
1994 MAGAZINE COMMITTEE College: Ms J. WorTh (EdiTor) Y. Reddy (Covordinofor) A. Bergmonn U. Bergmonn K. Brown J. Cone C. Heon K. Kunene N. Mogowon A, Roe Prep.: Mrs H. Spence (Editor) The SMhian 1994 Contents College . I ' \ . L5Vs Cf Tvusvees Ccu'm U S m' 2 ,1/3 \~ - 5 [I \\\ 4'?:lmw} hDov LNWC:-3le om va5SEC: v 1:13 /92 :1:i ii3" 19 20 21 l 22 23 r 24 I \ 25 \ 29 I \ .gu f :.-\ 7l'3gv Prep School .. , 514; all? C'm E. l I Departs CV ': Cl 2:]: Jewry is 9 Span g Mogazre Lamrmlme {525% H70 Slylhlull l9V/l College Trustees The President of the Melhodisl Conference - Represented by the Rev. 5.6. Pins The Chairman of the South»Western Transvaal Dislrlcr R.G. Bradley C.J.H. Dunn W.J. Caner Collage Council Rev. 5.9. Pins (Chairman) Bishop P. Storey W.G. Caner (ViceChairmon) : C.B. Jackson + P.J. Laburn + E.J. Mabuza x R. McAllisrer x I.G.D. Mackenzie ' Dr D.W. Mingay x J, Ralph x M. Ralston + 0.1.. Schroenn x N. Souter x J.H. Slrauss : A, Urdong Ex-Olclo Members Bishop P. Slorsy. Chairman of Soulhern Transvaal District RB. Bradley Lay member of Board or iruslees. RA. Williams Represenmive of Johannesburg Central Drsrricl - D.B. Wylde - J. Lees v H.J. Jansen - ID. McLachlan + Rev. HM. Dandcrla x M. Wylie : R. Anderson 4» = Church x : Parents : = Old Boys - = Academic Staff The Sfylhian 1994 COLLEGE STAFF - 1994 3": J Wet x wgo m gum nmov , 1-36 3 Macao m , uJ't/g 2 ST" "03 V awn: .ee: 7 Swvs a" v Bme 9 v) '2"th t )0 70v x VCDJTS u .t ACADEMIC STAFF: MOUNTSTEPHENS HOUSE: Headmaster: Senior Housemaster: MD 8 Wy/de 5/- (FDSJVCope Tenn), M Pm' MP van Tonde' B A Hons) tRhooos JT (Oren) 8 Ed (thwotevsyona) Toomms Dto (B gnaw Deputy Headmastets: H000 rot ATmn _ Venom? Serve! M/H J Jansen, B A Word») T H O D Senior Assistant Housemastel: MN D Macon/an, B Sc H D E (NOTOT) MIL/Nome. BA\055\HOP\9G Chaplain: (OT 3 T Ammarw Rev/M Robe/r5, Dvp Them Innoaes) Dlrectcr of Sixth Form Studies: Mr G The/on, B A (Hons) M SC DAY~BOY HOUSES: (anatersvond) H Dtp Ed MEARS HOUSE: (P 6 T Geogroptw Senior Housemosten Ditectot at Student Analtsz MrD W/Tsmn, T T t D U C E T wym» TWK C, Hove/meter, T T D Careev GT nuance Couanm Senior Assistant House-muster: Fotm T Co-crdinatov: MID mchomcm H [Mr {A \Wtuatwsmwr [WM I Clarke, B A (Hons) «South Atnco) U E D MOTMVHQHCS T'TLMS'IMT »\"_< (Natal) EngTTsh, Lcmn FENRYN HOUSE: Sentov Housemaster: BOARDING HOUSES: Mr D A {T H9017, B A (South Atmnt 8 Ed COLLINS HOU5E: (thwatevsul'h TC Seniov Housemnster: (Rhodosw Head ct Snows MrL Keer, D S T, C T H D (SteTTenbosch) Depovtrnent Athkoons Senior Assistant Housemaster: Senior Assistant Housemaster; MIG Holmes D L k (Loughtmvough) (wt MrC Cowse, 8. SC (Rondse Atnkuonse), Ed (Nottmgtmm) T [T E N H 0D,, F D E (V P ) ' PhysTcs, (Protoum Ma'hemntTCs Chemistry The Stvthion T9911 PITTS HOUSE: Mrs i. E Nattrass. B.Sc. (Witwatersrand). U H D.,- Senior Housemaster: FD E. Mathematics MID Pricarrri, 5.56. H Dip Ed (P G) MrA Paton, BA F,A,, H Dip Ea » Art (Witwatersrand) - Physics Mr R J, Pilhey. B.A Ed. (HM ) (Pan Elizabeth) . Senior Assistant Housemaster: Physical Education Mr P, MOOIB, H,D.E. (Witwatersrand) - Mrs J. Rlekert, BJA, (Potchetstroam) U.O.D, (Atrik) Physical Education, Geography Mrs N. van Rooyen, N,U.E,D. (U.P.) - Zulu TUCKER HOUSE: Mr D, Ryan. B.Ed. (Hons) (London) - Head of Senior Housemaster: Mathematics Depanment Mr M, B. Smith, B.A. (Witwatersrand); Hons Mrs R. Smuts. B.Sc., H.E.D. (P.G.) (Witwatersrand) (South Africa), T,T.H,D. - English - Biology, Geography Senior Assistant Housemaster: MrJ, Verner, B.A.; U.E.D. (Rhodes); B,A. (Hons), Mr K. Krrge. B,Sc (Hons) (U.C.T,) - Physics. B Ed (South Africa) - Head at Chemistry History Department WEBB HOUSE: Mrs E, E, J Wagener. B A. (Pretoria). H.O.D. - Atrikaans Senior Housemaster: Mr S. J. Walls. B.Sc (Hons) (Witwatersrand), MD 5 Gear, B.Sc. (Witwatersrand); Hons H. Dip. Ea. (Wits) - Biology (South Africa); H,E.D, (South Mrs R. U, Weldon. B.A (Natal); Hons (South Africa). Atrlca) - Head at Geography H ED. (Natal) - Head 07 Latin Dept. Department Mrs J. Worth. B.A. (Witwatersrand); (Hons) Senior Assistant Housemastar: (Rhodes); H.E.D. (Wits) - English Mr B. Lambson, BBC, (Witwatersrand), HDip, Ea - Physics, Chemistry COLLEGE LIBRARIAN: WESLEY HOUSE: Mrs M. E. Reynolds, B.A.F.A. (Natal): H.Dip. Lib Senior Housemaster: (South Africa) Mr D M. McGaw, BA; U.E.D. ubrary Assistant: Mrs J, Branch. EA. (U.C.T ) (Rhodes) Head of Geography Department MUSIC DEPARTMENT: Senior Assistant Housemaster: Director at Music: Mr L. Smurs, BA, (Hons) (Port Elizabeth); Mrs M. Sana/er, L.R.S.M. (Piano Teaching), H.D.E - Community Officer: L,R.S.M. (Organ Teaching), U,T Geography LM. (Piano Teaching) MIN. Sananes. B.Mus (U CT); HDip Ed (Wits) TEACHERS: Mrs i. J. Webb, B.Mus (Unisa); U T.L.M , UP L M Mr i i Arte/rage, H. Dip. Ed. (PE) (Witwatersrand) - (Piano Subject Teaching) Mathematics Mrs A, Bredenkamp. B.Sc. (Natal); S.D.i. (Cape Town) PART-TIME ASSISTANTS: Mrs M. E. Brink, B,Sc. (Cape Town); H.O.D. Mr J. Beukes. BMus. (U. of Cincinnati) , (Pretoria) - Mathematics Percussion Mrs M Brink. B.A. (Bloemfontein): H, Ea, MrA. Owens, B A (Wits), T T H.D. - Brass (Stelienbosch) - Afrikaans Instruments MISS Burger, B.A. (Stellenbosch); H,Ea - English. Miss C. van Wyk, BMus. (Pertarmers): (Hons) German (Wits) ~ Violin Mrs R. Diack. 8,80, H,E.D. (Witwatersrand) - M153 0 Williamson, TED (Music Specialisation) - BioiaQY Guitar Mr P.D.M. :19 Wet, 8.50. (Natal) H. Dip. Ed. - Mathematics; Computer Science ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF: MIJ Ellrot, BA. (Hons) (Oxford) History; Bursar: Mr B. G. Mull/rt (F.C,M,A.) Philosophy Assistant to the Bursar: Mrs J. Goddard Mrs J, Faaor, MA. (Bucharest) - Head at French Headmaster! Secretary: Mrs J Beech Department Admissions Secretary: Mrs E. Funnel! Mrs J. HoperJaries, B.Sc., T.T,H.D, (Witwatersrand) - School Secretary: Mrs M, Hall Chemistry. Physics Bookkeeper: Mrs M. Ponier Mr H, H. Huggeti. B.A., B.Ed. (South Africa); T.T.D; Dip. Accounts Clerk: Mrs E. Kruger Ed. Tech (York), M,Ed. (Wits) - Head Administrative Assistant: Mr J, Myaurgh of English Department Sixth Form Administrator: Mrs V, van dar Wait Mrs P. Jackson. 5.81: (Hans) (Natal); H.D.E, (Cape Town) » Chemistry, Physics MATRONS: Mr D. H. Jones. B.Sc. Dip. Ea. (Liverpool) Mrs S. Moritz, (Collins House) Miss M, Kamps. T.T.H.D (J.C.E,): F.D,E - Mathematics Sister/A. Stead, $.R.N, (Mountstephens House) Mrs P. J. Lees. Dip. Ea. (Edgewcoa. Natal): H, Dip, Ed (Pietermarltzburg) ~ GROUND STAFF: Mathematics Estate Manager: Mr T. Tucker Mr G. MacCaiium, BA. (Witwatersrand), B.Ed (Rand Electrical Maintenance Manager: Mr 1?. Davrdsori Afrikaans); T.T.H.D. (J,C,E )« English, Groundsman: Mr H. Jackson History Maintenance Manager: Mr T. Dee/e Mr G. W. Murray, B.Sc. (Hans) (Witwatersrand): H. Dip, Ed. (Witwatersrand) Head of Biology Department The Stythlan I994 Independent Examination Board Results - 1994 A AGGREGATES Weaver Thornley White Weddepohl {Mathematrcs S G) Boyce (English, Marnematrcs, Wright Science, Biology) Branch (Mathematics, Scrence) 0 AGGREGATES Carroll (Afrikaans, French) 0' AGGREGATES Connellan (Mathematics Scrence, Arthur (Mathematics 5 G ) Biology) Barcza Ayres Coopmans (Atrrkaans, Scrence, Barker Bentield Biology, Geography) Black Cooper RV Dabrowski (Mathematics, Scrence) Browne Davis Haus (Mathematics, Scrence, Cooper RG Dick Biologv) Cowen Eckermann Joannou {Scrence An) Cox Fraser Lewis (English, Erology) Dalton Fuidge Marshall (Engzrsr. Scrence) Daly (Mathemtarcs S G) Hassall Moir (Mathematics, Scrence. Davies Larson Adamonal Marnemancs) Derry Magill Myerscough (Arrkaans, Evans Mahatlane Motnemarrcs. Sc:ence,8roiogv Godsell Malatji (Mamemarrcs S G ; Latin) Goosen Schater Ross (Mathemoncs Seance Grant Sello Biology) Hawkins Sudbury Scheelke (Mornemarrcs, Sc ence) Hemphiil Vosloo Schumann (English, Afrikaans, Holderness Warren Matnematrcs, Scrence. Erotogv. Hutchinson French Adorronar Mornemotrcs) Lang Smuts (Mathematics, Scrence. Larter SENIOR CERIIFICATES Biology) Machado Taylor (Mornematrcs) Mackenzie Bala Turner (En sn, Mathematics, Masina Clifton Scrence, Erorogy. French) Maud Farren Van der Zee Messerli Harris Walsh (Mathematics. Sconce) Mogana Johnson Mullineux Loncarevio B AGGREGAIES Rimmer Makhaya Rose Molokaane Bailey Schonborn Smith JS Brand (Geography) Sohonken Collins (Mathematics) Smith CJ (Mathematics 5 G) De Klerk Sounes SUDJGCtS lll brackets wd :a'e Elliott St Clair dlSViNCrlOflS Graham lerblanche Hay (Geography) Terbrugge Errata NOS Drabble (Arman Henderson (Scrence) Herbertson (Ma'hematrcs, Scrence) Hosford (Mathematics 3 6} Jacob Lehman McHarry McLean (Biology) Michael (Mathematics, Scrence) Newton (Biology) Parks Pearce Price (Scrence) Sigsworth (English, Mathematics) Simpson Spoolder Stavrou (Mathematics, Scrence) Theobald Van der Watt (Biology) The Stythran i994 {, Hmmwmm No.1 FOUNDERS' DAY corpses at the chtlaren at lhls land, vtcttms of Aparthetd only yesterday People at honour never see opportuntty as an avenue for cheap seltrtnaulgence They accept appor» tuntty as an avenue to extend such opportuntty to those who may ettrer have been dented tr, or ntlssed l lhts ts the challenge of the New South Alrtca l have spent these past few do ,Is tn the company ot young Sau'r Atrtcans tn the Easr Rana who sacrtttce tnetr luture tor a hate tdeal at treeaarn Many of t'err te", school tn thetr early years c Iearntng, to oecarne solders lcr lreedam Today, lreeaorn nevtng l been achteved, many are *n danger Rev 3 hrs or petng constdered.
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