscommunityand state's Santiam populationof for passes.Sisters, the travellingis whichOf within more have recentpublic. an old miles,Eugene/Springfieldtwo-and-a-half Portland hours- 130 - driving 55miles, miles, timeand Corvallis/Lebanon Bendof the- 21route. miles.Major- 65 miles,communities Salem include:- 50 TheFS routeFacilitiesViewpointsCampgrounds/Picnic has the following Areas support15 4facilities: Sno-parksSkiTrailheadsInterpretive area sites 13612 PrivateFacilitiesResortsOrganization sector operated camps under FS Special-Use3 Permits course.outfitting/guidingoffersOn the privatewest end resorts, of servicesthe loopcabins, onthe the restaurants,community McKenzie of River, serviceMcKenzie and stations, Bridgea golf golfoutfitting/guidingoffersThe towncourses, private of Sisters, and resorts, complete services located motels, retail for at variousrestaurants,the services easterly rivers for serviceend theand of recreatingwildernesses, thestations, loop Campservices,public.Scenicis the Sherman, River,Metolius Blacklies which itsalongButte River, associated offers theRanch, also route. commercial a campgrounds,condominiumfederallyA short tourist designateddistance developmentand facilities.the offcommunity Wild thewith and route full of RESPONSE TO NOMINATION CRITERIA orscientific,degreeThe State proposed of significance. scenic or Byway cultural value must andfeatures.be mayan existinginclude These recreational,roadvalues with and a featurescurrent historical, ormust potentially beeducational, of National high word.magnificentThis proposalPlease scenery fullynote themakesmeets above thiscriteria descriptions a Scenic as described. Byway and inenclosed theThe truest varietyphotographs. sense of of the Rivercorridorsignificance.State NationalHistoricactions
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