THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. .Chapman, an amiable choice| TMtmgPAV. JUKE 5. I—II ON THE AIR C-12 mm—mm— i i w n | ¦for the lead, and Howard St.j John, as his dad. settle down. Television Today “*Thursday, June 5, 1958 It will look even better as mmmm the scheduling takes And Away He'll Go . summer tck.7) ~?m. wecTaTVr wttc <ck.» wmal wtop (Ci>.» over—this I can guarantee. m tun to I li) Tiayli'i iwifictu Irifttw Piet l«l m * * M !,» Stern) ** * * * Ihcl iMttttU Slim :* * " tiiinCM U|i it «i|tt 4 " • - - Again in October Tonights Premiere: Milton UMtn •¦¦Men lirtitMl i Q. Ford, the WOL-Radio per- m TIM The Milt Witff Ttl Inti Stan " HARRISON 1,1 " By BERNIE sonality. returns to local TV to- SrnntStn* |" “M! Wilftrnnts" A Bt»r TV Critic * • : night t7:30. WTTG—S) to’ :lt tllttltM'tIfIK Mictiy MINI CM Mictiy IlHI) 5 • * “ * (after '** »*tr» *l|irj Willici liiry Jackie Gleason’s return to TV is now a fact a 16- emcee a quiz show based on a month layoff), Sid Caesar has agreed to do a couple of shows ! variation of popular iM tHtliitt tknnttf Milt Great Sknw llltll Jim Llml larryiMri a word 3 DAY *«try-»n«n Nnn rum Snt Unilm ¦’ » in the off-week Dinah Shore time for NBC, and the way things game. Simplicity is the key-i Spirt* m :M Nm, «-Clllj liMM lillnrint IN Spntlllßl are shaping up, it looks as if it’s going to be Old Home Week on , note of this one, Milt says, with j " 6>lS ” *** *,e Fnrtnnn Dial, tlmli Nm the networks this .fall. cash prizes for the winning! •M Sharif* it mill Nntii jI'Clnck run StwlMit ttl that’s o.k. by most of us. players. " " And Cictifi Ml lily Ciliary (Gleason will appear on Fri- DISCOUNT lly :N TIC Tic It'l li Clrcil S|t PfilM It " 7:15 day nights, live,“ probably a I *— <4l Onn|t (€> Hi Hi*. MictiyIrMIMI 111 Tatll 1 signed CBS contract to do ~ 8:30 to 9, commencing three scripts Playhouse <*• Tn lit CMtlliltiil 2itn lictirl liiaiil October for 90 " • Tim Uti Fill « " 3. and in all likelihood, will be ' next season, will write the pilot 1 TODAY'S GOOD :M Drifiit Minis hr Rill McCiyt Clmn featuring a new supporting a > " script SALE! science 8:1S * ¦ ” 1 for half-hour MUSIC DIAL <« Sill ' Snlir cast or guest stars.) fiction series, and do one or two THURS., FRI. tr SAT. <H Fn»h'S Ctllci Wrcstliai Pit lim wnß" 6:05, (97.1 " ; original one-shot . WASH-FM Me.) * One of the curious things specials Frna return, which i PLUS—an MGM deal that re- In the Concert Hall: Over-: New & :N TilFirl Sint Clfitll Nl«y m Pliytiusi N about the Gleason Used " " 9:15 ” " :v quires ture '«» Arm “Tinlinciit MtßsfFm PC ' has been rumored and reported I him to do one feature to Manfred by Schu-! " mann, Typewriters tW RiiMuryeiNiiy “ for several months, is that a i jfilm a year. Sonata No. 2 fori * * MntnMnlari ~»Jnn»" 4 A:IS Stia (cl litirt0. Liatl recent survey conducted by flop of pay Violin and Orchestra by Lo- AND * Mm Lull The closed circuit | U:M Music Bun “ Stiti jiki[riesn Pulse (one of the leading out- in Bartlesville, patnikoff and Concerto in E " " TV " " - • Okla. didn’t ¦«! Triiyir fits) listed his show as No. 2 ' discourage International Tele- Minor for Cello by Vivaldi. Office Machines tN N'li Nirtuss, Wire Sets , Nias: W'Uir Fills* Tkit Mm TT> M lipcrt among 16 former network fea- meter Corp.... The Paramount 7:30, WGMS (570 Ke.)—Opera Wnnttnr: SIM Starlight Tllltcr lllytlilliay Ttl TR WIK.I YS ACCEPTED Uti Ski* that viewers would most [ ’ tures Pictures subsidiary revealed Box: Excerpts from The n;is:M net Fur Sti* “Sti tmtii" Niws: Wnittn* "St! Wllliriiis" • r' ' ¦ " * Sits.l V . il' •'** NiMfkriy Hurt FmriU Stiry Mictiy like to watch again. Plans the other day to install I Elixir of Love by Donizetti. _ Bimy 4 i • * 1 “ ISM I AllSlirifii AClip! Mujll Willaci lury Only 1.000 New York area I three such systems by the end I 8:00. WMAL-FM (107.3 Me.) M s Ai: viewers were quizzed and the : of the year, two in communities > —Milton Cross Show: Sym- \ , list didn’t strike me as repre- . in the United States, the other Television Tomorrow ““Friday, June 6, 1958 ms3iI - | phony No. Iby Mahler. The . (This senting the best of the defunct ; in Canada. type of by •K (Ct 4)—4:45 Tidy Fiimi I, Tieayr fill. Sprmii ItSS, lull 1:1) IIS, uti Seasons Vivaldi and Part Spniaii crop, but the findings are not , pay TV does not require F.C.C. WTOP (Ct •>—l:sS. Milititliii I 111 Mirnit Sknw* MS. Licit Nl*s, Sittii; tiM. • IIof The Creation by Haydn. a interest. , approval). I Ttl Mnrnmt Sti*: r:55, Sittii, IKK Ni»si A. CipUil Knnsntnn* MS, lufif Nil without coincidental 9:00, WOL (1450 Kc.)—Good Here are the results. Excerpts from the valedictory A.M. WRC~Ch. 4) ' WTTG (Cls. 5) WMAL (dt. 7) WTOMCITT) Music Time: Music for PAY ONLY $5.50 DOWN 1. Robert Montgomery Pre- . address by Charles Hodges at Mary's Funeral, <N Tilly KirtinClik Riafir M 'THE INNOCENT SLEEP Queen 1695 LISTED LEADING * * BY CONSUM- Tilly:list ¦ • sents. (54.7%) Mount St. Mary's College that by Purcell. Cello Concerto: SEAR < ERS RESEARCH PI BLICATION :3R Tilly * * TILIVUI • • John Ericson and Hope Lange costar as the young 2. Jackie Gleason (53.1%) so impressed President Eisen- by AS “A" RECOMMENDED (BEST * * Saint-Saens, Piano Con- 9:15 " BUY ? AT flttt .tO flu tu. :?! THiy: till THE WEEKLY "i Mnt Tiai lovers In Tad Mosel’s drama, “The Innocent Sleep,” 3. Sam Levenson. (39%) hower will be included in NBC's ' certo No. 27 by Mozai-t and 41 DluftKiMl III'ClMt Mull nußiriy on Playhouse 90 tonight at o’clock, WTOP—9. 4. Red Buttons. (37.1%) Comment Sunday 2:30 WRC—- Symphony “ “ 9:30 No. by MASAZtNI . 7 Sibelius.! IA:1i "Blncklnnrf Main Sti* 5. Meet Millie. (36.2%) 4. Drew Pearson will also II TrusuriHuit ttl Pirate'’ a Garry y 3d _ It discuss “The Future of France.” I " ” (33.3%) <4S Kltirt Niwtll Filth 6. Milton Berle. 50% lllllf Mian Sti* ’ ** * » -WA 7. Suspense. (32%) :SR Tki Prlei Pictirl Eyu lanpir tun Arttir Cilfriy “ " Money Scoreboard. The Investigator DISCOUNT A IS Might Miss Silly Tint 8. Two For The FREE HOME :3fi Irutl n Literate Rinpcr Rum Oitti TV- KEY PREVIEWS (27.6%) (Tuesdays, 8 to 9 p.m., WRC- DEMONSTRATION " n:IS " - * :4S CoisecuiKM Miss Silly 9. Stop The Music. (24.6%) -4). - >.M. WRCTOi. 4> WTTG (Ch. 5 1 WMAL (CkPf ) WtoFChTT) Tonight’s top shows as previewed by TV Key’s staff, 9. Godfrey and Friends. The opening caper in this itR Tie Tic Riift looney Tills Pctiul intent uti who attend rehearsals, watch screenings and analyze (24.6%) mystery series, written by ... | ” " ’tT" Lore el scripts 554.75 4n NisPili me in New York and Hollywood. Their opinions are 11. Break The Bank (21.1%) Henry Kane, lacked ¦ " suspense, / ttCiiICRiVH liftWitt Seirct ter tinirri* as a Peepers. [SI I " ’ ’ " offered guide to area viewers. 11. Mr. (21.1%) to name one Ingredient, <4R ElinhlU Ligfct vital List Unitnd’s Guifini 13. Danger. (19.4%) but it wasn’t all his fault. Modcln :RR Mews: Feature TV Ruler's TreukleWitk niutiTe* The Price* Pric*' Stars “Hit and Run.” (A repeat.) Private 14. Wire Service. (16.6%) players 4:IS Plavtiuse Digest Fitter ArUur Frau Richard Diamond— Eye and director were as "litrifue" Lite Lutcl Serial As Went luru Diamond goes after thugs who do their killing with a 15. 20 Questions. (14.5%) rattled a group as I’ve caught CORONAS I:3C " * <45 Ceerfi Raft Merle Ruth Warrick car, on a “hit and run” basis. There’s action in this! 16. Noah’s Ark (11.8%) this season. \ BELMONT S Silent Super |134.50_|_88.00 :N Jute Merit "Struii On Miss (not ttnCintl It would be fun to see what The series could develop into " " one, Sterling 114.50 j 79.50 " ” as Diamond becomes a victim and almost gets & ¦ Rirfiii" Bruts ja fairly pleasant hour for fans 1 TV RADIO SERVICE S Feyu by bumper. viewers in other cities would I 34)4 Clipper | 99.50 | 69.50 :30 Kitty Martte Scett My Little Mnfll Art Llik'ittir rubbed out a 8 p.m., WTOP—9. & 5 * WASH.. DC. 14th St. N.W. 5 2:15 ¦ " a enlarged i of the Light Bright type of *45 Jeffrey Lyn Call Stira Meuse Fitly vote for, with list NO. 7-3111 Skynter 74.50 52.25 Dragnet— One thing about tonight’s murder case, the killer to include some of the drama mystery yarn, once Lonnie , Z £ f :N Mltleei Ttiitir Chante Choice America! Tko *i| Pnytfl 2 * ALEX., VA. 3474 KING ST. 7 Electric 197.50 129.99 I " " "TtlMiftttirf til Pul Baelstnl is a known quantity right along. The big question is shows that will soon go off—- g OV. 3-1000 2 >3O Crying" (e) (Croofna'l{ Dtj Yu Trust The VerOict namely. Studio One, Kraft B ? 3:15 * when and how will the police trap the murderer? The TODAY'S RADIO * ARI., VA. 3411 LEE HwV ROYALS iAS 1 Pltct j Ttur Will Is Tuurs Theater, etc.
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