ReturReturnnn toto thethe East!East! Undead march uncontested across the plains of Lordaeron and AlliAllianceanceance remnantsremnants strugglestruggle forfor survivalsurvival WARCRAFT inin thisthis campaigncampaign settingsetting sourcebooksourcebook forfor thethe DungeonsDungeons && DragonsDragons® WarcraftWarcraft® thethe RoleplayingRoleplaying Game,Game, W which translates the hugely successful Warcraft® computer game series into an exciting pen-and-paper roleplayingroleplaying gamegame worldworld basedbased onon thethe popularpopular revisedrevised d20d20 SystemSystem rules!rrules!ules! ARCRAFT RequirRequireses the use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Player’sPlayer’s Handbook,Handbook, publishedpublished byby WWizardsWizarizards of the Coast®®.. ThisThis prproductproductoduct utilizesutilizes updatedupdated materialmaterial frfromfrom the v.3.5 rrevisionevisionevision Designed with extensive input from the creative minds behind the WarcraftWarcraft computercomputer games,games, LandsLands of Conflict includes: • An extensive look at campaigning in earlier eras of Warcraft’s history,history, alongalong withwith anan updatedupdated andand thoroughthorough timeline.timeline. ® • Descriptions of all major regions on the eastern continents of Azeroth,Azeroth, KhazKhaz ModanModan andand Lordaeron,Lordaeron, ® THE RPG LANDS OF CONFLICT along with stats for prominent NPCs and for mass combat units. THE RPG • Three adventures set in the eastern continents to kickstart yoyourur Warcraft RPG game. • EightEight fullyfully detaileddetailed organizations,organizations, includingincluding thethe CultCult ofof thethe Damned, the Explorers’Explorers’ GuildGuild andand thethe Scarlet Crusade. • Four new prestige classes, including the dark apothecary and DDefiasefias renegade; six new monsters, suchsuch asas thethe dragonhawkdragonhawk andand worgen;worgen; newnew feats;feats; andand newnew equipmentequipment and magic items! LANDS OF CONFLICT WW ISBN 1-58846-960-3 17204 A Fantasy Setting Sourcebook for v.3.5 Roleplaying WW17204 $29.99 U.S. www.swordsorcery.com Azara Plop (free product) On Thursday, 18 March 2004, my twin brother Michel passed away from unexpected heart failure. In a matter of three days he progressed from a simple fever to a life-threatening situation which, in the end, took his life at the age of 19. I want to thank everyone for your support in the years we worked and lived together. Thank you, art communities and art supporters, for bringing so much joy to my brother and me. Although we are separated physically we will always be Twincruiser in spiritual essence. — René Rijkel Koiter Michel Martin Koiter Born: San Rafael, Argentina - 3 May 1984 Died: Rotterdan, The Netherlands - 18 March 2004 LANDS OF CONFLICT 1 Azara Plop (free product) 2 LANDS OF CONFLICT Azara Plop (free product) LANDS OF CONFLICT 3 Azara Plop (free product) Credits Authors: Cover Artist: Rob Baxter (mass combat units), Tim Campbell Samwise Didier (timeline, NPCs, monsters), Bob Fitch (NPCs, mon- Interior Artists: sters), Luke Johnson (Khaz Modan, Lordaeron, René & Michel Koiter, James Stowe, And UDON adventures, new rules), Seth Johnson (Chapter One, with Chris Stevens, Eric Kim, Greg Boychuk, Greg organizations, prestige classes), Mur Lafferty (Azeroth, Brown, Jim Zubkavich and Ray Dela Cruz adventures, organizations, new rules), Andrew J. Scott (fiction) Special Thanks — Mike Johnstone Creative and Rules Design Assistance To Chris Metzen and Bob Fitch: once again, we couldn’t have done it without you. Your generosity is and Additional Material: unparalleled, and we thank you for the opportunity to Chris Metzen and Bob Fitch explore here the incredible setting you have created. Developer: To the other amazing folks at Blizzard: Paul Sams, Elaine Mike Johnstone Di Iorio, Neal Hubbard, Marc Hutcheson and Lisa Bucek. To all the fantasy RPG settings of the past and Editor: present, which were inspirations and guiding lights Ellen P. Kiley throughout the development of this book. We hope Managing Editor: we have made a worthy entry in your company. Andrew Bates Dedication Art Director: Lands of Conflict is dedicated to the memory of Matt Milberger Michel Koiter (3 May 1984 – 18 March 2004), who contributed his great art and spirit to Warcraft and Book Design: left us far too soon. Thank you, Michel. Matt Milberger Check out upcoming Sword and Sorcery Studio products online at: http://www.swordsorcery.com Distributed for Sword and Sorcery Studio by White Wolf Publishing, Inc. This printing of Lands of Conflict is published in accordance with the Open Game License. See the Open Game License Appendix of this book for more information. Arthaus and its logo are trademarks of Arthaus Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Sword and Sorcery Studios and its logo, Manual of Monsters, Alliance & Horde Compendium, Magic & Mayhem, Lands of Conflict, and Shadows & Light are trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. © 2004 Blizzard Entertainment. Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries, used with permission. All rights reserved. Dungeons & Dragons and D&D are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and are used with permission. “d20 System” and the “d20 System” logo are registered trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 4.0. A copy of this License can be found at www.wizards.com/d20. The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. PRINTED IN CANADA. 4 LANDS OF CONFLICT Azara Plop (free product) Contents Credits 4 Introduction 10 Chapter One: History & Culture 15 Lands of the Past 16 Lands of Savagery, Lands of Magic 16 Lands of Chaos, Lands of Empire 18 Lands of Darkness, Lands of Demons 20 Lands of Storms, Lands of the Horde 21 Lands of Conflict, Shadows of the Past 23 Bronzebeard’s Compendium of Essential Knowledge 25 Currency and Trade 25 Languages 27 Travel 27 Goblin Shops 28 A Detailed History of Azeroth 29 Timeline 30 Chapter Two: Azeroth 39 Blasted Lands 40 The Burning Steppes 42 Deadwind Pass 43 Duskwood 46 Elwynn Forest 47 Redridge Mountains 50 Stormwind 52 Stranglethorn Vale 55 Swamp of Sorrows 58 Westfall 60 Chapter Three: Khaz Modan 65 The Badlands 66 Dun Morogh 69 5 CONTENTS Azara Plop (free product) Grim Batol 73 Ironforge 75 Loch Modan 77 The Searing Gorge 78 The Wetlands 79 Chapter Four: Lordaeron 84 Alterac Mountains 85 Arathi Highlands 88 Dalaran 90 Eastern Plaguelands 91 Gilneas 96 Hillsbrad Foothills 97 The Hinterlands 98 Kul Tiras 101 Silverpine Forest 102 Tirisfal Glades 105 Undercity 106 Western Plaguelands 109 Regions of Quel’Thalas 112 Blackened Woods 112 Silvermoon 114 Zul’Aman 115 Chapter Five: Adventures 121 Arena Games 122 Dark Iron Chains 131 Dead Men’s Tales 140 Appendix One: Organizations 150 The Caretakers 151 Cult of the Damned 154 The Defias Brotherhood 157 The Explorers’ Guild 159 Royal Apothecary Society 162 Scarlet Crusade 165 Stormwind Assassins 168 The Syndicate 171 Appendix Two: Miscellaneous Notes 174 Feats 175 Equipment 176 Magic Items 176 Specific Magic Weapon 176 Potions 177 6 LANDS OF CONFLICT Azara Plop (free product) Rings 177 Wondrous Items 178 Prestige Classes 178 Dark Apothecary 179 Defias Renegade 182 Dwarven Prospector 184 Scarlet Crusader 186 Monsters 189 Crocolisk 189 Dragonhawk 190 Dwarf, Dark Iron 191 Stranglethorn 192 Threshadon 193 Worgen 194 Appendix Three: Legal Information 197 Index 199 Tables Table 7–1: The Dark Apothecary (Dap) 176 Table 7–2: The Defias Renegade (Dre) 180 Table 7–3: The Dwarven Prospector (Dpr) 183 Table 7–4: The Scarlet Crusader (Slc) 185 Table 7–5: New Weapons 187 7 CONTENTS Azara Plop (free product) GAzetteeR: GhelspAd Pike’s chest heaved with the strain of trying to breathe properly as he lay in the dirt. His entire left side felt as if it were on fire. His arm throbbed as though it had been crushed in an artisan’s vice. He spat and was unsurprised that he could taste blood in his mouth. Still, he was alive, and that was something more than he thought possible a few moments before. The knight rolled himself over and attempted to stand. Bracing himself against the bulk of a nearby tree, he managed to gain his feet. Squinting in the bright sunlight, Pike surveyed his surroundings. His old shield lay shattered and torn on the ground a few steps away, but the stout warhammer that was still by his side appeared unmarred. He looked down at his surcoat and saw it torn to rags, his armor barely held onto his frame by a few ragged leather straps. Still, Pike smiled once again at the fact that he wasn’t dead. Recalling the reason he was still alive to ponder these things, he limped over to the prone figure lying a few feet away. The large orc was struggling to pull himself to his feet. His bare leg was a mess of gashes, and his dark chainmail hung loose and torn about his thickly muscled frame. Still, the orc had the presence of mind to keep a grip on his weapons, a pair of wicked looking twin axes still covered in gore from the beast. The beast in question was a massive reptile that lay dead in the center of the clearing, just a few yards from where it had erupted from the thick underbrush a short while before. When it had first roared, Pike whirled about and brought up his shield by reflex just as the monster reached him. It struck ferociously, a blur of claws and fangs. Pike was forced back step by step, never given a clear shot to strike back with his warhammer. The creature attacked relentlessly. A killing blow was inevitable. Then Pike heard the second roar, but this one did not come from the creature. Duncan Pike knew somewhere in the Swamp of Sorrows there was a Horde settlement called Stonard, but he hadn’t thought himself close enough to run into one of its inhabitants.
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