HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATING UNITS IN WEST BENGAL (2011) [as per the Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling & Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008] (Source: WBPCB Inventory) Quantity of HW in MTA Landfill SL Type & Quantity Disposal Name Of The Industry Address NO of Products / Landfill Inciner After ation Treatme nt DIST. Bankura 1 Damodar Valley Corporation- PO. MTPS, PS. Thermal Power Mejia Thermal Power Station. Gangajalghati, Plant PIN- 722183, Dist. Bankura (Electricity- 840 MW) 2 Exodus Knitwear (P) Ltd. Shyamsundarpur, PO. Dyeing & 4.20 Darika, Bleaching Bishnupur, Dist. Bankura (Knitted Fabric - 1192.92 MTA) 3 Lafarge India Pvt. Ltd. Mejia Cement Plant, Vill. Cement Amdanga, PO. MTPS(DVC), Manufacturing 4 Manaksia (Galv. Div.) PIN.Plot No.722183 471, Birsinghapur, PortlandGalvanizing Cement 4.50 (Formerly Hindustan Seals) PO. - 83330 MTA) & PS. Barjora-722202, (Galvanized Dist. Bankura Items-36000 Pcs/A) 5 Rishabh Sponge Ltd. Durgapur Bankura Main Metallurgical Road, PO. & PS. Barjora, PIN. (Sponge iron - 722202, Dist. Bankura 14400 MTA/Kiln) 6 Rohit Ferro Tech Pvt. Ltd. PO. Dwarika, P.S. Metallurgical 19,200. Bishnupur, (Ferro-alloys - 00 Dist. Bankura 57600 MTA) 7 Rohit Ferro Tech Pvt. Ltd. PO. Dwarika, P.S. Metallurgical 12,144. (Unit-II) Bishnupur, (Ferro-alloys - 00 Dist. Bankura, PIN. 722122 18000 MTA) Metallurgical 14,628. (Ferro-alloys - 00 12192MTA) DIST. Burdwan 1 Alloy Steel Plant Durgapur, Dist. Burdwan Metallurgical (Alloy Steel- 208149 MTA) 2 Alstom Projects Durgapur, Dist. Burdwan Engineering 0.20 India Ltd. (Steel (formerly Alstom Fabrication - Power Boilers Ltd.) 1500 MTA) 3 Associated Trade G. T. Road, PO. Ningha, PS. Oxyzen gas Link Jamuria, Asansol, PIN. filling & storing 713370 centre Dist. Burdwan (Oxygen Gas - 1740000 m3/Yr., Liq. Oxygen - 1800000 m3/Yr.) 4 Bharat Petroleum Rajbandh Top, Durgapur, Oil Installation 7.40 Corpn. Ltd. Dist. Burdwan (HSD, SKO, MS) 5 Burn Standard Co. Engineering - 0.08 Ltd., BurnpurPO. (Steel casting - Burnpur, Dist. 9900MTA) Burdwan Works. 6 Chittaranjan P.O.Chittaranjan, 4.24 26.24 Locomotive Works Dist. Burdwan Railway Workshop 7 Choudhary Tar & ADDA Industrial Area, Sanjib Coal Tar 0.80 Chemicals Sarani, PO. Durgapur, PS. Distillation Coke (Light creosote 8 Corporate Ispat Oven,S.I.Area, Dist De :Burdwan, Gaul Avenue, PIN- oil,Metallurgical Heavy Alloys Pvt. Ltd. 713211.Durgapur, Dist. Burdwan creosote(Ferro- oil, 9 Damodar Valley Grid Operation & AnthracineDistributionManganese oli, -of Corporation- Maintenance CrudeElectricity69000 MTA 132 KV Kalipahari Division-II, PO. Kalipahari, naptahlene(216000Silico Manganese KVA) & 10 Damodar Valley Grid Operation & Electricity Sub Sub-Station. PS. Pitch- 48012- 7650 MTA) Corporation- Maintenance Station Shripur, Dist. Burdwan MTA) 132 KV ASP Sub Division -VI, PO. & PS. 11 Station.Damodar Valley Durgapur,PO. Durgapur, PIN. PIN. 713208, 713207, Thermal Power 27.37 Corporation- Dist. Burdwan Station 12 DurgapurD’Tapinal ChemicalsThermal Burdwan.Kada Road, Durgapur, (generationCoal tar 0.10 PowerLtd. Station Dist. Burdwan capacitydistillation 350 13 Dishergarh Power Chinakuri Unit, P.O.- ThermalMW)(Pitch- Power Supply Co Ltd. Radhanagar, Dist. Burdwan Plant1440MTA, Heavy (Electicityoil- 360 MTA,- 30 MW)Napthalene- 14 Dishergarh Power Dishergarh Unit, P.O.- Thermal96MTA, LightPower Supply Co. Ltd. Sundarchak,Dist. Burdwan PlantOil- 24 MTA) 15 Durgapur Chemicals Durgapur, Dist. Burdwan (ElecticityChloro-alkali- 12.2 30.00 Ltd. MW)(Caustic Soda lye- 10620 MTA, Liquide Chlorine- 9000 16 Durgapur Nasser Avenue, PO. & PS. MTA,Chemical HCL- 9600 6.00 Napthalene Pvt. Ltd. Bidhan Nagar, Durgapur- MTA(Napthalene 713212, Dist. Burdwan Flake - 234 MTA, Stable Bleaching 17 The Durgapur Durgapur, Dist. Burdwan Coke Oven Plant 12.20 Light Powder- 4800 Projects Ltd. (Coke-259260 Creosote Oil - 36 18 Durgapur Steel plant Durgapur, Dist. Burdwan MTA,Metallurgical 64.23 2,847. MTA) MTA, Heavy Oil - Monochloro(Steel & Iron 00 BenzeneProducts54 - as9900 19 East India Waria Road, Raturia, Pharmaceutical 23.85 MTA,Wheel,MTA) Di- Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Durgapur, (Sodium 20 Eastern DVC More, PO. Kalipahari, GalvanizingChloroSleeper,Benzene angles,- 0.08 Dist. Burdwan Sulphacetamide- Anticorrosives Ltd. PS. (Steel2400Beams, MTA, Tape - 5.634 MTA) Asansol(S), PIN. 713 339 2400SodiumChannels MTA)- Dist. Burdwan Penta589799 chloro MTA) phenate- 984 MTA) 21 Eastern Railway- PO. Burdwan, Railway 0.02 1.55 Diesel Shed Dist : Burdwan, PIN- Workshop 22 Essar Oil Ltd. B-2, Collins Path, PO. Mining 4.00 713101 Durgapur, (Exploration & 23 Ganga Rasaynie KarangaparaPS. Kanksha, Road,PIN. 713212 CoalProduction tar of 1.00 Durgapur,Dist. Burdwan distillationCoal Bed 24 Glaxo Smith Kline 188, Bhangakuthi, G.T. Drugs & 60.00 Dist. Burdwan (PetroleumMethane gas- Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Road, Pharmaceutical Solvent480 m3/Yr)-0.6MTA) Ward No. 27, Keshabganj, Product PO. &Storage & Distribution 25 Graphite India Ltd., P.O. Sagarbhanga, Chemical 214.00 - Sroting capacity 115 MT Durgapur Plant Durgapur, (Graphite PS. Burdwan, PIN. 713101 26 Great Eastern G.Dist. T. BurdwanRoad, Fatehpur, PO. MiningElectrodes & Energy Sitarampur, Asansol, PIN. (ExplorationCarbon Paste &- Corporation Ltd. 713359, Dist. Burdwan Production22207.944 MTA)of Coal Bed Methane gas- 900000 m3/Yr/Well) 27 HPCL, Rajbandh Durgapur, Dist. Burdwan Oil Installation 18.00 (Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene, 28 I.I.S.C.O., Burnpur Burnpur, Dist. Burdwan Metallurgical 113.50 7,648. Packed Works (Steel & Iron- 30 Lubricants) 29 I.O.C.L., Rajbandh Rajbandh, Durgapur, 2485892.4Oil Installation MTA) 0.09 Terminal Dist. Burdwan (MS, SKO, HSD) 30 I.O.C.L., (Mktg Lenin Sarani, PO. Durgapur LPG Bottling Divn.)- LPG Main, PS. Coke Oven, Dist. Plant Bottling Plant- Burdwan, PIN. 713235 (72000 MTA of Durgapur LPG) 31 Indian Explosives Bulk Support Plant, Sonepur Chemical Ltd. Bazari, PO. Haripur, PS. (Explosive Pandaveswar, Dist. Burdwan manufacturing- PIN. 713378 7500 MTA) 32 Konark Tar Products ADDA Industrial Plot, Lenin Coal Tar Pvt. Ltd. Sarani, PO. Durgapur, PS. Distillation Coke- (Coal Tar Binder Oven, Durgapur-1, Dist. Pitch - 6000 Burdwan MTA, Dehydrated Tar/ 2.40 Blended Pitch - 600 MTA, Soft & Medium Pitch - 1200 MTA, Extra Hard Pitch - 1200 MTA, Crude Anthracene - 120 MTA, Crude Napthalene - 360 MTA) 33 Mangalchand Rolling Vill. Pratappur, PO. Metallurgical 2.40 Mills (P) Ltd.- Wire Basudevpur- (Copper Drawing Div. Jemari, PS. Salanpur, Wire/Strips- 480 34 NTPC(formerly- Sail Power CPPAsansol,-II, DSP Complex, PS. ThermalMTA, Power Co.Mangalchand (P) Ltd. Metal Waria,Dist. Burdwan, PO. Durgapur, PIN. 713335 PlantCopper Rod- 504 35 NeoMfg. MetaliksCo.) Ltd. Vill.Dist. & Burdwan PO. Gopalpur, PS. Metallurgical(ElectricityMTA) - 130 Kanksa, Durgapur, PIN. (PigMW) Iron- 713212 105000 MTA) 36 Philips Carbon Black Durgapur, Dist. Burdwan Carbon Black- 28.70 Ltd. 864MTA 37 Praxair India Pvt. JL No. 65, Mouza-Majedihi, Industrial Gases Ltd. DSP (Oxizen - Site, PO. & PS. Durgapur, 253296 MTA, PIN. Argon - 10800 713203, Dist. Burdwan MTA, Nitrozen - 184400 MTA) 38 PVR Inshield P.O.-Disergarh, Asansol, Coal tar Bituminous (P) Ltd. Dist. Burdwan distillation (Dust Ioniser- 0.16 0.15 1200 MTA, Fire retardant emulsion- 6000 MTA, Roofing Felt- 3600 MTA) 39 Ramsarup Nirmaan Banskopa Inn Road, PO. Engineering Wires Durgapur, PS. Kanksha, (PC Wire and 180.00 (a unit of M/s PIN. low relaxation Ramsarup 713212, Dist. Burdwan pre- Industries Ltd.) stressed wire- 54000 MTA) 40 S.B. Pigments Asansol, Dist. Burdwan Chemical (formerly Reckitt (Ultramarine 5.65 Benckiser/ Reckitt & Blue-4260 MTA) Colmann) 41 Shrividhya Coal Tar Hydrocarbons Pvt. Vill. Boldi, PO. Dishergarh, Distillation Ltd. PS. (Coal Tar Pitch - Kulti, PIN. 713 333, 900 MTA, Dist. Burdwan Heavy Creosote Oil - 200 MTA, Light Creosote Oil - 200 MTA, Crude Napthalene - 56 MTA) 42 Shyam Ferro Alloys Raturia-Angadpur Industrial Metallurgical 7,500.0 Ltd. Area, Durgapur, PO. (Ferro alloy and 0 Angadpur, Steel-110040 Dist. Burdwan MTA) 43 Shyam tar Products Rampur, P.O.-Salanpur, Coal tar Dist. Burdwan distillation (Pitch-2400 20.00 MTA, Light Oil- 120 MTA Heavy Oil-1680 MTA) 44 Stollberg India Pvt. E.P.I. P. Banskopa, PS. Chemical Ltd. Kanksa, (Various foundry Dist :Burdwan, Durgapur-12 chemicals like Continuous casting Flux- 9300 MTA, Bottom Pouring Flux-400 MTA, Insulating Compounds- 360 MTA) 45 TIL Limited- Asansol Plot No. H-1, ADDA Servicing of 2.00 0.65 Industrial heavy Area, N. H. 2, Bypass Road, earthmoving and 46 Tata Teleservices Dag No. (CS)- 3601, (Sub Telecommunicati PO. construction Ltd. Plot on service Ramakrishna Mission, equipments Nos. A- 403, 405, B- 402, provider Asansol, 170 units 47 Ultra Tech Cement 403,PO. Rajbandh, PS. Kanksa, Cement PIN. 713305, Dist. Burdwan services per year Ltd. 405)Durgapur Mouza- 713212, & PS. Durgapur, Manufacturing 48 Veer Wheels Pvt. Faridpur,DeDist-Gaul : Burdwan Avenue, Dist. Burdwan PO. Electroplating(Cement - 1 6.00 Ltd. Bidhannagar, PS. Coke (Cyclemillion spokesTon /A)- Oven, 1680000 Pcs./A) Durgapur- 713212 Dist : Burdwan 49 West Bengal State Vivekananda Sarani, PO. Electricity Electricity Sreepally, Dist. Burdwan, distribution Distribution Co. PIN.713103 Ltd.- Burdwan. DIST. Birbhum Zonal Store 1 B. P. Exploration(Alpha) Ltd. Vill. Darkota, Chanda, Engineering 8.16 Kasthagara, Tarachua, PO. (Drilling 8 nos. Dighalgram, PS. Mohamad Core Hole Well 2 Bakreswar Thermal Power Bazar,Sadaipur, Dist. Dist. Birbhum Birbhum forThermal Power 1.00 Project Plant 3 Bansidhar Chemicals Patelnagar, Md. Bazar - T.S, ChemicalExploration
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