University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 11-21-1975 Central Florida Future, Vol. 08 No. 09, November 21, 1975 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 08 No. 09, November 21, 1975" (1975). Central Florida Future. 243. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/243 .. ~ . VOL. 8, NO. 9 .. nbRiDA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY _jNov. 21, 1975. Regents ·give FTU inoney cr1s1s• • relief FTU will receive $666,000 in December or early 1976. enrollment reserve formula been enrollment reserve money from According to John Goree, used that determines how much the Florida Board of Regents to vice-president for business affairs, - each school receives for each ease the school's fiscal woes, the reserve allocation is FTU's student over the budgeted State University System "share of the enrollment reserve amount, FTU would receive $3 Chancellor E. T. York said funid of $2 million." million. But, he said, $666,000 is Tuesday. Goree said the funds were "all that is available." However, President Charles N. given for "those students enrolled Goree said part of the money Millican said the state is expecting over and above the 1974 will be spent to hire additional a revenue shortfall this year, enrollment level for which we part-time faculty members "to which may reduce the emergency were budgeted." give overloaded faculty members allocation. "It looks as though it "AT THIS point, the a reduction next quarter to will be 2 per cent this year which · four-quarter enrollment is 1,300 balance their overload." means we will have to return or 1,400 more than we were Millica:i:i said Wednesday he about $320,000 to the state," initially budgeted," Millican said. hasn't had a chance to evaluate Millican said. He said FTU received more the spending options, but will be MILLICAN ADDED FI'U money than any other state meeting with other won't know the exact amoung of university because it had the administration members to Photo by Myron Carden the revenue shortfall until greatest enrollment increase. discuss proposals. WHITE AMUR FISH AND GRASS CARP were released by Goree said had the actual Steve Nesins, a Florida Department of Natural Resources official~ into two experimental ponds on campus recently .to determme the effect of the fish to remove nutrients from weed-clogged lakes. Dr. John Osborne, assistant professor of 'Vicious fight' predicted biological sciences·, is conducting the study with the aid of a $21,000 state grant. over federal solar lab Rep. Bill Nelson, important "for both employme·nt now-defunct Florida Energy BOR-union disputes D-Melboume, says Florida is in and academic reasons." Committee. for· a "vicious fight" over the Kersten said although FTU has Earlier this month, Nelson · proposed National Solar Energy management responsibilities at claimed the task force used up the cause election delay Research Center suggested for· the state center, "it was created original $25,000, and needed an ITU's Brevard Resident Center by the Board of Regents to help additional $12,090 to get By KERRY FAUNCE satisfied with the way .P.KltC has near Cape Canaveral. all nine state universities, and all through the month of January. Staff Writer handled the collective bargaining "Arizona and California are the schools submit research Last week, however, Nelson issue. The FEA News reported just pouring money into this proposals and cooperate in said the extra funds "had been An election to choose a that teachers have "condemned thing," said Rep. Jane Robinson, research." found" by the governor. collective bargaining agent for PERC's ineffectiveness and R-Cocoa. "They 're using fancy He added the state center university faculty members may management leanings." brochures and sending people to would remain a separate entity "I THINK we'll be in the final be delayed until January ''Several teachers cited running for the solar center instances of PERC inefficiency in Washington while we nickel and from the national center, "but it according to Dr. William Esler 1 now," he said, "and I hope we'll policing the law and providing dime it." would be short-sighted" to professor· of education and FTU ACCORDING TO Dr. Robert discount . the opportunities for get it.>' spokesman for United Faculty of assistance," the newsletter Kersten, dean of the College of joint research. Nelson said the fact Florida Florida (UFF) president Paul reported. "They pointed to Engineering and former acting A NINE-member Solar Energy already supports a state solar Leffler. instances of lost transcripts, director of the Florida Solar Task Force was appointed by center "shows the federal The delay is due to a dispute several months delay in resolving Energy Center near the·Cape, the Gov. Reubin Askew in May, and government Florida puts its over who should be included in unfair labor practice charges and inadequate assistance in national center wauld be· funded $25,000 by the money where its mouth is." the bargaining unit. ACCORDING TO a recent providing mediators and special Board of Regents' (BOR) Memo, masters to help resolve contract a weekly publication, "The BOR disputes." - and the two unions (UFF and Esler said FTU's faculty would American Association of "probably" favor the collective University Professors (AAUP), bargaining ·issue in the election. have stipulated that those to be He estimated 7 5 per cent included in the unit are faculty supported the issue. members and other professionals SYNDICATED COLUMNIST considered to share a 'community Continued on page 2 of interest.' Persons excluded are primarily those performing managerial functions." The present bargaining unit ·Looldng into proposal does not resolve the issue of separate units.sought by the FuTUre several State University System Pep bandproposed,page 3 (SUS) groups. "Moreover, it does not resolve the question of whether graduate students should FI'U crime, page 4 be included with f~culty in an Bookstore, No. 1 priority, page 6 . appropriate unit," the Memo reported. ·'One-way ticket, page 7 According to Esler, the collective bargaining issue is now ' Vote~ registration open, page 8 in the hands of the Public Photo bY Mike Crumpton Employes Relations Commission Demo convention comment, page A $700,000 PHYSICAL PLANT COMPLEX ADDITION will enable FTU to do more (PERC). 13 maintenance work on campus. Physical Plant director Rudolph Peruf said the expansion will SEVERAL MEMBERS of one also increase heating and air conditioning capabilities , facilitate vehicle painting and improve group, the Florida Education IL~ldefeatsLJ011,page 15 metalwork and plumbing facilities. Association (FEA) are n~t ............,,.._..._..,...__,..,.. ...... Page 2-FuTUre-Nov. 21,1975 Gay alliance may disband For lack of three members, He said the membership of the admitted, "We're a struggling RESEAl\CI PAPERS FTU's Gay Student League may organization is currently limited organization. It's definitely not THOUSANDS ON ~ILE have to disband at the end of the to the FTU student body for been easy to get this far." ·Send for your up-to-date, 160-page, mail ·order Catalog of quarter, according to league several reasons. 5,500 topics. Enclose SUK> ~o cover postage and handling_ organizer John Greene. "FTU PROVIDES a "I hope any gays who are interested will contact me" he COLLEGIATE RESEARCH To become a bona fide progressive student body, and a added. "My name is on posters all 1n0,PONTtUS AVE.: SUITE 201 organization on campus, a group meeting place for the over campus." LOS ANGELES, C~LIF .-90025 must have a statement of organization with a minimum· ------------~- -----------------------------~ purpose, 12 members, two of possibility for harrassment," he r NJme which must be officers; and, said. "Also Student Government ! although it is not a requirement, will assist in deferring the BOR I I · Address~~---~-~-----~~---~~ the group is "encouraged" to expenses incµrred by the I City obtain the services of a faculty operation of the organization." Continued from page 1 State·-----"'--:---------_____ ... _., Zip ______ adviser. I ________ _ Green has issued a statement of Malcolm Johnson said a small ~----------------------- GREEN SAID his organization purpose for the alliance, saying organization initiated at the currently has nine members who the organization could provide a University of Florida (U of F) is have signed the roster, but added wide range of social services for attempting to persuade the state's he "would abandon the its members, along with services faculty . to vote against all unions W~e . ·care .Childrens ·!~anch when the collective bargaining organization/' if another three for the community as a whole. OPEN 24 hrs. - 7 Day~ members cann-ot be found. election is held. The statement also says the Johnson explained, "The organization would provide help group is the University Professors Greene cited fears of future for troubled gays, and serve as a NearFTU reprisals and "paranoia" as for Academic Order (UP AO), a media monitoring agency "to national body formed five years . factors keeping many prospective assist in suppressing myths and members away, but he plans to ago to "reduce politicization of . Reasonable Rates stereotypes which abound about the campus," promote academic · use more on-campus advertising homosexuals." and publicity from several local standards as it sees them and GR'EEN HOPES the check collective bargaining by 5 Acres· - Large Play Area radio stations to recruit the organization can recruit the members needed.
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