g l\l(~l'Cll :\l Lhc. J:tO!'l(OfllC<.' n,t Co1um1Jln. Mn., ns Rocnnd-Class M:\U~1· THE MISSOURI ALVMNVS ' ,11. ii I J: Commencement Number ------·- - ---- -- -- ·----·- - - t, VoL. I. No. 9 JUN£, 1913 Next Year The Alumnus will be sent next fall to all who have subscribed this year. As is customary, even with a commercial publication, it is assumed that each person wishes to continue his subscription un­ less specific notice to the contrary 1s sent. In the report of the annual meeting in this issue you will find a statement of the success of The Alumnus this first year. THE MISSOURI ALUM-NUS. 305 O~t-of-Doors 'Ttme ts Here It is a season of sunshine, and tennis courts and g?lf links are calling to the!r devotees while the whole out-doors 1s tempting the kodak. Of foremost import.1nce, then, to every one who loves out-door life is the proper equipment for its e_njoyment. Our stocks devoted to such tlungs are now at their best, presenting to you the best makes in dependable sporting goods. For Tennis Tennis Racquets are $r.oo to $8.oo Tennis Balls are 25c, 35c and 45c each . Tennis Nets are $1.75 to $7.00. Tennis Markers are $1.25 to $4.00 Racquet Covers are soc to $2.50. Racquet Presses are $1.00 and $1.25. For Golf For Baseball Golf Clubs are $1.50 to $2.25. Bats are roe to $1.00. Golf Balls are 50c and 75c each. Balls are 5c to $1.25 each. Caddy bags are $1.98 to $10.00. Gloves are 25c to $3.50 Catcher's Masks are 25c to $2.50. Sixth Floor-Photography We carry all the necessary supplies for the amateur photographer and do developing and finishing for those who do not care to go farther than "pressing the button." Eastman Kodaks are priced from $1.00 to $45.00. Walnut Street Floor On purchases of Athletic Goods which require a wooden case in shipping, we will prepay the delivery charges (express or freight-to be optional with us) to any railroad station within 500 miles of Kansas City, when the purchase amounts to $5.00 or more. KANSAS CITY, M ISSOU RI 20 306 THE MISSOURI ALUMNUS. Alumni Business and Professional Guide This guide is published for the oonvenience of Missouri Alumni of tho various professions who 1118,y wish to obtain relinb!e correspondents at a. ~istance to trans,,~t business for thm',l. Alumni of all professions who are m a position to bo of service to other a!umm n.re 1nv1ted to place their co.rd• in the guide. STROTHER & CAMPBELL LAWYERS Sam B. Strother. LL.B. •g3 W. T. Oampbell, '02 ten Soarrtu Btdc, Kau1a1 Otty, Mo. KANSAS H. W. TIMMONDS, B.L.'97 E.W. CLAUSEN, LL.B.'1O Lamar, MJ11oa.r1· ltl•lH N. Fourth St. Atohlton, Kan.tat OARL L. RISTINE, LL,B,'1O MINNESOTA Associated with Obarlos Lyons Lo::dnstoo, Mo. THOMAS J. NEWMAN, B.L.'97 L. N. XENNEDY, LL.B.'82 ,oa., Oommttoe B141° St. Paul, HtnnHota General Practice •nd Collection• Nna4a, M o. MISSOURI MERRILLE.OTIS,A.B.'O6,A.M.'O7,LL.B.'1O IU•IU Gtrman•Amerloan Bank Bide, N. T. GENTRY, B.A.'84,LL.B.'88 St. .JoHph, Mo. au saoban1• Bide. Oolambta, KIHOUrl JOSEPH T. DAVIS, LL.B.'O4 lllEROER AB.NOLD, B.L.'00, LL.B.'O2 ...... Plero• Blds. 11,-1-1 Minert Bank Blcls. ,loplha~ llo. WARWIOX ROUGH,A. •B.'64, A.M.'67, LL.D.'81 . Attomey and Couneolor JOHN B. COLE, N.G.'74, LL.B.'81 tH Rialto B141. St. Lout ■, Mo. Bos IU JopUn, Ko. McDONALD & TAYLOR Jesse M:cDone.td Dllnaol 0. T&ylor Jacob Ohaanofl, A.B. '03._ A.M. '04 P'RED W. XELSEY, A,B.'O4, LL.B.'O6 L)711ll N. Bocord, A.». 'OB UH Tb1r4 Nat'l Bank B141, St, Loat1, Mo, 17 Oa.nntncham B141. ,lopltn., Ko. WAGNER & MILLER Frl>llklln Millen;, A. .8. '01 BRUllllBAOX & WOODRUFF Practice In au courta Fr&nl< 11', Brumbaclc Hobart CClle«e, '83 WIJll•m F. Woodru1r, A.B. •07, LL:13.'09 Sult• ~•• Pfero• Bt4c, St. Loat,, Ko. IH Rialto B14s. Kan1a1 Olt7, Mo. WlLFLEY, WILFLEY, MclNTYRE & NARDIN L. R. Wllfley, A.B. Contr&I College '88, LL.13. Yalo '92; THEOPH. L. CARNS, LL.B.'86 Xenophon P. WlUloy, A.B. Coutr•I ·o~ LL.B. w ..h. mgoon u. '00: Joe. s. McIntyre.,_ Missouri A.B. '07, LL.B. Attom97 at Law 'OO;W. T. Nllot(lln, Mlts0url A.J>.'03, A.M. '04, LL.B. '07. H'J N. Y. Ltte Blclc. Kanta, Ott1, Mo. 8U Oentral Nat'l Bank Blclc, St, Loul1, Mo. DOUuLASS & DOUGLASS RANS WULFF, LL.B.'O6 Sb&nnon O. DoWllaa, Jr., LL.B. '10 Shannon O. Doug!..,, A.B. '70, A.M., LL.B. '73 , u-01 Ltu•tt Bide, St. Loa.la, Mo. su-1, N. Y. LU• Bide. Kan••· ou,, Mo. .• POWELL & KURTZ NEW YORK Elmer N. Powell ·- Jobn A. B:urt.z, A.B. '07, LL.B. '08 MILES FLEETWOOD GORDON, LL.B.'99 Atto<neya and Oouns<>Jon, with Ingram, Root & M....,y Suite tU N. Y. LU• B141. Kan1a1 Ottr, Mo. '' Llbe:dy ac. New- York OU7 THE MISSOURI ALUMNUS. 307 .JOSEPH R. CLEVENGER, A.B.'06, LL.B.'07 C. R . MACFARLANE, M.A., LL.B.'96 ,o Wall Str Ht New York 01tr San Antonio, Tts11 OHIO W.ASHINGTON SNYDER & DI CKERSON DAVIS & MORTHLAND Allon S. D avl•yLL,B. '0•I, Wostem Rooorvo Unlvorslty Thornton R. Snyder, LL .B. 'Ol D. , Moriblnnd, LL.B. M o. '07 IOI Mero. Llbr. Bldc. OJnclnnatl, Ohio Hl•HS Mlller Bide. Nor th Yakima, Wub. OKLAHOMA ENGINEERS ROBT, N, McMILLEN, LL.B.'00 MoAlelter, Okla. MISSOURI H. J, WOBUS, E .E .'10 GEO, B. SCHWABE, LL.B.'10 Jtlectrio L1ght P lo.n t.9 and WBtor ayiitom11 fO'l"' ltural n o mos, Ft\Ctorles., OlubhOUllOII, ot.c. Water Nowa ta, Okla W hoola, Storngo llnt.torl08. Cbnrglug Apparatus, tu Looutt St. St, Lou ts, J. L. TREVATHAN, '99 El Reno, Okla, MEDC.ANTILE AGENCIES. WILSON & TOMERLIN OKLAHOMA w. F. Wlloon, A.B, '08, A.M., Ll,.n.' 00 0 8U l0 State Nat'l Bank Bldr. Oklahoma Olt11 Ok, ALLEN MERCANTILE AGENCY I~. J , Allen, A.B.'04, A.M.'05. Oollcctlona n.nd OrodJt Rat-JngJ. OREGON Ul•U Oommuoe D141, Enid, Okla. H . T, BOTTS, LL.B.'98 TUlamook, Ore. REAL EST .A TE TEXAS MISSOURI R, P . INGRUM, A.B.,Pe.B.191 ODON GUITAR, JR,, '90 L iu.1da Moore Bide, Sao. Antonto, Texa• Title Ouaunty Bt4c, St. Louh, M o, That New Directory .00000000 0 • The type is all set. Part of the press­ work is done. The books will be mailed soon to every subscriber to the Alumnus. 308 THE MISSOURI ALUMNUS. VOLUME 1 NUMBER 9 THE MISSOURI ALUMNUS Publithcd by the Alumni Auodation of the Univertity of Miuouri HARRY E. RIDINGS, Managing Editor. Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year. OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION ODON GUITAR, JR., St. Louis .... , .................................... President N, T . GENTRY, Columbia ....................... .".......... .... Vice-President MRS. SARAH GENTRY ELSTON, Kansas City ........ ...... ........ Vice-President HARRY E. RIDINGS, Columbia ..................... .... ........... Secretary S. F . CONLEY, Columbia ...................................• ..... .. T reasurer THE MISSOURI ALUMNUS is issued nine mont hs each year, the first number just after the opening of school and the last just after commencement. SUBSCRIPTION to The Miasouri Alumnus is two dollars (a year. Subscriptions should ~ ';eiit. to the Secretary, Columbia, Mo. CHANGES OF ADDRESS 0£ alumni should be received at the Alumni Office in Columbia before ;the fifteenth or the month to insure the prompt delivery or the magazine £or that month. LETTERS ahould be addressed to The Missouri Alumnus, Columbia, Mo., or to the Secretary of the Alumni Asaoeiation, Columbia, Mo. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Commencement . ............................ ..... , . 309 T he Annual Meeting . ....... ................. ............... .... 315 A Glimpse of the 70's .... .... ......... .. ..... ..... .. .......... 318 Around The Columns. 320 News of Alumni. 3 25 Weddings . 328 Deaths, Births. 329 Communications. .. .. .. ....................... ; . 329 Notes of the Classes ...... ............ ... .. ....... .......... ··33f THE M1ssouR1 ALUMNUS VOL 1 JUNE, 1913 No. 9 COMMENCEMENT The seventy-first commencement of base or to first. After a few innings the University of Missouri will go the game was called "on account of down in history with at least two rain." In the shot put, one man made things to distinguish it from others. a long put into the bleachers. The Stunt Week was combined with the crowd scattered but the shot bounced formal exercises for the first time, away• It was a rubber ball. and the commencement exercises were The University band gave a con- held in a tent. cert on the campus Monday night. About two hundred alumni were The students and alumni of the School back to the University to attend the of Law had a reunion and banquet at first Stunt Week at commencement the Athens Hotel. The Coburn Play­ time. The week was a great success ers gave "Iphigenia" in front of the judging by the number of alumni who Columns. This was their third per­ were here and the attendance at the formance. The Saturday before they stunts and the interest that was taken gave "Othello" and "Henry V." in all the program which was carried Tuesday the students in the School out. The stunts by the different divi- of Journalism gave their annual yellow sions in the University were never so play in the University Auditorium.
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