Jacksonville University VOLUMk 12 Jacksonville, Alabama, 36265, Monday, July 10, 1907 SO. 8 - ---- ------ 77 " Remake world, Edwards tells students Speaking before old the theme vt his sp~~ch, liondl rclatlons. "u!, un- time acquaintances and Ed w a r d s d i s c u s cd ~LIqtandlng e,icli other, Project completed the Jacksonville Slate m a n 's a~~~~nlp~ishn~cntswc WILL have a better University staff and stu- in the past and prt-dlcted philosophy of life and dent body, CBS newsman some tlilngs to L, )me in world relations," he add- Douglas Edwards told a the futur~."Lift w~llbc>- ed. by Alumni Chapter r e s p o n s i v e audience come easier physically, rrI can'^ rcll you young Monday that it takes an but will be filled with llr,,, [,, - intellectual mind to keep mental burdens," Ed - cced,v ~d~,~,ls tuld the Two years ago theCal- terials for the sign. This up with today's pace. wards predicted houn County Alumni was good. Edwards, who lilred and c on student>, ":,-I\ much more rning national lles ah~a~l: 11 I- those of Chapter of Jacksonville Then a problem. The went to school ~nJackson- 3nd lnterna,l,,nal af - you whcl do succeed than State University decid- group wanted black and 1 ville before gaining fame ed to start a project for white marble. They were whlc,-, !lL covers ever Ixfore." as a news c0mmentat0r9 daily, Edwards said ,la- Edwardss specc-, was their alma mater, they told "no can do." Okeh, was the key speaker at chose to have a hugr they then settled on white the univer~lty'~annual tions must use more and followed by 3 short Clues- marble sign constructed marble with assurance celebration of Independ- more diploma~.y, and at t1On and an~wer ses - in front of the campus. the white was best any- ence Day. Introduced hv all costs nlu.<t ltsArnto ,iu1n, during which time way because it won't stain If at that time they knew Jax state president Dr. undtrstand t JL~othc r. lie answered ques - how many problems they and is paint resistant. the form- Dlrecrlng 111s attention tlOnS conccrnlng Viet- would encounter such an The ensuing months A1abanlian was ?,'"en a nam, the Middle East and idea would have been made people realize that ACQUAINTANCES RENEWED -- Douglas Edwards, ?ationally famous CBS to tkcs Jack~r111vil1~ State standing by Unive~~lt) -~udc,nts, !I< other current news abandoned. obtaining the cut marble news commentator, chats with some of his former teachcrs who he was They never dreamed it is a giant obstacle -- associated with while living in Jacksonville many years ago. Shown from large audience) which In- events. left are; Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Leon McCluer and Mrs. Baskin Landers. cluded cclucators said, have t" Prior to his speech, would take two years to and this isn't intended as rc-makc. the wlrld," in tdwards toured the City complete the endeavor a slam at the marble Edwards was guest speaker at Jax State Monday, in keeping with the from all over Alabama. empha>is to hi1 ~~l.ller,,f Jacksonville and the and the many headaches industry. However, it did university's July 4 Independence Day activities. Using "Direction" as that would iiccur to Mir- take nearly 18 months iam Haymod, the general for the lettered marble versity campus. "This over-seer of the project, to be delivered. area of Alabama has and the members. In the meantime, the grown so much since I It starced simple baslc sign structure was lived here that it is al- enough. Several business constructed. to teach chemistry here most unrecognizable," he firms doing business with This past year a "fun- said. His mother, Mrs. the school were contacted ny" student at Jax State Ihe ~~~~~~~~~y depart- It is better known as Alice Ldwards, taught and they donated ma- thought the sign structure ment at JSU is expanding 'Ole Miss" or as Dr. school at the Jacksonville -should be removed after to meeting the demands Benson describes it "the Training School whlle he homecoming decorations of an increasing en - one that AI-A40ST beats was in school here. Abbotf and when it was left stand- rollment and a unlver- Alabama every year." Edwards worked for a ing, he became an artlst sity slatus. I., the fall that he has with red paint. He wrote lhere ~111be three new 'come home" since re- brief per~odat radio sta- sports award rions in Troy and Dothan "J S U FOR SALE - - chcmlstry instructors, turning from Mississip- In keeping with the win- CHEAP" on the concrt te each with a PhD degree Pi, Dr. BensOnj a native before joining the C BS ning traditilns at Jack- foundation. This brought on the faculty at Jack- *labama, was reared Radio News Staff in 1942. sonville Stat* university, a lot of chuckles for the sonvi!lc Sta~, L nivc-r- in PracO and attended Since that time he has Rudy Abbott. the sports student body. sity. Onc of thcse, Dr. We s t Je f f erson High been coverlng the world information director, has Then last November Virgil All. Bcnsun, is School. He received his scene for CBS both on ra- ranrured hi( P rnnrl Jax Stare ~uacPJPT~~+PA r~arhin~. mi in1 PhD degree from the Lur ArA1115LLuLrL rvJ1aJLDalP In 1 roy ana uotnan pi, Ill-. Benson, a native . e joining the CBS of Alabama, was reared Radio News Staff in 1942. in Pra~oand ate** Since that time he has of these, Dr. We st Jef f @rson High , Benson, is School. He received his been covering the world PhD degree fr~mtfie scene for CBS both on ra- University of Alabama. dio and television. He is + Dr. Bemon is resib* the winner of the highly !,, in Dixon Hall until he can cherished George Foster . 5 get his wife and three Peabody Award for out- "' coming here children rnoved here f ram standing reporting and for Mississippi. Mrs. Ben- 14-years was anchor man . : son, also a native of on "Douglas Edwards ' i in Oxford. ~4labama~received her With the News" on tele- master's degree in nu- , vision. time, the lighting fixtures trition from the Univer- Gaining his popularity still haven't been in - sity of Alabama. ,. back during World War 11, stalled . but that is When asked his opin- COACH STEVE RECEIVES AWARD FROM SPRING SPORTS--Coach Edwards was the origina- another problem. We can ion of the students here Horace Stevenson, receives an award from CHANTICLEER Editor-Sporss tor of such programs as look at the sign a long at JSU,,Dr. Benson an - Editor Lou Botta presented by the 1967 track, golf, and tennis for the out- swered: aremuch "Report to the Nation," time, with Daylight Sav- standing work done by "Coach Steve" in their behalf. and "The Wnr!d yuday." ings Time and all. friendlier than at 'Ole Miss' and I have really The school does ap- with sure teaching here at preciate the various ma- terials donated and would th-em thus far. I know it Jacksonville. like to say thanks to: is going to be a plea- --CHRISTA HILL the late Artllitect James - M. Hoffman,who drew the plans; Roberts Broth - Don Culvert's plays ers Construction Com- pany, who erected the base forms; John B. La- to be presented at RH Garde who donated the Two new one act plays a production basis, and cement; Ragiand Brick are being presented in gives him the opportuni- for the brick, McMahan the Round House at JSU on ty to learn from this Nursery, who will land- Monday, July and necessary and vital ex- scape the area; and Tom Tuesday, July II at7:30 perience, Second, it gives p. m. These plays have the people who want tc been writtenand directed work with drama during by Don Calvert, andpro- the summer, a chance to duced. under the auspices do some work in their of the Masque and Wig, field of interest, and to The first play of the participate in meanin,- evening is "A Taste of Cul and fresh work. Glory" and the second is Th~ee,it givzs the corn.- "Credo." Both plays munity as a whole a deal with contem,~orary zhance to see new work-- life, and are set in Ala- a chance to help and to bama and in the present foster creativity. time. "A Taste of Glory" I hope that the concep- deals with a winner of tion of a program of do- the Congressional Medal ing new work not only by of Honor, and its effect the student body but by upon him. The Medal be- the entlre community will comes a political gam- succeed, not only in hopes hit. "Crcdo" is the story of encouraging new plays, of two men, Father Wright but in the realization that and Dion. It contrasts creativity is essential in the religious attitude the modern world, and towards contemporary that the opportunity of existence with the ex- being able to participa~e istential attlcude. fr: is ln the dynamic growth of an ex~erimental work. art is rare and a privil- dealing with the drama edge - - an innate part I I ideas as well as the of conceptions of a demo- drama of two men whose cracy. lives were altered by an In the hopes of arous- automobiie accident. ing interest in drama, There are three main th productions are es- reasons for the produc- perimental. They are GEM OF THE HILLS -- Pretty Jo Adtina, finds time from all her studik&+&+,.
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