Deepwater Tano Cape Three Points (DWT CTP) A.K. Armah, Ole Unn 01 30.01.2019 Issued for review by EPA ESL Aspholm Arnesen Consulting Rev. Date Reason for Issue Prep. Checked Accepted Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Scoping Study System Area Document number Revision NA NA DWTCTP-ESL-S-TB-0001 01 Project No. Originator Discipline Document type Sequence No. Contract No. No. of pages NA 142 DOC.NO. DWTCTP-ESL-S-TB-0001 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Scoping Study REV. 01 DATE 30.01.2019 PAGE 2 of 142 REVISION RECORD SHEET All changes after rev. 01 will be highlighted in the revision record sheet and by revision markers within the margins of the document. Issue Description of Revision Purpose Date Updated/Modified Sections (if any) ESL CONSULTING AKER ENERGY GHANA LTD DOC.NO. DWTCTP-ESL-S-TB-0001 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Scoping Study REV. 01 DATE 30.01.2019 PAGE 3 of 142 ESL CONSULTING AKER ENERGY GHANA LTD DOC.NO. DWTCTP-ESL-S-TB-0001 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Scoping Study REV. 01 DATE 30.01.2019 PAGE 4 of 142 CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 11 1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND 11 1.2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (ESIA) 12 1.3 STRUCTURE OF THIS REPORT 18 1.4 CONTACT DETAILS 18 2 LEGAL AND POLICY FRAMEWORK 19 2.1 INTRODUCTION 19 2.2 THE PETROLEUM AGREEMENT 19 2.3 NATIONAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS 20 2.4 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND CONVENTIONS 30 2.5 TRANSBOUNDARY REQUIREMENT 34 2.6 GOOD INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRY PRACTICE (GIIP) 36 2.7 SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING STANDARDS 36 2.8 FINANCIAL INSTITUTION STANDARDS 37 2.9 COMPANY POLICIES AND STANDARDS 38 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 41 3.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW 41 3.2 PROJECT ALTERNATIVES 44 3.3 PROJECT LOCATION 46 3.4 PROJECT SCHEDULE 47 3.5 FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT 47 3.6 PROJECT ACTIVITIES 51 3.7 EMISSIONS, DISCHARGES, AND WASTE 55 3.8 PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS 57 4 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL BASELINE 59 4.1 INTRODUCTION 59 4.2 DATA SOURCES 60 4.3 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT 62 4.4 BIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT 69 4.5 SOCIAL BASELINE 82 5 SCOPING STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 107 5.1 OBJECTIVES AND APPROACH 107 5.2 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT PRINCIPLES AND ACTIVITIES 107 6 THE DWT/CTP SCOPING PROCESS AND OUTCOME 110 ESL CONSULTING AKER ENERGY GHANA LTD DOC.NO. DWTCTP-ESL-S-TB-0001 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Scoping Study REV. 01 DATE 30.01.2019 PAGE 5 of 142 6.1 STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION (MAPPING) 110 6.2 NOTIFICATION OF KEY STAKEHOLDERS 110 6.3 CONSULTATION MEETINGS 111 6.4 MANAGING STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK 112 6.5 SUMMARY OF COMMENTS 113 6.6 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 118 6.7 FUTURE STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENTS 118 6.8 GENERAL CONCLUSION FROM THE THREE CATEGORIES (BY ESIA SUBJECT MATTER) OF SCOPING COMMENTS. 119 6.9 DISCLOSURE AND CONSULTATION 119 7 TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR ESIA 121 7.1 INTRODUCTION 121 7.2 STEPS TO COMPLETE THE ESIA 121 7.3 PROPOSED BASELINE STUDIES 122 7.4 IMPACT ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY 130 7.5 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 132 7.6 STRUCTURE OF THE ESIA 133 7.7 PROVISIONAL SCHEDULE FOR THE ESIA PROCESS 134 7.8 PROPOSED TABLE OF CONTENT FOR ESIA 135 REFERENCE LIST 137 8. APPENDICES 142 ESL CONSULTING AKER ENERGY GHANA LTD DOC.NO. DWTCTP-ESL-S-TB-0001 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Scoping Study REV. 01 DATE 30.01.2019 PAGE 6 of 142 LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 International Convention and Agreements Signed by Ghana 31 Table 2.2 Relevant MARPOL 1973/1978 Provisions 32 Table 4.1 Climate and Meteorology in the Western Region of Ghana 63 Table 4.2 IUCN Red Listed Species That Could Occur in the Project’s AOI 75 Table 4.3 Whales and Dolphins of Ghana, IUCN Conservation Status 77 Table 4.4 Summary of Reported Number of Sea Turtles Nesting in Ghana 78 Table 4.5 Sea Turtles of Conservation Importance Present in the Project Area 78 Table 4.6 Coastal Ramsar Sites in Ghana 80 Table 4.7 Ghana Fisheries Subsectors 85 Table 4.8 Status of Performance against Millennium Development Goals 94 Table 4.9 Coastal Political Administration in the Western Region 95 Table 4.10 Population of Coastal Districts 96 Table 4.11 Education Levels (six years old and older) 97 Table 4.12 Health Facilities in the Western Region by Ownership and Type 98 Table 7.1 Data Gap Assessment 123 Table 7.2 Quantitative Studies 129 ESL CONSULTING AKER ENERGY GHANA LTD DOC.NO. DWTCTP-ESL-S-TB-0001 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Scoping Study REV. 01 DATE 30.01.2019 PAGE 7 of 142 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1 DWT CTP Contract Area Location 12 Figure 1-2 Ghana EIA Process 17 Figure 3-1 Schematic of FPSO – 1 for the Phase 1 Project Development 42 Figure 3-2 Schematic of FPSO – 2 for the Phase 1 Project Development 43 Figure 3-3 Project Alternatives 45 Figure 3-4 DWT CTP Contract Area With Discoveries 46 Figure 3-5 Schematic of Ship-Shaped FPSO 48 Figure 4-1 West Africa Monsoon 63 Figure 4-2 Wind Speed by Direction in the Project Area 65 Figure 4-3 Surface Current Speed in the Guinea Current 67 Figure 4-4 Ghana Local Government Structure 83 Figure 4-5 Shipping Traffic in the Gulf of Guinea 89 Figure 4-6 Health Care System in Ghana 92 Figure 4-7 Main Causes of Mortality in Ghana for Children <5 Years of Age 93 Figure 4-8 Typical School Facility in the coastal community in Western Region 97 Figure 4-9 Typical Secondary Hospital in the Western Region 98 Figure 4-10 Typical Open Waste Dump in the Western Region 101 Figure 4-11 Typical Canoe and Fishing Nets 103 Figure 4-12 Typical Artisanal Fishing Activities 105 Figure 4-13 Tourist Sites in the Coastal Districts of the Western Region 106 Figure 7-1 Evaluation of Significance 131 Figure 7-2 Required Contents of an ESIA 134 ESL CONSULTING AKER ENERGY GHANA LTD DOC.NO. DWTCTP-ESL-S-TB-0001 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Scoping Study REV. 01 DATE 30.01.2019 PAGE 8 of 142 ACRONYMS AsALARP Low As Reasonably Practicable CALM Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CC Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea Cd Cadmium DP Dynamic Positioning DWT Deep Water Tano Cape Three Points CTP EA Environmental Assessment EE Energy Efficiency EHS Environmental, Health and Safety EHS & SR Environmental, Health and Safety and Social Responsibility EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIS Environmental Impact Statement EMPs Environmental Management Plans ENVID Environmental Issues Identification EP Environmental Permit EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPLT Exploration and Production Leadership Team ERM Environmental Resources Management South Africa ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan EZZ Exclusive Economic Zone FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FEED Front End Engineering Design FPSO Floating Production, Storage and Offloading FWS Full Well Stream GCLME Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem Project GHG Green House Gas GIIP Good International Industry Practice GMA Ghana Maritime Authority GNPC Ghana National Petroleum Corporation Hg Mercury HVAC Heating, ventilation and air conditioning IBAT Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool IFC International Finance Corporation ILO International Labour Organisation ILS In-Line Sled IMO International Maritime Organisation IPI International petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association ISPS International Ship and Port Facility Code ITCZ Intertropical Convergence Zone IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature JNCC Joint Nature Conservation Committee LLMC Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims ESL CONSULTING AKER ENERGY GHANA LTD DOC.NO. DWTCTP-ESL-S-TB-0001 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Scoping Study REV. 01 DATE 30.01.2019 PAGE 9 of 142 LNG Liquefied Natural Gas MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified in 1978 META Mahogany East, Teak and Akasa mg/kg Milligram per Kilogram mmscfd Million standard cubic feet per day MODUs Mobile Offshore Drilling Units NADF Non-Aqueous Drilling Fluid NORM Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material NPA National Petroleum Authority NRWMC National Radioactive Waste Management Centre OBF Oil Based Fluid OCNS Offshore Chemical Notification System OCNS Offshore Chemical Notification System OGP Oil and Gas Producers OOC Oil on Cuttings OPF Organic Phase Fluid OPRC Oil Preparedness, Response and Co-operation PEAs Preliminary Environmental Assessments PFD Process Flow Diagram PLET Pipeline End Terminal PER Preliminary Environmental Report POB Person on Board PoD Plan of Development ppm Parts Per Million PS Performance Standards ROC retained on cuttings SBM Synthetic Based Mud SCR Steel catenary risers SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea SOPEP Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan STCW Standards of Training, Certification, and Watch keeping for Seafarers SURF Subsea Umbilicals Risers Flowlines TBC To be confirmed TEN Tweneboa-Enyenra-Ntomme TENORM Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material ToR Terms of Reference UK United Kingdom UKCS United Kingdom Continental Shelf UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change VLCC Very Large Crude Carrier VSP Vertical Seismic Profile WBF Water Based Fluid WBM Water Based Mud ESL CONSULTING AKER ENERGY GHANA LTD DOC.NO. DWTCTP-ESL-S-TB-0001 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Scoping Study REV. 01 DATE 30.01.2019 PAGE 10 of 142 ESL CONSULTING AKER ENERGY GHANA LTD DOC.NO. DWTCTP-ESL-S-TB-0001 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Scoping Study REV. 01 DATE 30.01.2019 PAGE 11 of 142 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND Aker Energy Ghana Limited (Aker Energy), Lukoil Overseas Ghana Tano Limited (Lukoil), Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) and Fueltrade Limited (Fueltrade), the Contractor Group, own participating interests in the Deep Water Tano Cape Three Points (DWT CTP) Contract Area (Contract Area), with Aker Energy holding 50%, Lukoil 38%, GNPC 10% and Fueltrade 2%.
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