AMNESTY • INTERNATIONAL NEWSLETTER SYRIA Deaths in custody A Palestinian detained without tri- al since 1985 is reported to have died in custody in December 1990. Muhammad Dawud (also known as Abu Dawud). a senior member of the Palestine Libera- tion Organization, was held in- communicado throughout his de- tention. He is reported to have died in Fara Falastin (Palestine Branch) detention centre in Damascus after having been de- nied medical treatment for injuries resulting from torture during his detention and from ailments con- tracted as a result of prolonged de- tention and poor prison condi- tions. The Syrian authorities reportedly refused to release his body for hurial. Al is aware of at least three other deaths in custody in ques- tionable circumstances during Thousands joined a rally in support of democracy in the town of Kavaja. Albania, on 25 December 1990 1990. No official enquiry is reported to have been carried out ALBANIA into these deaths.. ZANZIBAR Political prisoners pardoned ON 5 January reportedly 202 po- her 1990), who was serving an their defence. Within a week of Prisoners litical prisoners were pardoned. 11-year sentence afier conviction arrest, 26 of the accused had been The authorities stated that when in 1986 on charges of attempting sentenced to up to 20 years' released pardons granted to political to leave the country illegally. imprisonment. A draft constitution published at FIFTEEN prominent government prisoners between June and De- On 11 December, following the end of December proposed opponents detained without cember 1990 were included this mass student demonstrations in lifting the han on religious activi- charge or trial in Zanzibar since brought the total number of Tirana, the communist party ty dating from 1967 and if adopt- mid-I990, including former Zan- prisoners pardoned to 393. Three decided to legalize independent ed, would guarantee freedom of zibar Chief Justice Ali Haji Pan- days later it was announced that political parties. However, during conscience. It also would guaran- du and the fOrmer Political Com- a further 170 would be pardoned the following three days violent tee the rights to freedom of ex- missar to the police, Machano shortly. All those pardoned ap- anti-government riots took place pression, association, assembly Khamis. were released on the ord- peared to have been convicted of in several towns and 157 people and movement and the right to ers of Tanzania's President in 'anti-state agitation and were arrested and investigated on strike. However, these rights December. propaganda— and "flight from the charges of vandalism, attempted would be subject to sometimes The 15 prisoners of conscience state'' after attempting to exercise murder, assault and illegal assem- restrictive laws. Unlike the exist- were arrested in the months before their rights to freedom of expres- bly. Reportedly many were tor- ing constitution, it would guaran- last October's general elections sion and movement. Another 160 tured and ill-treated following ar- tee Albanian citizens equality and accused of attempting to dis- political prisoners were reportedly rest. Al expressed concern about regardless of political conviction rupt the elections. Zanzibar na- due to have their sentences the torture and ill-treatment alle- and decree that a person is inn- tionalists campaigning for a reviewed. gations, and called for legal nocent until proved guilty by a fi- referendum on the continuing un- The leader of a recently found- safeguards for all those arrested, nal court decision. It also would ion between Zanzibar and the ed Albanian human rights organi- including adequate time to prepare guarantee the right to a defence mainland had called on people not zation was officially informed on lawyer throughout criminal to register for the electoral roll. 18 January that 120 political proceedings and ban the use of Said Shariff Hamad. the unoffi- prisoners remained detained, in PRISONER NEWS torture and all other forms of in- cial nationalist leader, remains in addition to some 150 arrested dur- Al learned in December 1990 of human treatment and punishment. custody in Zanzibar charged with ing anti-government riots in De- the release of 39 prisoners under illegal possession of government cember 1990. Among those adoption or investigation. Al tookIt would not, however, abolish the documents. His trial is expected released was Henrik Gjoka up 237 cases. death penalty as AI had earlier soon.I (Prisoner of the Month in Decem- urged.I 2 MARCH 1991 Each of the people whose story is told below is a prisoner of conscience. Each has been arrested be- cause of his or her religious or political beliefs, colour, sex, ethnic origin or language. None has used or advocated violence. Their continuing detention is a violation of the United Nations Universal Declaration of • Human Rights. International appeals can help to secure the release of these prisoners or to improve their detention conditions. In the interest of the prisoners, letters to the authorities should be worded carefully and courteously. You should stress that your concern for human rights is not in any way politically partisan. noIn circumstances should communications be sent to the prisoner. TAIWAN HONDURAS Huang Hua: a 52-year-old political activist, he has spent over Rolando Vindel Gonzalez: President of the National Electric- 21 years in prison for his peaceful political activities and be- ity Workers' Union (STENEE), he "disappeared" seven years gan his fourth term of imprisonment in December 1990 when ago. the Taiwan High Court sentenced him to 10 years' imprison- Rolando Vindel Gonzalez "dis- was held at three different clan- ment for preparing to commit sedition. appeared— on 18 March 1984 af- destine detention centres, includ- Huang Hua strongly believes ing the funeral of a DPP legisla- ter leaving his home in Tegucigal- ing a military centre used by Unit- that the Government of the tor. At his trial he refused to an- pa to attend a union meeting. ed States military to train Hondu- Republic of China on Taiwan swer the:judge's questions and in- where he was to discuss the un- ran and Salvadorian military should abandon its claim to reu- stead explained his political ion's next move in deadlocked officers. The Honduran authori- nify Taiwan and mainland China views. When sentencing him to 10 wage negotiations with the state- ties, however, have repeatedly de- and should instead declare a years' imprisonment, the judge owned power-company. He was nied that he was ever in custody. "Republic of Taiwan". Such "in- said that Huang Hua's "words seized by a group of heavily This was not the first time that dependentist— views arc forbidden and actions had overstepped the armed men, thrown into a vehi- Rolando Vindel had been detained under the National Security Law boundaries of freedom o cle and driven away. Relatives for his trade union activity. In and the Statute fOr the Punishment speech—. Huang Hua has refused and colleagues searched for him January 1981 he was held by the of Sedition. to appeal against his sentence. He at police and military units around DN1 on charges of subversion but was excluded from the 1 January the capital. hut his detention was was released for lack of evidence. presidemial amnesty because of not acknowledged by the authori- After his release he said he had his previous convictions. ties. He was never seen again. been beaten and tortured with Evidence gathered by local hu- electric shocks and death threats. Please send courteous letters ap- man rights groups suggests that On learning of the "disappear- pealing for the immediate and un- the captors were agents of the Na- ance— of Rolando Vindel, in conditional release of Huang Hua tional Directorate of Investiga- 1984, Al issued urgent appeals. to : President Lee Teng-hui/Office tions (DNI). the investigative arm The government of the time re- of the President/Chieshou Hall, of the security forces. STENEE plied that the National Congress Chungking S. Road/Taipei' alleged that following his abduc- had ordered an investigation into Taiwan/Republic of China. tion Rolando Vindel Gonzalez. the case, but to Al's knowledge no findings were ever published. USSR Rolando Vindel is one of 143 men and women believed to have Oleg Gorshenin: a 22-year-old pacifist, he is serving an 'disappeared'' at the hands of the 18-month prison sentence for refusing to perform military serv- military and security forces in ice on grounds of conscience. Honduras since 1981. whose Okg Gorshenin was first arrest- The United Nations Comm is- whereabouts and fate have never ed on 27 March 1989 in Moscow. sion on Human Rights has recog- been clarified. In December 1990 after failing to respond to his call- nized that conscientious objection the current Minister of the Interi- Huang Hua up papers for two years. In a state- to military service is a legitimate or announced that his government To promote his views Huang ment to the Soviet authorities he exercise of the right of freedom would take steps to investigate Hua founded the New Nation declared that he was a "convinced of thought, conscience and past "disappearance— cases. Al Movement in 1988 and organised pacifist'', and asked to be permit- religion. In January 1991 Al was sought further details from the and spoke at rallies throughout ted to emigrate to any country working for the release of over 14 government hut by the beginning Taiwan. The New Nation Move- which did not have compulsory conscientious objectors impri- of February 1991 the government ment also supported a number of military service, or which made soned in the USSR. most of them had not replied nor made public pro-independence candidates dur- provision for alternative civilian Jehovah's Witnesses.
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