DECEMBER, 1995 1009 DRESSER COURT, RALEIGH, NC 27609 PHONE 919/872- 6274 NCPHA' S PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS I want to express my appreciation to all Under health care reform heart disease, Celebrate NCPHA Month during the ofyou, ourpublic health family forelecting cancer, and other chronic diseases are not month of November me as your president. I need your help going to disappear. Communicable diseases during the next year to assure that we in do not discriminate among those who are Increase the active role of the Member - public health do all that we can to advance eithercoveredby private insurance, Medicaid At -Large in NCPHA. the cause of public health for all North or are not covered at all. Major health Carolinians. As your president, I will do problems will still be here no matter what I would like to say thank you very much all I can to represent you and promote the kind of health care system we have. and remember Public Health is interest of public health in our great state. There is also no doubt that will see more everywhere, everyday, everybody. As we look at public health today, we activity in managed care programs. If we hear all kinds of predictions as to what is want to be an active player in the delivery of Your President, going to happen next. Some say that we personal health services, we will have to Dicie Alston won' t be needed or that we won' t have a participate in managed care programs. We viable role after health care reform. I say will see an increased emphasis on controlling We need to they are wrong. We have always seen the cost of health services. changes in public health. examine all that we do and look for ways to As I look at where we were in 1976 reduce the costs of services we provide. when I began my public health career in There is way too much paper work required North Carolina, we are far different in our for most of the services we provide. mission and our activities from where we We have always been able to respond to were in 1976. change and the needs of our people. I am The following programs were not confident that we will do that in the years to available for a majority of the state in come. 1976. There was no State and Federal Some of the priorities for the 1995- 96 Funding for: Breast and Cervical Cancer year will be, but not limited to: Screening, Primary care for Local Health Departments, Communicable Disease Increase membership to 1500 or higher Programs, Environmental Health, Food 1995-96 President, Dicie Alston and Lodging Programs, Rural Obstetrical Establish a handbook for new members to Incentive Programs, Project ASSIST, promote involvement with NCPHA Injury Prevention Mini Grants, Cancer Control, Immunizations, Health Continue to educate our legislators on Promotion, and Hospice. I am sure there public health issues are others. We have always seen change in the role of public health, and we will Continue to print the Legislative Alert continue to see change. As we look at the future we probably Enhance the positive image ofpublic health will not look the same as we do now. But through the promotion and support of the we will still be here; we will survive. We Pride in Public Health Media Relations will still have a vital role ofprotecting and Program improving the health care of our people. Times Are Changing As aresultofBudget issues and discussions traditional" formal format with highlights within Executive Committee, the format of more on issues/articles that highlight pus ofthe annual meeting and upcoming events. health endeavors on the state and local le the Newsletter will be changing. Layout, The remaining issues will not necessarily go not necessarily items that are " Section" printing and mailing costs have steadily risen to a printer in order to cut down on costs. It specific. This is a time of change, so your over the past several years. This year; it is may be printed in a more "informal" manner feedback and comments are important. estimated to cost over $ 10,000 to print this and possibly more frequently ( i.e. in the newsletter in its current format three times. formatlikethe LegislativeAlert). Therefore, Tamara Dempsey -Tanner Therefore, to better serve the membership, we can include information that is " time 1995- 96 Vice -Chair for we will be experimenting with a new format. specific" like current job vacancies or Communications The December issue will remain the upcoming workshops. We also want to focus 1995 Annual NCPHA Education Meeting Opening General Session Speakers Dr. Caswell Evans, President Representative " Dub" Dickson 1995-96 Executive Committee American Public Health front row (1 to r): Tamara Dempsey -Tanner, Dicie Alston, Association Patti Smith back row (l to r): Leah Devlin, Newsom Williams, Malcolm Blalock, Rick Rowe. not pictured. Susan O' Brien, Barbara Chavious, Chris Hoke New Program Concepts" Susan Albright, Genetic Counselor at New Directions in Automation" - a Dr. Ronald Levine presents a Public UNC discussesfolic acid and the hands-on workshop that highlighted the Health Month Award to Craven prevention of birth defects during the latest computer technology available County representatives NCPHA Showcase" via DEHNR. Photographs taken at the annual meeting are available to the membership. Please call the. NCPHA office (919) 872-6274 for information on ordering and reproduction costs. r! GLAXO WELLCOME INC 1995 CHILD HEALTH RECOGNITION AWARDS PRESENTATION Mr. Robert A. Ingram, President and Chief Executive Officer Individual Recognition Award Dr. Frank Reynolds for Glaxo Wellcome Inc presents the 1995 Child Health Wilimington, NC Recognition Awards Local Health Department Recognition Awards Caldwell County Health Department Catawba County Health Department Randolph County Health Department Public Health StaffRecognition Awards Kelly Feimster, Public Health Nurse Iredell County Health Department Diane Cavanagh, Lead Nurse Brunswick County Health Department Honorable Mentions Margo Carroll, RN accepts on behalf Individual Recognition Dr. Frank Reynolds ofthe Caldwell County Health Ms. Ann T. Catlett, Department Watagua Medical Center Dr. Peter Morris, Wake County Department of Health Ms. Kathy Johnson, Wilkes County Health Department Local Health Deparment Recognition Guilford County Health Department Harnett County Health Department Cabarrus County Health Department Columbus County Health Department Appalachian District Health Department Public Health StaffRecognition Ms. Eunice Inman, Kelly Isenhour, MCH Nursing Mimi Cooper, Health Directorfor the Robeson County Health Department Supervisor accepts for the Catawba Ms. Kim Sykes, Randolph County Health Department County Health Department accepts award. New Hanover County Health Department 1- T.I - 111 Dr. Bob Arnot, CBS EVENING NEWS Public Health Nurse Kelly.Feimster Mr. Ingram congratulates Diane Health and Medical Correspondent accepts award. Cavanagh. emphasizes the role ofpublic health 3 19951995 NCPHANCPHA AwardsAwards Rankin Award - Given to an individual in CitationCitation ofofMeritMerit - - ConferredConferred uponupon individualindividual NortonNorton GroupGroup AwardAward - - GivenGiven toto aa groupgroup recognition of the outstanding contributions membersmembers ofof NCPHANCPHA who,who, byby longlong yearsyears ofof outstandingoutstanding cooperationcooperation andand serviceservice toto putput to public health in North Carolina over a noteworthynoteworthy serviceservice oror byby lustrouslustrous enterpriseenterprise healthhealth inin NorthNorth CarolinaCarolina duringduring thethe FF period of several years. withinwithin thethe recentrecent pastpast havehave singularlysingularly year.year. Dr. Leah Devlin, Health Director, advancedadvanced publicpublic healthhealth inin NorthNorth Carolina.Carolina. NCNC CarolinaCarolina NationalNational GuardGuard Wake County Health Department ElizabethElizabeth Sumney,Sumney, NewNew HanoverHanover CountyCounty HealthHealth DepartmentDepartment DistinguishedDistinguished ServiceService Award Award- - RecognizesRecognizes Mr. Carl Tuttle, Health Director, individualsindividuals inin otherother organizationsorganizations oror Appalachian District Health professionsprofessions whowho havehave mademade significantsignificant Department contributionscontributions toto publicpublic healthhealth inin NorthNorth Carolina.Carolina. Dr.Dr. TomTom Vaughn,Vaughn, SurrySurry CountyCounty r Dr.Dr. LeahLeah DevlinDevlin - - RankinRankin AwardAward Mr.Mr. CarlCarl TuttleTuttle - - RankinRankin AwardAward Ms.Ms. ElizabethElizabeth SumneySumney - - CitationCitation ofofMeritMerit AwardAward NCNC CarolinaCarolina NationalGuard NationalGuard- - Dr.Dr. TomTom VaughnVaughn - - NortonNorton GroupGroup AwardAward DistinguishedDistinguished ServiceService AwardAward ThanksThanks toto allall ofof thethe membersmembers ofof thethe LocalLocal ArrangementsArrangements CommitteeCommittee forfor allall ofof theirtheir hardhard workwork duringduring thethe 19951995 AnnualAnnual EducationalEducational Conference!!Conference!! KathyKathy GurleyGurley andand BrendaBrenda Johnson,Johnson, Co Co- - ChairsChairs 19951995 NCPHANCPHA LocalLocal ArrangementsArrangements CommitteeCommittee 44 1995 SECTION AWARD RECIPIENTS utHealth Health Education Sparkle Award. Community Award: Vlliam Burgess, Grace Warren, New Hanover County Health Department Carteret County Health Department Caldwell County Health Department SIDS Certificates: Children With Special Needs Honorable Mention: Wanda Robinson, Leo Croghan Award. Barbara Carraway, Sampson County Sue McLaurin, Cumberland County
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