Kilsby NDP Review Draft Plan v2 Feb 2021 Insert new front cover (Photo to be provided) Kilsby Neighbourhood Development Plan Review Draft Plan V2 February 2021 Note for PC / Group Black text is original made NDP text Blue text is new, NDP Review text Strikethrough red text eg Census 2011 data and out of date supporting text now has been removed in v2 (refer to v1 to see this) Red text is notes for SG and DDC: outstanding actions / queries etc Kilsby Parish Council With the assistance of Kirkwells 1 Kilsby NDP Review Draft Plan v2 Feb 2021 Note - Unless otherwise stated, all maps have been prepared @Crown copyright and database rights [2019] Ordnance Survey Kilsby Parish Council (Licensee) License number OS PSMA number 0100056211. 2 Kilsby NDP Review Draft Plan v2 Feb 2021 Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................. 4 Map 1: Designated Kilsby Neighbourhood Area ................................................................................ 5 Map 2: Kilsby NDP Review Policies Map ............................................................................................ 6 1.0 NDP Review ................................................................................................................................. 7 What is an NDP Review? ..................................................................................................................... 7 2.0 Introduction and Background ................................................................................................... 10 3.0 Vision and Objectives ................................................................................................................ 17 Vision ................................................................................................................................................. 17 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................... 17 4.0 Neighbourhood Development Plan Review Draft Policies ....................................................... 19 4.1 Leisure and Recreation in Kilsby ............................................................................................... 20 4.2 Future Development and the Provision of Housing.................................................................. 25 4.3 Historic Buildings, Natural Environment and Conservation ..................................................... 32 Built and Natural Environment Heritage Assets ............................................................................... 32 Map 3: Figure 17 A map showing important open spaces within the village, TPOs and ridge and furrow (Source Kilsby Conservation Area Appraisal). ....................................................................... 38 4.4 Employment .............................................................................................................................. 43 4.5 Transport and Infrastructure .................................................................................................... 46 5.0 Monitoring and Review ............................................................................................................. 51 Appendices ............................................................................................................................................ 52 Appendix 1: Heritage Assets ................................................................................................................ 52 Listed Buildings in Kilsby Parish ........................................................................................................ 52 Map 4: Oxford Canal (Braunston-Hillmorton) Conservation Area ................................................... 59 Map 5: Kilsby Conservation Area ..................................................................................................... 60 Appendix II Housing Development In Kilsby Over The Last 50 Years ............................................... 61 Appendix III Local Green Spaces ........................................................................................................... 63 Map 6: Local Green Spaces ............................................................................................................... 63 Appendix IV Settlements and Countryside Local Plan (Part 2) for Daventry District 2011- 2029 Kilsby Policies Map .......................................................................................................................................... 65 Map 7: Settlements and Countryside Local Plan (Part 2) for Daventry District 2011- 2029 Kilsby Policies Map ...................................................................................................................................... 65 Appendix V Community Infrastructure Projects ................................................................................... 66 Map 8: Proposals for New and Improved Foot and Cycle Paths ...................................................... 67 3 Kilsby NDP Review Draft Plan v2 Feb 2021 Executive Summary Insert once NDP Review Draft Plan completed. 4 Kilsby NDP Review Draft Plan v2 Feb 2021 Map 1: Designated Kilsby Neighbourhood Area 5 Kilsby NDP Review Draft Plan v2 Feb 2021 Map 2: Kilsby NDP Review Policies Map Insert once completed 6 Kilsby NDP Review Draft Plan v2 Feb 2021 1.0 NDP Review 1.1 Welcome to the Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Review for Kilsby. The NDP Review updates the previous Kilsby Neighbourhood Development Plan 2014 - 2029 which was prepared by a steering group on behalf of the Parish Council. The former NDP was examined and subjected to a local referendum and was made (adopted) by Daventry District Council on 22nd July 2016. 1.2 In May 2020, Kilsby Parish Council decided to review the NDP. 1.3 The Review is being undertaken to update the policies and proposals in the previous NDP, taking into account changes to national planning policy set out in the NPPF (February 2019)1, the Settlements and Countryside Local Plan (Part 2) for Daventry District 2011 - 2029 adopted February 20202, and other changes to the evidence base such as the Kilsby Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan SPD, adopted 6th December 20183 and the Kilsby Parish Housing Needs Report, November 20204. What is an NDP Review? 1.4 Planning Practice Guidance for neighbourhood planning sets out when it is considered necessary to review and update a neighbourhood plan5. 1.5 There is no requirement to review or update a neighbourhood plan. However, 'where a policy has been in force for a period of time, other material considerations may be given greater weight in planning decisions as the evidence base for the plan policy becomes less robust. To reduce the likelihood of a neighbourhood plan becoming out of date once a new local plan (or spatial development strategy) is adopted, communities preparing a neighbourhood plan should take account of latest and up-to-date evidence of housing need, as set out in guidance'. PPG goes on to advise that, 'communities in areas where policies in a neighbourhood plan that is in force have become out of date may decide to update their plan, or part of it.' Paragraph: 084 Reference ID: 41-084-20190509 Revision date: 09 05 2019 1.6 PPG also sets out advice about the process for updating an NDP: 1 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-planning-policy-framework--2 2 https://www.daventrydc.gov.uk/living/planning-policy/part-2-local-plan/ 3 https://www.daventrydc.gov.uk/living/planning-policy/conservation-areas/#conservationareas 4 Insert link to NDP webpage 5 https://www.gov.uk/guidance/neighbourhood-planning--2#updating-neighbourhood-plan 7 Kilsby NDP Review Draft Plan v2 Feb 2021 'There are 3 types of modification which can be made to a neighbourhood plan or order. The process will depend on the degree of change which the modification involves: • Minor (non-material) modifications to a neighbourhood plan or order are those which would not materially affect the policies in the plan or permission granted by the order. These may include correcting errors, such as a reference to a supporting document, and would not require examination or a referendum. • Material modifications which do not change the nature of the plan or order would require examination but not a referendum. This might, for example, entail the addition of a design code that builds on a pre-existing design policy, or the addition of a site or sites which, subject to the decision of the independent examiner, are not so significant or substantial as to change the nature of the plan. • Material modifications which do change the nature of the plan or order would require examination and a referendum. This might, for example, involve allocating significant new sites for development.' Paragraph: 106 Reference ID: 41-106-20190509 Revision date: 09 05 2019 1.7 Figure 1 (p8) shows the key stages in the NDP Review process. 1.8 The starting point for the NDP Review was the Daventry District Council Neighbourhood Plan Review Toolkit, Version 1 - May 2020. Table 1A Screening against Local Plan Part 2, Table 1B Screening against NPPF 2019, and Table 1C Evidence and other changes, were first completed by members of the Parish Council, then reviewed by officers from Daventry District Council and then revised and finalised by planning consultants Kirkwells in discussion with Parish Councillors.
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