Volume 16. Number .+. 20 I 0 PEACE CONFLIC 1 Journal of Peace Psychology The Journal of the Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology Division of the American Psychological Association PIONEERS IN U.S. PEACE PSYCHOLO(3Y: Herbert C. Kelman Issue Editors: Michael G. Wessells, Susan A. McKay, and Mfcheal D. Roe '} Routledge ~ To\,I·,r<:, 1>,]-:;:-. ,:. L-______________________________________~__________ •____~,_ PEACE AND CONFLICT: JOURNAL OF PEACE PSYCHOLOGY EDITOR JOURNAL ADVISORY BOARD Peace and Conflict. 16: 331-339, 2010 Richard V. Wagner, Bares Colle/Je Ruben Ardila, NOlional Universily of Colombia Copyright © Taylor & Franci5 Group, iLLC EDITOR ELECT Elise Boulding. Dartmoulh College ISSN: ! 078-19! 9 print/I 532-7949 online I~ ~~o~1~~n~~;up Susan V. 0POIOW, John Jay College of Criminal Juslice, Lillian Comas-Diaz, Transcullural Menial Health Institure Cil.v Universily of New Morton DeutSCh. Teachers College. Columbia DOl: 10.1080/10781919.2010.::18559 ASSOCIATE EDITOR Univer3i1Y Michael Wessells, Columbia UniversilY, Susan FIske,' and Rando/ph.Macon College Irene Hanson James S. Jackson. ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR Herbert Kelman, Harvard Nancy J. Maclean. Scarborough, Maine Doris K. Miller. Psychologislsfor BIBLIOGRAPHER AND REVIEW EDITOR Herbert Blumberg, Goldsmirhs' College, Ann Sanson, Australian InSltlUte Pioneers in Peace Psychology: University of London Janet Schofield. Universily of Pil STATISTICAL CONSULTANT Milton Schwebel. Graduale School ofApplied & Professional Psychology, RUlgers Unive Reflections on the Series Amy L. Bradfield Douglass, Bales Colle,q" M. Brewsler Smith. Universily FOUNDING EDITOR Sanla Cruz Millon Schwebel (1993-2000). Graduale School Ethel Tobach, Americon Museum of Natural History of Applied & Profe,fSianal Psychology. and Graduale Cemer. Ciry Universily of Rutgers University New York Michael G, Wessells Henry Tomes, American Psychological Associalion FOUNDING CONTRIBUTOR David Winter, University of Michigan Program on FOrced Migration and Health Luella Gubrud Buros Columbia University EDITORIAL BOARD Inger Agger, Cemre for Developmental Research. Harvey Langholtz. College of William and Copenhagen George Levinger, University of MassachusellS al Susan A. McKay Jean Maria Arrigo, irvine, California M. Brinton Lykes, Boston College Hector Betancourt, Lorna Linda Univers, Rachel MacNair. Institute for Integrated Social Analysis Gender and Women's Studies Klaus Boehnke, International Universily. Anthony J. Marsella, University of Hawaii University of Wyoming Helen Boucher. Bales College Daniel Maylon, Lewis and Clark State CoIlege Catherine Byrne, Sanla Cruz. California Susan McKay, University of Wyoming 1 Edward Cairns. University of Ulster 01 Coleraine Fathali Moghaddam, Georgetown University Darius Chan, Chinese University of Hong Kong Linden Nelson, California Polytechnic State Universiry Micheal D. Roe Daniel Christie, Ohio Slale University at Marion Ulrike Niens. Queens University, Belfast Christopher Cohrs, Queen's UniversiTY, Belfast Marc Pilisuk. Saybrook Instilule & UnilJersity ofCalifornia School Psychology, Family, and Community Peler Coleman, Teachers College, Columbia UniversilY at Davis Leila Dane, InSlilute for ViClims of Trauma Raija·Leena Pun.milki, University of Helsinki Seattle Pacific University lise Hakvoort. Goteborg UniversilY Micheal Roe, SeaWe Pacific Universily Maram Hallak. City University of New York Daniel Shapiro. Harvard Universily Arthur J. Kendall, Social Research Consullana. Maryland Ervin Staub. University 0/ Massachusefls at Amherst Paul Kimmel, Saybrook institute Judith Van Hoorn. Universily oj the Cheryl Koopman. Sianford University Deborah Du Nann W Kathleen Kostelny, Erikson Inseilule Linda Woolf. Webster The Pioneers in Peace Psychology series has explored the lives, contributions, OFFICERS OF THE PEACE DIVISION and perspectives of eight early Rioneers in peace psychology: Dorothy Ciarlo, Morton Deutsch, Herbert Kelman, Doris Miller, Milton Schwebel, Brewster President: Joseph de Rivera Secretary: Kathleen Docket! Past·Presldent: Eduardo Diaz Treasurer: John Gruszkos Smith, Ethel Tobach, and Ralph White. Reflection on the interviews conduc­ President·Elect: Julie Meranze Levitt Membership Chair; Rachel MacNair ted with these pioneer:; between 1992 and 2010 revealed consistent themes. Members-At·Large of the Executive Committee: Peter Coleman, Judy Kuriansky, and Zoi Andalcio APA Council Repres.nlollves: Judith Van Hoorn and Albert Valencia These included the importan~ of early experience, family influences, and positive role models; th,! value of multidisciplinary approaches; the importance Peace and Co~flict: Jaurnal of Peace PsycholollY (ISSN: 1078-1919) is publIShed quarterly in February. May. August. and November for of linking theory and practice; the need for critical reflection on issues of a total of 4 issues per year by Taylor & Francis Group. LLC .. 325 Chestnut Street. Suite BOO. Philadelphia. PA 19106 US Postmaster: Please send address changes to Peace and ConflICt. c/o Taylor & Francls Group. LLC., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800. gender and other forms of divyrsity; the importance of working at mUltiple Philadelphia, PA 19106. levels for peace; and tle value of flexible thinking, persistence, and humor. Annual Subscription, Volume 16, 2010 Print ISSN.I 078-1919. Online ISSN· I 532-7949; Institutional subscribers: US $526. UK £314. €419. Personal subscribers: US $58. UK £35. The early pioneers have lain, the foundation, for future efforts in peace €47. Institutional and individuaJ subscriptions inciude access to the online version of the journal. Institutional subscnptions include access for any number of concurrent users across a local area network. Individual SUbscriptions are: smgle user name/password only. psychology, and they have provided inspiration for rising generations of peace Production and Advertising Office: 325 Chestnut Slreel. Suite 800. Philadelphia. PA 19106. Tel: 215·625·8900. Fax: 215·625·8563. psychologists through:heir outstanding contributions. Production Editor: Caitlin M. Dallas. Subscription Offices: USA/North America! Taylor & Francis GrQup. LLC .. 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800. Philadelphia. PA 19106. Tel: 215·625·8900, Fax: 215·625·2940. UK/Europe: Taylor & Francis Customer Service, Sheepen Place. Colchester. Essex CO) 3LP. UK. Tel: +44 (0) 2070175544; Fax: +44 (0)2070175198. For a complete guide to Taylor & Francis Group·sjournal.nct book publish­ ing programs, visit our website: www.taylorandfrands.com. Copyrigbt © 2010 Taylor & FrallCis Group, LLC. All rights reserved, No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, or disseminated in any form or by any means without prior written permission from Taylor & Francis Group. LLC. Taylor & Francis Group, LLC grants authorization fOf individuals to photocopy copyright material for private research use on the sole basis that requests for such use are referred directly to the requester's local Reproduction Rights Organization (RROl. such as the Copyright Clearance Center (www.copyright.com) in the USA or the Copyright Licensing Agency (www,ela.co.uk) in the UK. Thi' authorization does not Correspondence should be addressed to Michael G. Wessells, 17028 Little River Drive, extend 10 any other kind of copying by any means. in any ronn. and for any purpose other than private research use. The pub)isher Beaverdam, VA 23015. E·mhil: [email protected] assumes no responsibility for any statements of fact or opinion expressed io the published pap'cfS. The appearance of advertising in thi. journal does 001 constitute an endorsement or approval by the publisher. the editor, or the ediUtorial board of the quality or value of the product advertised or of the claims made ror it by its manufacturer. Permisslo .... For funher infann.tion, please vi.it http://www,tandf.co.uk/joumals/permission,.asp 331 334 WESSELLS, McKAY, ROE PIONEERS IN PEACE PSYCHOLOGY 335 Over the next 2 years, Mike and Susie, working either together or alone, partners supported their a')tivism in significant ways. The implication is that conducted over 10 interviews. We eventually decided to include in the pub­ as peace psychologists, Vie should not underestimate the importance of lisHed series only those interviews with first-wave pioneers whose work being positive role models in regard to activism and sensitivity to social extended over many decades. In selecting these, we also strove for gender injustice. At a moment in history when militarism, fear, hatred, and xeno­ balance. One interview-that of Herb Kelman--extended much longer, phobia are powerful influ'~nces on young people, it is more important than and, in fact, is still ongoing today. Hopefully, it will become an oral history ever to create peace-oriented role models, beginning with ourselves and in of his life and work that will eventually be available to the public. our own families. The story of how the pioneers series became published is of interest because it indicates the importance of perseverance. In 1994, we harbored Multidisciplinary Approach hope that a journal of peace psychology, which was then being conceptua­ lized by the Publications Committee of the Division of Peace Psychology, All the pioneers spoke of the importance of integrating psychological would be a welcoming venue for pieces on the pioneers. These hopes were knowledge and analysis with the knowledge and analytic lenses of other dis­ reinforced through discussions with Milt Schwebel, who was eager to pub­ ciplines
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