AMS NEWSLETTER THE AMERICAN MUSICOLOGICAL SOCIETY CONSTITUENT MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN COUNCIL OF LEARNED SOCIETIES VOLUME XLV, NUMBER 2 August 2014 ISSN 0402-012X Milwaukee: Queen City, Cream City, Brew City AMS Milwaukee 2014 6–9 November www.ams-net.org/milwaukee The AMS comes to Milwaukee for the first time this November for our Annual Meeting, joint with the Society for Music Theory. The city is historically famous for its specialized manufacturing, including Merkel and Har- ley-Davidson motorcycles, and beer brew- eries, including Miller, Schlitz, and Pabst; Harley-Davidson and Miller still thrive here, as do many other industries and microbrew- eries. Part of the old Pabst brewery has been repurposed as the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee’s Zilber School of Public Health. Milwaukee’s downtown is bisected by the Milwaukee River into East Town (the River Milwaukee Art Museum to the Lake) and Westown (from the River to +Branch of the Milwaukee Public Library). itself has its own venues, including the brew- about Tenth Street, just west of the Central Both have numerous hotels, restaurants, and pubs on Water Street and the Public Market, cultural venues. In Westown, near the Hilton at the border of the Third Ward. We are cur- In This Issue… hotel and the convention center where our rently planning a brewery tour or pub crawl. sessions will take place, the Milwaukee Public At the lakefront, the Milwaukee Art Museum, President’s Message ...............2 Museum (the natural history museum) will with its distinctive wing designed by Santiago MUSA Transitions ...............4 have a special exhibit, “Alien Worlds and An- Calatrava, will be hosting an exhibit entitled President’s Endowed Plenary Lecture . 5 droids.” It is also the site of an I-Max theater. “Of Heaven and Earth: 500 Years of Italian What I Do in Musicology ..........6 To the south, the Harley-Davidson Museum Painting” during the conference. The nearby Public Musicology Conference ......6 is within walking distance of the hotel (go Discovery World has its ongoing exhibit, “Les Awards, Prizes, Honors ............7 south across the Sixth Street Viaduct). East Paul’s House of Sound.” Grants, Fellowships ..............10 of the hotel on Wisconsin Avenue are the Other things to know about Milwaukee AMS Public Lectures............. 11 Shops and Grand Avenue, which feature a cuisine include beer’s best complements: Executive Director’s Message .......12 food court and the Renaissance Book Shop— burgers, brats, and other sausage, a reflection News from the AMS Board .......12 a must-visit for used book fans. There is also of the city’s Germanic past. The Friday Fish Milwaukee Preliminary Program ....13 a branch of Renaissance Books in the airport, Fry tradition is alive and well: filets (or fillets) Milwaukee Performances .........28 which I believe is the only used bookstore in of perch or walleye with fries or potato pan- Milwaukee Program Selection .....28 an American airport. cakes and marble rye bread. For those who ACLS Annual Meeting 2014 .......29 Along the Milwaukee River from the Mar- prefer Asian cuisines (Thai, Indian, Chinese), News Briefs ...................29 cus Center for the Performing Arts to the His- local restaurants usually have a weekday, all- Committee News ...............30 toric Third Ward is a walkway with parks and you-can-eat lunch buffet, and sometimes a Study Group News ..............32 sculptures, where one can take a selfie with weekend brunch buffet as well. AMS Louisville 2015 ............. 34 the landmark Bronze Fonz. A number of the The Program.The program committees of Access to Online Resources Survey .. 36 Water Street pubs and restaurants have seat- the AMS and SMT have been hard at work Newsletter Editor James Parsons .... 36 ing along the Riverwalk. South of East Town, assembling a rich selection of papers span- CFPs, Conferences ..............37 the Historic Third Ward (the gallery district) ning a wide array of topics, from chant and Obituaries ....................38 has a number of fine dining venues, whose By-laws Change Proposals ....... 40 fare ranges from sliders to sushi. East Town continued on page President’s Message: Shaping the Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting is a remarkably com- which I claimed that Gershwin based Porgy gradually petered out, ending after 2002, but plex event shaped by dozens of people. Our and Bess on Berg’s Wozzeck. I was fortunate I would guess that members of my genera- four-day gathering occupies Bob Judd and that when I resubmitted the paper the next tion just never learned the moves necessary his staff, of course, but also the many who year, it was accepted; the article that grew to glide across the floor to the strains of serve on the Committee on the Annual out of the paper went on to win a couple “Don’t Get Around Much Anymore.” And Meeting, the Program Committee, the Per- of awards. I cite my own example not to in- yet while it worked, it worked very well, both formance Committee, the Local Arrange- dicate that the program committee made a for the chance to watch as Claude Palisca and ments Committee, and the AMS Board. mistake in my case, but rather as an example Bonnie Wade (among many others!) showed Were we to count the many members who of the kind of scholarship that does not easily us all how graceful professors could be, and choose the awards to be presented, distribute lend itself to being summarized in 350 words. for the chance to laugh with those who were travel funds to attend the meeting, work on Recently the Board has considered other happily klutzy on the floor, and who couldn’t committees that sponsor events, and prepare ways to improve this situation, including ex- care less because it was such fun. Harry Pow- the activities of the ten study groups, the panding the conference to Thursday morn- ers springs to mind. numbers would be much higher. ing. That would add twenty-seven hours of So it is a particular thrill to announce the No group works harder, or under more meeting time and many additional papers rebirth of the AMS dance. This year it will pressure, than the Program Committee. In and sessions. The Society for Ethnomusicol- be a joint AMS-SMT affair on Friday night, recent years the number of submissions has ogy manages a longer meeting, but for the with a rock band that will give our members a climbed above 700. Since there are only 216 moment at least, CAM and the Board have chance to climb on stage and play. Ever since prime-time slots, the task of selecting who I learned that Bonnie Gordon, distinguished gets to read a paper is incredibly challenging. No group works harder, or under scholar of Monteverdi and gender, had a se- Members who agree to serve on this com- cret life playing electric viola in a rock band, mittee realize that whatever they do, many more pressure, than the Program Committee I was convinced that the Annual Meeting worthy papers will not be chosen. Indeed, would be a better place if she and others like in recent years the committee can be certain her had a chance to demonstrate their talents that they will disappoint two-thirds of those declined to move in this direction. Yet an- to friends, colleagues, and students. Many who submit. other option would be to add more rooms of us play electric guitars, keyboards, or one Having one’s paper rejected hurts. I know for two or three additional simultaneous ses- form of percussion or another. this first hand, as does virtually every per- sions. All of this is to say: we are aware there I am incredibly grateful to John Covach for son I have asked, including many AMS past is a problem, and we are working to find a making this happen, and to the University of presidents. Long ago the decision whether solution. To that end, we will soon survey the Rochester Institute for Popular Music for its the Program Committee would read with or membership on this subject; keep an eye out generous support of his band. They will trav- without names attached was left up to the for the survey notice, which is planned for el to Milwaukee in order to play for us, and chair of the committee. Since about 2000 the early August. more, to form the solid core that our mem- Committee on the Annual Meeting (CAM) Arguably the growing competition to pres- bers can then join, subbing in as time and and the Board have made decisions about ent research at the AMS Annual Meeting has talent allow (see p. 20 for more information). whether some papers might be accepted dur- had a positive impact on the emergence of Speaking of gratitude: in my term I’ve had ing a final “reveal” stage (at which time the peripheral sessions. Our ten study groups the great pleasure of working with many names are disclosed). In 2013 CAM recom- have grown increasingly active with evening dedicated and talented individuals, such as mended and the Board agreed to try a policy sessions, as have several committees, and my remarkable predecessor and successor, of restricting that number to a handful. Wednesdays and Thursday mornings have Having chaired a Program Committee often been claimed by ancillary organiza- Anne Walters Robertson and Ellen Harris. many years ago, and having participated in tions. These groups are important sources of I’d like to applaud AMS Vice President Joe discussions with the Board, I can report that intellectual energy and innovation. Auner, who has never flinched at my “just very conscientious people disagree about the one more thing!” requests for help.
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