AODcctiitmentt. ! &l)brrti*rmfnt8. LOCAL AFFAIRS [ compelled him to give up. He leave* besides hi* parents, who live in Amherst, j I a one daughter and three sons. 1IBW ADVERTISEMENT* THI8 WEEK widow, The body was taken to Amherst for in- Bijou theatre terment. The Burrill National bank BURRILL NATIONAL BANK Hancock Co Savings Bank The October term of the supreme court Union Trust Co was for the term House for sale finally adjourned yester- ELLSWORTH. MAINE Caution notice— Holiis O Carter day, Justice King having held it open the Catboat for sale two weeks for in several Hecond-hand furniture for sale past bearings Ellsworth Harpwood Co. matters. During the term 142 cases on the Whether Old or F B Aiken bouse for sale Young, Rich or Poor docket have been disposed of—forty-two mwm by entry of “neither party”, fifty-seven H H Harden—Hides wanted judgments, twenty-four divorces and This Bank is in Account with the Buckspobt. Mb: growing deposits—and An Burrill National fourteen cases dismissed. There were 124 Bank Man wanted to work in hotel there is a reason for it. new entries. The divorce was is the safe, convenient for Ausvsta. Mb: following way one to in every Taxes on land in granted, addition to the list previously unincorporated townships We have endeavored to accumulate Pontland. Mn.: Hannah E. from always give money, whether old or young, published: Crippen outfits William 8. for desertion. or It has Woodsawing for sale Crippen, the very class of service. rich poor. success N. Y.: highest banking brought to Binghamton, William H. Holmes, son*of Mrs. Harriet Domestic Co—Old false teeth wanted and will it to Supply Holmes of this a many bring you if you are city, died yesterday morn- Grow with growing, progressive Bank in ing at the Garfield hospital in Wash- making SCHEDULE OP MAILS —start an account persistent regular deposits. ington, D. C., after an illness of a few to-day. AT BLLH WORTH POSTOFFICB. days. Mr. Holmes studied at the Bank with us. In tfeet, Sep*. 30, 1917. University of Maine, was graduated from the University of Iowa in 1901, and took MAILS RBCBtVBD. a post-graduate course at the Yale law Week Day*. school. For several years he practiced in Prom Wbbt-6.41, 11.46 a m; 4.24 p m. the West, bat for the past few years bad From East—11.10 a no; 6.22 pm. Union Trust Company BIJOU been located at Washington. He leaves THEATRE MAILS CLOSH AT POSTOFFICB besides hi* mol her,one sister, Miss Minnie MAIN STREET Going Wbat— 10.30 a 5.60 m. oXEllsworth,Maine m; p E. Holmes of Ellsworth. The body will Going East—6.10 a m; 3.46 p iu. be brought here for interment. Sunday*. (Until Nov. 2f>.) WEDNESDAY* NOV. 7—"The Field of Honor,” in 5 acts. Universal. Arrive from the west 8.11 am. Closes for Harris C. Ayer of Bangor and Miss THURSDAY, NOV. 8 Earle Williams in " Apartment 29,” 5 acts, Vitagrapb. west 4.50 p m. Hazel Q. Falvey of Ellsworth were mar- NOV. 9-Harold Lockwood in FRIDAY, -The Promise," 5 sets, Metro ried last Wednesday evening, at the home NOV. IB Clark in Registered mail should be at half SATURDAY, -Marguerite "The Fortunes of Fill," Paramount postofflce of the Kev. Ben- an hour officiating clergyman, Don’t Go the Point. NOV, Vi— Wforld Film in 5 before mail closes. Beyond Safety MONDAY, acts. jamin T. Livingston, in Bangor. They NOV. 13 -Blanche Sweet in Prudent it tlie man or woman who does not TUESDAY, "Those Without Sin,” o acts, Para- were attended by Misses Edna and Isabel go beyond the mount. UKATHKK IN KLL«\M)KTH. Falvey of Ellsworth, sisters of the bride. safety point in any investment or loan. Insist upon Absolute Se- For \V**«*k hutting at Midnight Tuesday, A few relatives and friends were present. On and after Nov. 1 the price * ill be: Children 6 cents, curity for every dollar. You have the assurance of for your Nov. «, 1917. The bride was in safety Adults. 11 cents. becomingly gowned From funds when have an account with the Hancock Co. liank. | observations takeu at the powei a navy blue traveling suit, with picture yon Savings station of the Bar Harbor & Union Rivei and carried roses. Power Co., in Ellsworth. Precipitation Is hat, bride After the Hancock Bank t given in tuches for the twenty-four hours ceremony, a Hallowe’en dinner was County Savings ending at midnight.j served at the borne of the The Ellsworth, Maine Weather Precip- groom. Temperature conditions itatiou bouse was decorated with chrysan- carnations and roses. Mr. and 12 m forenoou afternoon themums, Butter Printed At Mrs. Paper Wed 41- 52- fair Ayer will make their home in Ban- CITY MKKTING the gutters was in each condition that Thurs 3S— 50— fair fair gor. water ran down the inside of the wall Fri 32- 46— fair fair Thursday, Nov. 15, is the date set for 'I wo Claims for Aid Under New Laws with each rain. To prevent this it will Mat 36- 42— fair The American Office the “Patriotic to be at —Other Business. be necessary to zinc the gutters and a 4— Pageant” given cloudy.fair fair of Hancock hall, under tne of the The regular meeting the city govern- short distance up the roof all the way Mon 82— 46— fair, clear auspices Ellsworth dramatic club and the ment was held Monday evening. Presi- around the The trus- Tues 88- 52— fair fair.rain .15 direction building. library dent Wescott of the board in of Fred E. Cooke. The will go presiding tees were authorized to expend not exceed- Total rainfall for October, 6.85 inches. proceeds toward the of Christmas the absence of the mayor. Other aider- ing for repairs. Average temperature for October, 49 4° purchase gifts fl50 men Moore and ** for the Ellsworth in service. The present, Brown, (ward 4) It come to the attention of the Best quality Red Lion water-proof and grease-proof vegetable parch- 1916, 52.1° boys having will be different Small. board that the iron under the ment with butter to performance entirely stringers paper, printed especially-made paper ink comply fol- Capt. George C. Fullerton of the U. 8. 8. from anything the dramatic club has Bolls of accounts were passed as Main street bridge were rusting and scal- with new law. There is on the m none cheaper paper irket; better. lows : Actus. it at home for a few days. before attempted. There will be forty- ing badly because of lack of proper paint- three in the cast. the historical Roll of accounts No. 9. ♦•2,317 83 ing, Aid. Brown was instructed to investi- Mrs. Herbert Poraroy and son Chester Among characters and scenes that will STRBBT COMMISSIONER'S KOLlS. gate, and have the stringers P.ite, and of Gardiner are visiting relatives in this patriotic thoroughly including paper special printing: 8 6 42 be depicted are Uncle Sam, Joan of Arc, Highways. ♦ scraped and painted if necessary. city. Hide walks. 110 80 Betsy Ross, Columbus and Queen Isabella, Adjourned. Mrs. William Brooks and Mrs. J. T. Hewers. 346 38 •')( 0 sheets “The Spirit of 76,” “Paul Revere’s Ride,” pound size, if2.00 ; size, $1.75 Harriman left for a visit in Perm sidewalks. 72 66 half-pound yesterday “Sheridan’s and others. Bostou. Ride,” many Bridges. 1,416 i5 V.OUTli TIIK. lilVKK. 1000 “ “ “ “ “ Costumes will come from Boston, and 2,272 35 3.00; 2.75 Tinker’s concert and orches- SALARY ROLL. of company there will be special scenery and electrical TBACHBBS* Mrs. Zelda Wilson Ellsworth and tra, always popular in Ellsworth, will effects. Common schools. $788 :0 Miss Bertha Swan of Nantucket, Mass., Tlain be at Hancock hall to-night. High school. 3 A 50 are visiting Mrs. Albert Closaon. printed butter paper, blank 'or name, pound size, 35 cents a The Ellsworth municipal court has 1,144 CO Antonio who pound. Orders for four oi more sent under four Bernardino, has spent been with several criminal Miss Bertha Estey has gone to isles boro pounds postpaid; occupied Grand total. ♦ .',734 23 the few weeks in New York and visit her Mrs. F:auk B. t-.ii s add be a pound for postage. past cases the past week. Last Wednesday to sister, Bichard- arrived home The resignation of Mrs. H. H. Emerson vicinity, Tuesday. Artelle Mosley of Trenton was arraigned j son. as matron of the reading room wa9 Leslie F Jordan, a travelling salesman, on a charge of assault and battery on W. W. York left Thursday for Surry, accepted, and Miss Kubie F. Phillips was has moved to Ellsworth, occupying the Lettie Mitchell of Bar Harbor. He was ; South Brooksville and Andover, Mass., to fill the vacancy. A. E. Moore house on Dean street. found guilty, and paid a due of $3 and appointed for an extended visit. Grace A. Fullerton, wife of George C. ! Miss Helen Tinker, who has been the costs, |3 93. Friday, George L. Sprague Fullerton, applied for aid as the guest of Mrs. John F. Whitcomb of Ellsworth was arraigned on a charge during wife of a man in the of assault and on dependent service, the summer, returned to Boston battery Lucrelia M. Daily Thought. 8PECIAL NOTICE Friday. under a law the last ! Sprague. He pleaded not guilty, waived passed by Neither let mistakes nor wrong di- M J. Drummey of Portland was in The clerk was instructed to examination, and furnished bonds in the legislature.
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