D£PARTMENT or CITY OF Los ANGELL J EXECUTIVE orrius CITY PLANNING CALIFORNIA Of--in 01- HISIORIC nSO\;ROS " C,-\II COIUlllRC, ,\iel' D,RtCIOR 200 r-' ~PRH'C ~TRrn, RoO', G20 los¡\,"cllls,C,\90lJl2-4mii ::ii:,g'Il-12,l CORUO'\ 13, 11-\,\1111. lON IJII'\ 'Y ()I~! r-TOR CLlll,Rr\1 III-RIT;\~F CC),,,1.',AISSION 'li:,:'j/i)-1l71 ,V"ARYKL\L)-,\ARll'\ ROßIRllt SLTTON PRI"lm"T UII'll" :)I~ICIO" RIC:H.-\RIJ BARRON '213'(),812:-'1 :\I,Vl\M,C\RII"lf C\RIOS SINClR I.-X, :)lj,'1'11-1) Si.-,N1fYSi.-,lfORD,JR INIOR,V"IION Co."~,'vISSION O~IICl ANTONIO R. VIII ARAICOSA "l,',)7fi-I'7,'j Ji:,: 'Pii-' H)(j ,V"W()R V,'WIV,ldcity,orgiPLr- Date r.1' n 4 2007 Los Angeles City Council Room 395. City Hall 200 North Spring Street Los Angeles. California 90012 ATTENTION: Barbara Greaves, Legislative Assistant Planning and Land Use Management Committee CASE NUMBER CHC-2007-702-HCM WATERS-SHAW RESIDENCE 2700 SOUTH SEVERANCE At the Cultural Heritage Commission meeting of June 12, 2007, the Commission moved to include the above property in the list of Historic-Cultural Monuments, subject to adoption by the City Council As required under the provisions of Section 22.126 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code, the Commission has solicited opinions and information from the office of the Council District in which the site is located and from any Department or Bureau of the city whose operations may be affected by the designation of such site as a Historic-Cultural Monument. Such designation in and of itself has no fiscal impact. Future applications for permits may cause minimal administrative costs. The City Council, according to the guidelines set forth in Section 22.125.1 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code, shall act on the proposed inclusion to the list within 90 days of the Councilor Commission action, whichever first occurs. By resolution, the Council may extend the period for good cause for an additional 15 days. The Cultural Heritage Commission would appreciate your inclusion of the subject modification to the list of Historic-Cultural Monuments upon adoption by the City Council. The above Cultural Heritage Commission action was taken by the following vote: Moved: Commissioner Carlisle Seconded' Commissioner Dake Ayes: Commissioner Martin Absent: Commissioner Barron Vote: 3-0 (1 vacancy) heldred Alexander, Commission Executive Assistant Cultural Heritage Commission SA Attachment: Staff Report with Findings c: Councilmember Herb Wesson, Tenth Council District Rabbi Dov Wagner, Owner Laura Meyers and West Adams Heritage Association, Applicants QQ ~f) i AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY - AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER Recdablandmatifromrecdewasle, "í-t IH-PARJM! NJ or ~ITY OF Los ANGELE.~ ~ncu i iv! OHlns CITY PLANNINC CALIFORNIA OfFICE Or Ill'iICJI.:IC IÜ'iOt,RCl'- S(.\IL COlUBfRC.,\IU' JOO N. SrR:'-c )TRlOT, f\o,-,,, ¡,2lJ ()!RICT()R ICi':A'Ulii C-\'JUlJI1--WOl ':1\,"-1'- c:ur-:IJO',n.II\,\1,IL¡O'\ CLirLIRr\l ¡lfRIT,\Cf C(),\-\,\',I~Si(j"- mr',I\f)IK'('I(;'R 13,,)'-31': ,\',\1\\ l\1.\LS,\\\I-:¡:N kCmLk¡ Ii :iL,¡¡O'\ "RI,'I'i,i "11,', ;,DIRlCI(H 1¿ICH,Wlj B\RRO" )';¡,Q-il-1) \L\,.',,\1C\R¡I:i¡l C-\I\LOS S!.'JUR I -\\ I), ()~Ii SI,-IMi.YS1-ILIORIJ IR l"i'llR,\1\I¡U"- CO'\\,\lISW)N (HI ie I " 81_"l' 1 "'is i\N IC)'IO R VIII i\Ri\ICOSi\ 'o' l\ir\~ A la('tv()¡~'r)i N Date W.ij n 4 2DD7 Los Angeles City Council Room 395, City Hall 200 North Sprinc) Street Los Angeles. California 90012 ATTENTION Barbara Greaves, Legislative Assistant Planning and Land Use Management Committee CASE NUMBER CHC-2007-702-HCM WATERS-SHAW RESIDENCE 2700 SOUTH SEVERANCE At the Cultural Heritage Commission meeting of June 12, 200'7, the Commission moved to include the above property in the list of Historic-Cultural Monuments, subject to adoption by the City Council As required under the provisions of Section 22.126 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code. the Commission has solicited opinions and information from the office of the Council District in which the site is located and from any Departrnent or Bureau of the city whose operations may be affected by the designation of such site as a Historic-Cultural Monument_ Such designation in and of itself has no fiscal impact. Future applications for permits may cause minimal administrative costs The City Couricil, according to the guidelines set forth in Section 22.125.1 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code, shall act on the proposed inclusion to the list within 90 days of the Councilor Commission action, whichever first occurs. By resolution, the Council may extend the period for good cause for an additional 15 days The Cultural Heritage Cornmission would appreciate your inclusion of the subject modification to the list of Historic-Cultural Monuments upon adoption by the City CounciL. The above Cultural Heritage Commission action was taken by the following vote Moved Commissioner Carlisle Seconded Commissioner Dake Ayes Commissioner Martin r-U::t:11l1\ h~~_.. CûinmÎssioricí Barron Vote 3-0 (1 vacancy) A ,ttc" ~Z,( (\C-S4Li ¡:(~' Sheldred Alexander, Commission Executive Assistant Cultural Heritage Commission SA Attachment Staff Report with Findings c Councilmember Herb Wesson, Tenth Council District Rabbi Dov Wagner, Owner Laura Meyers and West Adams Heritage Association, Applicants AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY - AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER Redatiand"iatrc-"'''dewasi"~&(J DlPARTMENT OF ~ITY OF Los ANGELE.. EX!:U rivE OffICES CITY PLANNING CALIFORNIA ,!-fief Of fllSTORIC RESOURClS S (,-\11 C.OI nrn RC" \jeT ()lR1CIO~ 'CLO t-. ')¡'RI,,C')IRflT, R0:1,\1610 , i J' q '~_\ 1_' Ii); A,"CE'_l", CA')OOi7 .11lO1 ~fIRIJO"\ 13 1'-\,\111 ¡n" ';lrll\lj'Rfl-- 'I I TUR-'L HERI1ACl cO,'-,\,\\bSIO,', , i " ,~," ' ,\1.\RY Kl\uS ,\l\R¡I~ k01HI.( ii. so. rrC)"\ I'RfSlm,,i IJ ;". I, 1;,~;i.'lnK kIClI-\RDflARRO'- ,_'lj,"-e, I,' 'I1\1,,M.C\RIISlf (ARIOS "1 '\Cf R 1-\\ li,q',1 "1\NlfYST\lror-m,IR 1,,1()i::\',\II(jN U),\',\\I)')IO,'OflIU: ,\NTO'-IO R Vii L,\R,\ICOS\ 1\,Q-Ij_1 iIJ,973-1-\(() ,\1.,\"(lR .\",\ .v I,ll 'IV or~; Pi N Date OUJj n4 2007 Los Angeles City Council Room 395, City Hall 200 North Spring Street Los Angeles, California 90012 ATTENTION: Barbara Greaves, Legislative Assistant Planning and Land Use Management Committee CASE NUMBER CHC-2007-702-HCM WATERS-SHAW RESIDENCE 2700 SOUTH SEVERANCE At the Cultural Heritage Commission meeting of June 12. 2007, the Cornmiss\ori moved to include the above property in the list of Historic-Cultural Monuments, subject to adoption by the City Council As required under the provisions of Section 22126 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code, the Comrnission has solicited opinions and information frorn the office of the Council District in which the site is located and frorn any Department or Bureau of the city whose operations may be affected by the designation of such site as a Historic-Cultural Monument Such designation in and of itself has no fiscal impact Future applications for permits may cause minimal administrative costs. The City Council, according to the guidelines set forth in Section 221251 of the Los Angeles Adrninistrative Code, shall act 011 the proposed inclusion to the list within 90 days of the Councilor Comrnission action. whichever first occurs By resolution, the Council rnay extend the period for good cause for an additional 15 days The Cultural Heritage Commission would appreciate your inclusion of the subject modification to the list of Historic-Cultural Monuments upon adoption by the City Council The above Cultural Heritage Commission action was taken by the following vote Moved' Commissioner Carlisle Seconded' Commissioner Dakc Ayes Commissioner Martin l-u::eiiifI L'",__u.' Cûmmissionei Baííon Vote: 3-0 (1 vacancy) J)Ji-LÆü,k. (Cly'~i,j)(l" Sheldred Alexander, Commission Executive Assistant Cultural Heritage Commission SA Attachment: Staff Report with Findings c Councilmember Herb Wesson, Tenth Council District Rabbi Dov Wagner, Owner Laura Meyers and West Adams Heritage Association, Applicants AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY - AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER FleCYdablai,jrr~orTlrecdewae~QQ 7 Los Angeles Department of City Planning RECOMMENDATION REPORT CULTURAL HERITAGE COMMISSION CASE NO.: CHC-2007-702-HCM HEARING DATE: June 12, 2007 Location 2700 S. Severance SI. TIME: 2:00 PM 7 Council District: 10 PLACE City Hall, Room 10.0 Community Plan Area: South Los Angeles 200 N. Spring Street Area Planning Commission: South Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA Neighborhood Council: Empowerment Congress 90012 North Area Legal Description: L T 10 of M R 11-15 PROJECT: Historic-Cultural Monument Application for the WATERS-SHAW RESIDENCE REQUEST: Declare the property a Historic-Cultural Monument APPLICANT: Laura Meyers 1818 South Gramercy Place Los Angeles, CA 90019 West Adams Heritage Association 2263 South Harvard Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90018 OWNER: Rabbi Dov Wagner 2700 S. Severance SI. Los Angeles, CA 90007 RECOMMENDATION That the Cultural Heritage Commission: 1. Declare the property a Historic-Cultural Monument per Los Angeles Administrative Code Section 22.125. 2. Adopt the report findings. DirrofiLS GAIL GOLDBERG, AICP C. Ké:ri Bernstein, Manager Lambert~ M. "';~SSing~Gh¡teGt Office of Historic Resources Office of Historic Resources Prepared by: Edgar Ga a, Preservation Planner Office of Historic Resources Attachments: February 5, 2007 Historic-Cultural Monument Application 2700 S. Severance St. CHC-2007-702-HCM Page 2 of 3 FINDINGS 1. The building "embodies the distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type specimen, inherently valuable for a study of a period style or method of construction" as an example of Shingle-Craftsman residential architecture.
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