![(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,267,975 B2 Strobe] Et A1](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
US007267975B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,267,975 B2 Strobe] et a1. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 11,2007 (54) METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS Chen, J ., et al. “Termites fumigate their nests with naphthalene,” RELATING TO INSECT REPELLENTS Nature. 392:558-559 (Apr. 1998). FROM A NOVEL ENDOPHYTIC FUNGUS Daisy, B. H. et al. “Muscodor vitigenus, anam. sp. nov. an endophyte from Paullinia paullinioides, ” Mycotaxon 84:39-50. (2002). (75) Inventors: Gary Strobe], BoZeman, MT (US); Daisy, B. et a1 “Napthalene, an insect repellent, is produced by Bryn Daisy, Anchorage, AK (U S) Muscodor vitigenus, a novel endopythic fungus”, Microbiology (2002), 148, 3737-3747. (73) Assignee: Montana State University, BoZeman, Guarro, J. et al. “Developments in Fungal Taxonomy,” Clin MT (US) Microbiol Rev. 12(3):454-500, (Jul. 1999). ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Hawksworth, D. 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White, T]. et al. “Ampli?cation of direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal RNA genes for phylogenetics.” In PCR Protocols: A * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Sep. 11,2007 Sheet 1 of4 US 7,267,975 B2 EDUMH# U.S. Patent Sep. 11,2007 Sheet 2 0f 4 US 7,267,975 B2 mg - as? ' i I V 'T- | 1', FIGURE 2 U.S. Patent Sep. 11,2007 Sheet 3 0f 4 US 7,267,975 B2 FIGURE 4 FIGURE 5 U.S. Patent Sep. 11,2007 Sheet 4 0f 4 US 7,267,975 B2 FIGURE 6 FIGURE 7 US 7,267,975 B2 1 2 METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS study their natural products. While there are many epiphytic RELATING TO INSECT REPELLENTS microorganisms associated With plants, the endophytic asso FROM A NOVEL ENDOPHYTIC FUNGUS ciations may be more complex since living host tissues are involved. This may be the case since closer biological STATEMENT REGARDING RESEARCH & associations may have developed betWeen these organisms DEVELOPMENT in their respective hosts than the epiphytes or soil related organisms. Hence, the result of this may be the production This research Was funded under NSF Research Grant No. of a greater number and diversity of classes of biological 01 14469. derived molecules possessing a range of biological activi ties. In fact, a recent comprehensive study has indicated that CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED 51% of biologically active substances isolated from endo APPLICATION phytic fungi Were previously unknoWn (SchutZ, B. 2001. British Mycological Society, International Symposium Pro This application claims bene?t of priority to US. Ser. No. ceedings, Bioactive Fungal Metabolites-Impact and Exploi 60/418,396, ?led Oct. 15, 2002, under 35 U.S.C. §119 noW tation. University of Wales, April). This compares With only abandoned. 38% novel substances from soil micro?ora. The entire disclosure of the prior application is considered One of the least studied biochemical-chemical systems in to be part of the disclosure of the instant application and is nature is the relationship existing betWeen microorganisms hereby incorporated by reference therein. and their plant hosts. For instance, it does appear that all 20 higher plants are hosts to one or more endophytic microbes. FIELD OF THE INVENTION These microbes include the fungi, bacteria and actino mycetes. They reside in the tissues beneath the epidermal The present invention relates to the discovery of a novel cell layers. It is Well understood that endophytic infections endophytic fungus, Muscodor viligenus, from the liana, are at least inconspicuous (Bacon, C. W., and White, J. F. Paullinia paullinioides. This fungus produces naphthalene 25 2000. Microbial Endophytes. Marcel Deker Inc., N.Y.). And under certain cultural conditions that has chromatographic as a result, the host tissues are transiently symptomless and and mass spectral properties that are identical to authentic the coloniZation of the tissues is internal to the surface of the naphthalene. In a preferred embodiment, the naphthalene in plant. The exact physical relationship of the endophyte to the the gas phase of M viligenus is useful in the repellency of plant has, in most cases remained obscure, because it is unWanted insect pests. The unique biological activity of the 30 extremely dif?cult, by electron microscopic techniques, to novel endophyte suggests a Wide range of potential practical ?nd an endophyte Within plant tissues. Conceivably, the applications, particularly in the area of insect repellents, microbes live Within the intercellular spaces of the tissues insecticides, antimicrobials, anthelmintics and vermicides. and it also seems likely that penetration of living cells may occur but not easy to observe. The relationship that any BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 35 given endophyte establishes With the plant varies from symbiotic to that bordering on pathogenic.
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