SSUED UESDAY HURSDAY .ATURDAY The Courier-Gazette E THREE CENTS A COPY Volume 79.................Number 73. tablished January, 1846. Entered at Second Clue Mall Matter. Rockland, Maine, Tuesday, June 17, 1924. The stranger who had hired them ship. The rap change of scene SPOKE ON DUTY’S CALL fhe Courier-Gazette WE WANTERKNOW! the romance of seafaring had left and there was no time to thrilling animation of the ocean and hunt him up so they came aboard the constant expectation of excite­ without their money. So they had their ment anil adventure appeal to the THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK Choke Cherries a Pest As Told By, the Collaborated Pens of Capt. Frank B. "daily dozen" or "hour's thousand" lively enthusiasm of a boy's nature. Hon. Bradford C. Redonnet Made Fine Impression At ALL THE HOME NEW8 Editor of The Courier-Gazette: — ' for the fun of the thing. We had The men usually enjoy their lively Can any reader tell me )f there is any Averill and Son—On the Sea Jollity and Tragedy Go Joined the down river tow and was ways and pranks. My boys used to Elks Flag Day Service Sunday. Subscription |3 00 per year payable In possible way by which 1 can get rid dvance; single copies three cents. ' about a mile down the river when 1 be at the men-with their tricks but Advertising rates based upon circulation of choke-cherry .bushes. I have Hand In Hand. saw a towboat coming behind us with one of them got It once. He was ‘I very reasonable. fought them for the last 25 years I a big "white feather" in her mouth. throwing water at them with a dip­ Rockland Lodge of Elks held its Thc Pine Tree flog of New England, and they come up thicker every year, We did not pay any attention to her per when one of the men jumped for Flag Day service In Park Theatre a red banner with the St. Georges M . .g. .«. .g. e«e •«. •*. •«. |S Many landsmen regard life on the errand. I advised him to come back i and thoughtless persona who eat the at first but after a time we noticed she the draw-liueket. This "draw- j Sunday night, presenting one of the cross and a pine tree in the upper - - in a short time as we were expecting | *** In this world a man nnist either lie ••• fruit scatter the seeds all over the ocean as a constant hardship and al­ bucket" is a large oaken bucket with most thoroughly enjoyable programs corner; the famous Rattlesnake Flag, the "tug" at any moment. He de- wa(ch(.d hef wond#rln , and . *•* *11 or hammer.—Longfellow. place besides. Don't tell me to cut together a thing to dread and avoid. a line attached to it for drawing heard in tills city in many a day. which bore the warning. "Don’t Tread layed his return however while the sald; ..what do ghe » ♦, — them down in August, for I have done water over Ihe side- to wash decks, Prior to the opening hour Rockland on Me;" the New Y'ork (lag, a white •*>••••> ••• ••• ••• ••• If, But the ocean is a highway of com­ tug arrived and tied up to u«. The 1 that repeatedly, and for every aprout wanto?” But she <ame on at full etc. When the boy saw the man go Band gave a concert in front of the one wlthablack beaver: the so called merce ami social communication is captain of the towboat waited until P°9*AL LAWS AMENDED I cut down ten come up. Other folks ! speed until sl)e steamed up along­ for the bucket, he made for the cook's theatre and promptly at 7.30 Exalted ' Moultrie Flag," a b.ve emb'em with indii-pensable to mankind. The it grew dusk and our patience was don't have them and this leads me to side. Then her captain stepped to galley where he thought himself free Ruler W. H. Sanborn and his officers n > ilver crescent—all these were used intercourse of nations anil the ex­ exhausted. Then we left the dock believe there is some way of destroy­ ■ the rail and held out his hand and from attack. He was chuckling, took, the stage. The work of the 22- for a short time but none came into The JTta| laws and regulations change of their products’, bringing to Join the "tow" with the mate to ing them which 1 have not learned. ’said; “Here is the money for your grinning and peeking out of the gal­ piece band was highly enjoyed and general use. Even in those days the have been mendcd as follows, effec­ comfort ahd pleasure to all, would find his way up river next day by tive July la Another pest which worries me is ! men' and then steamed away. That ley window. "Suddenly,” as he tells its numbers received vigorous ap- love of the flag was strong in Ameri­ poison ivy which is rapidly spreading be impossible without ocean traffic, train or boat. The proving t)f ,j,e pos,a] laws superintendent had sent that steam­ it, "the Atlantic Ocean appeared to plause. The management of the exer­ can hearts, and when the I! ig made a'ong Rankin street. Front the rcser- Mention el this obvious truth is made (Some description of this “tow” is and regulatlo, governing the Insur­ boat to pay my men forty cents each take a header and tilled that window cises showed sound judgment in con­ by Betsy Ross was put into use voir to the head of the street there merely t» emphasize how much the necessary for an understanding of and I believe he would have burned solid as it came through. I was ducting the service indoors, for the throughout the colonies, they loved ance and Coll..,.on.j)eiivery service the accident. In those days a "tow" are various patches of this dangerous good in all useful institutions out- ! up ten dollars worth of coal to get not there exactly to welcome it but nigbt was very cool. li no less than we do today. applicable to Ljrth-class or Parcel drawback/!. In the on the Hudson was a compact flo­ plxnt and if it can be eradicated I weighs thfil' ’ ■ their money to them. So it is that I was altogether there to meet it. It The beautiful Elks ceremonial for No stain has ever marred the Amer­ lost mail are cx,n(je(j t0 <jover Third matter of personal danger involved tilla of "canal boats" and schooners for one would cheerfully put in a seag dng life is a panorama of sun­ seemed delighted to find me and en- flag observance was carried through ican flag. No cloud dims its stars. < lass domestic n\jj which is insured in a life eh the sea, the uninitiated lashed together. These canal boats or sent Collect-onr)ej|very jn otti<*r day’s work on it, as it does no* poi­ shine and shadow as it is in other /veloped me in its affectionate em­ and made a profound impression on I* stands for a record to be proud of arc prone jo forget the great skill of were long narrow barges built for son me unlesa the vines are wet. • occupations. brace from head to foot. In its deliri­ the audience, many of whom were indeed, aid lias certainly fulfilled its words this order admits domestic man in snmounting the difficulties traffic from the Great I^rkes through Adella F. Veazie ous ardor it threw itself down my witnessing it for the first time. John mission to spread enlghtenment and third class mall to)nsurance, or to that obstruct his necessary endeav­ the Erie Canal and down the Hudson 1 mouth and throat into my eyes, ears A. Karl pronounced the great "Elks happiness and to ever come to the be sent C. O. D., wich (s quite im­ River to New York City. They were fbwanus, Newtown and Wallabout ANOTHER POLLYANNA ors. and down the back of my neck. It Tribute to the Flag" with a skill that aid of the weak and oppressed. portant to some of >i,e patrons of For sevrai thousand years men of everywhere about the docks of New ’ are inlets that penetrate the water did not slight an inch of my 'body is given to few men. Judge E. W. Our flag of today has many mean­ the office and especia\- to the mer­ practical marine experience have York harbor, unloading cargoes for ; front of Brooklyn. They make into chants. Pollyanna of the Orange Blos­ in its ardent manifestations until it Pike held the pleasant responsibility ings. such as, courage, truth, loyalty, been dcvJoping and perfecting the foreign ports and taking in cargoes i the heart of the city and are very soms, by Harriet Loomis Smith, been deVjopir had swashed down inside my shirt of presenting the gold prizes to the liberty and Justice. But the great­ Pollyanna as a bride is as loving and construct^ of sea-going vessels, for the interior of the country. They j busy places. They are lined with and plunged down through my trous­ winners of the student essay, con­ est of all, it seems to me, is peace. lovable as Pollyanna the child. She There ar> perhaps no situations of were a very picturesque element in j docks and the streets that cross them ers lega to slap Itself on the deck tests, and of reading the two prize Certainly no flag has been carried to still plays the "glad” game and plays such mutiform, varied and Intense the waterfront scenery of New York ' are connected with numerous draw- below.
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