I ;t' 'fr" '7" .or"ttvgrrrr I f \\(CAr r, .14 nI\p"'i&tl l'i. t -'dirhf, ",ij[,il b ,d". $ "t-..11, ":\ w I j,i i t"'O/ I r t't 't J;,ilr I ":!$ \t I i .. ':t., I iii -1* rl ii; 1l '\ ti ,t l YYli$i9tlf*.}} t0fft sBulslill$r I sff RUSSELL DE YOUNG 'G. H. REYNOTOS Cbairrnan of tbe Board General Manager g @bristmdrd frlessnge THE MAGIC of Christmas spreads its spirit throu-ghput the world, it touches At .ffr the hearts and minds of children and adults alike. And once a.gein we hear the message of evedasting hope - Peace on Eanh and Good \7itl Toward Men. On this greatest of holidays, families and friends are drawn closer iogether and there is abroad a renewed awareness of the Brotherhood of Man. Christmas of 1964 is a time for special rejoicing and Thanksgiving because millions of this year a high degree of peace Americans and people of other nations - have enjoyed and prosperity. It has been a year of plenty, with bountiful outpourings of material and spiritual blessings. , * This is especially true of our great Goodyear Famity of employes around the world. W'e speak many tongues, have varying customs and worship in different ways, yet our employes are united in peace and harmony as we pursue our common goal of service under the Goodyear Banner. ;':r Ife extend to Goodyearites and their families everywhere sihcere best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a H"ppy and Prosperous Year in L96J. sf - TTilE WIN@trOOT OIAN GOODYEAR ATOMIC GORPORATION A Subsidiary ol THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY VOLUME XII PIKETON, OHIO, \TEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21,1964 NUMBER 3 Training Program A Success An 0rder Management lmportant To Defense Goodyear Didn't Take Shelter Civil "Where are you going?" signed to a team. The teams are: sponsible for radiological monitoring Even to a dedicated profit-makin.g organization, some "I'm going to the hole." health and sanitation, safety, radio- and maintenance of equipment, for things are more important than dollars. Take the best inter- logical, administrative, feeding, and maintaining a 24-hour radiological This is the answer given by em- ests of the United States and the Free World, for example. communication. After each of the watch, for monitoring all personnel ployees who are participating in the You can't put a price tag on freedom. teams are given dme to organize, the entering the shelter, and for instruct- Civil Defense Shelter Management Recently, Goodyear took a firm stand on the side of free- team chairmaq. reports the functions ing classes in areas of special skills; course which is part of a continuing dom by refusing to sell a modern synthetic rubber plant to his team will perform to the shelter the administrative team respon- program to prepare personnel for is Communist Romania. manager. The feeding team plans sible for secretarial duties, for keep- any emetgency. Goodyear's decision appeared in hundreds of newspa- and directs food preparation and dis- ing a chronological log of events and The "hole" is the nickname given pers from coast to coast in news stories reported by the As- tribution, determines the number handles and classifies the shelteree the sociated Press, IJnited Press International and the widely- to the shelter in X-100 building and types of feedings in keeping with regisration forms; and the commun- program based Scripps-Howard Newspapers. where the is being con- available supplies, plans individual ication team is responsible for the chose not to seek the business which could ducted. Goodyear - food and water rations, cleans and operation and maintenance of the amount to some $50 million though the State De- The thtee-day exercise is divided stores utensils and dishes, and is re- communication system, for keeping partment had sanctioned it. into three parts: (1) entering the sponsible for in-shelter recreation. a 24-hour watch, for maintaining a par- One newspaper writer made this observation on the shelter; ( 2 ) a day in the shelter; and The health and sanitation team pre- communications log, and for estab- adox: ( I ) leaving the shelter. scribes and administers medical treat- lishing securiry m€asures for infor- "In this case of East-West Trade, the positions of the To be as realistic as possible, the ment, makes periodic inspections of mation and control of outgoing mes- government and a big corporation are the reverse of a tra- training is conducted under the con- the shelter, directs sanitation activi- sages. ditional pattern. Usually, business is pictured as favoring ditions of an assimilated atomic at- ties related to sleeping, feeding, and Throughout the day each team such sales to bolster profits, and the government is opposed tack. The group enters the shelter waste disposal, instructs classes in performs its responsibilities as they grounds of not bolstering a communist economy." on each day at 8 a. m. The first order the area of special skills, maintains pertain to the over-all shelter pro- The position of the State Department apparently is that of business is to establish communi- medical records and develops plans gram. Two feeding periods a day are creation of greater economic ties between the United the cations with central control which, for caring for shelterees with con- established. Recreation periods as States and Romania will encourage the Romanians to be in the event of an emergency, is civil tagious diseases; the safety team is well as isometric exercises are given. more independent of the Soviet Union. However, Good- still defense headquarters. Throughout the responsible for round-the-clock main- Temperatures are taken daily. kc- year does not believe that the United States should allow exercise, infotmation concerning the tenance of order and fire protection, tures on first aid, radiation, security acquire the know-how produce any Communist nation to to conditions outside the shelter, prob- for the disposal of refuse, for estab- and safety are given. Physical synthetic rubber like Natsyn, Goodyear's polyisoprene, com- a lishing fire and safety rules and reg- fort factors, both physiological and competes head-on with natural rubber. lems associated with shelter life, etc. which ulations, and for establishing a sys- psychological, are discussed. synthetic and natural rubber are now competi- are received from central control. Specific While stem for the removal of sleeping btiefing sessions of conditions outside priced, Goodyear believes the Communist could if To assure orderly movement of tively equipment during non - sleeping the shelter are made known to all natural rubber markets Malaysia,- they wish disrupt in over-all control, all shelterees are as- hours; the radiological team is re- shelterees. Liberia and- other so-called under-developed countries. In the past, they have, in fact, used cut-rate prices as an economic \7hat is the reaction of the indi- club. viduals who have participated inthis The State Department said the Romanians assured the Tri-State Bloodmohile Unit To program? United States that they won't divulge the polyisoprene se- It ii generally agreed that life in crets they purchase from us to other Communist nations. - the shelter isn't too difficult though But Goodyear would prefer not to entrust its production se- Uisit Plantsite lanuary II 12 time passes slowly; that the food crets to the Communists. A year ago this rnonth, the Clan ing. On Jan. 11, the hours will be (crackers) and water are sufficient One of the strongest voices raised in behalf of the com- suggested that one of the resolutions from 12 noon to 6 p. m. and on though it is an unpalatable diet if pany's decision was that of Walter H. Judd, the well-known an employee could make for 1964 Jan. 12 from 8 a. m. to 2 p. m. one rnust spend 14 continuous days and respected former Congressman from Minnesota. Judd was to donate blood for the GAT Appointment cards will be distri_ underground; that living in cramped qwrrters declared flatly in his "Washington Report of the Air" radio Blood Bank YOUR BLOOD 6o,.4 by subdivision superinten- is tedious; and that proper good program heard on 700 stations that the proposed sale would BANKI dents. If you are not contacted, but organization is the essence of management. not be in the best interest of the United States. He expressed How many employees made and wish to give, call the community re- shelter A few individ- the hope that other American companies would follow Good- kept this resolution? Another year lations department for an appoint- uals think that the time schedule should altered, that is, period year's example in the economic war with communism. is upon us, and it is time to make ment. \$falk-ins will be accepted, be the in Perhaps the most volatile support for Goodyear's action resolutions for 1965. also. the shelter should be a continuous 24 hours rather than three eight- came from the New York Daily News, largest paper in the During the past year, approxi- Arrangements have been made to persons. hour periods. Others feel that one United States, which speaks on behalf of 2.4 million mately 50 employees have received serve sandwiches rather than cookies. In an editorial entitled, "10 Cents From Russia, May- eight-hour period is sufficient time blood from the GAT Blood Bank. During each visit of the bloodmo- be," the Daily News cas.tigated U. S. businessmen for believ- to complete the exercise. One employee needed 12 pints, an- b.le, a number of people who wish ing Soviet Premier Kosygin's hint that Russia might repay Regardless of what the agreements other 10, four employees needed six to donate blood are reiected.
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