Public Document Pack Visit www.wycombe/gov.uk/council-services/council-and-democracy for information about councillors and email alerts for meetings Queen Victoria Road High Wycombe Bucks HP11 1BB Planning Committee Date: 1 July 2015 Time: 7.00 pm Venue: Council Chamber District Council Offices, Queen Victoria Road, High Wycombe Bucks Membership Chairman: Councillor P R Turner Vice Chairman: Councillor A E Hill Councillors: Mrs J A Adey, M Asif, S Graham, C B Harriss, D A Johncock, Mrs G A Jones, A Lee, Mrs W J Mallen, N B Marshall, H L McCarthy, N J B Teesdale, A Turner, C Whitehead and L Wood Standing Deputies Councillors: Z Ahmed, H Bull, D J Carroll, M Hanif, M A Hashmi, A Hussain, M Hussain, M E Knight and Ms C J Oliver Fire Alarm - In the event of the fire alarm sounding, please leave the building quickly and calmly by the nearest exit. Do not stop to collect personal belongings and do not use the lifts. Please congregate at the Assembly Point at the corner of Queen Victoria Road and the River Wye, and do not re -enter the building until told to do so by a member of staff. Agenda Item Page 1. Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence. 1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 1 - 4 To confirm the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 3 June 2015 (enclosed). 3. Declarations of Interest To receive any disclosure of disclosable pecuniary interests by Members relating to items on the agenda. If any Member is uncertain as to whether an interest should be disclosed, he or she is asked if possible to contact the District Solicitor prior to the meeting. Members are reminded that if they are declaring an interest, they should state the nature of that interest whether or not they are required to withdraw from the meeting. Planning Applications 4. 15/05718/FUL - 47 Carver Hill Road, High Wycombe, 5 - 13 Buckinghamshire, HP11 2TZ 5. 15/05998/FUL - Meadowbrook Cottage, Marsh Lane, Marsh, 14 - 27 Buckinghamshire, HP17 8SP 6. 14/06162/OUT - OS Parcel 8784, Mill Lane, Monks Risborough, 28 - 68 Buckinghamshire 7. 15/05044/FUL - OS Parcel 2146, Lane End, Footpath 10, Lane 69 - 86 End, Buckinghamshire 8. 15/05994/FUL - Calver Ridge, Desboroug h Avenue, High 87 - 95 Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP11 2ST Other items 9. Pre -Planning Committee Training / Information Session 96 10. Appointment of Members for Site Visits To appoint Members to undertake site visits on Tuesday 28 July 2015 should the need arise. 11. File on Actions Taken under Delegated Authority Submission of the file of actions taken under delegated powers since the previous meeting. This file is placed in the Members’ Room for inspection prior to the meeting. 12. Supplementary Items (if any) If circulated in accordance with the five clear days’ notice provision. 13. Urgent items (if any) Any urgent items of business as agreed by the Chairman. For further information, please contact Liz Hornby, (01494) 421261, [email protected] Planning Committee Mission Statement The Planning Committee strives for quality in development, in the democratic process and in improving planning policy and practice in the District. The Committee expects development to be sustainable, of high quality, with inclusive design and efficient use of resources, reflecting the vision of the approved spatial plans, so that the quality of the environment of the District is continually improved. The Committee will operate in an open, transparent, impartial manner, listening to the views of all parties, making reasonable decisions based on justifiable planning reasons and sound judgement. The Committee will foster continual improvement by identifying policy issues that need to be considered by the Planning Policy Advisory Group (PAG) in advising the Cabinet member for Planning and Sustainability. Matters relating to the operation of the Committee and the Planning Service as a whole will be relayed to the Head of Planning and Sustainability or the Head of Democratic Services as appropriate for their consideration. (As agreed by the Planning Committee 19 th February 2014). Mandatory Planning Training for Planning and Regulatory & Appeals Committee Members A new Member (or Standing Deputy) to either the Planning or Regulatory & Appeals Committees is required to take part in a compulsory introductory planning training session. These sessions are carried out at the start of each New Municipal Year usually with a number of ‘new Planning & R&A Members/Standing Deputies’ attending at the same time. All Members and Standing Deputies of the Planning and Regulatory & Appeals Committee are then, during the municipal year, invited to at least two further training sessions (one of these will be compulsory and will be specified as such). Where a new Member/Standing Deputy comes onto these committees mid-year, an individual ‘one to one’ introductory training session may be given. No Member or Standing Deputy is permitted to make a decision on any planning decision before their Committee until their introductory training session has been completed. Members or Standing Deputies on the Committees not attending the specified compulsory session will be immediately disqualified from making any planning decisions whilst sitting on the Committees. This compulsory training session is usually held on two occasions in quick succession so that as many members can attend as possible. Please note the pre planning committee training / information session held on the evening of Planning Committee do NOT constitute any qualification towards decision making status. Though of course these sessions are much recommended to all Planning Members in respect of keeping abreast of Planning matters. Note this summary is compiled consulting the following documents: • Members Planning Code of Good Practice in the Council Constitution; • The Member Training Notes in Planning Protocol as resolved by Planning Committee 28/8/13; and • Changes to the Constitution as recommended by Regulatory & Appeals Committee. Public DocumentAgenda Item Pack 2. Planning Committee Minutes Date: 3 June 2015 Time: 6.30 - 9.35 pm PRESENT: Councillor P R Turner (in the Chair) Councillors Mrs J A Adey, M Asif, S Graham, C B Harriss, A E Hill, D A Johncock, Mrs G A Jones, A Lee, Mrs W J Mallen, N B Marshall, H L McCarthy, A Turner and L Wood. Standing Deputies present: Councillors C J Oliver. Apologies for absence were received from Councillors: N J B Teesdale and C Whitehead. LOCAL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE APPLICATION Councillor D J Carroll 14/08256/FUL Councillor R Farmer 15/05366/FUL & 15/05747/FUL OBSERVING Mrs P Tollitt, Head of Planning & Sustainability 1 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING RESOLVED : That the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 29 April 2015 be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 3 PLANNING APPLICATIONS RESOLVED : That the reports be received and the recommendations contained in the reports be adopted, subject to any deletions, updates or alterations set out in the minutes below. 4 14/06368/FUL - OAKLEY HALL, 8 CASTLE STREET & 1ST FLOOR RED LION HOUSE, 9-10 HIGH STREET, HIGH WYCOMBE, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, HP13 6RF Including the update amending condition 6 adding “This shall include consideration of the potential noise to escape via Castle Street entrance and consideration of the use of a double door lobby and self-closing doors to mitigate this”, the Committee Page 11 voted unanimously in favour of the motion to approve the application, subject to the following amendments – 1. The addition of a planning condition requiring that the bottle bins be stored internally, and, 2. That deliveries and collections take place between the hours of 07:00 and 18.00 The above two conditions were voted on as separate motions and were both agreed. RESOLVED: that the application be approved subject to the amendments as stated above. The Committee was addressed by Mr John Croke in objection and Mr Neil Stretton, the applicant. 5 14/08256/FUL - FIELD OPPOSITE SPRINGFIELD, BRYANTS BOTTOM ROAD, BRYANTS BOTTOM, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, HP16 0JU The Committee voted in favour of the motion to approve the application. RESOLVED: that the application be approved. The Committee was addressed by Councillors Mrs A Jones and D Carroll, the local Ward Members. The Committee was addressed by Mr Brian Stanley in objection and Mr Brett Vowles, the Agent on behalf of the applicant. 6 15/05329/FUL - LAND ADJACENT 8 CRESWELL ROW, MARLOW, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, SL7 2QD The Committee voted in favour of the motion to approve the application. RESOLVED: that the application be approved. The Committee was addressed by Councillor N Marshall, the local Ward Member. 7 15/05366/FUL - WESTFIELDS, LONDON ROAD, HIGH WYCOMBE, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, HP11 1HA The Committee voted in favour of the motion to approve the application during which the Chairman’s casting vote was used in favour of approval. RESOLVED: that the application be approved. The Committee was addressed by Councillor R Farmer, the local Ward Member. Page 22 The Committee was addressed by Ms Lorraine Engel in objection and Mr James Lloyd, the Planning Agent. 8 15/05747/FUL - WESTFIELDS, LONDON ROAD, HIGH WYCOMBE, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, HP11 1HA The Committee voted in favour of the motion to approve the application. RESOLVED: that the application be approved. The Committee was addressed by Councillor R Farmer, the local Ward Member. 9 14/06965/OUT - OS PARCEL 9166 BOXER ROAD & OS PARCEL 6576, WALNUT TREE LANE, LONGWICK, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE The Committee voted unanimously in favour of the motion that had the planning application not been appealed for non-determination, the Members’ decision would have been Minded to Refuse the application for the reasons set out in the main report. Members noted that the applicant had appealed against non-determination and therefore the Committee no longer had jurisdiction to determine this application.
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