Baha'i News Baha'i Year 144 No. 680 ISSN 0195-9212 USPS 040-140 November 4, 1957: Passing of the beloved Guardian, Shoghi Effendi ..... 1 A teaching trip to the spiritually receptive Peten area of Guatemala ..... 10 Rural development update at the Anis Zunuzi Baha'i School in Haiti ..... 12 Progress report: Escola das Nacoes (School of the Nations) in Macau ... 13 Around the world: News from Baha'i communities all over the globe .... 14 Retrospective ::"ry Pl ce Return to. P.O. Box67 cKenna, w. 98558 The passing of the beloved Guardian All those who were privileged to yers, who were carrying out his instruc­ know the beloved Guardian Shoghi Ef­ A great many cables were re­ tions, as well as many high government fendi from the time of his childhood ceived and answered by the be­ officials; it was he who negotiated with them, supervised their work, kept until his passing remember him as be­ loved Guardian during this last ing incarnate with life; a dynamic, down expenses with an ingenuity and almost electric force seemed to radiate week of his life. He said to Ru­ insight truly inspired by God; it was he from him. He was always busy, rest­ hiyyih Khanum toward the end who instructed where every step should less, driving on to whatever goal he had of the week: 'Do you realize that be built, the height of every wall, the set before his eyes. He was intense in spans between every planted tree, the all aspects of his nature: his phenom­ we have done nothing but work diameter of every flower bed-even the enal powers of concentration, his deep this week?' colors of the flowers. It was Shoghi Ef­ feelings of passionate attachment to fendi who, entirely aside from the glo­ 'Abdu'l-Baha, his burning conscien­ passing of 'Abdu'l-Baha, remember rious spiritual leadership manifested in tiousness in carrying out his duties to standing at Shoghi Effendi's bedside, his letters, his books, and his words to the Faith of BaM'u'llah as its ap­ where he had called them to say good­ the pilgrims, so harbored the financial pointed Guardian-these were all bye, and looking at his face, so full of resources of the Faith that in his life­ facets of the same wonderful nature sorrow and despair, his eyes deep­ time the Temple in Chicago, the Shrine . which God endowed with those special sunken and heavily shadowed, and of the Bab on Mount Carmel, and the qualities He wished to be uppermost in hearing him say he was going away, International Archives Building could the one who was firmly to lay the ad­ that it was too much for him, he could be completed, as well as the extensive ministrative foundations of His Faith not bear it. He left the Holy Land, endowments of the Faith acquired in all over the world, and to plant the first fought his inner battle, returned, took Haifa and 'Akka; he made the plans ensigns of its victory in the four cor­ the helm of this Blessed Barque and and paved the way for the Temples ners of the earth. steered it for over one-third of a cen­ now being built; he was responsible for the purchase of the Temple sites, the That the Cause of God has reached tury through every storm and shoal. National Haziratu'l-Quds and endow­ the point where it stands today is due But the valiant heart and frail body ments, as well as many other things to the self-sacrificing, constant, un­ were receiving blows which left their during these last five years; all these ac­ sparing, truly herculean labors of its mark, and in the end took their toll. complishments were made possible by Guardian. That his heart should have The friends of God are well aware of his vigilance and wisdom. stopped, with no warning, at the early the achievements of their beloved age of sixty-one, is not so much due to Guardian; what they do not realize As the Faith grew and the years went this ceaseless, tireless work, but to the fully is that by doing so many things by, the beloved Guardian received sorrows and afflictions which he en­ personally over a period of so many more able support from believers of dured, for the most part in reserved years, he, and he alone, made it possi­ capacity, serving him in the Holy Land silence, from the stirrers-up of dissen­ ble for the big victories to take place. and abroad, but his personal supervis­ sion and the Covenant-breakers, old The fact that he did every single thing ion of expenses, his personal decision and new. The early pilgrims, after the himself saved the Cause tremendous as to what was befitting for the Baha'i sums of money; with what he thus sav­ Holy Places at the World Centre, was This article, "The Passing of Shoghi ed he was able to go on and commence never laid aside. He delegated to others Effendi, " was written by his wife, the a new enterprise. For thirty-six years he interviews and negotiations locally, but Hand of the Cause of God Amatu'l­ held in his hands, with power of decis­ the management, the ordering of ob­ Bah<i Rzihlyyih Kh<inum, in collabora­ ion vested solely in him, the funds of jects and furniture for the Gardens and tion with the Hand of the Cause of the Faith at its World Centre; no ex­ Holy Places, the arrangement of these, God John Ferraby, and is reprinted penditures were authorized, no bills the designs and plans for extending from Vol. XIII of The Baha'i World were paid that had not been submitted them, he kept solely in his own hands, (1954-63), pp. 207-225 (copyright © to him. From the beginning of his min­ practicing the same economy and 1970 the Universal House of Justice, istry until about 1940, he saw in person showing the same genius as had charac­ Haifa, Israel). the engineers, the architects, the law- terized all his other services to the Faith Baha'i News/November 1987 1 entrusted to him by the Master in His Baha'i Council, but he was so strong she was able to find out from him ex­ Will. and healthy, had such tremendous actly how he felt Shoghi Effendi was On October 20, 1957, the beloved powers of endurance and vitality, that progressing. This same day a heavy Guardian arrived in London, accom­ it was difficult to persuade him to de­ mail had been received, and as Shoghi panied by Ruhiyyih Khanum, for the vote time to caring for himself. How­ Effendi's temperature was still high she purpose of ordering some furniture ever, for the past ten years he had been persuaded him not to look at it; but the and objects for the interior of the In­ under the supervision of an excellent next morning he called for his mail and ternational Archives Building and the doctor, who saw him at least twice a insisted on going over it personally, as Gardens above it. He chose London year, and he had consented to take he always did. A great many cables because it is an international center some special cures which were good for were received and answered by the be­ where objects from every country can his general health and calculated to loved Guardian during this last week of be found at much cheaper prices than reduce his blood-pressure. His doctor his life. He said to Ruhiyyih KMnum probably in any other one city of the often urged him not to overdo things toward the end of the week: "Do you world. He planned to remain a few when he returned to Haifa, to get more realize that we have done nothing but days and then proceed to Haifa. As exercise and more rest. But the doctor work this week?" was the invariable custom of the be­ could not visualize the Guardian's life He was anxious to leave London and loved Guardian during his absence in Haifa, or the nature of his respon­ carry out his original plan of returning from Haifa, no contact was made with sibility; could not know that he had to to Haifa; however, the doctor was very any Baha'i. Ruhiyyih KMnum attend­ read letters, reports, journals, and so severe on this point and told him ed to his mail and carried out his orders on for between three to eight hours a frankly that he was quite free to call in as she always did. day, just to keep abreast of his work; another doctor if he wished to, but that that he spent about four hours most af­ On Sunday afternoon, October 27, as long as he was taking care of him he ternoons and evenings, after being up could not give his consent to his depar­ Shoghi Effendi told Ruhiyyih KMnum and busy from early morning, giving that he had a pain across his knuckles ture until a week after his temperature out what strength he had left to the pil­ had fallen. The Guardian accepted in both hands; she asked him if he had grims, eastern and western; that he any other pains, and he said no, that this. stood sometimes for hours, in all The doctor was very careful of the just his fingers pained him and were weathers, directing the work he had stiff. He added: "I feel so tired, so beloved Guardian.
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