- - - - @@%\!/R.reevarezrry's - - - * t * - ------ # * * * * * Trv- w b e. w Y- ** ava" \, \ a, ". ** * * * * * . * M = - 0 - . v. The Jesup North Pacific Expedition Edited by FRANZ BOAS * i | ||| -|. || The Jesup North Pacific Expedition Edited by FRANZ BoAs Memoir Of the AmeriCam Museum f Natural History NEW YORK Volume X I. - KWAKIUTL TEXTS - SECOND SERIES By FRANZ BOAS and GEORGE HUNT II. - HAIDA TEXTS - MASSET DIALECT By JOHN R. SWANTON ==<-->4-3-2, LEIDEN NEW YORK E. J. BRILL LTD G. E. STECHEET Printers & Publishers American Agents 1908 1908 | - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Printed by E. J. BRILL. — LEYDEN (Holland). CONTENTS. PART I. — KWAKIUTL TEXTS, SECOND SERIES. By FRANz BoAs and GEORGE HUNT. Page Introductory Note . I. Traditions of the Legwilda"x". 1. Ex*Eqā'lageme" (Most-Beautiful-One) 2. Lagase Lo NEngase (Black-Bear-Woman and G risly-Bear-Woman). I5 3 . Qā'te°nats and Qā'te"mo 22 28 II. Trad itions of the Dza'wadee'nox". • 1. Qa'wadiliqala (Listened-to) . 28 2. Qa'wadiliqala Lö O°maxtlá'late (Listen ed-to and He-who-became-Chief by-hunting-on-the-Sea). 36 3 . Pö'Las (Feeder) . 43 4 . Klwadzā'e (Sitting-on-Earth) . 53 III. Trad ition of the Gwa'waënox". 6o Ts'o'gulis (First-Beaver). 6o IV. The Mink Tradition (Tradition of th e Kwá'gu' and Neighboring Tribes). 8o So . Mink and the Sun . • . Mink's War With the Wolf. 88 Mink carries away the Child of the Wolf. 94 Mink's War with Southeast-Wind . Mink kills the Sons of the Wolf. Io.3 . Mink marries the Princess of the Spirits . II.3 . Mink marries the Kelp . 117 . Mink marries Frog-Woman I 19 9 . Mink marries Diorite-Woman . [2.2 IO. Mink and Sawbill-Duck . I 24 II. Mink kills his Friend Otter 127 I 2. Deer and Sawbill-Duck-Woman . I 35 I3. How Mink gets Sea-Eggs I4o 14. Mink and the Starfish-Woman I44 I5. Mink imitates his Hosts I47 I6. Mink tries to make a Mountain on Malcolm Island . 161 I7. Different Versions of the Mink Story . 163 V. Traditions of the Kwá'gu' . 165 1. The Herrings . 165 2 . Great-Inventor and Scraped-off 17o VI. The Q!ā'neqe"lak" Tradition. 185 Q'a'neqe"lak" and his Brother Only-One (Tradition of the Yi'nox) 185 . Q'a'neqe"lak" kills the Double-headed Serpent I 92 . Q'a'néqe"lak" makes a House for his Brother 192 . Q'a'neqe"lak" meets Shaman • * * * I95 | . Q!ă'neqe"lak" meets Oldest-One-in-the-World. I95 [v] 324214 VI CONTENTS. Page 6. Q'ä'neqeelak" meets Greatest-Shaman 196 7. Q'a'nèqeelak" visits Gwä"nalălis . 196 8. Qā'neqeelak" returns to Klwā'ne" 207 9. Qā'neqeelak" meets Shaman 2 IO o. The Origin of the Deer . 2 I I 11. The Origin of the Raccoon 2 I 2 12. The Origin of the Land-Otter 2 I 3 13. The Origin of the Mink . 2I4 14. The Origin of the Mallard Ducks 2 I5 15. Qā'neqeelak" gives to Man and Woman their Present Form . 216 16. Q'a'neqe"lak" revives the Ancestors of the Koskimo . 217 17. Transformation of the Man with Many Mouths 22O 18. Q'a'neqê"lak" meets Oldest-One-in-the-World . 22 I 19. Q'a'neqe"lak" meets O'meat 22.2 20. Q!ă'neqe"lak" meets Greatest-Shaman 223 21. End of the NaqB'mgilisala Tradition 224 22. Q'a'neqê"lak" meets Greatest-Shaman 224 23. Q'a'neqê"lak" meets Mā'leledala 225 24. Q'a'neqe"lak" meets Fastest-One . 227 25. Q!ā'neqe"lak" and Gwä"nalălis 228 26. Q!ā'neqê°lak" marries at Olachen-Place 229 27. Q'ä'neqê"lak" meets Mouth-Body. 249 Appendix . 255 PART II. – HAIDA TEXTS, MASSET DIALECT. By JoHN R. SwanTON. Introduction . - - - 273 The Women of S8ā'ldañ-kun - - - - - 275 How Shining-Heavens caused Himself to be born . 284 I. Yé (Raven) • * * * * 293 . He who was killed by the Moon 346 . How One was helped by a Loon 353 Qing . 363 . *ā'itxa'olda (Ashes-Eater) 365 . The Canoe-People 37o HAgudjina' . 376 . Property-Contest among the Supernatural Beings of Rose Spit 382 Cape Qöñ and NAstö' 384 . Göttca • • - - 385 . Raven-Fin and Łgu'ski. 392 . Tow Hill and his Elder Brother 393 . Great-Reef and the Son of Cape Ball. 394 . The Oyster-Catcher . 396 . T!e. • - - - - - 4oo . A Second Story of Tle . 408 . Mountain Island • * * • * * 4 I5 . Supernatural-Being-that-travelled-about-Naked 4I 7 . The Sleep-Power . 426 . SkAstă'n Las (Pecker). 43o --------- * * * CONTENTS. VII Page 2 I. The Big Spider • - - - - - 43 I 22. Shell-Labret . 433 23. The S*āńg" . 435 24. Qā'Lla (Come-Out) 437 25. SkA'ndal . 443 26. Deer and Beaver . - - - - - - - - - - 446 27. War between the Land-Otter and Black-Bear People 448 28. The Woman in the Moon . • 45o 29. The Origin of Mosquitoes . 452 3O. The Origin of Carved House-Posts. 457 3I. The Artisans - - - - - - 46o 32. The Woman who married the Artisan • * * * * * * 475 33. Origin of the Spear and the Killer-Whale Crest, and of Carving 478 34. Those who were blown out to Sea from Nastö' 49o 35. Nanasi'mgit . 495 36. The Woman who was taken away by the Black Bears . 5oo 37. The Grisly-Bear Hunter . • 508 . The Man who became an Eagle 5I 3 39. Land-Otter-Woman and her Husband . 517 4O. The Man with the Fish-Trap. 518 4I. Qā'k'a. - - - - 523 42. +djāń and Guk'A'na . • - - - - 533 43. A Story of the Town of Ā'nAgun . 537 44. The Man who was carried off by the Land-Otters . 545 45. The Woman who married the Frog 55o 46. The Man who went to the Frog-Town 557 47. The Woman who married a Devil-Fish 56o 48. The Two Shamans • - - - 563 49. The Shaman at Island-Point-Town . 567 5.o. The Woman who became a Shaman 57o 5.I. The Famine at Ti'An . 573 52. The Supernatural Halibut . 575 53. The Shaman at Dorsal-Fin-Town . 579 54. A Story of the StA'stas . 584 55. The Two Tlingit Shamans . 585 56. Two Stories of Karta Bay. • * * * * * * 593 57. A Shaman at Qaik! . 597 Story of a Shaman at K'ulé't. 602 59. Aqā'ne-q'es . 60. The Sea-Bear • * * * * * * * * 612 61. The Half-Head that married a Certain Person. 62. The Lost People of Yagun Inlet 63. The Women of Sa'id Añ-kun . A Story of Ti'An . 65. The Tree Spirit 66. Knowing-the-Places . Xä'sa Point . 68. The Man who was helped by Land-Otters . 69. Ga'oga? - - - - - - - - - 7o. The Bear-Hunters - - - - - 7.I. The Blind Man who became a Chief . 72. St'a'stA - - - 73. The Copper Salmon . VIII CONTENTS. Page 74. The Copper Salmon (Second Version) 7o I 75. The Woman who suckled a Wood-Worm 702 76. (Wi-txao) and her Grandson . 705 77. The Story of Gitle'ks 728 78. XA'na. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 742 79. Ski laowe. 746 80. The S'agá'fiusili . 749 81. How the Killer-Whale first came to be used as a Crest - - - - 749 82. How Those-born-at-É.ielAñ and the Eggs-of-Ski'dao obtained the Grisly Bear and Moon Crests . - - - 754 How the Dog-Fish Crest originated 755 83. Story of Those-born-at-El'élAñ 756 84. The Hawk . 77o 85. Íldi'ni. • - - - 774 86. TAldá'L'as and Dā'sqê . 78o 87. The Mischievous Boy • - 786 88. How the Secret Societies began . 793 89. The Si'k!A Potlatch . - - - - 795 90. How the Kaigani emigrated to Alaska 8oo 91. The Restored Gägi'd 8o I Appendix. – Vocabulary 803 I. - Kwak UTL TExts - SEcond SERIES RECORDED BY GEORGE HUNT. REVISED AND EDITED BY FRANZ BOAS. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. – The following series of texts were recorded by Mr. George Hunt between the years 1900 and 1903. I made a critical examination of the material in the spring of 1903, during a visit of Mr. Hunt to New York. There are a few minor changes in the spelling of words which it was found necessary to make. There always remains some uncertainty in the spelling of unwritten languages, due to the uncertainty of pronunciation by different individuals. I had no opportunity to revise the texts with another interpreter, as was done with the first series. January, 1904. F. BOAS. I. TRADITIONS OF THE LEGWILDA"X". 1. Ex"Eqā'lagEme" (Most-Beautiful-One). This is our legend which I am tell Gamenu's" nuyamgada gwagwe. ing of Most-Beautiful-One, the one x'sala lax Ex"Eqā'lagEmae, yixes gwó. whom you who live in the north call "yö'x'da'xös Q'ā'neqê'lakwa, yixs gwā Q'a'neqê"lak". These are the words gawa'yaaqös. Wä, he'Em Lanu'x" wu that we heard from our ancestors the LE' qa wa'ldEmsEnu"x" q'u'lsqlul"yax" Unrivalled-Ones. It is said that Most wułaxganu"x" Wiwāqlamek. Wä, Beautiful-One came to make love to hé"maalasexs g’ā'xae Llā’tEna'ya, yix the four princesses of (Eagle-) Down Ex"Eqā'lagEma'e lax mo'kwe kle's. Dancer, who was living at PEnLlats. k'!edetts Qa’mxulate, yixs g’O'kulae läx And Most-Beautiful-One was coming PE'nL'atsa. Wä, laem"lā'wise Ex"Eqā'. 10 south from the north; and as soon as lagEma'e na'löß'la ge'x'id la'xwagwā'. he came to PEnLlats he saw the Devil "nakweX.
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