THE POETRY ANTHOLOGY 1912 —2002 Ninety Years of America's Most Distinguished Verse-Magazine EDITED BY Joseph Parisi & Stephen Young WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY JOSEPH PARISI IVAN R. DEE CHICAGO 2002 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION • xxiii Ezra Pound To Whistler, American i Richard Aldington XOPIKO2 2 Nicholas Vachel Lindsay General William Booth Enters into Heaven 4 H.D. Epigram 5 Ezra Pound From CONTEMPORANIA Tenzone 6 In a Station of the Metro 6 William Carlos Williams Proof of Immortality 6 Joyce Kilmer Trees 7 Ezra Pound From LUSTRA: I, III 7 John Gould Fletcher From IRRADIATIONS: I, II.VI, X, XI 9 D. H. Lawrence Illicit II Robert Frost The Code —Heroics II Carl Sandburg From CHICAGO POEMS Chicago H Edwin Arlington Robinson Eros Turannos 16 William Butler Yeats The Magi 17 Ezra Pound TOKAAON 17 Ezra Pound The Coming of War: Actaeon 18 H.D. Moonrise 18 Rupert Brooke From NINETEEN-FOURTEEN Peace 19 The Soldier 19 T. S. Eliot The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 20 Conrad Aiken From DISCORDANTS: IV 24 Sara Teasdale The Answer 24 John Hall Wheelock Beethoven 25 Wallace Stevens Sunday Morning 25 CONTENTS William Butler Yeats • The Scholars 28 Edgar Lee Masters In Memory of Bryan Lathrop 28 Ezra Pound The Lake Isle 29 Rabindranath Tagore From Epigrams 30 T. S. Eliot From OBSERVATIONS La Figlia che Piange 30 Mr. Apollinax 31 Morning at the Window 32 Arthur Davison Ficke The Wave Symphony 32 William Carlos Williams Marriage 33 Isaac Rosenberg From TRENCH POEMS Break of Day in the Trenches 33 Carl Sandburg From MY PEOPLE In Tall Grass 34 Sherwood Anderson Evening Song 34 John Drinkwater Reciprocity 35 Edna St. Vincent Millay From FIGS FROM THISTLES First Fig 35 Second Fig 35 Thursday 35 William Carlos Williams Le Mtdecin Malgre Lui 36 D. H. Lawrence Nostalgia 36 Ezra Pound From PROPERTIUS: IV 37 Emanuel Carnevali Walt Whitman 38 Edna St. Vincent Millay Recuerdo 39 Louis Untermeyer End of the Comedy 39 Vachel Lindsay The Horrid Voice of Science 40 Sara Teasdale Song 40 Wallace Stevens From PECKSNIFFIANA Fabliau of Florida 4i The Weeping Burgher 41 The Indigo Glass in the Grass 42 Anecdote of the Jar 42 The Curtains in the House of the Metaphysician 42 The Paltry Nude Starts on a Spring Voyage 43 Malcolm Cowley Danny 44 Alfred Kreymborg ToW. C.W. M.D. 44 Elinor Wylie Atavism 45 Marjorie Allen Seiffert Cubist Portrait 45 VI CONTENTS Oscar Williams The Golden Fleece 45 Glenway Wescott The Poet at Night-Fall 46 Wallace Stevens From SUR MA GUZZLA GRACILE The Snow Man 47 Tea at the Palaz of Hoon 47 Another Weeping Woman 48 Of the Manner of Addressing Clouds 48 Of Heaven Considered as a Tomb 49 Robert Frost The Witch of Coos 49 William Carlos Williams Wild Orchard 54 Harriet Monroe In High Places 55 Louise Bogan From BEGINNING AND END Knowledge 55 Kay Boyle Monody to the Sound of Zithers 55 Ernest M. Hemingway From WANDERINGS Champs d'Honneur 56 Chapter Heading 56 Marion Strobel Pastoral 57 Yvor Winters Static Autumn 57 Robert Frost The Flower-Boat 58 Lola Ridge Chicago 58 Winifred Bryher From THREE SONGS ' Thessalian 59 Robert McAlmon From CONTRIBUTIONS For Instance 59 Laura Riding Gottschalk From BODY'S HEAD Head Itself 60 Archibald MacLeish Ars Poetica 61 John Dos Passos Crimson Tent 62 Hart Crane _, At Melville's Tomb 64 Malcolm Cowley From BLUEJUNIATA The Streets of Air 64 Kay Boyle To a Seaman Dead on Land 65 Robert Graves In the Beginning Was a Word 66 Hortense Flexner Contemporary 66 Hart Crane O Carib Isle! 67 Richard Eberhart From THINGS KNOWN Under the Hill 68 Morton Dauwen Zabel Hoar Frost 69 CONTENTS H.D. Birds in Snow 69 Archibald MacLeish From PUBLISHED CORRESPONDENCE Epistle to the Rapalloan 70 George Dillon Marching Song 71 Edna St. Vincent Millay Sonnet [Women have loved before . .] 71 May Sarton From WORDS ON THE WIND Fruit of Loneliness 72 Edward Dahlberg Kansas City West Bottoms 72 Louise Bogan Hypocrite Swift 73 Langstori Hughes Sailor 74 Allen Tate From SONNETS OF THE BLOOD I, II, IV, VII, IX 74 Ruth Lechlitner Kansas Boy 77 Paul Frederic Bowles Extract 77 Cecil Day Lewis Winter Night 78 Basil Bunting Fearful Symmetry 78 Robert Penn Warren Watershed 79 Marianne Moore From PART OF A NOVEL, PART OF A POEM, PART OF A PLAY The Steeple-Jack 80 The Hero 82 Hart Crane From THE URN Reliquary " 84 Purgatorio 84 The Sad Indian 85 Reply 85 Enrich My Resignation 86 Charles Reznikoff Winter Sketches 86 Cecil Day Lewis From THE MAGNETIC MOUNTAIN Condemned 88 William Carlos Williams From "THAT'S THE AMERICAN STYLE": 4th of July 89 Kenneth Patchen Empty Dwelling Places 90 Josephine Miles From LOCAL HABITATION On Inhabiting an Orange 90 Robert Frost At Woodward's Gardens 91 Muriel Rukeyser Night-Music 92 Theodore Roethke "Long Live the Weeds" 93 Harriet Monroe A Farewell 94 VUl CONTENTS W.H.Auden Journey to Iceland 94 Dylan Thomas We Lying by Seasand 96 Delmore Schwartz Poem [You, my photographer] 96 Thomas Lanier Williams My Love Was Light 97 Elizabeth Bishop From TWO MORNINGS AND TWO EVENINGS Paris, 7 A.M. 98 A Miracle for Breakfast 99 From the Country to the City 100 Song IOI Edmund Wilson Past Midnight IOI Robert Penn Warren Bearded Oaks IOI Janet Lewis At Carmel Highlands 103 Delmore Schwartz [In the naked bed, in Plato's cave] 103 Dylan Thomas Four Poems 104 Stephen Spender The Marginal Field 106 Wallace Stevens The Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man 107 Roy Fuller Sonnet [The crumbled rock of London] 107 Gertrude Stein From STANZAS IN MEDITATION I, IV,V,VI 108 Louis MacNeice Perdita 109 William Carlos Williams Raleigh Was Right 109 E. E. Cummings [anyone lived in a pretty how town] no Walter de la Mare Things III Antiques 112 Edwin Muir Then ... 112 KarlJ. Shapiro University 113 Robinson Jeffers The Bloody Sire 114 Babette Deutsch Memory 114 Walter de la Mare . Immanent "5 Peter De Vries From CONSCRIPT: III 115 Basil Bunting To Violet 117 Weldon Kees Henry James at Newport 117 A. M. Klein Upon the Heavenly Scarp Il8 Thomas James Merton The Dark Morning 120 Louis MacNeice The Springboard 120 E. E. Cummings [what if a much of a which of a wind] 121 CONTENTS Howard Nemerov Sigmund Freud 122 Randall Jarrell The Emancipators 122 John Frederick Nims Tennis Trophy 123 Theodore Roethke Dolor 124 Mary Barnard Fable of the Ant and the Word 124 John Ciardi First Snow on an Airfield 125 Randall Jarrell Losses 125 Dylan Thomas Poem in October 126 John Ciardi Journal 128 Robert Francis Part for the Whole 129 Francis C. Golffing The Higher Empiricism 130 Kenneth Koch Poem for My Twentieth Birthday 130 James Merrill From "THEORY OF VISION" The Green Eye 130 Theodore Roethke The Return 131 Robert Lowell The Ghost 132 Yvor Winters Night of Battle 134 Muriel Rukeyser Motive 135 James Merrill The Broken Bowl 135 John Frederick Nims Love Poem 136 Alan Dugan Niagara Falls 137 Kenneth Koch Schoolyard in April 137 Paul Goodman "Dreams Are the Royal Road to the Unconscious" 138 Karl Shapiro The Dirty Word 139 Robert Lowell The Fat Man in the Mirror 140 E. E. Cummings [if(touched by love's own secret)we,like homing] 141 Margaret Avison The Party 141 Wallace Stevens The Ultimate Poem Is Abstract 142 Weldon Kees Small Prayer 143 Robert Graves Return of the Goddess Artemis 143 Richard Wilbur The Death of a Toad 144 Henry Rago From THE METAPHOR 4. Terror and Love as Fugitives 144 John Berryman The Traveler 145 William Carlos Williams Lear 146 Randall Jarrell The Sleeping Beauty: Variation of the Prince 147 Gwendolyn Brooks The Children of the Poor 148 Wallace Stevens From THINGS OF AUGUST: 1,3,8 149 X CONTENTS John Berryman The Cage 151 Delmore Schwartz The Self Unsatisfied Runs Everywhere 152 Babette Deutsch The Poem 152 Paul Goodman Little Ode 153 Richard Wilbur "A World Without Objects Is a Sensible Emptiness" 154 Anthony Hecht Alceste in the Wilderness 155 Robinson Jeffers The Beauty of Things 156 Theodore Roethke To an Anthologist 156 James Merrill Hotel de L'Univers et Portugal 157 Robert Graves The Foreboding 158 Kathleen Raine The Instrument 158 Parker Tyler Nijinsky 159 W. H. Auden The Shield of Achilles 160 Louise Bogan After the Persian 162 Marianne Moore Then the Ermine: 163 William Carlos Williams From PATERSON, BOOKV The River of Heaven 164 Patrick Anderson Sestina in Time of Winter 165 Robert Graves From the Embassy 166 William Meredith The Illiterate 166 Alan Dugan Prison Song 166 E. L. Mayo The Word of Water 167 Richard Wilbur Marginalia 167 Karl Shapiro The Alphabet 168 Joseph Warren Beach Horatian Ode 169 Randall Jarrell Aging 169 Frank O'Hara Chez Jane 170 Fairfield Porter The Island in the Evening 171 Thorn Gunn High Fidelity 172 Richard Howard Landed: A Valentine 172 Frank O'Hara Radio 173 William Meredith Bachelor 174 George Barker From CYCLE OF SIX LYRICS O Pearl and Breasted World 174 Kenneth Koch Permanently 175 Constance Urdang Birth of Venus 175 Sylvia Plath Metamorphosis 176 Witter Bynner From INSCRIPTIONS ON CHINESE PAINTINGS 111 XI CONTENTS Robert Fitzgerald Metaphysical 178 Stanley Kunitz The Approach to Thebes 179 Thorn Gunn The Unsettled Motorcyclist's Vision of His Death 180 Howard Moss From KING MIDAS The King's Speech 181 Geoffrey Hill Wreaths 183 Adrienne Rich A Mark of Resistance 183 Robert Duncan A Morning Letter 184 Howard Nemerov Holding the Mirror Up to Nature 185 H.D.
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