INDEX TO PART II. OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS (A) FOR THE YEAR 1895. Bakerian L ecture.—On the Laws of Connexion between the Conditions of a Chemical Change and its Amount.—III. Further Researches on the Reaction of Hydrogen Dioxide and Hydrogen Iodide, 817 (see H arcourt and E sson). C. Carbon bisulphide and ,water the magnetic rotation of the plane of polarisation of light in, 621 (see R odger and W atson). Chemical change and its ,amount on the laws of connexion between the conditions of a. B a k e r ia n L ecture, 817 (see H arcourt and E sson). D. Dynamical theory of the electric and luminiferous ,m a.—Part II. Theory of electrons, 695 (see Larmor). * INDEX. E. Electric and luminiferous medium, a dynamical theory of the.—Part II. Theory of electrons, 695 (see L armor). Electrons, theory of, 695 (see L armor). Ellipsoids, theorems on the attraction of, for certain laws of force other than the inverse square, 897 (see R outh). E sson (W.) (see H arcourt and E sson). G. Geodesy, India’s contribution to, 745 (see W alker). H. H arcourt (A. V.) and E sson (W.). On the Laws of Connexion between the Conditions of a Chemical Change and its Amount.—III. Further Researches on the Reaction of Hydrogen Dioxide and Hydrogen Iodide.—B akerian L ecture, 817. Hydrogen and oxygen, on the occlusion of, by platinum black.—Part I., 657 (see M ono, R amsay, and S hields). Hydrogen dioxide and hydrogen ,iodide further researches on the reaction of.—B akerian L ecture, 817 (see H arcourt and E sson) . I. India's contribution to ,geodesy 745 (see W alker). L. Larmor (J.). A Dynamical Theory of the Electric and Luminiferous Medium.— Part IT. Theory of Electrons, 695. M. Magnetic rotation of the plane of polarisation of light in liquids, on the.—Part I. Carbon bisulphide and water, 621 (see R odger and W atson). M ond (L.), R amsay (W.), and S hields (J.). On the Occlusion of Oxygen and Hydrogen by Platinum Black.—Part I., 657. J 5 ■ INDEX. 0. Occlusion of oxygen and hydrogen by platinum onblacl the.—Part I., 657 (see M ond, R amsay, and S hields). Oxygen and hydrogen, on the occlusion of, by platinum black.—Part I., 657 (see Mond, R amsay, and S hields). P. Platinum black, on the occlusion of oxygen and hydrogen by.—Part I., 657 (see Mond, R amsay, and S hields). P ocklington (H. C.). The Complete System of the Periods of a Hollow Vortex Ring, 603. Polarisation of light in liquids, on the magnetic rotation of the plane of.—Part I. Carbon bisulphide and water, 621 (see R odger and W atson). R. R amsay (W.) (see M ond, R amsay, and S hields). R odger (J. W .) and W atson (W.). On the Magnetic Rotation of the Plane of Polarisation of Light in Liquids.—Part I. Carbon Bisulphide and Water, 621. R outh (E. J.). Theorems on the Attraction of Ellipsoids for certain Laws of Force other than the Inverse Square, 897. S. S hields (J.) (see M ond, R amsay, and S hields). V. Vortex ring, the complete system of the periods of a hollow, 603 (see P ocklington). W. W alker (J. T.). India’s Contributions to Geodesy, 745. Water and carbon bisulphide, the magnetic rotation of the plane of polarisation of light in liquids, 621 (see R odger and W atson). W atson (W.) (see R odger and W atson). HARRISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY, ST. MARTIN’S LANE, LONDON, W.C. INDEX TO THE PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS (A) FOR THE YEAR 1895. A. Argon, a new constituent of the atmosphere, 187 (see R ayleigh and R amsay). Argon, note on a comparison of the vapour-pressures of, with those of other substances, 257 (see R amsay and Y oung). Argon, on the spectra of, 243 (see Crookes). Argon, the liquefaction and solidification of, 253 (see O lszewski). B. Iakerian LECTUKE.-On the Laws of Connexion between the Conditions of a Chemical Change and its Amount.—III. Further Researches on the Reaction of Hydrogen Dioxide and Hydrogen Iod.de, 817 (see H arcourt and E sson). Joys (C. V.). On the Newtonian Constant of Gravitation, 1. C. R odger and W atson). MDCCCXCV.— A. 6 G 952 INDEX. Chemical change and its amount, on the laws of connexion between the conditions of a.—B akerian L ecture, 817 (see H arcourt and E sson). Congruencies, on the singular solutions of simultaneous ordinary differential equations and the theory of, 523 (see D ixon). Copper, on a method of determining the thermal conductivity of metals, with applications to, 165 (see G ray). C rookes (W.). On the Spectra of Argon, 243. D. Differential equations and the theory of congruencies, on the singular solutions of simultaneous ordinary, 523 (see D ixon). D ixon (A. C.). On the Singular Solutions of Simultaneous Ordinary Differential Equations and the Theory of Congruencies, 523. Dynamical theory of incompressible viscous fluids and the determination of the criterion, on the, 123 (see R eynolds). Dynamical theory of the electric and luminiferous medium, a.—Part II. Theory of electrons, 695 (see L armor). E. Electric and luminiferous medium, a dynamical theory of the.—Part II. Theory of electrons, 695 (see L armor). Electrons, theory of, 695 (see Larmor). Ellipsoids, theorems on the attraction of, for certain laws of force other than the inverse square, 897 (see R outh). E sson (W.) (see H arcourt and E sson). Evolution, contributions to the mathematical theory of.—II. Skew variation in homogeneous material, 343 (see P earson). F. Fluids, on the dynamical theory of incompressible viscous, and the determination of the criterion, 123 (see R eynolds). G. G annon (W.) (see S chuster and Gannon). Gases, on the ratio of the specific heats of some compound, 567 (see Capstick). Geodesy, India’s contribution to, 745 (see W alker). Gold, on a method of determining the thermal conductivity of metals, with applications to, 165 (see G ray). Gravitation, on the Newtonian constant of, 1 (see B oys). G ray (J. H.). On a Method of Determining the Thermal Conductivity of Metals, with Applications to Copper, Silver, Gold, and Platinum, 165. G riffiths (E . H.). The Latent Heat of Evaporation of Water, 261. INDEX. 953 H. I arcOTJRT (A. V.) and E sson (W.). On the Laws of Connexion between the Conditions of a Chemical Change and its Amount.—III. Further Researches on the Reaction of Hydrogen Dioxide and Hydrogen Iodide.— B akertan Lecture, 817. Hopkinson (J.) and W ilson (E.). Propagation of Magnetization of Iron as affected by the Electric Currents in the Tron, 93. Hough (S. S.). The Oscillations of a Rotating Ellipsoidal Shell containing Fluid, 469. Hydrogen and oxygen,on the occlusion of, by platinum black.—Part I., 657 (see M ono, R amsay, and S hields). Hydrogen dioxide. a,nd hydrogen iodide, further researches on the reaction of.—B akertan L ecture, 817 (see H arcourt and E sson). I. India’s contribution to ,geodesy 745 (see W alker). Ions, on the velocities of the, 507 (see W hetham). Iron, propagation of magnetisation of, as affected by the electric currents in the, 93 (see H opkinson and W ilson). Iron and steel at welding temperatures, 593 (see W rtghtson) . J. J olt (J.). Note on the Ratio of the Latent Heat of Steam to the Specific Heat of Water, 322. L. L armor (J.). A Dynamical Theory of the Electric and Luminiferous M edium.-Part IT. Theory of Electrons, 695. L ockyer (J. N.). On the Photographic Spectrum of the Great Nebula in Orion, 73. M. Magnetic rotation of the plane of polarisation of light m liquids, on the.—Part I. Gaibon bisnlp water, 621 (see R odger and W atson). Wopr-hmon Tagnetization of iron as affected by the electric currents in the iron, propagation of, 93 (see H opki , . f o f w I r i L , of evolution, contributions to the.-II. Skew variation in homogeneous material. 843 fetiT -a'T etS fo d of determining the thermal conductivity of, with applications to copper, silver, gold, <«. 0n <>— of “ Black.—Part I., 657. 6 G 2 9f>4 INDEX. N. Newtonian constant of gravitation,on the, 1 (see B oys). 0 . Occlusion of oxygen and hydrogen by platinum blade, on the.—Part I., 657 (see M ono, R amsay, and S hields). O lszewski (K.). The Liquefaction and Solidification of Argon, 253. Orion, on the photographic spectrum of the great nebula in, 73 (see L ockyer). Oscillations of a rotating ellipsoidal shell containing fluid, the, 469 (see H ough). Oxygen and hydrogen, on the occlusion of, by platinum black.—Part I., 657 (see Mond, R amsaa, and S hields). P. P earson (K.). Contributions to the Mathematical Theory of EArolution.—II. Skew Variation in Homogeneous Material, 343. Platinum, on a method of determining the thermal conductivity of metals, with applications to, 165 (see G ray). Platinum black, on the occlusion of oxygen and hydrogen by.—Part I., 657 (see M ond, R amsay, and S hields). P ocklington (H. C.). The Complete System of the Periods of a Hollow Vortex Ring, 603. Polarisation of light in liquids, on the magnetic rotation of the plane of.—Part I. Carbon bisulphide and water, 621 (see R odger and W atson). R. R amsay (W.) (see M ond, R amsay, and S hields). R amsay (W.) (see R ayleigh and R amsay). R amsay (W.) and Y oung (S.). Note on a Comparison of the Vapour-Pressures of Argon with those of other Substances, 257.
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